Trump’s State of the Union Speech Showed Passion and Compassion While Opposition Showed Rudeness

Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 6.05.23 PM.pngWhen Donald Trump first arrived to give his State of the Union Address  his body language was confident and he appeared to be highly focused and even a bit somber. His smiles were guarded.

His aim during his presentation was to try to unite the nation and in many ways he succeeded. He used the word “WE” hundreds of times throughout his speech. He was determined in his speech to let the world know that it is not about one side over the other , but that it was all inclusive. He made this point several times during his address.

Whether or not you support or like Trump, objectively speaking , his delivery was highly effective. He hyper articulated key points he wanted to make and spoke at at pace where it was easy to process all that he was saying. in order to  understand  exactly what he was trying to say.

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There was also some vocal defiance where he stuck out his jaw in an aggressive body language move when addressing controversial issues and seemed to address his opponents personally.  He even jutted his lower jaw forward as he made these significant points indicating that there was serious conviction behind what he was saying.

He  not only showed a lot of  passion in his delivery but demonstrated a great deal of compassion and sensitivity, something we have not seen in the past. The story he told about the officer who adapted the baby was done with a great deal of emotion as reflected in his inflection pattern.  He also appeared emotional when discussing Otto Warmbier and made a pledge at the end of his speech to handle North Korea in the American way to honor the student who was unjustly  accused and brutally abused on North Korean soil

The most disturbing aspect of the SOTU address was the rudeness and poor attitudes  by certain Democrats who came in to the room  with a nasty attitude and sour facial  expression  to begin with  and who didn’t even stand or even applaud for issues that were for everyone.

When she spoke about working together and serving the people the nastiest of expressions was on Nancy Pelosi who was a sourpuss throughout the entire speech.

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.When  Trump spoke about working together and serving the people the nastiest of expressions was on Nancy Pelosi who was a sourpuss throughout the entire speech.

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The same was true for Chuck Schumer. It reflected that these individuals seems to be blocked from even considering working together.

This genuine lack of respect for the office of the Presidency  was a turn off to the public . No matter what side you or on Democrat or Republican the genuine display of rudeness will no doubt cost many of these lawmakers  in their own elections as it will not sit well with the public.

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When Trump made  a positive and beneficial statement that  Black employment  was up and the entire Black Caucus  sat the stone faced, it did not sit well with many.

The fact that Ruth Bader Ginsberg didn’t show up is a travesty and makes one question her abilities to be on the Supreme Court which is supposed to be non partisan.

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The fact that congressman Luis Gutierrz walked out in the middle of the speech showed extreme rudeness and distaste. It was unacceptable

The meanness and hatred of many of  these congressmen and Senators showed during Trump’s speech was not a good role model for the country  and contributed to the divisiveness in the country, While we can agree to disagree this level of toxic vehemence was uncalled for and did turn people off in their own party.

When the speech ended and Trump shook hands he was a bit somber> there was no doubt he felt the hostility in the audience  from  his  opposition. The bottom line is that his opposition didn’t even give him a chance to hear what he had to say. He said many things that would be beneficial to them as well, yet they sat stone faced and non reactive. They didn’t clap for things that all people should clap for like working together.

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Melania was regal in her posture and demeanor. When she entered she was very careful to walk down the stairs very slowly.  When she spoke to some of he guests before the speech she showed warmth towards them. The press  made a big deal about her arriving my herself in a separate motorcade  and speculated that it has something to due with the stripper’s alleged affair with Trump. In my view this was nonsense since all First Ladies arrive first and are their well  before the President arrives.  CNN  reported that she wore white to protest her husband which is more absurd. And this is why CNN is so despised and now regarded as fake news

Not Being Political Keeps Dr. Lillian Glass Objective When It Comes to Body Language Analysis of Politicians


After doing body language analyses on political candidates for the past three decades, there was nothing more horrible for me as a professional in the area of human behavior with a specialization in body language and communication,  than to do these  analyses during this particular election season. It was  one of the absolute worst experiences I have ever encountered professionally.

The level of venomous bile and vulgar hate, ruined relationships, and even false accusations about me being biased  and “political” and pro this candidate or that candidate was astounding. There was no convincing anyone as they were on a hate tirade and only saw red. 


For those of you who know me well, you know that I absolutely detest politics of any kind.  I first encountered politics when I was a Master’s student at the University of Michigan. I observed how poorly certain professors treated certain students simply because they had an  academic advisor, (who through no fault of their own) who happened to be on the wrong side of the academic political fence  and was not in synch  the rest of the department. Those students were treated more harshly by other professors in order to get back at their disliked academic colleague and fellow professor.

At the U of Minnesota during my PhD,  I experienced it personally.  I saw the pettiness, ugliness, stupidness,  self importance and self aggrandizement  of so called intellectuals and academicians,  that it made me push myself to the limit and hurry up and get out of there and get away from these Toxic People as quickly as possible. As a result, I  finished my PhD in record time and at age  24 I had my doctoral degree.  

I also saw politics rear it’s ugly head as a post-doctoral student, where not only academic politics was rampant but now it was combined with hospital politics, thus making things more severe and brutal. Thankfully, I wasn’t involved in any of these meles. But I witnessed many who were involved and who suffered emotionally and academically in terms of their rankings and promotions. 

Then when I was a  young  very popular professor with my students,  I really saw politics up close and personal when students lined up to take my classes and to put it simply, other professors felt (for lack of a better word)a bit  jealous. I gave all my students high grades .  Apparently,  this a “no no” in academic politics, as you have to give some lower grades to balance out some type of curve,  which I refused to do. I hated all the rules and regulations. So I left academia  for good and went into my own  private practice, where I flourished.

Historically, since so many academicians know how to play politics, it is no surprise that many take their political prowess and knowledge of how to  play the game,  to a higher level and  run for office like Elizabeth Warren and Ben Carson among so many others , presently in the Senate and in the House of Representatives. 

There were NO politics in my own practice. I was in charge with no quotas and not silly rules and regulations. I LOVED ALL of my clients and patients and treated everyone with the same respect and professionalism and warmth, regardless if they  couldn’t afford my fee and were unable to pay.  I was treating these clients for free or whether they were superstars who could  easily pay the full fee . I treated those with craniofacial deformities and genetic disorders (my speciality) exactly as I treated celebrities,  world leaders, or major sports figures. 

                                   EXPERIENCE WITH POLITICS IN THE MEDIA 

As I became successful in my practice and was able to sustain a living from it, I branched out into another love I had since jr. high school- that of journalism. While I was a professor at USC, I was able to take classes for free. So I took journalism classes at the prestigious USC School of Journalism ( where I  was also gave lectures to journalism students). I learned so much there and absolutely loved it. My aim was to now combine my  vast academic, medical, psychology, human behavior ( body language and communication)  knowledge with journalism and become ( if you will a media doctor) just like I am now.  

