Nancy Pelosi Body Language- Hypocrisy, Anger, Deception Busted About Russia


This is political  hypocrisy at it’s finest. Right after Nancy Pelosi’s accusations against Republicans over Jeff Sessions’ alleged meetings with the Russian ambassador, she showed some revealing body language which shows there is clearly more than meets the eye as far as Nancy Pelosi is concerned as she did the same the same thing  as Sessions when she was asked a similar question. Since the body doesn’t’ lie, Pelosi’s body language says it all and it looks to me like she was taken aback. Does she herself have something to hide?


Politico reporter Jake Sherman directly asked Pelosi “You’ve been in Congress a little bit and you’re in leadership, have you ever met with the Russian ambassador?’

Pelosi was shocked!  this was revealed in her immediate awkward silence which took much longer than a person who had nothing to hide answering the question.  Pelosi  phumfered “Not with this Russian ambassador, no,” before  she quickly tried to change the subject and move on. When you put the word “no” at the end of a sentence, there is often trouble brewing. When you are being open and forthright you say No at the beginning of the sentence and then go on to explain. So immediately it put a huge red flag up for me.

Thne she explains herself. When you give an open honest answer you don’t explain and sound defensive  and have a catch in your tone. Then Sherman asked “Is it normal to meet with ambassadors?” and her reply was “Yeah,” She did not says “yes it certainly is, or yes or yes it is. She blurted out a yeah.

Her body language also  seemed to me to scream many signals of deception.

screen-shot-2017-03-03-at-10-21-49-amFirst she shows the back of her hand which is the first bad signal.It shows she is shocked at the question as she looks away.

screen-shot-2017-03-03-at-10-22-12-amThen she holds up her finger as to admonish and subconsciously  and angrily say, “don’t ask me this question”. She doesn’t even look at Sherman but give him an askance glance which illustrates anger.


Then she closes her eyes as if not to deal with the question- to shut it out literally. She also reaches for her throat which is the most vulnerable part of your body. It is a form of self protection and means she is feeling really vulnerable at this question being thrown at her.

Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 10.24.56 AM.pngNo here she is super angry as she makes a karate chop gesture as you can see the movement of her hand which is caught in the photo.She also looks away as she can’t even face the interviewer which is another bad sign. In essence her karate chop gestures says “cut it off.”

Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 10.25.52 AM.pngShe is still showing the back of her hand and not the palms which is yet another red flag signal to me.  She also does not look at the interviwers which is yet another signal red flag moment.

Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 10.27.20 AM.pngNow this is a very serious moment for me red flag wise as she shows how vulnerable she is now that she in essence got busted. She reaches for her vulnerable area- her throat region.

Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 10.27.59 AM.pngNow her facial expression really shows how angry and upset she is that she got “caught with her pants down” so to speak. She is no dummy when it comes to the game of politics and she knows the repercussions of this question and her mind is spinning at 100 miles per hours to see how she can now spin her answer to look good to the public. The hand on the throat which remains is now even more telling when matched with her upset facial expression.

Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 10.28.07 AM.pngNow she can no longer face her interviewers and shuts down with closed eyes and cups her hand over her vulnerable throat area into a fist indicating she wants to shut out what just happened and she is angry about it as revealed by the fist like posturing of her hand.

So there you have it- one politician call the kettle black when her pot is just as black. This my fans and friends and readers is why I detest politics. It is full of these lies, these games, and this hypocrisy which we have just seen. It is why I support no party over the other and no candidate over the other. It is why I am impartial and neuutral because they both end up doing and saying the same thing at one time or another. So it is a waste of time to keep it all straight as far as I am concerned.

Politics is a game as we  just saw and it is a very serious and dangerous game. It is about besmirching one to others and vice versa. So if you ever dare to accuse me of being partisan or representing one candidate over another I will refer you to this Pelosi blog I just did.


Body Language and Speaking Advice From Dr. Lillian Glass to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton During The Debates

The biggest debate of the century will take place Monday night on September 26, 2016. There is a lot riding on this debate because it will tell us so much about both candidates as we see them up close and personal.As a body language expert and communciation expert I am sharing my advice for ech of them indivudually and for both of them as candidates.

No matter how confident Donald Trump has come across in the past, there is no question that he may have a lot of concerns regarding this debate in terms of how to best handle himself. The same is true for Hillary Clinton. Trump may be wondering  how aggressive to come across towards Hillary, especially when there has been such public speculation with regard to her health issues. Hillary onthe other hand, may be wondering how to address Trump  should he come out swinging- verbally that is.

The key body language tell that viewers will be looking for deals with the level of the candidate’s confidence. Do they come across Presidential or not? Do they do or say things that reflect the office? Do they show tentativeness or nervousness?

So what are the signs to look for to help us determine if  a candidate is nervous vs confident?  Here is a list below: They may be                                                                         a.  perspiring indicated by wiping their face or hands  or sweat above upper lip and forehead                                                                                                                                                        b.rocking back and forth or fidgeting                                                                                               c.having extraneous hand movements                                                                                                     d. saying like um or uh a lot                                                                                                                         e. licking their lips a lot                                                                                                                                   f. taking deep breaths to oxygenate themselves                                                                                   g. looking down                                                                                                                                                   h. talking too fast                                                                                                                                               i. taking too slow                                                                                                                                                j. not getting to the point                                                                                                                               k. rambling and talking too much                                                                                               l.excessive eye blinking                                                                                                                                   m. throat clearing                                                                                                                                              n. nose pulling, scratching  or wiping                                                                                                          o. face scratching

Many of these “tells” can also signify whether the candidate is telling the truth or lying That is why you must listen for the context as deception can only be discovered in the specific context. For instance if Hillary is asked about her emails and you see any of these body language tells, it may indicate that she may not be telling the truth. Similarly, if Trump is asked about his taxes and you see any of these signs in the context during which he was asked the specific question, then you may question whether or not he is forthright.


