Joyce Mitchell Who Helped Prisoners Escape Shows Multiple Signals of Deception and Delusion of Being “Too Nice”

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When someone shakes their head no and says they are  sorry for everything they did,  when they are supposed to be shaking their head in the affirmative position, you can rest assured that they are not very sorry about what they did.

She says that she did what she did in helping prisoners Richard Matt and David Sweat escape because he was trying to help her family. As she says this her voice dies off at the end which is often a signal of deception, especially in this context.

Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 9.31.53 AMShe also repeats Matt Lauer of the Today Show’s answer when she say It is fair to say we became friends as she looks down. She is really indicating that they were more than friends as her body language indicates deception.

She has justified her actions in getting involved with these Toxic criminals who committed heinous crimes by stating that “she is too nice”. She said that people constantly tell her she is “too nice”. To me, she is parroting what her defense lawyer must have used to defend her. There is NOTHING nice about helping a criminal who cut his boss’ body up into little pieces or helping a criminal who killed a police officer. She is living in an illusion when she says this.

She says that she gave Matt the tools she requested because she told her that he loved her. She said she answered him with I love my husband. “As she says this she looks down. his makes no sense because if she loved her husband she wouldn’t be involved with Matt in the first place.

She also does what is known as “duping delight.”  She leaks out a smile as she tells about her ordeal.She is not sorry for what she did but is sorry that she got caught and now has to spend her time in prison.

Gosselin Twins Body Language on View Shows They’re Intimidated By Controlling Kate and Not Ready for TV

While it was a nice try  by Kate and her spinners to shove the 13 year old twins on the View for damage control, it didn’t work.  In fact it still showed us via their  body language and communication patterns  they were intimidated by Kate and definitely not ready for television, let alone another reality show. Even Whoppi made reference to them constantly looking at their mother when they spoke as Whoppi told them to pretend Kate wasn’t there.  Even though they did manage to speak, their speaking abilities left a lot to be desired- especially Cara’s muteness. When she did speak she was monotone, died off at the end of her phrases, looked dow, and constantly held on to herself. It was clear that she appears to be insecure and intimidated. Both of these girl’s verbal puppet strings were still being controlled by Kate as we witnessed.

However, Mady did manage to break free at the end and let her own inner anger out through her body language of clenched fists, facial expressions of disgust and upset. It was also reflected by her speech content in revealing how she would like to get rid of the sextuplets and how  each and every one of them was so annoying.

I assume they must have received Kate’s wrath after their Today Show performance. She may possibly have  threatened them with the fact that if the family doesn’t get another reality show , it will be their fault. So, they better do well and speak up  this time when they are on the View.  I  imagine they were told how they won’t get any of  the perks that come along with a reality show- clothes, new adventures, fame, and money.

While the twins did speak verbally, their vocal patterns, speech content, and body language spoke volumes about what is really  going on with them and how things must really be in that household. No matter how the press headlines have tried to spin how successful their interview was, it was clearly not a success. In fact I would say that was still a disaster in my” View”.


Before they spoke, each of the twins began self grooming in preparation for their performance which showed their uneasiness. They clearly feel the pressure upon them.

As Barbara Walters said that now the girls are teenagers and that must be difficult, we see Kate’s facial expression  of stern consternation and  rigid body language saying it all,  as she raises her head and leaks out that she thinks they certainly are difficult.Image

Then to match her body language , Kate verbally reveals how she does indeed think they are difficult as she she immediately shows her control and turns to them and says Girls plug your ears.”.In my view that is not a very loving statement. In essence she is saying that she really doesn’t want them to hear how negatively she really thinks of them. The expressions on the girl’s faces show they aren’t too thrilled about this comment.


Even though Kate says “No, Im kidding,” apparently  she is not kidding ,based on her body language leakage.


Now we really see Kate spin it as she says the twins are “the most amazing big sisters on the planet,” which surprises Mady, as she raises her eyebrows  as though she is questioning her mothers “truth.”  Cara smiles at Mady with bowed head  as she clearly knows this is spin. Their body language to Kate’s spin makes sense later on as Mady reveals the truth that she finds every one of the sextuplets extremely  annoying. Even Fantasia Barino one of the View’s substitute co-hosts  commented that ” they looked at each other like No.”  Obviously Fantasia picked up on the fact that Kate was spinning things.


Look at the  tense expression between Kate and Mady as Kate dishes her spin and says how they are her left and right hand girls. Kate then shrugs her shoulder and purses her lips which  is a signal of deception. Mady is clearly not buying what she said.


Sheri, another host of the show says that she read in articles where Kate has ” always talked about how the girls helping  her around the house.” Sheri then asks the girls  what they do to help out around the house. Mady answers ‘I don’t help” and immediately turns it over to Cara. Look at the expression on Kate’s face as Mady reveals this. Kate is furious as her mouth is agape. She then rolls her eyes. Once again Mady has succeeded in embarrassing her mom.


Now Kate  really wants to make sure Cara doesn’t do the same and humiliate her as well.  So Kate  points to Cara in a hostile motion and  gives her a stern look as she coachers  Cara her by interjecting”After dinner.  ” Then Kate’s tone turns hostile and abrupt  as she demands  to Cara “go for it”. In essence we can see her orchestrating what she wants Cara to so and say.


Cara is uncomfortable as she tells how she wipers the counters and lunoads the dishwasher and admits how her sister does do some chores. Mady is angry as you can see my her clenched fists on her lap.  Cara,  her hand never leaving her arm for self comfort clearly does not want to be talking, as she looks down when she speaks with her head cocked to the side. She consistently doesn’t maintain eye contact.  Kate has a watchful eye as she listens carefully ready to interject some spin in case Cara doesn’ end up following through.


Whoppie then asks what these girls do for fun. She then tells the girls not to look at Kate and to pretend their mom  is not there.


Whoppi puts the girls at ease and  for the first time we see a relaxed them smile and a  laugh. Whoppi ties to give the girls a hint as to what they might like as she asks if they are on social media or twitter. Jeannie McCarthy interjects  as well by asking if they are One Directioners.


Mady them says that if she is going to be perfectly honest she doesn’t like Justin Beiber ( which is further indication why she not  ready for prime time). She needed to reveal whom she does like and not whom she doesn;t like . Rule number one is to never trash a fellow performer. If she has hopes to be a reality star, she too falls into the category of performer.)She then says she likes Nile of One Direction. In a candid typical school girl fashion, she  seems embarrassed to reveal  her crush as she looks down and  bows her head.


Then Cara makes the same mistake and reveals in a boring,  mumbling,   monotone with a hunched over posture, constantly looking down, that she  the doesn’t like  One Direction. She says she likes Demi Lovato aster being prompted by Sheri. Her performance shows me how she needs so much work and is clearly not at all ready to be in the spotlight.  She does not remove her hand from her arm throughout the interview as it is clenched there. She continues to hunch over which is not a good sign. She reveals that she is a very shy girl who lacks charisma and gravitas necessary for television. No oen wants to watch anyone boring and monototone and montoface. Getting her to speak was like pulling teeth. I do think that her being int he spotlight again would not be a good move for her and may possibly cause issues.