But getting there wasn’t easy as I quickly learned. One of my professors at USC thought I had what he called “it.”He said I had the physical look, a vibrant personality, and lots of energy and would be great on camera. So he graciously called upon a television agent friend of his  who worked at the William Morris Agency to meet me.

The agent, Sid Graw, who also represented the great television host,  Tom Snyder, agreed with my professor and took me on as a client. As my agent, he quickly set up a meeting for me with an established Hollywood producer, Dave Bell, who was doing something revolutionary at the time- starting a television show on cable TV.  Dave Bell met me and thought I  that with my eclectic  background, I was a perfect fit to be the host of the show. He said not to worry as he would pair me with an experienced co-host. Together the male co-host ( Keith Berwick)  and I  met the sponsor ( Bristol Meyers) and the head of USA Network (Kay Koplovitz )where the show “Alive and Well” would be aired .  All in charge were well aware of the fact that I had no on camera experience per se, but they willing to gave me my first break on TV.  


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While Dave Bell and the production crew were great, the opposite could be said about my  co-host Keith Berwick  ( now at the Aspen Institute),  56 years old at the time,  a lantern- jawed , deep voiced, television veteran who had at one time hosted his own show on PBS.

First, he objected to my being called “Dr. Glass”  and refused to acknowledge it on air. The reason I was hired in the first place was because  of my unique  academic and professional experience  and the fact that I had Dr. in front of my name, which the producers and  the network would thought would give the show even more credibility. But Keith Berwick decided he was having none of it.

Whenever we had to do our “stand ups” together on camera, Keith made me take off my heels as he said he didn’t want me to look taller than him when I stood next to him. So there I stood, barefoot next to Keith Berwick as we introduced the show and various segments.

To make matters worse, as I was doing my interviews with guests on the show, he would stand to the side and give me dirty looks and shake his head in disgust. Needless to say, this didn’t make me feel comfortable. Instead of offering me suggestions as to how I could improve myself,  he would degrade me and tell me how awful I was. (In looking back over the tapes I really wasn’t that bad at all).

It was just that Keith Berwick as trying to make me feel bad. For some reason, this grown man felt intimidated by me- a twenty something year old at the time.  It was to the point that whenever we had lunch with the crew, he refused to sit near me. One day, I got a phone call from one of the executives of the show who told me I was no longer needed on the show. 

My agent, Sid Graw told me that Keith, who brought his PBS credibility and years of on- camera  experience to the table, said he would walk  if I had to be his co-host, he said that instead of me,  he wanted a bevy of beautiful women as co-hosts to surround him, while he would be the central figure of the show ( a la Charlie’s Angels). That was political as it could get. 

While Keith Berwick had initially  quashed my young dreams to be a media doctor, he wasn’t successful at doing so as soon I got another gig- an even better one at KABC television, the local ABC affiliate,  where I was not only a reporter, but I  had my my own psychology and self esteem segment for 5 years.

I learned so much and was mentored by the late and great television icon, Jerry Dunphy            ( whom the Ted Baxter character on the old Mary Tyler Moore Show was based on). Thankfully, Jerry was the complete  opposite of Keith Berwick.  Jerry took me under his wing and let me watch all of his interviews. When we were on set, he taught be pacing and how to speak  rhythmically and to use the teleprompter effectively, how to punch up key words when on the air.   I was there for 5  years until Cap Cites bought ABC. I loved it  there.  We were like a family- The Eyewitness News Family and everyone got along so well. Jim Moret ( Senior Reporter on Inside Edition) Larry Carroll , producer, Sue Vorgan,  so many others . There was no politics and no power trips as we all  adored one another and it showed on air. That is why were the number one station for so long.

My Toxic experience with Keith Berwick, who used his political power  at the time with the show’s executives to get his way,  made me well aware of the politics that exists in media. Thankfully I have not encountered much of it since that horrible experience with Keith Berwick. 

While I was a regular on the  Nancy Grace Show, I once again saw media  politics rear it’s ugly head with a  small- minded producer in my view,( who finally got his karmic justice and is longer in the media) Dean Sicoli. He would consistently  ban people from the show if they did other shows among other things.


Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 10.57.02 PM.pngWhat made me detest politics even more was all that I learned about it when I was dating former and late Senator Fred Thompson. I had an earful of what really goes on as he shared with me the pettiness and ugliness of what really goes on with politicians behind the scenes. He always used to say to me  that he  agreed with former President Harry Truman who said “if you want a friend in Washington- get a dog.”

I met Fred years before he became a Senator on an airplane as we were seated next to one another. I was headed to be a judge in the Miss USA Pageant while he was headed to do some legal assignment after appearing in some television show in Los Angeles. We became fast and friends and remained dear friends for years, until we were both single at the same time and then began to date one another when he was a Senator in Washington.  

 Fred went into  politics for all the right reasons. He really  wanted to contribute something valuable to his country. And truth be told,  being born under the sign of  Leo, he also loved all the attention. When we would be in DC or in Nashville and people would call him Senator Thompson,he admitted that he got a kick out of it.

But that soon wore off as the reality of being a Senator and all that it entailed wasn’t as appealing as it looked on the outside.Now that he was on the inside, Fred was not a very happy camper so to speak. As time progressed, I could  also see a  change in him. He was no longer his  happy and jovial self. Instead, politics got to him and eventually took a serious toll on his health. He dropped out of politics and went back into acting and being a spokesperson.Then he died at 72. I am convinced that politics contributed to his ill health and shortened his life, with all the stress, backbiting and hostility. 


Screen Shot 2017-02-10 at 10.54.46 AM.png When President Obama ran for office, I made some body language and communication comments as I had done with candidates throughout  the previous decades. While most  people saw my point of view, there were two females , whom I went to high school with but with whom I never associated with in high school,  who really let me have it.  Apparently they were staunch Obama supporters and took offense at what I said.

There was no reasoning with them. There was no convincing them that my blog was NOT  about politics but rather about body language and during the first debate Obama didn’t do very well as he openly admitted. I merely analyzed what went on between he and Romney during the debate.

The former high school  girls became uglier and uglier and more and more hostile towards me. Their ugliness was so blatant, that my loyal  Facebook fan base defended me against these two terrors.   But,they too,   found that they  couldn’t  reason with these ignorant women.  So I blocked these two as I had no room for such hate.

When I  learned years later, that one of the women who was  trying to organize a high school reunion had  purposely left my photo out as a  “Senior of Distinction” in her  promotion of the reunion event,  I clearly  saw the root of her toxicity as it was her obvious jealousy that reared it’s  ugly head.  



