Dr. Lillian Glass Ten Top New Years Wishes for Newsmakers in 2011


 Stop trying to spin the press because the public can see right through it. Know that they are not stupid!  Be open and honest and tell it like it is. Never do what you did last on the Today Show when you spoke  about your expelled children.

You will be more respected if you come clean whether it is about your relationship with your “bodyguard” to  your troubled kids. Also stop blaming Jon for your troubles and stop trashing him on TV because it only hurts the kids and will come back to haunt then in the future.

You mentioned that the children who are being home schooled are  now seeing a therapist for their behavioral issues. It may be in your best interest for the New Year to follow suit and also seek a therapist to help you deal with all of the inner anger that you leak out whenever you are on television.

Be grateful for what you have and give  back. Instead of giving the  kids used toys and clothing to  a consignment shop so you can earn more money, give it to an orphanage or to a place where children who have nothing- who are homeless or abused can benefit.


2. Rachel Uchitel

Stay out of the media. No one cares that you are a love addict (which by the way, we all are). No one cares that you are  becoming a private investigator and  can now  use your   “ sneaking around skills”  you used  when you cheated with   married men  in a more acceptable  way as a private investigator. Hiring a private investigator is hiring a person one can trust. Do you actually think   anyone can fully trust a woman who cheated and snuck around with several high profile married men ?

 And Rachel if someone calls you a whore or a hooker stop threatening to sue them because you would have a hard time  defending your position in a court of law, especially after so many perceive you as shaking down Tiger Woods for millions of dollars in exchange for your silence about your sex life with him. Some would consider that a rather  whorey or hookery thing to do. So lay low and enjoy your Allred induced millions that Tiger once earned for his golfing abilities.


3. Michael Lohan

Go to acting classes to get a legitimate theatrical education. Then try out for local theatre to get your acting chops. Get some guest shots on a TV series to further hone in your acting skills or even a gig on a soap for a while. With all your business enterprising skills, begin raising money for a film project showcasing yourself. Maybe then you won’t have to ride on the coat tails of Lindsay and you can have your very own legitimate acting career.

 Maybe then you can stop showing up in the press and embarrassing yourself and everyone else you have secretly tape recorded to blackmail them. Stop being Lindsay’s mouth piece so you can show up in the press.

 And stop trashing your enabling ex wife Dina. We all get it! We get that she is a large part of Lindsay’s problems. For the new year be a part of Lindsay’s solutions and not her problems. That means stay out of the press unless it involves you and your acting career, not hers. 


4. Nadya Suleman- “Octomom”

Stop showing up in  the press to beg for money or to garner sympathy whenever you can’t pay your rent. It is your responsibility, so you will have to manage it.

 Since you don’t want to do a reality show or any nudity  figure out a way to raise money to properly house you kids. Maybe you really do want to do nudity. After all why would you show up in so many photo ops with your breasts half exposed as we see int he photo above. Why not get paid for photos like you already do for free? Maybe for the new year you may want to reconsider   Mr. Vivid’s offers. 

You need to do whatever it takes to make sure those kids are well cared for in every way no matter what sacrifices you have to make along the way. Come up with a plan or a series of plans and follow through with them.

5. Mel Gibson

Spend a month with Rabbi Marvin Hier at the Museum of Tolerance. He will  cure your anti-Semitism and educate you about the Holocaust so you won’t continue to show your ignorance about the topic . You should also go on a field trip with him and with actual Holocaust survivors to Auschwitz so you can see  and hear first hand the atrocities of hate and how innocent people suffered for nothing other than what you have spewed for- hatred towards them.