The advice I have for Donald trump is

  1. Don’t talk about how great you are. We already know it as we have heard it way too often from you.                                                                                                                                           2. Don’t yell and get  overly hostile or aggressive. Keep your cool and show that you can be level headed under pressure.                                                                                            3.Use inflected and modulated tones so it doesn’t appear that you are shouting at Hillary, which will alienate people.                                                                                                    4. Don’t go over the top with high dramatics.                                                                                5. Stick to the issues and don’t get off point,no matter how  much you are tempted to do so.                                                                                                                                                           6. Keep being real with your gestures and body language as that is what makes people relate to you.                                                                                                                                                7. Tone it down by not doing or saying anything embarrassing as this is your moment to shine in front of 120 million people.
  2. screen-shot-2016-09-25-at-10-36-27-am

The advice for Hillary is:

1. Do not cough as it will validate what so many feel about you- that you are ill. Take a cough suppressant before you go on stage so you won’t have that issue since they are not stopping the debate incase you have a choking fit.                                                                                 2. Get more animated. Don’t sound so boring.                                                                                  3.Don’t use that sing song cadence where you lose the message in terms of what you want to convey.                                                                                                                                                              4. Don’t shout to get key points across. Instead use inflection to make your point. 5. Stop with the phony pointing gestures used by JFK back in the 60’s because his speech coach said it was the right thing to do. It is NOT the right thing to do. If you are angry or you want to make a point- point with your pointer finger instead of  using that phony gesture where you pinch your pointer and index finger to your thumb.                                                                      5. Stop smiling when you are upset as it make you look phony.                                                        6. Don’t spin things as it only makes you look worse. Instead, tell the truth and if you messed up give a sincere apology.                                                                                                              7. Stop having a defensive tone. If you are upset let you face say ot along with your words.Make sure your facial expression matches the tone of what you are saying.


And to both candidate here is some major advice:                                                                                   1. Please be respectful to one another. Both of you have worked extremely hard to get to this point and need to be commended on your victories thus far.                                                    2.Do not attack one another and say what the other candidate did or thinks. Let them speak for themselves without your putting words in their mouth to make them look bad. What you don’t realize is that when you do this, it make you look bad. So don’t get nasty and hit below the belt. Keep it classy and elegant.                                                                           3.Stick to the issues and get your specific  points across. Tell us what you will do without discussing your opponent in an attempt to make them look bad. Make yourself look good by not making the  other person look bad. All the voter is interested in is the issues not your personality.  We want to know how you really think and feel about  the issues athand and how it will affect our lives in the future.


Duggars Show Deception, Ignorance, and Blaming Others Through Body Language on FOX Interview As They Leak Out Their Intention to Sue for releasing Child Molesting Son’s Records

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After watching the Duggar parents  in action on Meghan Kelly’s FOX interview we never need to see them on any other reality show. This interview is the most real reality show there is about the Duggars as we can clearly her and see their denial, ignorance, double talk, and hiding behind their faith  as well as their blatant  LIES, and finally their  leaked out intention as to why they did this interview.  It is clear that they  did it  because they want to preserve their Duggar  brand by doing a mea culpa in stating that they were “bad parents.”

But they did something else which negates all of this and shows how phony their intention appears to be. They verbally leaked out that they were suing the police through a Freudian slip I will show you  later in this blog. They also turned the tables and made the police the bad guy for leaking out this information. In doing so, they are taking the onus off of their child molesting son and the attention off of what is an egregious act and blaming someone else.

I have always warned my readers and those who attend my seminars  that whenever you hear a person – especially a grown woman with a sickening sweet breathy baby girl voice,  know that something is not right with that person. They are usually passive aggressive and they are  not being authentic. They have something to hide.

This turned out to be the case in watching the interview with Josh Duggar’s mother during her interview with Meghan Kelly on FOX News. It spoke volumes. Her fetal- like hunched over appearance with rounded shoulders and head down, clearly showed that she was in fear and  was obviously dominated by her aggressive husband as he spoke in clearly rehearsed rhetoric. She looked like a scared child and sounded like one as well. Her tears in the interview were fake as there was no liquid coming out of her eyes. She wiped away non-tears.

This interview also  showed that Josh Duggar’s parents are in great denial and are still covering up for him. Since he was the culprit, why wasn’t he at the interview?  I will answer that obvious question for you.  He was not there so that the elder Duggars could protect their brand, just  in case Josh said something that would do irreparable damage. What they don’t get is that their interview on FOX did irreparable damage to their brand.


When the father spoke, it sounded stilted and not spontaneous, It sounded  as though it was rehearsed. As soon as a question was asked by Meghan Kelly, they Duggar parents both looked at one another as if to reassure one another as to who would be the one answering the question.

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As further proof that this interview was rehearsed and that they had set lines to say,  look at this photo below with Mrs. Duggar holding  the actual  script in her lap.