Jeannie Mc Carthy asks the twins about their parents divorce/ Cara has absolutely  no idea what to say and faces Mady for answers. mady seems  equally stumped at not knowing what to say . In essence the twins clammed up again on TV which is a no- no in the media.  Then they both laugh nervously. Mady finally says it wasn;t hard for them. But then looks up at Kate and addresses her mom personally and directly  saying” I guess it was harder for you.” Then Mady says she was 9 and it didn’t really affect her as she saw both parents and didn’t see the difficult things.

Kate immediately chimes in and spins how it drew the nine of them closer together as she gushes and uses effusive terminology. She then volunteers how there is nothing they don’t talk about and proceeds. She then goes off on a tangent and proceeds to  to spin how the twins hang out in her room every night . She does this for a reason as her intention is to  to give show how wonderful things are their household.


Barbara Walters  immediately changes the topic and asks how the  twins feel about their younger brothers and sisters. Kate immediately takes control and interjects ” Mady you waited your whole life for this question.”  Mady then turns to her mother and tells Kate that  she ruined her dramatic silence.


Kate as you can is literally taken aback by Mady’s on air admonition that her mom ruined her dramatic silence. Note how far Kate jerks her head back and how her bosy has stiffened. this means she is not happy about what Mady just said.


Kate then leaks out an expression of a tight clenched jaw  which  further indicates she isn’t too happy about what Mady is doing on the View in terms of  chastising her.


Mady opens up and is very forthright about how not only as a group,  but that every single one of the sextuplets “is annoying”. Her facial expression with rolled eyes and open mouth and slack jaw,  shows how exasperated and upset she is by them. So she has revealed to the world that things aren’t so rosey and hunky dory in that household as Kate would like us to believe. It now seems obvious to me  that Kate was the one putting her daughters up to saying how wonderful things were at home in the People article.  But the truth leaked out for the first time on the Today Show and now again on the View.

Whoppie clearlry made us aware of how intimidated these  two girls are by their mother as they have to look at her before they speak to make sure they spin things right so that she doesn’t get angry with them.

You may ask yourslef why would Kate drag these two non- charism atc,  mediocre,  and obviously not ready for prime time, teens on the View for a do over to show they can talk, even though they have nothing to say. The answer is simple as I see it.

Kate is obviously campaigning for another reality show and has commissioned her twinst o so her bidding. There was a lot of concertn about TV harming the kids so she wanted to make it known that it didn’t harm  them.

But something has harmed them from my perspective. Mady appeaRS angry and Cara appears so insecure that she is unable  to hold her head up, maintain eye contact, and speak with a resonant  non monotonous tone without mumbling or  dying off.

After observing these two and the dynamic with their mother, I personally don’t think they should be on television as they have nothing whatsoever to offer- no charisma and no talent. They are simply fraternal twin sisters who have 6 brothers and sisters as a result of theit mother taking fertility drugs. While it was indeed cute to see the babies and young kids  grow up on TV, truth be told,  they are not so cute anymore. They are teens and pre teens who are at a very sensitive and delicate age for growth and development. Thus I believe they need privacy to mature and develop to their full potential. Ask child star advocate, Paul Peterson what happens to showbiz kids who continue to grow up in front of the TV camera.  Statistically we have all seen that it does harm them unless they are the rare exception like the charismatic and very talented Ron Howard.

While Mady admitted that  she doesn’t like Justin Beiber, look at what is now allegedly happening to this 19 year old  after spending his life in the limelight. Allegedly he is  drinking sizzurp and taking drugs. There is a lot of pressure for a teen to be in the spotlight and it is clear from just their two appearances on the Today Show and on the View that these girls are not ready.

Body Language and Silence of Gosselin Twins Reflect Anger at Mom As Kate Is Enraged

 The silence  of Cara and Mady on the Today Show spoke volumes as they were asked if they were doing OK. Clearly they are NOT OK. They are obviously angry at mom.  They were both asserting their power by using this opportunity in an attempt to embarrass their mother, who appears to be on a quest to get back in the limelight with a new reality show. 


As Mady was asked if things were OK, she cocked her head and pursed her lips,  which indicated that she couldn’t reveal the truth even though she may have wanted to tell all. 

When Mady refused to speak, Kate clasped her hands as she would with a young toddler and said “Use your words”. This was humiliating to say to a teenager who obviously didn’t have any words to tell lies about how wonderful things were on the homefront.


Kate was shocked and looked at Mady straight in the eye. They both had an eye to eye confrontation. Mady was not backing down. She was not going to play along and make like everything at home was fine and dandy when it was not the case. Even though Kate looks like she is smiling, it is a phony smile to mask her anger towards Mady. 


Cara was sullen and mute throughout the interview. She refused to say a word as she clenched her jaw shut. 



 Kate was not happy with Cara,  who in her early years on “Kate Plus 8”  seemed to be Momma’s little helper and ally. Things have certainly changed . We see how Cara raises her shoulder and is literally giving Kate “the cold shoulder”. There is also a lot of tension on her face. Kate is furious as we can see from her body language> Kate glares at Cara, *who ignores her mother as Kate purses her lips  and clenches her jaw in anger as she eyes her daughter.


Kate is disgusted with Maddy as well as you can see by the look of anger on  her face. Mady obviously feels the tension and has resorted to playing with her hair as a result of comforting herself . She automatically cocks her head to be out of Kate’s  direct line of vision. She also hunches down.  It is her way of physically minimizing herself against Kate’s wrath and the tension she feels coming from her mother. Cara also feels the tension as she gazes at her sister with concern.


Kate tries to do damage control but can’t help leaking out her angry facial language. Maddy looks away from her mom, focusing on the interviewer. Mady’s shoulders are still rounded while Cara looks down. 


Here we see Mady leaking out a  a self satisfied smile as she knows exactly what she did by not speaking. She is clearly  pleased with her accomplishment at embarassing her mother on national television.


As Kate tries to spin things,  she manages to put a dig in about Jon by saying how he and the public have said that being on television has damaged the kids. Kate says that because of this wrong information, she is now forced to come forward and speak out. Obviously she manipulated her teenage twins to do her bidding via their interview in People Magazine. But it all backfired when the teens were put on the spot and now had to speak for themselves in a  spontaneous manner. They couldn’t bring themselves to do it.  This screenshot shows how it is clear that the girls don’t want to be a part of Kate’s campaign, They are detached from Kate as they both look down with tense facial expressions. They know that their mother is spinning things to make herself look good and  it is obvious that they don’t want to go along with the charade any longer.