 Next you should spend another month living in the inner city so you see that Black people are people and not animals as you have referred to them in calling them “packs of n word”  You can see firsthand how the kids desperately need  after school centers and sports programs and cultural programs. Perhaps with all you money you can fund programs for them in every inner city in the US. You need to spend another month with Rev. Jesse Jackson who is one of the pioneers in the Equal Rights Movement. He will educate you about what it took throughout history for  Blacks  to be where they are today. He will share personal painful moments with you and  tragic moments in history where hatred like yours caused what happened to innocent young Black man Emmit Till. He will show you before and after photos of this innocent young man who was pummeled beyond recognition by those who spoke the same hateful words as you about Blacks.

 Then you need to spend some time in every Latino community in the US  so you can see  how wonderful dedicated hardworking Latinos earn money, often  working  several jobs so they can feed and clothe their families.

 And then you need to read my book Toxic Men- 10 Ways to Identify, Deal With, and Heal From Men Who Make Your Life Miserable . Read it from cover to cover.

  Spend the rest of the year visiting Abuse Shelters and hearing stories from the mouths of  the women who have been tortured and brutalized. Perhaps then will you have more respect for women as you can now  put more of your money into Abuse Shelters in every city in this country.  This is my wish for you Mel so that your daughter Lucia can be spared the hatred and ugly prejudice that comes from you and so that your ugliness will not be passed down to her.    

 6. To MTV re  Teen Moms- 



 MTV Stop showcasing and  making these troubled girls into celebrities and putting them on the covers of magazines to pop your ratings. It gives the wrong message- get pregnant as a teen, get on an MTV reality show , be on the  magazine covers and be a star.

You may have had the right idea to show teens the problems of teen pregnancy but your show will have either no impact or the opposite effect. \

And by the way, when you saw the teen mom Amber  beating on her baby daddy and the child Leah was allegedly in the house, why did you not intervene?  So what if it made good TV. It ended up destroying several people’s lives.

 My wish for you in the new year is to take this show of the air and show great teens doing great things with their lives which will inspire other teens. And please be more responsible!


7.  George and Cindy Anthony- Casey Anthony’s Parents

 I hope that truth and justice prevails as Casey gets a fair trial so that we can finally put this tragic case to rest.

And no matter what the outcome I hope that her Toxic Parents, Cindy and George stay out of the limelight and not  try to make money and profit over the death of their granddaughter or their daughter.

 Cindy needs to go back to nursing and George can be a security officer  or become a salesman. He has had a lot of practice trying to sell us a bill of goods  about  Casey.

The two of them need to be responsible and  pay their mortgage and  focus on their son Lee  and  dote on his offspring.

8.  Lindsay Lohan 

I pray that you work your program and stay off drugs  and alcohol. I also hope that you get a great therapist to work out your mom and dad issues and that you get a new manager not a momanager who wants to share the limelight with you and who does not appear to have your best interests at heart. If she did have your best interests at heart,  she would not have enabled you and lied about you on television interviews all these years.

While you were a cute child actress and had talent, the jury is still out as to how you will do as an adult actress and how you will be received at the box office.  You have wasted lot a lot of time and momentum when it comes to your acting career, so you  have a lot of catching up to do.

 Unfortunately the window for female actors is short, unlike it is for male actors like Robert Downey who was in a similiar situation as yourself years ago.

 You spent a great deal of that window not acting and gaining a fan base who would have been  impressed with your acting abilities and who would have rushed to theatres to see your next film. So  I suggest you study with an acting coach to hone your skills so when you do make a comeback you will have a better chance of succeeding for the short time your career will last.

My Favorite Performers

9. To Armie Hammer ( who played the Winkelvoss Twins in Social Network ) Matt  Damon,  Josh Duhmel. Paul Rudd,  Vince Vaughn, Jason Siegel, Leonard DiCaprio,  Reese Witherspoon, Richard Dean Morgan, Mark Walhberg, Eric Dane, Catherine Heigel, Brad  Pitt,and Angelina Jolie

  Since you all my  most favorite performers and since I love watching you so much, keep making  lots of movies in 2011.

10 Snooki

Keep growing and evolving as you have been doing. Also  keep referring to my book which you read Toxic Men . By your choosing the right guy in your life, who will treat you with the love and respect you deserve, you will inspire millions of other young ladies  who are your devoted fans to do the same.