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Another reason which makes me confident that it was rehearsed,  is that Mrs. Duggar brings up the phrase “we had one little ray of hope” right at the beginning of the interview. In the middle of the interview, Mr. Duggar uses the exact same phrase of ” a little ray of hope”.

His speech pattern was staccatto and stilted as though it was clearly rehearsed and guarded.  Her breathy child- like tones indicated that she was not being authentic in her delivery either.


When Mr. Duggar  said that Josh came to him on his own and was crying because he improperly touched some of their daughters, I saw  signals of deception.  First of all I doubt that a 14 year old boy would volunteer this behavior which in my view may have gone on for quite some time. I doubt that it was just a one time occurance as research shows in those who molest children.  The main signal of deception as he said this was that Mr. Duggar’s palms were down as you can see in this photo below, Also the fact that he  had to look at his wife for reassurance is also telling and adds to my belief that this father may not be totally truthful.

When Meghan asked Mr. Duggar about going to police. Mr. Duggar made it seem like it was the right thing to do and that he did it so that Josh wouldn’t have this hang over his head the rest of his life. As Mr. Duggar said this he breathed hard and looked away and then looked back at his wife. First of all, the Christian Clinic where they sent Josh would have been liable if they didn’t report this child abuse to the authorities. Perhaps they encouraged Mr. Duggar  to do this. Perhaps  they reported the sexual molestation themselves, or threatened to to do so if Mr. Duggar didn’t do it.  The fact that Mr. Duggar gave so much detailed information as to where he reported it (at the police station near his home) and gives such a detailed explanation as to why he reported it to police,  leads me to believe that he was highly encouraged to report it by the Christian clinic or that the police contacted him about the matter. It seemed that he may have been  showing up based  on their request. Since all records have allegedly been destroyed, we will never know this information.  But it certainly seems that way to me.

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Then the sickeningly sweet  voiced Mrs. Duggar interjects and looks at her husband for reassurance as she says how devastated she was.Then she looks up and to the side as though she is manufacturing what to say . She looks to her husband, and then looks to the side as though she is thinking what to make up next.


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After she says the “one ray of hope was that Josh had a tender conscience”  she says something that puts up a huge red flag/ She says” He was the one that came and shared on his own even though the others really didn’t know anything.”

That is way too much information for this statement to be true. And then she says  WHAT???  ” Didn’t know anything?” Of course they knew something as they were the ones  being molested for God’s sakes. Of course they knew something!  This statement proves she is trying to spin it her way and make light of the situation.


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When someone places their hand over their private parts when they speak. it means that they are feeling  vulnerable. It is interesting to note that Mr. Duggar is speaking about sexual molestation and is covering up his own sexual organ with his hand.  He is clearly feeling vulnerable.


Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 11.22.20 AM Then she gets so hyper-dramatic and says that as parents “we are failures.” She says we tried to raise our kids to do what’s right and to know what’s right. She knows she doesn’t believe that. She thinks she and her husband are great parents. Otherwise why would they appear on TV as America’s great parents with 19 children who are living the devout Christian lifestyle? This is hypocritical and ridiculous and no one is believing that she thinks she is a bad parent. She doesn’t believe that for one millisecond.

Then we see her wide eyed googly- eyed appearance. When people open their eyes so wide they are trying to convince you that what they are saying is truthful. In essence, she is trying way too hard to get her points across and is not succeeding in doing so.


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Then there is the fake cry. First of all, when you cry there is liquid running out of BOTH of your eyes in terms of tears. You don’t cry without tears and you don’t immediately go from a cry to a normal facial position. That is what Mrs. Duggar did  which indicated she was not really crying but attempting to cry on cue for dramatic effect. No doubt, whom was ever coaching her must have told her to shed a few tears of sympathy.  But it didn’t work.


When Meghan asked him about looking at this issue from the viewpoint of his daughters, he ignored the question. He double talked, beat around the bush,  and did not answer the question head on. In fact he never answered the question. That spoke volumes to me. It said that he was more concerned about his son and protecting him and his Dugar brand and all the goodies that come with it- like millions of dollars than he cared about his daughter’s welfare. That said it all to me and frankly it sickened me.

He also said that Josh called up one of the molested daughters to apologize and she didn’t remember what happened. Oh my God!!! This screams that ALL of these people need serious therapy. They are either in denial or have put it out of their mind because they don’t want to destroy their brand.

They also spoke about the girls in third party as “victims” not as daughters. This is disconcerting.  They have in essence detached themselves from the girls and what happened to them by referring to them in third person. This was devastating to witness.


When Meghan asked if they were concerned about what Josh did  and going public, they were honest and forthright for the first time in the interview. They really did not think there would be a problem after their initial visit to the police department. They were sure all would be fine and that  since Josh was a juvenile at the time, it would also be swept away under the rug and that was the end of it.

But then it re-surfaced and Mr. Duggar was mad as he demonstrated in the video. Suddenly his speech was faster and  louder and his tone now had an edge to it. He then leaked out the word “suit” as she said this was a suit and then corrected himself. That is called a Freudian Slip. It speaks volumes when analyzed in specific contexts. In this context he was discussing the police and the association of a ” suit” came out. To me that is very telling as it reveals his inner intention  is to sue the police.