Cara’s fist-like and gesture is indicative of anger. She is holding on to herself for self comfort as she wears a tense facial expression. Mady is also holding on to herself as she clasps her hands between her legs for comfort. There is a lot of physical space between her and her mother as she cocks her head and minimizes herself. Kate is holding on to herself as well as a means of containing her anger towards her daughters. Kate appears to be full of tension in her face and body. 


Cara purses her lips which further indicates she wants to remain silent on the matter as Mady looks down with a sad facial expression. No doubt she knows what lies ahead when the interview is over and the cameras are turned off of her- a very unhappy mother. Kate leans away from Mady and literally gives her the “cold shoulder” as she gestures with tense hands and a very angry look on her face.

When the girls were asked if they want to get back on TV with a reality show, this was the only time Mady light up as he eyes brightened for a moment. But she couldn’t answer the next question as to why she wanted to be on TV- because it was fun or because she wanted her life out there. No doubt she remembered the perks and the travel and all the goodies of the past that came with being on TV and she misses that. Maybe she feels that having another reality show will appease Kate, which may in turn make living with her mother a lot easier and reduce the tension and anger around the house.

This interview showed us how all is not well in that household, no matter what these girls may have allegedly told People Magazine.When it was just them on the spot  and no publicist or mom speaking on their behalf, they refused to lie. I give them a lot of credit for that. 


Paula Deen’s Body Language, Fake Tears, Insincere Apology, and Racist Punchline Tuned Off Fans and Sponsors

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Deep down, Paula Deen did not  feel that  she did anything wrong. Hence you hear her empty sounding hollow apologies. She made three apologies, one worse sounding than the other.The body doesn’t lie and neither does the voice.

Her tears were non-tears with no liquid in them. And worse or all she used a phrase”I is what I is” which is the punchline of a racist joke.  She went from the fire into the frying pan and fried her reputation for good.

Had she said, “Look I said that 20 something years ago out of anger at one particular person.  I am ashamed of it. Let’s move on because I am not a racist and for anyone to think so is wrong.   But let us use this as a teaching moment that whether we are black or white we must eliminate that word from our lexicon because it brings hurt to everyone.Let’s stop using it in our music and  everywhere else.”

She also needed to put her money where her mouth was and say that she was starting up an educational fund where she would go to schools along with other professionals to teach children about not using hurtful words and telling racist jokes to hurt others.

But instead she got way too defensive about a black guy having a gun to her head and then ending it with an over the top dramatic statement about throwing a stone so hard that it should kill her and then shockingly saying “I is what I is.” She didn’t say “i am what I am”but made reference to  racist joke.

Here is the joke:

There was a black guy and a white guy.
They were debating over whether god was white or black.
The white guy said that there was only one way to find out and that is to
So they go up on a hill and they pray, and pray, and pray.
Finally they hear a voice say, “I am what I am.”
The white guy jumps up, and says, “Aha, I told you he was white.”
The black guy jumps up and says, “What do you mean? That didn’t prove
“Yes it did. Because if he was black he would’ve said I is what I is.”

Her insincere apology and defensive explanation on the Today show  is the reason why she has been dropped by so many including Walmart and Target and her diabetes drug company.

It is not that she said the N words over two decades ago. It is that she now showed no remorse . it was  her body language and how she said it that turned people off.

Body Language of Kristen Stewart on Today Show May Indicate Trouble In Relationship


In the last few moments of Kristen Stewart;s interview on the Today show to promote her new Twighlight movie, she was asked point blank if she and Robert Pattinson were still in a relationship. As you can see above she looked stunned. She immediately looked down and puled away fromt he interviewers. It was as though she  was literally stunned and taken aback by the question.

She then looks down and has an ambivalent crooked smile as her lips tense up and slightly swing to the side. It is as though she is processing the question  and deciding how to answer it. It is a sarcastic smile which seems to say ” They said they wouldn’t ask me about my relationship and now they did it anyway.”

Now here is where the body langues does not lie. Here she leaks out and angry expression with complete furrowed forehead and brow. There is tension along the sides of her lip and jaw muscles as she pulls her jaw to the side in a facial gesture indicating she is upset. she cocks her hed to the side and raises her shoulder as though she is literally giving the interviewers the cold shoulder. She is clearly upset about something-being asked about the relationship and perhaps the relationship itself.

If she she wasn’t upset about it you wouldn’t have seen this facial expresion leak out. Kristen is the same young woman who admitted to the world she cheated on Pattinson which was odd to do for such a private person. So now he body language is speaking volumes about what is really going on with her and Pattinson.

While  they may or may not still be together there is no doubt that a press promotional tour can be grueling and can strain the best of relationships. if one is already fractured, it could be what sends the relationship over the edge. Couple that with all the public scrutiny about their relationship.

Now we see sadness in her facial expression as she tries to regain her composure and looks directly at the interviewer. Ther eis a look of hurt on her face as well as anger towards the interviewer for bringing up the topic in the first place as she swings her tightly pursed lips over and there is a slight protrusion of the lower jaw indicating anger.

She has literally regressed into a fetal position as she is very protective as she covers her chest and neck area with her fist, indicating  vulnerability. Both hands are balled into fists which indicates that she is extremely angry as she has a tense phony smile on her face and says “Keep them guessing.”

Finally she leans back and cocks her head in anger as she vigorously kicks her foot back and forth.  Also note that the ball of her other foot is ont he ground and her heel is up. This indicates that she cannot wait to get out of there as she has had enough. She clasps her hands on her knee as a means of bracing herself and gaining control. Her head pulled to the side and her leaning back shows she is  terribly upset.”

She is upset she may have been ambushed by the question or lied to by her handlers or by the producers that she would not be asked about her relationship or she is upset about the status of her relaitonship with Rob Pattinson.


Charlie Sheen‘s Agitated Body Language Reflects He May Be A Danger to Himself and Others


After analyzing Charlie Sheen’s body language for CBS’s “Insider” today  I can clearly see that Charlie is overly consumed with anger and hostility which I believe will eventually destroy him unless he gets out of his denial and gets some professional help.

 His vebally  attacking statements and self-aggrandizement, rapid staccato speech patterns,  harsh glottal vocalizations,  agitated facial expressions with furrowed brow and wide-eyed stare, and  constant body movements,  reflect a man who in my view,  is  either on some type of  drug that has altered his behavior or he  possibly has a psychological condition that reflects  his aberrant behavior.

 Based on Charlie Sheen’s body language his arrogance appears to be in full bloom. His outward expansive movements show that he thinks he is in control of the situation.

 His disheveled hair and his   smoking a cigarette during one of his interviews with the  cigarette even  dangling from his lips as he spoke, shows that he could care less about his public  image.