Charlie Sheen’s Wife’s Voice Pattern on Her 911 Call Shows She Was Both Terrified and Embarrassed When Telling the Truth About Her TOXIC Husband’s Abuse


I just finished doing the Nancy Grace Show where we discussed “Hollywood Bad Boy” Charlie Sheen. Charlie Sheen is definitely NOT a “ Bad Boy.” Charlie Sheen, as I said on Nancy’s show tonight, is a TOXIC MAN!

Recently, I finished writing a new book which will be out later this year from Adams Media, called TOXIC MEN- Identify, Deal With and Heal From Men Who Make Your Life Miserable, so I definitely know a thing or two about the topic. Charlie Sheen definitely fits the profile of one of the most TOXIC MEN- an abuser who will continue to abuse women over and over again.
This is a man who allegedly held a knife to his wife’s throat and threatened to murder the mother of his twin nine month baby sons.


In listening to Brooke Muller’s voice and speech pattern n the 911 call, she is initially hesitant. She pauses as she says “ my husband had me with with (repeats) a knife and I was scared for my life and he threatened me.” The tone definitely sounds like a person who is in anguish as there is a lot of vocal tension. This indicates that she is telling the truth to the 911 operator

When the operator asks her if there are other people there, Brooke says that they were other people there who separated them. When the operator asks who are those other people who are there , we hear Brooke pause. Her hesitancy indicates that she is being protective and she doesn’t want to reveal names.

Several times she mentions that she “has to file the report” and is cut off by the operator who then asks her where he is “with the knife.” She immediately reports “he is in the other room” said in a matter of fact voice, indicating that she may have been experiencing a state of shock over the whole situation.

When she was asked if there was someone in the room with him, she said there was and they were helping him pack to leave. Then she once again says that she “must file the report.” This clearly shows her desperation and anguish at finally not allowing Charlie to get away with what he perhaps may have done to her in the past.

Without hesitation, she immediately responds to the operators question as to what room Charlie is in and what room she is in. Then the reality of the situation sets in and you can hear her severe anguish leak out as her voice constricts while she says” I thought I was going to die for one hour.” She is completely devastated and one can feel her anguish and the panic she must have endured as you hear her speak those words in her distressed tone.

Then you can clearly observe her emotional pain after she is asked what is her husband’s name. She hesitates in embarrassment for approximately 4 seconds while she no doubts contemplates the fact that she now must finally expose her husband. Her hesitation is reflective of the fact that a part of her wants to protect him and his reputation while the other part f her wants t finally let the cat out of the bag and reveal the truth once and for all.

This behavior is so typical of so many women who are victims of abuse.
Then she completely breaks down with sobs as she has difficulty catching her breath after revealing his name . Her voice cracks as she is put on hold for a moment by the operator. She lets out a sob as se speaks to someone else in the room.

When asked if he still had the knife she quickly responds” yes “ and describes what type of knife it was- a switchblade. She then says that he is trying to leave right now . Her voice shows a glimmer of calmness as soon as the operator tells her she will stay on the phone with her until the police get there but then Brookes voice immediately cracks and constricts when she says that ” he’s trying to sneak out the back”
Right before she hangs up with the operator, when the officers arrive, you her hear her voice choking on sobs.

So the bottom line is that no matter what else is said and how they are now spinning it PR wise to make Brooke look bad, is there is no way Brook was making this up or lying to 911 or to the police in order to get back at Charlie. Any other excuse anyone comes up with concerning Brooke doesn’t matter because you can clearly hear what happened in her voice. Just as the body doesn’t lie, neither does the voice. She was terrified!!!This TOXIC MAN Terrorized her!!!!