If the Duggars are considering suing the Police they had better watch what they just said about the police and accusing them of having an agenda as both Duggars said this simultaneously as though it was rehearsed. They also spoke of a bribe. Now they have opened themselves up to a whole different level of investigation. Did they give a bribe to the police to look the other way and destroyed the files?  Who bribed who? What was this bribe and why and how much money was involved in the bribe? They said some pretty derogatory things about the police chief that is now public record.

In their attempts to sue  the police for releasing the files,  they may find that they are the ones being sued for defamation and opening up a whole new can of worms. In essence,  I believe through this interview they have further shot themselves in the foot or in the mouth so to speak.


When Mrs. Duggar shared that big boys can never have the little children on their laps and that they can never play hide and go seek or end up in pairs it sickened me. That is not  normal behavior in any family. Children should be free to play hide and seek and go seek and go off in pairs without worries of one molesting the other. This was a huge red flag to me.

If Josh was a sexual pervert at 15 and molested his 5 year old sister,  that may have been one Duggar child (Josh)  being a molester. But now that this hyper watchful rule applies to ALL of the Duggar childRen what does that mean?   It makes me want to  ask the  question as to whether any other  younger children have been molested by any other older children?

In my view, I think that this family needs a visit from Child Family Services to see exactly what has been going on in that household. At any rate, ALL of the molested daughters MUST have some therapy for what happened  to them.  The fact that some have allegedly relayed that they don’t remember , speaks volumes . Oftentimes when incidences of sexual abuse are not addressed, it can have serious psychosocial repercussions.

Believing in God and asking him to take away your sins doesn’t make you less accountable for your actions. Josh needs to address what he did and all of the girls need to address what was done to them. Now that Josh has children of his own, he especially needs to face what he did so that he doesn’t repeat these actions with his own children.


When Mrs. Duggar said Josh was interested in girls and that is why he molested them I wanted to vomit. She is the one who needs therapy most of all. She is in denial with her baby girl  breathy passive aggressive voice. How could she say such a thing?

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 11.56.28 AMIn  her final statement with her her wide eyed look AND  breathy baby  girl voice,  she brings up the obviously rehearsed word ” agenda” once again in an attempt to take the onus off of her sexually molesting son and put it on others whoM she feels areout to destroy her and her family and make money off of this incident as she describes it. She then ends the interview by saying  that God will make this all OK.”

No,  Mrs. Duggar, you cannot hide behind God in this. God will not make everything OK. It is not OK when a teenager abuses children and when you and  your husband have  tried to sweep this under the rug and now blame others for what your son has done. Maybe God wanted this information released in the  universe by whatever means, in order  to show the world what a fake reality show you have and how you must not be looked up to and admired as being such ideal parents you claim to be .

You have shown that, like an ostrich, you have your head in the sand when it comes to Josh. You are more interested in protecting your son and your brand than you are in oding what is right . You showed us all what a stupid and ignorant woman you are by saying that  children need to be protected from transgender people who can go into girls bathrooms and molest them. In order to relieve you of your gross unawareness, I will inform you that transgender people have no interest in harming children. Their interest is in living their lives as a member of the opposite sex.

The man you need to be concerned with coming into your little girl’s bathroom is you own flesh and blood son- your child molesting son- Josh Duggar. When we point the fingers at others t,here is often three fingers pointing back at us as is the case here.


A three or five year old child who looks at the genitals of a child of the opposite sex out of curiosity – “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” may be acceptable in terms of normal development but it is NOT normal for a 15 year old to look at a  five year olds private parts.  It is sick and is what a pedophile does. If Josh did this as was revealed in the media, he was and may still be a pedophile.  Pedophiles usually don’t change their behavior unless they are given hormone treatment or castrated. The recidivism rate among child molesting predators in prison is astounding. They can never be cured. If Josh is presently  a bona fide pedophile I am deeply concerned for his own children.


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At the end of this tragic FOX  interview which revealed so much about the Duggars, there was a teaser about an upcoming interview with the Duggar daughters- the victims of Josh. Although one cried,  she was not crying because she was molested. Instead she was crying because the information was released and made public. The other daughter was defensive and also blamed others like the person who released the information, instead of blaming the culprit who molested her- Josh.

That spoke volumes about these young ladies being in denial. They need professional help asap and I pray that they get it.

Mayor of Baltimore Shows Many Signals of Deception As She Denies She Said She Gave Rioters “Space to Destroy”

The mayor of Baltimore,Stephanie Rawlings-Blake,  showed many signals of deception . These includes a lot of um um uh’s in her speech pattern, her monotone robotic voice and defensive tone  as she said to reporters on tape that  she NEVER EVER   said she gave rioters the space to destroy.

When people get really defensive and show anger in their face and speak in hyper articulated speech, it usually means they are not telling the truth. This is exactly what the mayor did when she told a flock of reporters that she Never (emphasized the word never as though she ‘dost protest too much’) As you can see below she looks down and away as she says this which also indicates deception. Also look at her lower jaw extended in anger. It is a facially defensive pose that is often associated with deception, which is the case in this context.

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It is clear that the mayor lied because we all heard her at a presser say she gave people space to destroy.

Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 6.58.32 PMShe says that her words should not be twisted as she immediately turns away from reporters and clenches her jaw in anger. Perhaps she is angry at herself for saying what she did. When people are honest about what they have said, they continue to look directly at you in your direction. They do not turn away.
We also gave space to those who wished to destroy as well”  was said by the mayor earlier. AS she made this statement you she her exposed palms of her hands. When people’s hands show exposed palms, they are being honest

Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 7.01.08 PMSo the Mayor was honest when she made that statement. But then she denies she made that statement when confronted by the press.