In the Trump/ Clinton this election, I was regularly accused of  being -political and biased during this election  by people who had no clue about me or my beliefs or thoughts, or why I detest politics as I have described above. Their  accusations could not have been further from the truth. It was very frustrating because no matter how many times I explained myself, there were always the ignorant who would insist I was biased and  supported one candidate over  the other.

 I simply reported what I saw and heard during the campaign trail and debates. When I said something positive about Hillary, Trump supporters let me have it and when I said something positive about Trump, Hillary supporters let me have it. There was no winning here.

I didn’t care about anything other than   how they came across, yet people tried to pin their politics on me .  I was having none of it! So I fought back defending my observations. And I have to tell you that fighting with so many people on a daily basis was beyond exhausting and depressing.  

One man whom I  adored and had known along with his super famous television icon wife whom I also adored, really laid into me one night on Facebook. Apparently, he was an avid Hillary  supporter. It was a back and forth of his hate for Trump and my defending myself that I could care less about anything other than the candidate’s speaking skills and body language. He finally got the message  and came to his senses as he  realized what I was talking about all along that had nothing to do with politics. So he apologized to me.

Even so, it left me battle scarred. It’s like someone stepping on your bare toes when they are wearing six inch heels. Even though they say they are sorry and say” excuse me”, the pain of their heel on your naked toe  does not go away so quickly. It’s the same thing with emotional pain. 



Then there were some really great Facebook friends who I really liked who were so warm and wonderful and supportive. I liked them them so much. Unfortunately for both of us, they  wrongly assumed  I supported one candidate over the other and dropped me as a friend . I still miss them. 

I didn’t drop anyone because of  who they supported. However,  I must admit that I am seeing a lot of death related posts towards Trump on one FB friend’s posts that makes me want to drop her now. While I don’t care which candidate you support  or hate ,  death fantasies and killing posts are NOT acceptable. So I will most likely drop her if she continues with her rhetoric. 

I did drop Lisa Bloom, not because she supported Hillary but because of  her political and press manipulation where she and her mother Gloria Allred  paraded so many women accusers of Trump  who were obviously having a hard time with the truth based on my observations and estimations.

I couldn’t stand this no matter who the candidate was .  When I saw her hold a presser for a woman who was clearly deceptive and  admitted she lied when she falsely accused Trump of child rape and didn’t show up at the presser I felt Lisa Bloom’s credibility was over forever as far as I was concerned. 


I actually knew both candidates and liked BOTH of them. They were always  respectful  and gracious and  warm towards me whenever we met. So I had no “dog in this fight” so to speak. I even met Bill Clinton. He had such a special knack for making one feel as though they were the only one in the room as I experienced. 




While anyone can use their public fan base to express themselves, I don’t think actors and singers have it in their best interest to do so. Their aim is to entertain and to get as many eyeballs as possible on them in order to do this.  It is a business they are in – a show business and if they alienate 1//2 their fan base they are not doing doing good” show” business. 

While many don’t care at this point like Robert Deniro and Meryl Streep who spoke at an awards ceremony about Trump and Barbara Streisand who kept interjecting Trump hate at her  $750 a person concert I attended in Los Angeles, it may  be their box office and the companies that employ them who may suffer in the long term. 


There is no question that Madonna, Ashley Judd and Sara Silverman have crossed the  line by speaking violence and hate and anarchy. It is UNACCEPTABLE and I believe they should be held accountable for what they said. Whomever speaks of blowing up the White House and having a military coup needs to be investigated and  punished in my view.

They have a lot of influence including influence over people who may not be that mentally balanced. Look at Charles Manson He didn’t actually kill anyone with his bare hands. But he  was the mastermind and the  influencer and it cost him a life behind bars.

And now for the Pope.  Pope Francis has a tremendous influence and he MUST keep his nose OUT of AMERICAN POLITICS ! He needs to focus on the horrible pedophiles who rape little innocent  children and continue to do so as we have recently discovered. He needs to take care of ALL of the issues in the Catholic church before he even utters a peep about American politics.



As I have continued to do in the media, I  will ONLY speak of Trump’s body language and NOT his politics, ideas,  goals, nor his agenda, Those issues are way out of my level of expertise. I ONLY stick to what I know and I do it accordingly. 

I will  not speak kindly or unkindly about Trump . Instead I will ONLY speak the TRUTH as I see it. I will NEVER hold back ever. I will say what I see and what I hear form ONLY my point of view as it pertains to body language and communication.




Keith Papini’s Body Language Disturbingly Odd on 20/20 Could Wife’s Alleged Kidnapping Be a Hoax?


When someone cannot make eye contact during a 6 part interview,


when they cry  alligator tears with no liquid coming out of their eyes in a 6 part interview,


when the recovery time of an alleged crying breakdown is too quick with milliseconds in length,


when someone inappropriately laughs,


and shows duping delight,


and suddenly pulls their nose.


and when I  hear:

a.  stammering,

b. too much information ( re which hands were chained and tucking in her chain on the freeway so someone would stop)

c. too many convenient  explanations     like why it would make sense for 2 women to be the abductors as opposed to 2 men when questioned by the reporter) and when

d. things  that are too coincidental ,like the balloon launch and  her conveniently re-appearing at Thanksgiving.

it makes me concerned that something about this case and this entire story is amiss. It makes me question if we have all been hoodwinked and whether this is a hoax. I am not saying it is a hoax. I am not accusing anyone of it being a hoax. I am just questioning it.

Here is why I am concerned:

  1. Thanksgiving being mentioned too many times. The fact that Keith  mentioned Thanksgiving several times ( how it was Thanksgiving day and his phone rang, and how Sherri had a conversation with law enforcement about Thanksgiving etc.)  Could this have been a hoax and a  plan by the couple for Sherri to be “released” by Thanksgiving. Maybe maybe not. Maybe it was a coincidence.

2. Seeing  the photos of the couple.


There were too many posed and professional photos like the one of him lifting her up in the air like a ballerina and her looking directly into the camera with his eyes closed, looking away from her. It is a posed photo that is disturbing to me in light of the circumstances. It shows a man who is in control of his wife as you can see in the second black and white photo where he is seen engulfing her with his arm. Are these people with bigger dreams than being a housewife and a salesperson?

3. Keith  being Too In Control. Keith was indeed was in control during the interview as he volunteered up way too much information, some which was contradictory. For instance ,Sherri is allegedly bruised and battered and fragile,  yet he is able to get on the floor with her and the kids for a family hug, which he revealed at the end of the interview. That seemed odd to me.

4. No Photo of Sheri Post Trauma.  Why wasn’t there  photo of how Sheri looked after her alleged ordeal? If she was too vain, why wasn’t  she shown in silhouette or why didn’t we just hear her voice?  Why was Keith the only one speaking for her when it was her ordeal? If she was shown perhaps more people wuld have seen for themselves what happened  to her.