The arrest warrant affidavit that was just released quotes Brooke Mueller Sheen as saying that the actor straddled her on a bed with one hand and grasped her neck and the other while holding the knife. She said Sheen told her “You better be in fear. If you tell anybody, I’ll kill you.”
He also told her, “Your mother’s money means nothing, I have ex-police I can hire who know how to get the job done and they won’t leave any trace,” according to the affidavit.

There is no way Brooke is making this up in my opinion based on the fear and terror in her voice.


Today’s news is clearly designed to make Brooke look bad and to spin it in Charlie’s favor, that Brooke was a problem so therefore he was “justified” in his behavior” This is unconscionable as this little game smacks of the “blame the victim” mentality.

They make it appoint to let us know that Brooke Mueller has been arrested twice previously, once on an alcohol charge and the other time on a cocaine charge.
Then a ccording to Radaronline.com the spin is that Brooke went to rehab for alcohol abuse while she was five months pregnant with the couple’s twins, adding more controversy to their marriage.


To further make her look horrible and to justify Charlie’s actions, they state” that she was confronted after bottles of booze were found in her car.When one of the couple’s twins was born with a heart problem, the couple argued bitterly and Charlie told Brooke the medical problem was her fault for boozing while pregnant.”

Alcohol may or may not have anything to do with the baby’s heart condition It was reported that Brooke was said to be drinking five months during her pregnancy. We don’t know if she was drinking before that or she just started drinking at 5 months. But if she just started drinking while pregnant at five months , the heart would have already been developed as it develops in the first trimester.

In order to attribute the baby’s heart problem to alcoHol abuse while pregnant it is essential to determine exactly what type of heart condition the baby has.

If the baby has a ventricular septal defect (VSD) or atrial septal defect (ASD) then chances are that there may have an alcohol related connection. But having said that this heart condition is associated with a myriad of other symptoms associated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome such as Intrauterine growth retardation, growth deficiency in the fetus and newborn in all parameters including head circumference, weight, height, delayed development with decreased mental functioning which could range from mild to severe.

Facial abnormalities including small head (microcephaly); small maxilla (upper jaw); short, up-turned nose; smooth philtrum (groove in upper lip); smooth and thin upper lip; and narrow, small, and unusual-appearing eyes with prominent epicanthal folds and limb abnormalities of joints, hands, feet, fingers, and toes are also evident in Fetal Alcohol syndrome.

We don’t know if the child suffers from these other ailments that would be associated with the specific heart malformations I described. In essence the child could not have anything else wrong with him with the exception of a congenital heart defect that may have had nothing at all to do with Brook’s alleged alcohol intake ( I guess my post doctorate in Medical Genetics from UCLA School of Medicine came in handy for something in this post ).


The PR spin also adds that both Sheen and Mueller had been drinking that night. It also said in good PR Spin fashion that Sheen, who has been through rehab twice, has not publicly addressed his relapse.

A relapse? Well I don’t care how he relapsed, holding a gun at the throat of the mother of your 9 month old twin baby boys and threatening to kill her is attempted murder in my opinion. Don’t blame it on alcohol. There are a lot of alcohol relapsers and abusers out there who don’t do this.

While I understand the PR spin here, I along with most intelligent people out there will not buy it. Stan Rosenfeld, Charlie Sheen’s PR man whom I know very well and absolutely adore, is clearly doing his job for Charley and according to Salon.com he is apoplectic as a result of the recent events surrounding Charlie. Although Stan made a nice try PR wise, to gain sympathy for Charlie, I seriously doubt anyone is buyng it with the exception of other abusers and the TOXIC judge who let him loose on $850 bail for this crime.


Nancy Grace was appalled that Charlie Sheen was let loose and given a meager fine for $850 and allowed to go back to LA and be on the set of Two and A Half Men. I shared in her repulsion at the egregious situation . When she asked me if I was also referring to the judge when I used the term TOXIC MAN, to a refer to Charlie Sheen I agreed that it applied to both Charlie and the Judge for giving him what I thought was a little slap on the wrist for attempted murder.