When asked by the press if she regretted saying what she said, she began her answer with the mored “Listen!” This is a hostile approach that people use when they lie. Remember when former President Clinton said :You listen to me…. I din not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky…” Use of the world Listen at the beginning of a sentence is often a huge red flag leading to deception.

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She continues with facial hostility as she defends herself by saying that she had a right to protect people’s right to protest. When people are that defensive and go off on a tangent as she has done by talking about rights to protest when the issue involves giving people space to destroy the city, it indicates deception.

While we have seen many politicians lie and backtrack on what they said, this a clear case of a mayor  lying about what she said as evidenced verbally, facially, and body language wise. I cannot imagine this mayor winning any future elections after she was caught redhanded or shall I say red-faced in embarrassment and lied about it.

V. Stiviano Body Language Shows Deception, Hypocrisy, Contradiction, Incrimination, and Manipulation in Barbara Walters Interview



The interview of V. Stiviano was very revealing body language, voice,  and speech content wise. She says many things which contradict herself as you will see in this blog. She even incriminates herself and Donald as she says she is being paid off the books. Her slow and labored speech, eye shifting, lip licking and shoulder shrugging show that she is being manipulative in answering Barbara Walter’s question’s however the truth leaks out. 


As V. Stiviano the alleged mistress of Donald Sterling talks about how lonely, alone,  confused Donald Sterling is and how she actually just came from seeing him she looks to the side.  When Barbara says that she was with him so Donald  is not alone, Stiviano  looks to the side to think about what she says and says she is with him “to help him”. Then she contradicts herself and says she is urging him “to come to his own rescue,” which makes absolutely no sense in light of what she said previously.



She shifts her eyes back and forth  a lot and speaks in a very slow and  measured  well thought out and monotnne sound devoid of emotion as she says ” even with her ‘help’ he feels alone.”

We see an incredible amount of signals of deception when she says that Donald is traumatized by the things he says. She does shoulder shrugging and looks to the right and left and speaks very very slowly. This is not true in my view. Donald is just traumatized the tape got out. He is not traumatized by what he said and she knows it. Otherwise he would have issued an immediate apology. So in this case Stiviano is lying in my view.

She is asked by Barbara if Donald Sterling should apologize. She shakes her head No as she says “absolutely.” To me it means that she is enjoying this fiasco and his apology would take the focus off of her so “No” she doesn’t think he should apologize is what her body language reveals. 



The fact that she claimed earlier in  press days ago  that she had not spoken to or seen Donald Sterling since the incident and now, as Barbara Walters reported, she has just come from seeing him, says to me that she was most rehearsing what she would say publicly and perhaps keeping their story of not being lovers in sync.  When Barbara asked her if Donald will apologize. She looks down and slowly  says  in a monotone voice “Only God knows”. The fact that  she looks down means she is gathering her thoughts in terms of what she wanted to say. 

” Image


Barabara directly asks her is she is in love with Donald Sterling. V Stiviano gives a genuine smile with her cheeks raised and eyes squinted. This is the first time she lights up. To most this is shocking. If she is half Black as she says she is and half Mexican as she says she is and Donald spoke  that way about her ethnicity, how could she love him? She may love the 1.8 million dollar home,  the Ferrari and Bentlys he gave her. But to love someone who hates part of the the essence of who you are (Black) is very unusual and hypocritical.


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Brabara asks her what her relationship is to Donald Sterling. She laughs and smiles and says she is is right hand “man”. The fact that she would use the term “man” is interesting since many throughout the internet have remarked how much she looks like a man going to through a sex transition- a treansexual. Is V. Stiviano calling herself a “man” indicating she may be leaking out the truth about her sexuality  or is  it a subconscious shout out to people  over the internet calling her out on looking like a man?  

She also says she is “Mr. Sterling’s everything” (which in many people’s view  would include lover) as she shrugs her shoulders when she says “confidant” “his best friend” (with friends like her one does not need enemies), “his silly rabbit” where she says she does things around him that seem silly. As she says this we see a lot of discomfort in her body language as she fidgets around. Can this discomfort be due to her perhaps omitting another noun to describe what she is to Sterling- “lover?” After all she describes herself as a “lover” on her instagram. 


Does that moniker apply to her relationship with Donald? We then see her swallow hard (an indicator of deception) in this context where she says many people can’t understand her relationshIp as she looks down and from side to side as though she is searching for the correct spin. “She then shrugs her shoulders and says” I’m his everything”. Well, Ms. Stiviano, “everything: includes “lover.” 

She then describes the evolution of her relationship and how it started with her working for his nonprofit organization and  stated “it’s evolved to so much more”. In essence by saying she is everything to him and how their relationship evolved into so much more, said through her telling body language,  she is revealing a lot to us about the nature of their relationship which in my view includes intimacy.  


When she says that their relationship has become a “scandal” she cocks her head to the side on the word “scandal,” which is very telling.  



Barbara tries to coax it out of he by inserting ” you love him like a friend”. Here we see Stiviano trying to concoct the right answer as she looks to the right and has a bit of cotton mouth as she sticks her tongue out before she speaks and licks her lips.