5. Control Freak Keith ? The next thing that concerns  me is  Keith is way  too much in control of this situation, which may possibly indicate to many people  that  perhaps he may have had something to do with the situation. He  allegedly  doesn’t call his wife, but  instead uses an app to track her phone’s location . This indicted  to me that he may be the type of control freak husband  who  may go to extremes to track his wife. He either doesn’t trust her and has to check up on her regularly or he is a control- freak abuser type man.No matter what- this is a huge red flag to me.

6.  Phone App. He used  the phone app and said  she was at the mailbox a mile away. He said he got into HER car and drove to the mailbox. Why did he drive her car  not his car? And again why drive anywhere? Why not call her?   For someone who doesn’t bother to call his wife’s phone, he sure makes a lot of other calls like to his mom and to his kid’s daycare center. Is he calling them to set up an alibi? He called  the school to ask when Sherri picked up the kids and they told him the kids were there. Were the kids conveniently left there? Did he go get the kids immediately?  Did he feel relieved the kids were safe? He didn’t mention that. Instead, he said his family members stepped up and took care of them and he was happy they did that.

7. Selfishness?  And from the interview  I gathered he perhaps may be  a selfish type of man. He said he was glad she was found because he didn’t want to raise his kids alone without her. When asked if he was concerned the kidnappers were out there and if they could do it to someone else, he said no, he was just glad she was back. That is the wrong answer. If someone is kidnapped and returns, one has a concern that the kidnappers  are still on the loose. So that is another thing that makes me and others  question things. Also the fact that he said  NO he was wasn’t concerned was upsetting to many.

8. Sherri’s  Neatly Found Phone? He leaks out telling information as he  volunteers he wasn’t looking for a phone, he was looking for Sherri. That is odd. Wouldn’t Sherri be with her phone? Then he conveniently finds her iphone off the side of the road, with the cords neatly placed on the face of the phone. He seems to be a neat freak type of guy as we saw how neat his house looked . So if that is his pattern, did he neatly place the phone there? Also his taking a  photo of the phone is very peculiar to me personally. Was he setting up an alibi or offering proof that he had nothing to do with the alleged kidnap by “finding” her phone and talking photos to prove it? Why didn’t he wait for law enforcement to do that and to look for tire tracks or something else that may give a clue. The hair on the phone cords was also too obvious to me.It appeared like it got ripped from her head. Those cords are plastic or silicone, so hair wouldn’t usually stick to it so neatly.  Also there is  visible proof of long strands of hair on the cord and then he says her hair was cut off by the abductors. This  shows there is some charge about the hair.This may or may not be of concern.

9.  “Taken” ?  Also he keeps using the word “taken” too many times, He doesn’t say “kidnapped “or “abducted ,but” taken” To me that may be  telling. Also he never mentioned that he was concerned at her being alive or whether someone killed her. He was just concerned that she was “taken.”

10. Attention and Laughing.  He also seems to love attention as we gleaned from the interview. He smiled readily when he said he wanted the marines and a swat team to find his wife. He even laughs at this. This is very indicative of someone who may  crave attention. In addition, he said he was glad the neighbors and the “world” was looking for her. As he said this his eyebrows raised and he smiled in delight. When he said  “everyone in the  whole world is looking for her right now” he laughs like he is enjoying the notoriety that everyone in the world is looking for his wife. His laugh may have possibly indicated duping delight to me that he was thrilled the world got involved .

Also when his son asked him if he was looking for his mother, Keith treats it lightly and laughs. He makes light of it when it is not a laughing matter. In fact to a little boy, it is a very serious matter. He then says to his son “were gonna find her and get her back”. How can he be sure he is going to get her back unless he knows this for sure, or it is a set up? We don’t know this for sure.

11.  Shoulder Shrug?  He said in the interview he was ” gonna do everything he can” to find his wife, but he   shrugs his shoulders. This is often a signal of deception. Why was he shrugging his shoulders?

12.  Not Concerned if She is Dead or Alive?  Then he says something revealing in my view. He doesn’t ask is she is alive or dead . Instead he asks “is she hot,  is she cold,  are they feeding her.” Who thinks like that unless he knows that it is a “they” and not one person. Did he know the “they” he is referring to ?  Did he know what happened? Did he set it up? Did he pay for someone to torture her but not kill her?   That is just speculation . Did he know she was live? Is that why he wondered how she was being treated.? Why did he use those terms?

13. EGO? Then we see he has a pretty big ego and it also validates he may possibly  in control over Sherri as his main thought, which is off  and most revealing, is ”  I thought of her screaming my name  and me not being there.” WHAT??? If someone is kidnapped why would  you think they would be screaming your name? Is he subconsciously revealing that she may  be screaming his name because she may know he is behind this? Why would he think she was screaming his name?  It is too odd a statement to overlook.

14. Not Finishing Though About Birds?  He then says he sees birds and he is thinking of birds. He doesn’t say he saw birds and thought there may be a dead body  around the birds and that the body could be his wife. So that is very odd to  to me as well.MOst people would think of a dead body if the person was missing for so long.

14.  Relationship With Son. His relationship with his 4 year old is very disturbing. He allegedly tells his 4 year old that mommy is missing after a few weeks. A 4 year old is pretty sharp. Wouldn’t they ask and wonder where their mother was all that time? Then the cockamaymie story about the boy seeing his mother and telling her she is not supposed to cry when she is happy is absurd to me in my view. What was also telling was that  he says the boy was in his arms while she held Violet the 2 year old.I also dont buy the story that the son is looking at a poster of his missing mom with his hand on her face and tears in his eyes. A 4 year old  would have tears rolling down his face,  not tears  in his eyes. Wouldn’t he ask about mommy before a few weeks?

15. Makeshift Violet.  And speaking of Violet,  way too much information  was being revealed when Keith relayed that Sherri rolled up a rag or some cloth when she was allegedly in captivity and cradled it and called it Violet. To me that sounds indicative of a psychotic breakdown or perhaps is it something he or she made up? Who knows what really happened?

16. Defensiveness. His defensiveness is also cause for concern. Police said in the  presser , they don’t know if it is or isn’t an abduction. Keith  is defensive as he says ” I know she was taken. My family knows she was taken” as  he smiles a duping delight smile. How does he KNOW she was taken when Law enforcement isn’t sure she was taken?

17. Sister and Sister in Law. Her sister and his sister, they didn’t seem to be too emotional when discussing Sherri going missing. That may or may not seem relevant.