Brooke’s behavior and recanting following the incident is so typical of women who are abused, In fact studies show that women go back to their perpetrators 7 to 12 times before they finally leave their abusers .No PR Spin or payoff or lawyers can change what we heard with our own ears in that 911 tape. Her voice was genuine as was her fear and terror that she may have been killed with a knife at her throat. She even said that for one hour she thought she was going to die.

Brooke must get in into a women’s group for domestic violence so that she can fully understand what happpend to her. All the therapy in the world won’t help. What she needs is to see and hear other women in her similar predicament so she can see she is
a. not crazy and that
b. she did the right thing in reporting him and
c. she will overcome this.

She needs a support group where she gets that she is not alone during the times where she will experience a roller coaster of emotions.

In my opinion Brooke, needs to forget about staying with Charlie for the sake of the kids. She needs to run away from him as quickly as possible and never look back. When someone hlds a knife to your neck no matter how drink they allegedly are, you can NEVER go back. Also knowing his past with other women should be validation that she is not alone and should toss him to the curb.


Brooke Mueller’s accusations concerning Charlie are remarkably consistent with his ex-wife Denise Richards’ accounts of his behavior, including an incident where he told her “I hope you fucking die, bitch. You are fucking with the wrong guy,” and threatened to have her killed.

Sheen also served two years’ probation for a 1996 assault on then-girlfriend Brittany Ashland when she filed a lawsuit claiming he beat her up, and then threatened her to keep her quiet.
Ashland filed her lawsuit against Sheen Feb. 6, 1997, claiming that on Dec. 20, 1996, Sheen grabbed her by the hair and slammed her onto the marble floor of his Agoura Hills home, knocking her unconscious and splitting her lip so badly that she required seven stitches.

The suit also claimed that Sheen forced her to strip off and dispose of her bloody clothes, and threatened to kill her if she told anyone about the assault. The suit charged the him with assault, battery, negligence, false imprisonment and emotional distress and asked for unspecified damages. Police investigated the claim and prosecutors quickly filed criminal charges against him for misdemeanor battery with serious injury.

Sheen initially pleaded not guilty to the charges but on June 7, 1997 he entered a plea of no-contest to the criminal charges and was sentenced to a one-year suspended prison term and two years probation, had to pay $2,800 in fines and restitution, perform community service and attend eight counseling sessions. Obviously theses counseling sessions didn’t work as he was in the same situation with other women!

Then there was yet another woman a year earlier in 1995 who Charlie allegedly bet up for not having sex with him

Charlie also ran up a six figure bill for Heidi Fleiss’ call girl prostitutes as he was one of her company’s highest paying Johns, which was reveled at her trial.

And finally in 1990, in an incident deemed an accident, he shot his fiance Kelly Preston, who is now John Travolta’s wife. Shortly fter the incident where Sheen shot Preston, they broke up.


Thirteen years ago when he was sued by Brittney Ashland, Sheen’s attorney at the time called the suit “a cheesy attempt at extortion” saying “it’s the typical price you pay for being a celebrity in today’s age.”

At his sentencing, Sheen reportedly told the judge “I feel this is very fair, and I’m grateful… you will not see me back in this courtroom,” according to The Los Angeles Times.

Well, Sheen wasn’t able to keep his promise to the judge. A year later he however, and violated his parole in 1998 after he was turned in by none other than his father, actor Martin Sheen, for a cocaine overdose. He was ordered to undergo a drug rehabilitation program.

Now, over a decade later, Charlie Sheen will be facing yet another judge in a courtoom for attempting to murder his wife. Let’s hope the judge isn’t smitten by Charlie’s celebrity as he apparently may have been by just letting Charlie go with small $850 fee.

This time, if Charlie is not held accountable for his yet another hateful act towards a woman, the next time he abuses yet another woman (or even Brooke if she fails to get away from him), we may be reading about her in the obituary pages and seeing Charlie in a criminal position, where no PR spin will help him.