Then Barbara goes in to clarify this love and asks if she is “in” love. to which Stiviano looks to the side to figure out her next words asImage


In addition, her mouth gets dry as she says the word and licks her lips on the word”scandal” which shows a lot of anxiety and how there may be decption.  

Then Barbara asks her why it became such a scandal and her breathing changes. Stivano takes seconds to answer. This means she is trying to manufacture the right words. She  finally comes up with “God” and throws God into the mix by saying “I think God has it’s purpose”.  It is interesting that she refers to God as an “it” which further speaks to her not really believing what she is saying. She also blinks a lot and looks side to side and contradicts herself again. Instead of sticking with her God answer as she says ” I wish I could answer that question.”

Then she says  after moments of silence and failure to come up with the right answer she says ” I keep asking myself how when and why but the truth is that”…  When someone says “the truth is that..” know that a lie will usually follow which it most likely did  as she says ” how and why  don’t even matter anymore as some things need to be brought to the light.” In essence she has told everyone that she brought out the tapes into the light about Sterling’s racism.” In essence she admits what she did in this statement she made.

She then further incriminates herself as she said” we are forced into situations that we have to do good by.” which mens she felf forced to reveal the tapes. Whether she claims she didn’t release them as her lawyer insists, there is  no doubt that she was behind it as she essentially admitted it just now. 

Then she goes on to say how Sterling  is being tested by a higher power and how she is being “forced to come to his rescue.” The word “forced” says a lot. It means that she is not doing it willingly but some handlers or lawyers are “forcing” the to team up so they get their story straight. After all it is a huge crime in California to tape someone without their knowledge. So she is most likely being forced to make nice to Donald so he will say he knew she was taping him (something I find very hard to believe). This was a personal conversation and no one would ever want such information taped under any circumstances. Her silence and hesitations and long pause time, looking up and down and shoulder shrugs and changes in her breathing show she is being deceptive in her motive.


When asked buy Barbara if they had a financial arrangement. We immediately see Stiviano purse her lips which indicates Body language wise that she doesn’t want to discuss their financial arrangement. Barbara asks her  if he pays her as an employee. Stiviano shows all types of signs of discomfort with this question as she hesitates and looks down and then says “at first he started paying me as an employee and then he started paying me off the books.”  She has just incriminated herself and Sterling with the IRS. She has just invited an IRS audit. Where are the taxes going and who is paying the taxes on what she is paid off the books?  She didn’t say “gifts.” She said “off the books. This is a very serious revelation that will no doubt come back to haunt them both.



Then she immediately looks to the other side and says I love him like a “father figure” as she shrugs her shoulders, which is a signal of deception in my view. How could anyone who has any Black in them love anyone as a father figure role  whom they would have to allegedly respect, after he spoke that way about a race she allegedly has in her own blood.


When Sterling says  in the tape “why you taking pictures with minorities?” it should be enough for her to realize that she is a minoritity and he deep down, hates her because he hates minorities. 

That makes me wonder if indeed she is Black as I cannot imagine anyone who has any Black heritage in them using the term  “love”  in relation to Donald. She also claims that she changed her name to V. Stiviano because  she was “Not yet fully accepted because  of her race”.


If she was that race conscious then how could she “love” Sterling, who has not fully accepted her because of her race. 



Barbara then repeats “you love him like a father” Instead of saying “yes” and looking directly at Barbara, she looks down and shakes her head No and repeats what she said earlier “just like a father fiigure “. 


She also shrugs her shoulder and has a smug smile which indicates to me that she has clearly rehearsed the  term” father figure” and is sticking with the script.



No one calls their father or “father figure” baby or honey as she did in the tape. So she knows very well that what she is saying most likely is not true. Hence the smug smile you see above in the interview when she sticks to the script and repeats her rehearsed “father figure”.


The word “honey” in addressing her “father figure” was used several times throughout the tape as you see above. He also addressed her as “honey” in the tape.


The reciprocal “honey’s” show to me that  there was no father figuring going on here. 



Barbara asks her about  why she is wearing the visor and Stiviano says it is because  she is in pain. As she says this she looks around as to search for the correct answer as she can’t very well tell the truth as to why she is doing it- for attention. She says how it hurts to have people speculate and say things about you when they don’t know you. If what she was saying was true she would have stayed in doors and not roller skated with her visor in front of the press or worn the visor at night where she told press she wanted to be President of the United States. She then says she wears the visor  (her mask) because it’s easier to “mask” the pain.” This is a manipulative statement in my view.


Then she finally reveals the truth in my view,  through her body language.  Barbara asks what is the biggest misconception about her. She gives a genuine and broad smile as says “That I’m a mistress”. That says it all in my view that she has revealed that  she is indeed a mistress. A person who had people misconceiving them would show anger and a much different facial demeanor than Stiviano.  She goes on to add “or a whore” as she laughs and adds or ‘a  woman of the night” . She then adds and all “those ‘miscomception’ are on my instagram I think. ” She has clearly not carefully thought through what she was saying as she stammers, mispronounces the words misconception  and uses improper grammer, something she had not done previously. It shows that here is an emotional charge here and she is flummoxed as she reveals the truth by this body language behavior.  

She finally takes a dig at her BFF who was giving interviews about her to TMZ saying that journalists are doing doing their job by interviewing that person when she doesn’t know the facts. 