18. Polygraph and Nose Pulling? What was also very telling to me was that he took a polygraph. Polygraphs can be manipulated as that is why they aren’t admissible in a  court of law.Is he possibly a  sociopath as they can often beat a polygraph. He may also not be directly involved and may have convinced himself of that. But to me what was telling was when the reporter asked if during the polygraph they asked “did you have anything to do with her disappearance?” While he said no problem, he  shakes his head  and pulls his nose,  which to me indicates his autonomic nervous system is working overtime and that there is some charge on what he may or may not know.Also who did the polygraph test? What were the results? A polygraph is non infallable.

19.  Too Detailed?  He gets way too detailed as he talks about her taking off  the bag over her head and having no idea where she was, shrugging his shoulders as he says this. Also how was she so close to a freeway?  I wondered how she knew the freeway was nearby. He then says she screamed so hard she coughed up blood. That would be the opposite. You wouldn’t be able to speak if you screamed so hard . Coughing up blood may be due to lung issues or intestinal issues  or may be due to her starving for 22 days. In working with so many people with vocal conditions too much screaming results in a loss of voice not blood.

20. Making It About Him. As he talks about her bumps and bruises and her losing 15 percent of her body weight he says he hugged her for 20 minutes and then felt nauseous. Again he makes it about him- his nausea at looking at her.He should not have said this as if she sees this it will make her feel worse than she already must be feeling.

21. Vague about Branding .Also he was very vague about the branding and until pressed by the reporter he wanted everyone to assume it was on her face but later admitted it wasn’t on her face, when he was essentially called on it.What wasn’t he upfront about it?

22.  Slow Speech. What also was telling was that he was searching for words when he said very very slowly  “it made me sick that there are people out there who could do  do something like this” all said with non-tears.

23.  Hispanics Wearing Masks for 22 Days. What else is suspicious to me is that there was a black SUV and one woman had curly black hair while the other had straight black hair with some gray in it and bushy eyebrows as their faces were always covered. I don’t buy that. They had covered faces for 22 days? No way.  And  to boot they didn’t speak English. Apparently they cut off her hair. Why would they do that unless there was a personal vendetta. It is way too personal an act. Also wouldn’t they feed her to keep her alive so they could get money for her?  Wouldn’t they show some compassion if she was a mother, especially if they were mothers or the 2 Hispanic women were mother and daughter.  How come they didn’t kill her?  Could the truth be that there were no Hispanic women?

24.Too Quick Answer for Being 2 Women Opposed to 2 Men.  He also has too quick an answer when he says it makes sense that his wife would go with two women who asked for help as opposed to two men. If she didn’t see their faces , how were these women driving with a bandana or a mask? Why would Sherri offer to  help or get into their car if she never saw their faces. Then these women allegedly drove 2 1/2 hours and she never sees their faces then or afterwards for for 22  days. This makes me even more suspicious. Is this a hoax?

based on my body language and communication observations I question a lot of things. Are they both in on it or she did it alone? If she did it , was to get back at her control-freak husband?  Was it  a cry for help on her part.? And yes she could have chopped off her own hair, starved herself, punched herself ( like the women who was going to falsely accuse her rich husband of beating her when surveillance camera revealed she was beating herself) or  perhaps punched herself using the chain she had with her, and could have even branded herself or she could have gotten the brand earlier  before she was allegedly abducted.  These are possibilities. If they are in this together then  was it  for a shot at their 15 minutes of fame and fortune?

A. If it was sex traffickers they wouldn’t want a 30 something year old woman and they wouldn’t starve her, beat her ,or cut her hair off in my view. Otherwise who would have sex with her in that condition?  They would release her somewhere when they discovered she was too old and it would be immediately not 22 days later in my view.

B. If it was female sex offenders they usually don’t go for older women. They go for teen boys or girls.  There was also no mention of her being around a male so there was no male sex offender in the mix. While sex traffickers are  known to brand their victims, did she brand herself or paid to be branded like people are paid to be pierced,  before she was allegedly “taken.” Maybe the branding was thrown in to point fingers to sex traffickers and get people to not think about it being a hoax. Again this is speculation but food for thought.

C.  No one asked for sex, money, and no one died  so is this  manufactured?

There also people who are severely mentally ill who  create such scenarios. Remember the runaway bride? Remember that Tawyana Brawley? They  all said  they were beaten and treated horribly when in fact they did it to themselves.

Could all of this high drama kidnapping  be a ploy from the couple to make them famous and to get money?  Keith in the interview certainly got off on the fame part and people knowing  about them and the “world: looking for her as he revealed in his delighted smile.

Were they  paid for the interview ( directly or indirectly)?  So maybe that is what happened.  Maybe not. Nothing else makes sense to me in this case. It is all very confusing.

I hope and pray that it is not a hoax. If it is not a hoax I hope they catch the people that kidnapped her. If it is a hoax then it is a terrible shame.

I also want to say I am not accusing Keith or Sherri of anything. I am not accusing them of this being a hoax. I am merely asking questions which perhaps many people who saw Keith’s performance on 20/20 might ask.
















Jodi Arias Mother’s Body Language Shows Disrespect in the Courtroom and Hostility Towards Jodi


Jodi Arias’s mother sits each day in the courtroom with another woman who looks similar to her. The reason they look so similar is that they are twin sisters.

But what these twins are doing in the courtroom is not helping Jodi. They are laughing and chucking with one another as though they are sharing inside jokes. This is very disrespectful  and is not helping Jodi in terms of jury perception.

The rest of the time her mother is looking non reactive or hostile as she gazes ahead to look at Jodi. Juries do look at family members. They see how family members react , if they are present , and how they behave.

The mother doesn’t look over at Jodi with any loving look. When there are salacious sexual details out of Jodi’s mouth as the camera pans to her, there is no emotional reaction. It is a though she is watching paint dry on a wall.

The only emotional reaction is when she is laughing with her sister. Does she think this trial is a big jok?. Or is she secretly happy Jodi finally got what she deserved for  possibly being such a bad daughter in her view. Ther eis clearly some deep seated hostility between them.

There does not seem to be any love lost between the two of them. Perhaps  her mother is angry for Jodi for either revealing the family  beating secrets or  for lying about  being beaten by her mother.

In the courtroom  Jodi said how she was severely beaten as a child by  both her mother and father as she said “ Life was ideal up until I was aged seven. Parents would spank us and around seven-years old it started getting more intense.”

Just as a note most abusive parents dont start spanking at age 7. They do it way before that time, so this statement seems like a lie to me.

Then Jodi continues, ‘My dad started using a belt.My mom began to carry a wooden spoon on her purse.”It was a wooden kitchen spoon and if we misbehaved she would use it on my brother and I, she would hit us hard with it.’It left welts on my body.“Dad didn’t leave welts as often as my mom – she also used a belt. “

In my view this last statement was way too much information about her dad and the welts which also make me question how truthful she was being. Also belts leave welts so one again she appears to me to be lying.