 Besides his bizarre speech which was intended to “shock”  the main thing I noticed which was disturbing  was Charlie Sheen’s voice pattern . It was harsh and raspy which is often an indicator that a person may be doing self-destructive acts which tend to injure the vocal apparatus, like   smoking, drinking and drugging excessively.

 While his bulging wide-eyed look and  furrowed brow, and lip pursing   showed constant  anger and arrogance , his  lip licking and  shoulder shrugs reflected that he may have been posturing as  deep down, he really didn’t believe everything he was saying.

This was particularly evident when he said that CBS could have to pay  him 3 million per episode if they wanted him back. It is clear that he knew his demand was   ridiculous, but it was his way of baiting and instigating and pouring verbal fuel on the fire.  

 There is no doubt that Charlie Sheen is so  out of control and that he may be a danger not only to himself but to those around him. There is no doubt that with all of his pent-up anger that he could possibly cause bodily harm to someone .

In observing his behavior it is easy to see what he allegedly did to his ex wife Brooke Mueller and to numerous women who have accused him of physical violence throughout the years.


While he didn’t take a physical shot at his nemesis and producer Chuck Lorre , he certainly took a verbal shot at him by outing his Hebrew name which he changed, Haim Levin. Many in Hollywood believe this was an anti Semitic act on Charlie’s part which Charlie in turn denied. No matter how hard Charlie denies it, many feel that it was hitting below the belt and spoke volumes as it was a hostile attempt to degrade Chuck for changing his  Jewish sounding name. Ironically, Charlie did the same thing by changing his own name – Carlos Estevez to Charlie Sheen in order to make it sound less Latino.  


Perhaps no one knows what havoc  Charlie may be capable of doing better than his longtime publicist  of  seven years, Stan Rosenfeld. Personally, I  have known Stan for decades. Stan is one of the finest men with a great deal of decency and respectability. For him to  abruptly drop and abandon Charlie  is HUGE!

 Stan being the ultimate diplomat didn’t trash Charlie. He merely stated,

“I have worked with Charlie Sheen for a long time and I care about him very much. However, at this time, I’m unable to work effectively as his publicist and have respectfully resigned.”.

But that didn’t stop Charlie who secured his own publicity by appearing on ABC the Today Show TMZ and on Pierce Morgan. In each interview he appeared to get angrier and angrier, trashing everyone from his father to CBS, to Chuck Lorre to John Stamos, to Stan Rosenfeld. When he learned Stan quit, he ranted that it was he who fired Stan.  

He even said that he was going to sue CBS for  320 million dollars “mental anguish.” Based on what I have seen of Charlie’s behavior, it seems that CBS could easily file a countersuit as Charlie  has caused them an equal amount of  “mental anguish” if not more.

It is sad to witness  a man who was once  at the top of his game as an actor begin to fall so rapidly. His arrogant and hostile words and bizarre statements  are not endearing him to fans. He thinks that fans will rally behind him but they won’t . In fact they are quickly turning against him. They see his arrogance, self-aggrandizement, (being on a drug called Charlie Sheen)  and entitlement and they don’t like it one bit.

Charlie’s overinflated opinion of himself will be his biggest downfall. He will quickly learn that he is replaceable  and that he is not a powerful as he thinks when it comes to battling a network.  It will be a rude awakening when he sees that fans will not rally behind him.  

 Based on what I have observed speech,voice, and body language wise I don’t have a lot of confidence that Charlie’s outcome will be good. He has said that he would never take medication when asked if he was bipolar. He said he was not bipolar but rather  bi-winning. He bragged about his drug intake and said he was proud of the way he partied.  If he doesn;t stop his self destruction he  will  up  doing  something to himself  that can never be repaired.  He has also  alienated a lot of people and burned many bridges that likewise can never be repaired. Sorry Charlie- that’s the sad and  brutal truth!

Dr. Lillian Glass Ten Top New Years Wishes for Newsmakers in 2011


 Stop trying to spin the press because the public can see right through it. Know that they are not stupid!  Be open and honest and tell it like it is. Never do what you did last on the Today Show when you spoke  about your expelled children.

You will be more respected if you come clean whether it is about your relationship with your “bodyguard” to  your troubled kids. Also stop blaming Jon for your troubles and stop trashing him on TV because it only hurts the kids and will come back to haunt then in the future.

You mentioned that the children who are being home schooled are  now seeing a therapist for their behavioral issues. It may be in your best interest for the New Year to follow suit and also seek a therapist to help you deal with all of the inner anger that you leak out whenever you are on television.

Be grateful for what you have and give  back. Instead of giving the  kids used toys and clothing to  a consignment shop so you can earn more money, give it to an orphanage or to a place where children who have nothing- who are homeless or abused can benefit.


2. Rachel Uchitel

Stay out of the media. No one cares that you are a love addict (which by the way, we all are). No one cares that you are  becoming a private investigator and  can now  use your   “ sneaking around skills”  you used  when you cheated with   married men  in a more acceptable  way as a private investigator. Hiring a private investigator is hiring a person one can trust. Do you actually think   anyone can fully trust a woman who cheated and snuck around with several high profile married men ?

 And Rachel if someone calls you a whore or a hooker stop threatening to sue them because you would have a hard time  defending your position in a court of law, especially after so many perceive you as shaking down Tiger Woods for millions of dollars in exchange for your silence about your sex life with him. Some would consider that a rather  whorey or hookery thing to do. So lay low and enjoy your Allred induced millions that Tiger once earned for his golfing abilities.


3. Michael Lohan

Go to acting classes to get a legitimate theatrical education. Then try out for local theatre to get your acting chops. Get some guest shots on a TV series to further hone in your acting skills or even a gig on a soap for a while. With all your business enterprising skills, begin raising money for a film project showcasing yourself. Maybe then you won’t have to ride on the coat tails of Lindsay and you can have your very own legitimate acting career.

 Maybe then you can stop showing up in the press and embarrassing yourself and everyone else you have secretly tape recorded to blackmail them. Stop being Lindsay’s mouth piece so you can show up in the press.

 And stop trashing your enabling ex wife Dina. We all get it! We get that she is a large part of Lindsay’s problems. For the new year be a part of Lindsay’s solutions and not her problems. That means stay out of the press unless it involves you and your acting career, not hers. 


4. Nadya Suleman- “Octomom”

Stop showing up in  the press to beg for money or to garner sympathy whenever you can’t pay your rent. It is your responsibility, so you will have to manage it.

 Since you don’t want to do a reality show or any nudity  figure out a way to raise money to properly house you kids. Maybe you really do want to do nudity. After all why would you show up in so many photo ops with your breasts half exposed as we see int he photo above. Why not get paid for photos like you already do for free? Maybe for the new year you may want to reconsider   Mr. Vivid’s offers. 

You need to do whatever it takes to make sure those kids are well cared for in every way no matter what sacrifices you have to make along the way. Come up with a plan or a series of plans and follow through with them.