In summary, V. Stiviano  has shown signals of deception on this tape and has incriminated herself and Donald as she talks about payment off the books, Body language wise she tells us that she is his mistress as well as through all the contradictions she made. It is my view that this is not the end for this manipulative mistress who is paid off the books and who is doing all she can to become allies with Donald so that he sticks to her story that he agreed to have his racist remarks taped.  



Michael Jackson Accuser’s Body Language, Voice and Speech Pattern Show Credibility

Before I begin my analysis I want to say, that I have always been a fan of Michael Jackson’s talents. I have appreciated his genius as a performer- his singing voice quality and his amazing abilities as a dancer and choreographer. 

But as a person, I personally observed something odd about him.  Years ago,while Michael was an adult in his mid  30’s I happened to be in a video store and observed him sitting on the floor in the children’s section wearing a surgical mask and giggling to himself  as he picked up  various children’s videos. This  was during the period  where Michael had not yet had any children of his own and was parading his pet monkey around town.  The first thought that went through my mind as I saw him sitting on the video store floor was that he was obviously stuck in childhood as he looked like a big child with a surgical mask on.

Last week, when I heard that Michael was once again being accused of sexual molestation, a part of me did not want to believe this, especially since the person accusing him, accused him a little too late. The accuser also swore on Michael’s behalf in a court of law that he was Never molested by Michael. But now that there is a wrongful death claim going on now,the timing of his accusations seemed suspect to me.  

So when I was asked by NBC”S  Access Hollywood to view the accuser’s video as he appeared on the Today Show, I was thinking I would see some signals of deception and state that this was yet another opportunistic individual who wanted part of Michael’s financial pie.

But as I closely listened to and look at the tape of Wade Robeson speaking to Matt Lauer, it was just the opposite.


The young man was articulate.  He was direct and well spoken, His voice pattern was solid without hesitation. He appeared forthright . His body language and facial animation matched what he said in terms of content and emotion.For instance when he spoke in the negative, his head shook “no”. Conversely when he spoke in the affirmative, his head shook “yes’.


When he spoke it was heartfelt. On numerous occasions, he even, gestured towards his heart when he spoke.

ImageThere was also a vulnerability when he spoke as he grabbed his neck  towards his adam’s apple (the most vulnerable part of our body). ImageHe was open with his emotions and verbally stated he was angry at Michael for what he allegedly did to him. You saw this anger in his raised eyebrow as you can see above.


The interview took it’s toll on Wade Robeson as you could see the visible perspiration around his cheeks and above his upper lip. he was not comfortable discussing what Michael had allegedly done to him.It was highly emotional for him. 

Wade also tries to make sense of what Michael allegedly did to him by stating that Michael was a “troubled man.” It shows that he does indeed display some compassion towards Michael along with the anger he revealed.


He speaks with conviction as he states that Michel was a talented man as well as being a “pedophile” and a “sexual abuser”. he is direct as he says this and there are no signals of deception whatsoever. 

Bu back in 2008, when Robeson stated Michael did not molest him there were numerous signals of deception


One sign of deception was that he was blinking a lot as he was being asked questions about Michael.


When asked in 2008 why it was important to stick up for Michael, Robeson shakes his head ‘no’, turns his mouth downward and looks away to search for answer.


He then shrugs his shoulder which is a huge signal of deception based on the context of what was being said, and said ” He’s always been a friend to me . “That’s what friends do”. 

So in essence, he tells us in 2008 that he was doing his friend Michael a favor by sticking up for him. His signals of deception say it all. 

In my view,  Robeson is now telling the truth. But why now? Why not come clean when Michael was alive? Well there are a  lot of reasons from feeling ashamed of what happened, to being in denial, to not wanting to make waves, to not reaping the consequences of having to fight Michael who had more power and more money to defend himself. Also for sticking up for his friend as Wade admitted in 2008, he many have reaped some benefits from Michael from possible financial benefits, perks, and even Michael’s providing positive references for him as a choreographer he may also have felt a loyalty to Michael at the time. Finally as a heterosexual male, he may not wanted to publicly or even privately admit that he engaged in a homesexual experience at any point in his life.

Oftentimes, when one does have a child,it can bring back one’s one memories and experiences as a child. Robeson said that when he looks at his young son and thinks of anyone doing to his child what was done to him, it sickened him. Perhaps his young son allowed him to become more  honest with his feelings and with his past experiences.



Jodi Arias’ Body Language- Her Cockiness, Newly Resonant Voice and Smug Facial Expressions May Make her A Dead Woman Walking


I have held off on writing about Jodi Arias until I had something significant to say. But  after watching  her on the stand  for eight days  and listening to her sickeningly sweet phony vocal tones and watching one signal of deception after another I have something to say. Today the REAL Jodi showed up on the stand and I am here to talk about it. .

I have always said in my books that you MUST  beware of anyone that has a sickening sweet soft spoken voice, where  you can barely hear them at times. I have said they are phonies  and  you must RUN because there is a lot of built up anger and hostility that this type of voice pattern masks. Now here is  living proof  of what I have been talking about in the Jodi Arias trial. She went from meek mouse tone to roaring lion tone as she displayed cockiness and anger toward the prosecutor.

This is Not good for her because juror swill clearly see the REAL Jodi as they


will get a glimpse of her anger and what she must have been like around Travis. They will see how she could turn on him on a dime. They can now see her anger up close and personal.