Then Jodi adds, My dad was quite intimidating so didn’t need to use strength to get his point across. My mother did.’

Now here is where it is very revealing concerning Jodi and her mother’s relationship. Jodi was asked in court if she loved her mother, She  took a pause and quietly responded, ‘yes’.

That quiet yes, and the pause says it all. It shows  ambivalence. It wasn’t a loud yes or a yes that could be heard but a quiet yes. It spoke  loud volumes about their relationship.

Jodi a;sp talked at length about the relationship she had with her parents growing up and claimed she was subjected to beatings.

‘They were intense and increased in frequency as I got older,’ Jodi  said. ‘I don’t recall how many times a week but it could be any thing from four times a week to once every two weeks.‘I didn’t like being hit so I would squirm around a little but the more we did the harder we would get hit.

 ‘My mother broke my brother’s hand once when he tried to block one of her blows. As I got into a teenager, my dad would get rougher and rougher.

So here is where she contradicts herself regarding the beatings. First she says her dad was just intimidating anf didn’t need to use strength to get his point across and then she says he got rougher and rougher.

She added: ‘When I was younger I remember feeling betrayed and confused that my mother was beating me.’As I got older it made me mad and I didn’t get why she was punishing me. I was mad at her and it hurt. I loved her but it put a strain on our relationship.”

Her adding I loved her was once again too much information and when she used the word BUT and said it put a strain on their relationship, it clearly shows her ambivalence towards her mother.  The she goes on to say

‘My dad never beat me with his fist – he would just shove me into furniture and the piano, tables, desk, chairs, whatever was around. One time I even passed out. This was when I was 16 or 17. Not as often with my dad as with my mom. If I did something to upset them it would happen. Sometimes I got grounded. I loved my father even when he was beating me.’

Again this contracts what she said earlier about her father not using force to make his point. So now we she he used so much force that Jodi passed out. Again it appears to me that she is lying. When she said  I loved mu father– it was in the past tense which is significant as well. It also showed her ambivalence that she loved her father even when he was beating me.”

She then  told the packed courtroom that the beatings continued throughout high school. She also stated  that one night she snuck out at night with friends and when her parents woke up and found out, she said her father hit her across the face, knocking her to the ground.

Once again it shows how she lied earlier about her father not using force. Knocking someone to the ground takes a lot of foce.

Following the end of the relationship with a young man Jodi moved in with, she said that she moved in with her grandparents after she broke up with the boyfriend  because she did not want to return to the abusive atmosphere of her parents’ house.

While Jodi is full of lies, this may be something that may ring true. She may have had problems with her parents for whatever reason.

The one thing that we have seen for sure is that there is no loving relationship between Jodi and her mother.

When  Jodi’s mother isn’t busy laughing with her sister or having no visible facial reaction to Jodi, she is taking copious notes- maybe she’s keeping a journal as well.


Perhaps the mother  is plannig to write a tell all book telling us how awful Jodi was as a daughter, what a liar she wall all her life and how she  lied about being hit by her as this mother  cashes in on her daughter’s infamy.

Jodi Arias’ Body Language- Her Cockiness, Newly Resonant Voice and Smug Facial Expressions May Make her A Dead Woman Walking


I have held off on writing about Jodi Arias until I had something significant to say. But  after watching  her on the stand  for eight days  and listening to her sickeningly sweet phony vocal tones and watching one signal of deception after another I have something to say. Today the REAL Jodi showed up on the stand and I am here to talk about it. .

I have always said in my books that you MUST  beware of anyone that has a sickening sweet soft spoken voice, where  you can barely hear them at times. I have said they are phonies  and  you must RUN because there is a lot of built up anger and hostility that this type of voice pattern masks. Now here is  living proof  of what I have been talking about in the Jodi Arias trial. She went from meek mouse tone to roaring lion tone as she displayed cockiness and anger toward the prosecutor.

This is Not good for her because juror swill clearly see the REAL Jodi as they


will get a glimpse of her anger and what she must have been like around Travis. They will see how she could turn on him on a dime. They can now see her anger up close and personal.


The jury also  also saw her lying first hand. Prosecutors had her hold her up her hand. Her finger was bent . She said it got that way months before Travis’ death as he abused her.


Then the prosecutor showed a photo of her after Travis was killed and the hand was not  bent. It was a photo taken allegedly months after he beat her.

She sat there and LIED in front of everyone that her finger was bent. There was no way her finger was bent as anyone with eyes could see that.  This is yet another nail in her coffin towards the death penalty.

The prosecutor asked her about her memory and when it fails he and she look aways and said “Usually when men like you are screaming






at me or grilling me or someone like Travisdoing the same.

That was a BAD move on Jodi’s part as she just lost her “sympathy” vote from any of the jurors who are gullible enough to have previously fallen for her poor me victim testimony.

Her nasty retort was anything but victim like. It was a dig at the prosecutor  and it  will in my estimation but another nail in her coffin.


Then he asks so that affects your memory. Her she shows DUPING DELIGHT where there is a  slight smile on her face as she says “Yes that makes my brain scramble.”

Her slight smile which leaked out showed she was happy she felt she got a dig into the prosecutor and compared him to Travis. But what this stupid woman doesn’t realize is that it may have cost her  her life . It  may have angered jurors that she painted the prosecutor with the same brush she painted Travis. The jurors saw how he asked her  simple question about her memory and now she took it to a level  of  indirectly accusing the prosecutor of verbally abusing her.


Her  smiling during  the prosecution’s questioning is not good either. There is NOTHING to smile about when a man has been brutally  killed  like Travis was and when her life is on the line. Jurors will pick that up and it will be a turn off to them. Perhaps she has been conditioned by others that her smile gets her what she wants. But it certainly won’t be the case here. Her smile for the first time in her life will work against her.

Will Jodi die by lethal needle?  Usually  it is reserved for people who have  killed  their children or spouses  or a both, or a parent,  in Arizona like the three women  who are already on death row there.  Each of these women also sought to benefit financially from the death where Jodi did not. So Jodi’s cases a little different in that regard.

However given the brutality of the murder that the jurors  were forced to see, Jodi’s lies from the past and witnessing her lies right in front of their eyes with regard to her finger, her smugness, and her belligerent attitude with the prosecutor, Jodi Arias may very well be joining these three woman.

It is a myth that because a woman is pretty she won’t get the death sentence.One woman who was on death row and  executed in Texas was quite beautiful and could pass as a Kardashian with her long brown hair, dark eyes, olive skin, and pretty features.

All three women who are on  Arizona’s death row are attractive. So it  shows that looks really don’t  matter these days as far as the death penalty is concerned.