5. Mel Gibson

Spend a month with Rabbi Marvin Hier at the Museum of Tolerance. He will  cure your anti-Semitism and educate you about the Holocaust so you won’t continue to show your ignorance about the topic . You should also go on a field trip with him and with actual Holocaust survivors to Auschwitz so you can see  and hear first hand the atrocities of hate and how innocent people suffered for nothing other than what you have spewed for- hatred towards them.

 Next you should spend another month living in the inner city so you see that Black people are people and not animals as you have referred to them in calling them “packs of n word”  You can see firsthand how the kids desperately need  after school centers and sports programs and cultural programs. Perhaps with all you money you can fund programs for them in every inner city in the US. You need to spend another month with Rev. Jesse Jackson who is one of the pioneers in the Equal Rights Movement. He will educate you about what it took throughout history for  Blacks  to be where they are today. He will share personal painful moments with you and  tragic moments in history where hatred like yours caused what happened to innocent young Black man Emmit Till. He will show you before and after photos of this innocent young man who was pummeled beyond recognition by those who spoke the same hateful words as you about Blacks.

 Then you need to spend some time in every Latino community in the US  so you can see  how wonderful dedicated hardworking Latinos earn money, often  working  several jobs so they can feed and clothe their families.

 And then you need to read my book Toxic Men- 10 Ways to Identify, Deal With, and Heal From Men Who Make Your Life Miserable . Read it from cover to cover.

  Spend the rest of the year visiting Abuse Shelters and hearing stories from the mouths of  the women who have been tortured and brutalized. Perhaps then will you have more respect for women as you can now  put more of your money into Abuse Shelters in every city in this country.  This is my wish for you Mel so that your daughter Lucia can be spared the hatred and ugly prejudice that comes from you and so that your ugliness will not be passed down to her.    

 6. To MTV re  Teen Moms- 



 MTV Stop showcasing and  making these troubled girls into celebrities and putting them on the covers of magazines to pop your ratings. It gives the wrong message- get pregnant as a teen, get on an MTV reality show , be on the  magazine covers and be a star.

You may have had the right idea to show teens the problems of teen pregnancy but your show will have either no impact or the opposite effect. \

And by the way, when you saw the teen mom Amber  beating on her baby daddy and the child Leah was allegedly in the house, why did you not intervene?  So what if it made good TV. It ended up destroying several people’s lives.

 My wish for you in the new year is to take this show of the air and show great teens doing great things with their lives which will inspire other teens. And please be more responsible!


7.  George and Cindy Anthony- Casey Anthony’s Parents

 I hope that truth and justice prevails as Casey gets a fair trial so that we can finally put this tragic case to rest.

And no matter what the outcome I hope that her Toxic Parents, Cindy and George stay out of the limelight and not  try to make money and profit over the death of their granddaughter or their daughter.

 Cindy needs to go back to nursing and George can be a security officer  or become a salesman. He has had a lot of practice trying to sell us a bill of goods  about  Casey.

The two of them need to be responsible and  pay their mortgage and  focus on their son Lee  and  dote on his offspring.

8.  Lindsay Lohan 

I pray that you work your program and stay off drugs  and alcohol. I also hope that you get a great therapist to work out your mom and dad issues and that you get a new manager not a momanager who wants to share the limelight with you and who does not appear to have your best interests at heart. If she did have your best interests at heart,  she would not have enabled you and lied about you on television interviews all these years.

While you were a cute child actress and had talent, the jury is still out as to how you will do as an adult actress and how you will be received at the box office.  You have wasted lot a lot of time and momentum when it comes to your acting career, so you  have a lot of catching up to do.

 Unfortunately the window for female actors is short, unlike it is for male actors like Robert Downey who was in a similiar situation as yourself years ago.

 You spent a great deal of that window not acting and gaining a fan base who would have been  impressed with your acting abilities and who would have rushed to theatres to see your next film. So  I suggest you study with an acting coach to hone your skills so when you do make a comeback you will have a better chance of succeeding for the short time your career will last.

My Favorite Performers

9. To Armie Hammer ( who played the Winkelvoss Twins in Social Network ) Matt  Damon,  Josh Duhmel. Paul Rudd,  Vince Vaughn, Jason Siegel, Leonard DiCaprio,  Reese Witherspoon, Richard Dean Morgan, Mark Walhberg, Eric Dane, Catherine Heigel, Brad  Pitt,and Angelina Jolie

  Since you all my  most favorite performers and since I love watching you so much, keep making  lots of movies in 2011.

10 Snooki

Keep growing and evolving as you have been doing. Also  keep referring to my book which you read Toxic Men . By your choosing the right guy in your life, who will treat you with the love and respect you deserve, you will inspire millions of other young ladies  who are your devoted fans to do the same.

Kate Gosselin’s Anger, Pettiness, and Signals of Deception on the Today Show As She Discusses Kids Expulsion from School And Blames “The Divorce”


After watching Kate Gosselin’s  latest interview with Meredith Vierra  on the Today Show I saw an angry, bitter, and petty woman who just can’t let go of her hatred towards Jon.

She is in such denial that she does’nt have any clue that her inner hatred and anger is being mirrored by those kids and literally destroying them. As she took her anger out on Jon and continues to be filled with hatred, her kids are taking their anger and hatred out on the other kids. at school

They have anger issues because she has anger issues.  It’s not because of the divorce. It is because she is so angry about the divorce and that anger carries over to them.  Lots of kids are products of divorce and they don[t go around beating on and cursing at other kids.


Kate began the interview  kicking her legs. When someone kicks their legs when they are about to be interviewed it means they are very uncomfortable and are not looking forward to the interview because they probably will not be forthright with you.


Then in a monotone she says ” We are doing great” as she opens her eyes wide. This eye widening is often a signal of deception. Then she says We are very happy and adds the word “actually, ”When you have to add the word actually” it  most likely  means that things are not actually that great.

When Kate was asked about whether the  two of the kids were expelled from school she cocks her head to the side. This is  often a signal of deception. She then  speaks in a staccato hyper articulated  speech pattern  saying ” That is false.” When one does that,  it is usually signals deception. Also there was a lot of fidgeting with her hands. This  is another sign of deception.

Now we hear her convoluted attempts filled with ums. It does not make sense as it is disjointed. She is searching for words as she knows what she is saying is complete spin and nonsense.”

We have a situation where we my kids um are in an academic situation where academics  um are pushed and I fully support it. Combined with kids who were having to just go through with a divorce. Their parents suffering some of those normal feelings

When someone speaks in fragments like you see above  they are lying, When they speak in tangents they are lying.

The telling thing here is her words ” their parents suffering.” It shows just how narcissistic she is.  She doesn’t say the children are suffering but  instead brings it back to herself, saying that she is suffering.

Then she says and the two collided and they were not doing well  with the combination. What about a simple YES THEY WERE EXPELLED BECAUSE THEY ARE TROUBLED EMOTIONALLY!!