The jury also  also saw her lying first hand. Prosecutors had her hold her up her hand. Her finger was bent . She said it got that way months before Travis’ death as he abused her.


Then the prosecutor showed a photo of her after Travis was killed and the hand was not  bent. It was a photo taken allegedly months after he beat her.

She sat there and LIED in front of everyone that her finger was bent. There was no way her finger was bent as anyone with eyes could see that.  This is yet another nail in her coffin towards the death penalty.

The prosecutor asked her about her memory and when it fails he and she look aways and said “Usually when men like you are screaming






at me or grilling me or someone like Travisdoing the same.

That was a BAD move on Jodi’s part as she just lost her “sympathy” vote from any of the jurors who are gullible enough to have previously fallen for her poor me victim testimony.

Her nasty retort was anything but victim like. It was a dig at the prosecutor  and it  will in my estimation but another nail in her coffin.


Then he asks so that affects your memory. Her she shows DUPING DELIGHT where there is a  slight smile on her face as she says “Yes that makes my brain scramble.”

Her slight smile which leaked out showed she was happy she felt she got a dig into the prosecutor and compared him to Travis. But what this stupid woman doesn’t realize is that it may have cost her  her life . It  may have angered jurors that she painted the prosecutor with the same brush she painted Travis. The jurors saw how he asked her  simple question about her memory and now she took it to a level  of  indirectly accusing the prosecutor of verbally abusing her.


Her  smiling during  the prosecution’s questioning is not good either. There is NOTHING to smile about when a man has been brutally  killed  like Travis was and when her life is on the line. Jurors will pick that up and it will be a turn off to them. Perhaps she has been conditioned by others that her smile gets her what she wants. But it certainly won’t be the case here. Her smile for the first time in her life will work against her.

Will Jodi die by lethal needle?  Usually  it is reserved for people who have  killed  their children or spouses  or a both, or a parent,  in Arizona like the three women  who are already on death row there.  Each of these women also sought to benefit financially from the death where Jodi did not. So Jodi’s cases a little different in that regard.

However given the brutality of the murder that the jurors  were forced to see, Jodi’s lies from the past and witnessing her lies right in front of their eyes with regard to her finger, her smugness, and her belligerent attitude with the prosecutor, Jodi Arias may very well be joining these three woman.

It is a myth that because a woman is pretty she won’t get the death sentence.One woman who was on death row and  executed in Texas was quite beautiful and could pass as a Kardashian with her long brown hair, dark eyes, olive skin, and pretty features.

All three women who are on  Arizona’s death row are attractive. So it  shows that looks really don’t  matter these days as far as the death penalty is concerned.

Actually Jodi is doing all she can to not be attractive with her greasy hair limp hair, no makeup, and glasses in her attorney’s or a jury consultant’s misguided coaching to have her not look like a sexy bombshell she looked like in the photos with Travis.

Was Travis and angel? Far from it! Was he a hypocrite with regard to his Mormon religion which doesn’t believe in premarital sex. Yes. Was he a jerk in that he used  Jodi for sex and wanted to marry a decent Momon girl. Yes. Did he give her mixed messages? You bet . But did he deserve to die in such a brutal way? No way!

If the man was wet and naked it made him even more vulnerable and juror will pick that up. Even if he did get mad at her for dropping the camera  and she claims she killed him in self defense. It was OVERKILL which means she despised him and most likely planned this attack at one point or another.  Maybe it was a fantasy that ran through in her mind from time to time for how awful he treated her. But the fact that she executed it with such force  shows the built up anger and hate she was harboring towards him.

That leads me back to her voice. The voice mirrors what goes on in your head and your heart as Galen the Greek philosopher once said. Jody hand a lot of rage and anger in her heart and it was clearly mirrored in her voice until it was unleashed today by the prosecutor.

The Anthony’s Hate Eliciting Lie Filled Perfomance on Dr. Phil

As a body language expert I found that  watching Cindy and George Anthony;s performance on Dr. Phil where they told  so many lies, including a major one about a brain tumor made me very upset. It is no wonder that Casey is the way she is and that  Caylee is dead  not only  because of  Casey, but because of   George and Cindy as well. After watching these two  liars I believe that poor  Caylee would never have stood  a chance in that family.They have completely dishonored this baby as they continue to defend Casey at all costs.

To read more click this link

Cindy Anthony Gets Off Scott Free For Lying in Court


Prosecutors  going to are not going  to  pursue perjury charges against Cindy Anthony, Casey Anthony’s mother for her lying  testimony during her Casey’s  murder trial.

During the trial, Cindy shocked  prosecutors by testifying  she did internet searches for chloroform on the family’s computer. Prosecutors believed, along with sheriff’s investigators, that Casey Anthony had performed the search and not Cindy.

Witnesses  then challenge Cindy’s claim. Days after the verdict,  it was believed that prosecutors might  charge her with perjury but they did not do so.

Currently they are looking into allegations of witness tampering, which did not involve Cindy Anthony.

I must say I am appalled at their decision to not go after Cindy for lying. Anyone else who lied on the stand would be fined and jailed for contempt of court. Maybe the prosecution feels she suffered enough.

So now we have a free Casey for probably killing her child, whether it be intentional or an accident. She didn’t get charge for manslaughter or anything other than lying to police. And now we have a free Cindy who blatantly lied to the court to try and save her daughter. What is wrong with this picture?