Actually Jodi is doing all she can to not be attractive with her greasy hair limp hair, no makeup, and glasses in her attorney’s or a jury consultant’s misguided coaching to have her not look like a sexy bombshell she looked like in the photos with Travis.

Was Travis and angel? Far from it! Was he a hypocrite with regard to his Mormon religion which doesn’t believe in premarital sex. Yes. Was he a jerk in that he used  Jodi for sex and wanted to marry a decent Momon girl. Yes. Did he give her mixed messages? You bet . But did he deserve to die in such a brutal way? No way!

If the man was wet and naked it made him even more vulnerable and juror will pick that up. Even if he did get mad at her for dropping the camera  and she claims she killed him in self defense. It was OVERKILL which means she despised him and most likely planned this attack at one point or another.  Maybe it was a fantasy that ran through in her mind from time to time for how awful he treated her. But the fact that she executed it with such force  shows the built up anger and hate she was harboring towards him.

That leads me back to her voice. The voice mirrors what goes on in your head and your heart as Galen the Greek philosopher once said. Jody hand a lot of rage and anger in her heart and it was clearly mirrored in her voice until it was unleashed today by the prosecutor.

Adam Lanza’s TOXIC Mother is To Blame For Sandy Hook Shootings


Now that we have processed the fact that twenty babies have died in an unnecessary act of violence, our emotions have turned to anger. With anger comes blame as many have spoken out about who they blame.

While the President and others have  blamed  assault weapons as the culprit and others blamed the  government for not having enough mental health programs, I put the blame where it belongs, on the mother. That’s right. Forget political correctness of not blaming the parents for their children’s actions. I strongly believe that this mother Nancy Lanza’s actions and non actions created this nightmare.

This Toxic mother’s denial, paranoia about doomsday, and her irresponsible behavior  ultimately caused 20 innocent  precious babies their lives and killed the hearts of anyone who knew these children, including their parents.


Adam Lanza was said to be suffering from Ausberger’s Syndrome- a form of autism along with many other behavioral and personality issues according to reports. But in my view it was not the Ausbergers syndrome that made him commit this heinous act.

In fact the medical examiner agrees with my line of thinking in that he consulted with the U of Connecticut’s genetics division to see if there was any identifiable genes that could explain this  this young man’s action.

Even if there is a genetic component found to Adam Lanza’s makeup that lead him to kill innocent people, my feelings are that it was exacerbated by the environment he was living in and  the actions of his mother .

As many have described him, he had issues relating to others, however one high school acquaintance described Adam Lanza  as being compassionate when that acquaintance was going through his own issues. So obviously that indicates that Adam was a very high functioning person with Ausperber’s syndrome. It shows that he knew right from wrong and had feelings towards others.

Adam was also said to have been very bright as he  attended college at the age of 16 and was a computer whiz. Evidence of his computer knowledge could be seen when the FBI and others could not fix the hard drive of his computer which he smashed.


This act alone shows me that this was a calculated act. He knew exactly what he was going to do and wanted to leave no trace of himself behind. The act of killing his mother while she was defenseless in her sleep speaks volumes. It reflects his deep deep hatred of her. Obviously he felt she was a negative controlling influence in his life when she was awake, so while she slept, he was the one on control over her life. He also preyed on others who  were defenseless – children.

He not only wanted to eradicate his mother, but anything associated with his mother such as her two “friends”- the high school principal and the school therapist, whom he shot and killed.

His anger towards his mother was not an overnight thing. There is no doubt she witnessed his rage towards her on a regular basis. In fact it must have become so bad that she apparently wanted to have him institutionalized and made legal steps to do so. This obviously didn’t sit well with her troubled son.


Her steps  at seeking help for her son were too little too late. She  no doubt must have spent her entire life with him in denial and the result of that was that she was shot in the face at close range by her enraged son.

The woman was apparently a survivalist. That is why she kept an arsenal of guns around herself and kept herself isolated. She didn’t share her feelings about her son with others. Instead she kept her son’s issues a secret and paid the ultimate price.

There is no doubt that her son who was with her 24/7 and had little or  no  productive outside interests, picked up on her paranoia that the world was coming to an end  or that there would be impending disaster to the point that she she had to have ammunition and  extreme firearms to defend herself.

It was reported according to the agents form the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, that the mother took her son to local firearm ranges to practice shoot their assault weapons.

This information is devastating. How can a mother allow a severely troubled son who has no doubt shown fits of rage from time to time, to even get near a gun?

How could she allow him to play with violent video and war games as officials have discovered. In fact FBI investigator Robert Paquette reported

“Many of these games are very, very violent. I can’t help but believe these can affect the minds of someone unbalanced.”

Apparently the mother did mention to an acquaintance that she was involving her son with firearms in order to teach him responsibility. This is obviously misguided thinking.

If she wanted to teach him responsibility, she needed to get him a pet hamster or a dog and make him responsible to feeding them, not give him firearms.

What is very telling is that her older 24 year old  son Ryan  had not been in touch with his mother for years. Perhaps their estrangement had something to do with the way she lived her life and isolated herself and her younger son.

But perhaps the most telling thing of all is that according to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, in Farmington, Connecticut was that neither her eldest son, 24 year old  Ryan Lanza  or no other family member had yet come forward to claim her body and the body of her troubled son Adam.

This lack of identifying and picking up her mutilated body shows that her family including her ex husband Peter Lanza, speaks volumes in that he  essentially  holds her as well as his own son Adam accountable for the deaths of these innocent children.

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May these 20 little souls rest in peace forever.

Obama was NOT Being Rude or Disrespectful to Newly Elected Mexican President Nieto



I did a radio interview with Dan Cruz on Clear Channel radio who was concerned about the allegations by the press that Obama was rude to newly elected President of Mexico  Edgar Pena Nieto when he recently visited the White House.

I assured Mr. Cruz that this was NOT the case. President Obama was NOT being rude to the new President of Mexico. In fact Obama actually appeared to like President Nieto as indicated by Obama’s body language.

It shows that there are too many armature body language experts out there and over zealous journalists looking for a story and trying to make a mountain out of a molehill as they misinterpret body language and communication signals.

While it is true that Obama didn’t initially look directly at Neito when he spoke to him at the press conference, it did not mean that he didn’t like Nieto. The fact that Obama’s legs and toes were pointed in Neito’s direction showed that he did indeed like the newly elected President of Mexico.

His not looking at Nieto while speaking could have been attributed to the fact that he was looking and speaking directly to the translator as you can see in the photo above.

 When Obama spoke you could see that he appeared to be absolutely exhausted based on his facial appearance and body demeanor. The fact that he was slunched over and  reported to be “too casual”  in his meeting with Nieto by critics may be explained as mere exhaustion as you can see int he photo above.