Body language wise look at Kate’s upturned palm.  What this means is she is begging for  Meredith and the audience to  to believe her roundabout circumvented deceptive  answer.

Look at Meredith’s facial expression.  It says that she isn;t buying Kate’s nonsense. either.


Kate says I felt so alone, I talked to other moms who had gone through the divorces. This is is NOT about Kate and her divorce.  It is about the kids but she is obviously too self absorbed to see that.

Then she protests so much as she shakes her head NO,  knowing full well what she is saying is complete BS as she says ’Its  NORMAL Stuff as she shakes her head no.

Then she suddenly looks down. This is a huge indicator of deception as she says I did what I could do we mutually  agreed. I brought them home with a private tutor

Then she says  …um um (she smiles as though she remembered to say something she left out as part of her spin)   She says and Early education teacher…

Kate is speaking in fragments which means she is most likely reciting some rhetoric she was no doubt told to say . She obviously messed up  her lines.’’

Then she shows just how in denial she is as she recites : It is dealing with  the very normal results of a divorce.”

WHAt???????? Most kids have parents who get divorced and  d they don’t beat one another and curse them like her kids allegedly  did.  How about admitting that their anger is the result of a hostile hateful and  angry mother whom  they no doubt mirrored. They saw her anger and abuse towards their father almost every  day of their young lives.’

Kate 7

Kate obviously knows what she is saying is complete BS. That is why she purses her lips in an attempt to hold back all the BS.


Then Kate Gets bitchy as she has to say how  Good  she is and how BAD  Jon is. She just has to tell one  just how she reached out to him first, and how it depend on the day and the hour , thus giving  him yet another zing . This is a man she not only emotionally   destroyed and emasculated throughout her marriage by hitting him and belittling him, but now  she has removed his voice

The man isn’t even allowed to go on the airwaves to defend himself or he will get fined and lose what little he does have.


Why does she have to go there? Why  can’t she leave him be? If he is the father of her kids and always will be as she made sure to say on the show, then she needs to leave him alone and stop trashing him.

He loves his kids and is the reason they will probably have a chance at life. He has only given them love nd affection.

Now that he has a beautiful lovely and beautiful woman in his life – Ellen Ross,  those kids will  finally know about a  healthy  male female relationship. They will see a man and a woman who respect one another not a man and a woman who constantly bicker like they saw with Jon and  Kate .

Then she says And Honestly when I think of the old days I try to email him and write him and give him a call. When someone starts a sentence with Honestly chances are they are not being honest,

Then Meredith relayed to Kate how  Jon apologized on his twitter account publicly for what he did to Kate. Instead of acting like a mature adult and saying I appreciate it or petty Kate  says she doesn’t consider interviews  and twitters an apology and that she never got a an  apology yet.”

HOW PETTY!!!!!!!!!

Kate,  get over it! Talking like that is what will ruin your kids forever. Your pettiness will transfer over to them.

Then she disgustingly says ” Strangely  and ironically  I have forgiven him..’’

If you have really  forgiven him then why the shoulder shrugs which indicate deception. Why all the  high drama?  In my view Jon is the one who needs to forgive you for abusing and emotionally torturing him until he went over the edge.


Then she leaks out  ” people who are close to me are upset that I don’t get that angry. And who are those people, Steve Neild the bodyguard?

Then  on the next breath she leaks out  “I am angry,” Then she changes her mind and says   What good does it does it do I don’t have time to waste”

But her expression and vocal inflection say it all. She scrunched up her face and goes up at the end of the statement as though she is asking a question. She clearly knows she does not believe what she is saying.

Kate, here is a very valuable message to you. Since the  therapist is  allegedly already  in the house to take care of the two angry home schooled kids, why not have a session with the therapist as well? The therapist can  help you get over your anger towards Jon.’

Your anger is making the kids angry which is destroying their little lives. Your anger is being mirrored by them in school. You talk about sending them back to school . Well here is a secret. They will never make it back and succeed there unless you get to the root of the problem-your deep rooted anger.


Kate haven’t you done enough to punish and destroy Jon? You have silenced the man so he cannot speak up or speak back. You have taken away opportunities for him to make big money on the media and now you are suing him for 125K for child support.

Please tell  us how this man is supposed to earn a living when you have destroyed his opportunities. Tell us how he is supposed to have a full time job and have no money for nannies and maids and still  take care of the kids when you are out and about?


Jon was apparently livid when Kate  left their  kids with a teenage babysitter whom he did not know and  the sitter was instructed by Kate  not to talk with Jon.

Kate just dismissed these concerns. The fact that two of the children showed behavioral problems would be a red enough flag for any parent to take their kids off the air. Jon has tried.let’s hope that  he succeeds before it is too late.Let’s hope that a disaster can be avoided. .

George and Cindy Anthony’s Body Language and Facial Leaks on Today Show Reveal They May Believe Casey Killed Caylee But Cindy Still Spins Blame On Others

The above photo reveals  Cindy and George Anthony’s  body language and facial expressions  as  their immediate response to the question by NBC reporter Carey Sanders “Does that mean that you have considered the possibility that your daughter Casey killed Caylee? That Casey killed Caylee?”


Even though they talk the talk and try to defend  their daughter Case , body language wise  George and Cindy Anthony are not walking the walk . Both George and Cindy Anthony’s facial  expressions appeared to  leak out the truth  about how they  really feel  about Casey murdering Caylee when they were asked  blunt and to the core questions by NBC’s  Carey Sanders.

George’s resigned bowed head and Cindy’s shut eyes and pursed lips say that they most  likely may  know the truth deep down as to what Casey may have done to Caylee.

When George  stammers I don’t I don’t  want to believe that my daughter hurt her daughter and then  takes a big sigh and he looks as if he is about to cry as he looks in Cindy’s direction, to me it says it all. It says that he feels the pain as he knows very well what may have happened to Caylee.

But before George showed signals of  being genuine and knowing the truth, George showed signals of deception. He said   I want my daughter home . That would be would be great to have my daughter home. But  what is very  telling this in his statement, is he made this statement as if he was asking  a question with upward inflection at the end of the statement.

Facial language wise as you can see, his eyes are opened wide and eyebrows raised and his head is  cocked as though he was questioning his own statement.

George  knows very well Casey will never come home just like Caylee will never come home.When he says that it would be great to have his daughter home, he says it devoid of emotion and in a flat monotone. This is further evidence to me that he in no way thinks it would be  great to have his daughter home.

Even more telling is his signal of deception- the tell tale shoulder shrug. As he says That would be great to have my daughter home, you see George  immediately shrugs his shoulder. This  indicates the opposite of his statement that it would be great to have his daughter home. His body language is revealing his true feelings about Casey.  He clearly doesn’t want a daughter home who accused him of sexually molesting her.

Then, he  quickly  transitions to another thought which seems to be more realistic as he speaks the truth.  He  he bows his head down and in contrast to his previous statement  makes an emphatic statement  by saying in a rich tone ” “ But then again, we want to see this through”

George then lifts his head and in a confident tone says We’ve always wanted to find out what happened to Caylee, no matter where the road or the path takes us,”

George clearly knows what” path it will take us”. It will take us on the path of finding out that Casey may have very well murdered his beloved granddaughter which will take Casey on the path to life imprisonment or lethal injection.


To me, the above photo says it all. George contorts his mouth in an angry jaw projection while pursing his lips at the same time. This indicates that he is angry and can’t say anything else as he looks at Cindy with an angry furrowed brow as he knows what she is about to say is complete spin. He clearly does not believe what is about to come out of  Cindy’s mouth  and  his disdain has clearly leaked out in his in his facial expression.

When a person can’t give you direct eye contact, it shows that they have something to hide or they don;t believe what they are saying. Cindy looks down as she begins her spin to protect Casey.

I am  convinced  she is doing all of this spin  because of the immense guilt she must feel for her role in all of this. Remember it was Cindy who told Casey that she would throw her out keep Caylee.  That is no doubt what  must have sent sent Casey over the edge .  Cindy  no doubt knows that if she wouldn’t have been the catalyst for this,  Caylee might still be alive.

She  also no doubt, feels guilt over their awful relationship. When your own daughter is afraid to tell you she is pregnant and when she cannot tell you that her own daughter is missing or that something happened to her without your having to punch a pillow or choke her like Cindy allegedly did with Casey,then something is terribly wrong. Cindy clearly knows this and hence the spin.

So to assuage her guilt, she spins and spins and spins. Even though her words says one thing, her vocal tone, cadence,inflection or lack of it, and body language and facial expression say what she is really thinking.

She begins with “It’s a fine line here “because the prosecution is attacking Casey. They’re supposed to be doing justice for Caylee. That’s why I’m so emphatic that they need to look at every little thing.”

Her wide eyed wild look shows her desperation. It is her attempt to reach out and blame like she tried to do since the beginning in her attempts to throw innocent  people under the bus like  Amy Huizenga, Jesse Grund,  and a fictitious Zanaida Gonzalez .

Then Carey Sanders bluntly replies” They say every little thing points back to your daughter.”

Cindy was  not expecting that question  as her vocal muscles tighten up. She  doesn’t  know what to say to that. So she creaks out tones that are known as glottal frys where she is unable to speak with vocal fluidity. She also speak very slowly and very deliberately in an attempt to gather her thoughts as she spins.

Her body language and facial expression indicate that she is taken aback, She cannot make eye contact as she initially  pulls her head back and looks down. She continues to look down and mouth words and repeat herself as she spins her tale about there being no fibers or no hair. As she said the world “hair”  you really hear the glottal fry or creak in her voice.  When you hear that consistent glottal it is often an indication of deception where the person knows what they are saying is not the case at all.

Cindy sounds like a junior detective talking about hair fibers,  lack of evidence, DNA and fingerprints as she looks down as she mentions each of these words. She knows what the biggest evidence is- the duct tape but doesn’t mention that.

She speaks slowly and deliberately  as she is on unfamiliar territory and you can actually see her formulating her spin in her mind as it comes out of her mouth full of glottal frys. Perhaps Brad Conway  or someone else  coached her  on what to say in order to raise the benefit of the doubt when it comes to Casey.

But the real question is why is Cindy going on the air and pleading her case in the media?  Shouldn’t that be done in the courtroom?

DR. LILLIAN GLASS BODY LANGUAGE BOMBSHELL!!Casey Anthony Attorney Andrea Lyons Shows Fear Casey Will Be Sentenced to Death and May Believe“ Casey Killed Her Kid.”

Watching Casey Anthony’s attorney, Andrea Lyons’ body language and listening to her vocal tones, gives further credence  “the body doesn’t lie and neither does the voice!”

Both her body language and her vocal tones are quite telling, as you will clearly see in this blog entry.I am going to show something about Andrea Lyon’s body language during her Today Show interview which may prove harmful to the defense.


But first , I must say something about why she may have appeared on the Today show. While I am all for book promotion and letting people know about your products, I think that Andrea Lyons, lead attorney for Casey Anthony, showing up on the Today Show to hawk her book just weeks before her death penalty client will go on trial for a criminal case, is not right. In fact it really rubbed me the wrong way. Timing is everything and this was definitely the wrong time in my opinion.

Her presence on the show is in my opinion, a manipulation ploy to get perhaps one sympathetic juror out there who may be called on Casey Anthony’s case, to not vote for her client to have a lethal injection running through her veins.

Based on the timing of her appearance and the timing of Casey’s upcoming trials, this is my opinion why she was there.

She could have discussed her book well AFTER the case. But she is doing it now because she is involved in a  high profile case where she is obviously riding the coattails of Casey’s infamy to hawk her book.

I wouldn’t mind it as much if she went on the show just to discuss Casey’s case. But to throw her book in the mix smacks of a conflict of interest in my opinion and extreme manipulation.


As Andrea and Meredith were sitting in their respective sets in the studio watching the monitor of the Introduction  where the reporter( via his voiceover) says ” Andrea Lyons is confident her client will walk,” Andrea under her breath, reveals to Meredith, ”I’m not.”

By the look on her face when Meredith relays Andrea’s comment back to her Andrea looks taken aback. She immediately changes her facial expression from a smile to a more serious one.

She looks down and speaks in a hesitant staccato tone with obvious upper chest heaving sighs, indicating her frustration that she may very well lose the case. This body language “tell” shows an uneasiness and a nervousness.


Andrea goes on to say” Of course not, there is always the assumption of guilt” as she gazes down as she breathes heavily.

She goes on to say. “The media scrutiny has made it difficult to get a fair trial.” The last I heard in the US was that “we are all presumed innocent until proven guilty.” It’s not the other way around as she stated.

Even though a lot of people may indeed presume Casey is guilty, Andrea needed to seize this opportunity to express this American tenant of “presumed innocence” to drive the point home. She needed to do that instead of using the victim card and saying the opposite.

I believe Casey will get a fair trial. Why? Because this is such a high profile case. Everyone involved will make sure every i is dotted and every t is crossed.

In fact I have no doubt that they will hire a jury consultant ( like what I have done in the past) to help select the jury and to weed out those with a bias and a mission.

So now we know the real reason she came on to promote her book- to help sway a potential juror against the death penalty. Perhaps she felt that her presence on the show would allow people to look at Casey more sympathetically through the eyes of her lawyer.


Whenever you see a person’s chest heaving as they speak, where their shoulders raise, know that this is a sign that someone is really nervous and really scared.

After looking at her body language, Andrea looked very scared about the case. I believe  there is no doubt in her mind that she may feel that she may have already lost the case before it is tried.

This body language tell was validated by Meredith’s next question as she candidly reveled “You said you are scared to death.”

I have no doubt that Andrea may have made this off the cuff candid comment to either Meredith or to a producer. She clearly did not want that information out over the airwaves for the prosecution to see. There is no way she would want any prosecutor to see that she was scared was feeling weak about her case.

In fact, Andrea’s body language shows that she looks down in embarrassment. So does her vocal” tells” as she stammers and repeats her words “I’m, I’m (repeated) afraid she’s been pilloried in the press.”


When someone stammers like that it is indicative that they are thrown off guard as was clearly the case here.

Andrea then compares Casey’s case to the Salem Witch Trials, which I thought was a rather absurd analogy. In fact my thought was that the only thing Casey Anthony had in common with the Salem Witches was that many people consider her to be a witch for killing her daughter.

But Andrea’s intention for bringing up the Salem Witch Trials was to make the point that regardless whether the women were guilty or innocent,  they were killed through downing or being burned at the stake which she stated. Either way, according to Andrea, they were killed.

In essence, she brought up this story to say that even if Casey was innocent she he would still be killed. In essence through making this analogy, Andrea is setting herself up for the reality that she will most likely lose the case and that Casey will be put to death.


<IMG class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-1309″ title=”Lyn looking doen in fear” alt=”” src=””

When Meredith asked her what kind of a setback it was when the judge declined the death penalty, we see Andrea looking down and hesitating and then she opens her eyes wide and with an affirmative shake of her head.

She then shrugs her shoulders as if to say she was resigned to the fact that there was a setback.

Now, in a defensive, angry clear louder, snarky tone says, ”IT”S A SETBACK!” There is a flash of anger with her eyebrows raised.

Then her facial facial expression changes back to clearly show her fear, concern, and surprise at the judge’s not dropping the death penalty. Her heaving breathing and ill paced breathing pattern also reflects her frustration and fear about what will happen to her client.

When Meredith asks Andrea if it now puts a lot of pressure on Casey to plea bargain, Andrea’s facial expression turns into a smirk or a sarcastic smile to make her argument against the death penalty.

In essence, she saying “See, I told you so, that is what happens when you have the death penalty, there is added pressure on the defendant.”


Now Andrea goes on to objectively explain the effects of the death penalty on a defendant in THE THIRD PERSON , sounding like the college professor she is (DePaw University). She says “that is one of the effects of the death penalty on a defendant, even when they didn’t ……”

NOW SOMETHING VERY STRANGE  HAPPENS HERE !!!! I have watched this section repeatedly, so I can give you the exact accounting of events which took place.

Andrea suddenly looks down and closes her eyes and repeats herself as she says “even though they (still in third person) didn’t didn’t (repeats the word) do it. (looking down and shrugging her shoulders) they ( still in the third person) didn’t kill ……

Now out of the blue, Andrea says something that is no longer in the  third person (they). She immediately interjects “ SHE DIDN’T DO IT. SHE DIDN’T KILL HER KID.”


In the first place she was describing one fo the pitfalls of the death penalty and suddenly she changes course with WAAAY TOOOOOO MUCH INFORMATION, especially for an attorney.

In the second place, no one asked her if Casey killed “her kid”. She volunteered that information . The question was about Casey feeling pressured to plea bargain. It was not whether she killed her kid.

But how Andrea said those words and her body language behavior when she said them spoke volumes to me.


As Andrea spoke the words “SHE DIDN’T DO IT. SHE DIDN’T KILL HER KID” I observed multiple signals of deception as well as signals of doubt- doubting what she herself was saying.

Andrea she raises her shoulders, tilts her head to the side as though she is questioning what she herself is saying. She raises her eyebrows indicating doubt – that she isn’t sure or that she knows what she is saying is not true.

Her voice also gives a lot away as she croaks out these words in a soft breathy voice. It is a voice without conviction. It is also a voice that dies off at the end of the sentence. When someone croaks out a tone and it dies off at the end, it is the body’s way of shutting itself off to the lie or the deceptive words. It is the body’s way of not wanting to say something that is not true.

Her tone was in large contrast to what she was saying before, when he sounded like a college professor. Then her voice was sonorous and rich in tone.

I can assure you that if I were the attorney and strongly believed my client “DIDN’T KILL HER KID”, unlike Andrea, I would look straight into Meredith’s eyes with my head held straight and in a LOUD, low rich resonant tone that was well modulated so that it would not croak off at the end of my statement. Instead, I would say “MY CLIENT DID NOT KILL HER DAUGHTER.” In addition I would never have referred to Caylee as “HER KID.” To me, under the circumstances, it sounds disrespectful.


What I have said here may be very damaging to the defense. In essence it is my impression and opinion that deep down as reflected by her body language, tone of voice, and the content of her speech, Andrea may perhaps not believe that her client is innocent of “ KILLING HER KID.” The discomfort in Andrea Lyon’s face as she spoke those words was clear as were the signals of deception which included the following:
shoulder shrug
looking down
eyes closed
repeating the words (they they didn’t do it)
(her once sonorous voice, trailing off at the end
her voice muscles choking off the sound.
volunteering too much information


Meredith was no doubt stunned by all of this as we all were, and follows up with a question “ Are you completely sure?’

Andrea answers “in a cracking closed off vocal tone, “without a doubt” then blinks. Then there is an awkward silent pause.

Shortly afterwards, Andrea gets defensive and feisty as we hear her rich and resonant tone, showing her confidence as she defends Casey saying “ There is no evidence of a homicide tying her to the crime.” It’s too little too late in my opinion. Now she sounds like a college professor defending the death penalty. But she doesn’t sound like an attorney convinced her client is innocent.


When someone is confident about themselves or their client,t they don’t make any negative or disparaging or non- winning comments about themselves. As Meredith discusses Andrea’s book, she says to Andrea, “ You have won every case.” Andrea immediately interjects the comment” So far!”

To me this comment may very well indicate her lack of confidence with regard to Casey. Her comment says that she has won every Case until Casey’s, which she deep down she may know she will lose. Otherwise, why would she have made that comment? When we are sure and confident about something we never make a disparaging remark or comment about it to negate it.


When she speaks of her book, Andrea is fluid, and articulate. Her throat muscles are open when she speaks, creating a rich and resonant tone. She has excellent eye contact with Meredith and her body language was relaxed.

It is in stark contrast to what we have seen in the first part of the interview when she discussed Casey Anthony. Her head is direct and she looks directly at Meredith, unlike she did earlier in the broadcast.


The bottom line in my opinion is that Andrea is scared she will lose a case for the very first time in her professional career. She is also afraid that her client may die with a lethal injection pumped through her system. And finally, even though she is doing her best to defend Casey and saying all the right words and phrases, her body, her face, and her voice show the truth !