There were several occasions where Obama looked down and appeared to be ready for a nap rather than a meeting. And who can blame him after a grueling Presidential race that was neck and neck. 

AS Obama listened to what he said in English translated back into Spanish  by the interpreter it appeared that he had his mind elsewhere as you can see int his photo. While he does not face President Neito directly at this point , you can see how his crossed leg does point in Nieto;s direction. Neito not he other hand is listing intently to the translation.

But when Nieto speaks it is  different story. Obama has direct eye contact with him and listens intently. Obama is   also often seen nodding his head in agreement when Neito speaks. Obama’s body is turned towards Nieto as though he is open and receptive to him.

So once again, it goes to show you that you can’t always believe what you read or what you see for that matter unless you understand the nuances of body language analysis.If you can’t to lean the nuances I suggest you get my latest book on amazon called  The Body Language Advantage which gives away all my body language reading secrets.


Lindsay Lohan’s Body Language In Liz and Dick Was Wooden with Monotone Voice


Lindsay Lohan may have been a precocious  child actress who made scenes seem believable when she appeared in Parent Trap and Freaky Friday. However, as an good adult actress in  her Liz and Dick performance, she needs a lot of work in the acting department in my view . Her performance was one dimentional,  stiff and mechanical in most places. It was devoid of natural emotion which made the lines she recited unbelievable .

In other places when she did invoke emotion, it was completely over the top. In fact her facial expression and fake tears were so over the top in places that it looked comical. . It as like watching a beginning actress perform  her first role .’’

The lack of vocal inflection amplified the wooden performance. There was also  no chemistry between her and the fellow who played Richard Burton  There was way too much kissing for so little chemistry on screen. This made it very uncomfortable for the viewer to watch.

In my view, Lindsay has  clearly lost her  acting “chops”.   It is no wonder why. Acting is not like riding a bicycle where you can get on and ride after decades of not riding. Acting , like it does for athletics, requires steady practice and skill. She may have been a natural actress as a  child. But as an adult she needs practice,  skill and  formal training. It is a different ball game for a child actress and an adult actress. She simply does not have the skills and it showed.

Instead of spending years in courtrooms and in the tabloids she needed to spend them in an acting class so that she would never have done such a sloppy over the top and wooden performance as she did in the suicide scene which turned out to be comical.


She clearly relied on cigarettes as props in almost every scene. It was an acting crutch. The focus was on the cigarette and not on her. Yes we got that people of that era smoked but not all the time.




Besides the mechanical acting which any beginning actress could have performed in my view, her speech pattern also did not lend itself to being credible. She was sloppy in her cadence and did not articulate her words.

Also several times in the script she used the term “screwed” as a  colloquialism. This

term was not part of the slang back in the 1960’s. No one used the term “screwed. ”For this gaffe I blame the writers .  I also blame the writers on their lame dialogue. No one speaks like they wrote. It was awful. Lindsay’s monotonous uninflected  delivery of these awful lines didn’t help matters either.

Elizabeth Taylor had impeccable diction and Lindsay’s rapid paced delivery of her lines destroyed the illusion of Elizabeth Taylor.




Whenever she laughed in various scenes  you could hear  breathiness and a raspiness. It sounded like a smokers laugh. It was not pleasant to  hear.

The quality of her  voice is also of concern to me as a former voice and speech consultant who worked with countless actors to help heal their vocal pathologies.

Her voice is hoarse and husky. It does not fit the voice pattern of a 20 something young woman. It makes her sound considerably older and harsher.  This voice quality if often  heard when there is  vocal pathology often associated with too much drinking , or smoking or drugging and misuse of the voice.

When people sound like that on a consistent basis it can often  be a sign of  a physical issue from vocal nodules, vocal polyps,  contact ulcers on the vocal folds to even throat cancer. Now I am not saying Lindsay has throat cancer. I am saying that with an voice like that,  she desperately needs to see an ear nose and throat physician for a major medical checkup.


While I take pity on Lindsay for her Toxic parents who  constantly appear to “sell her down the river “ in order to get publicity  for themselves by taking from their daughter’s limelight, ,the public is not so forgiving when it comes to acting.

Countless  actors have Toxic families but it doesn’t interfere their acting. In my view, her family issues  clearly have clearly  affected her acting skills. She needs to spend  every day in acting class or with a private acting coach to get some skills if she wants to be a serious actress . Most important f all she needs in invest in  a voice and speech coach.

Romney Sweats And Gains Control As Obama Swallows Hard And Shows Attentiveness

As they entered the stage ,both  candidates looked more friendly towards one another then they have before. They both had  more genuine smiles. They did the power handshake where they grab one another’s arm as they shake hands, just as they di in all three debates.

When we first see  Romney, he  appears nervous as there is sweat on his upper lip  and on his cheeks as he begins the debate. However, he is fluid and  passionate in his tone .

Obama  on the other hand displays his nervousness through his more stacatto  sounding speech pattern as he as he answers the first question. He also uses a thumb gesture   which makes no sense as he enumerates his points.

When Obama speaks for Romney,  Romney gets upset but smiles a tense smile and is fidgets  as he defends himself.  Then when Romeny speaks he shows a powerful presence as he says ” Attacking me is not an agenda. He speaks up for himself and doesn’t allow Obama to interrupt him or to misquote him.

For the first time Romney makes a frowning facial  gesture as Obama speaks which expresses how negatively he feels about what Obama has to say concerning Syria. When Obama responds he sounds defensive. He  still speaks for Romney instead of speaking for himself. Obama stammers  and is very stacatto and goes off on tangents in his response while Romney is more fluid and fluent in his response .  

Also Romney’s posture is more powerful looking with his more squared shoulders as opposed to Obama who’s neck is forward and shoulders more rounded. Obama’s posture  appears to be a more submissive body language posture.

Romney is very passionate and emotional in his tone and delivery. When he gets to the point and mentions  Israel and Poland and how the President was silent during the Iranian uprising

,Obama is very uncomfortable about this and swallows hard as you see his visible swallow. Obama doesn’t address these particular issues but circumvents as he speaks about other issues.

He shows anger by making a fist as he finishes his statement. Romney defends himself well as he enumerates and passionately discuses his five point program. Romney  passionately defends himself well when discussing education.

Obama tries to interrupt and Romney refused to allow him and told Obama that he had his facts wrong when Obama said the program happened before he was in office. Out of character, Obama seems to  follow in Biden’s shoes as he  smiles while Romney discusses the military.

Uncharacteristic the  Romney we have seen in the two previous debates, he now   makes a  second frowning gesture as Obama discusses the military. As Romney rattles off  statistics about the military Obama  swallows hard. He responds by putting Romney down by making a reference to bayonettes as he attempts to portray Romney as being out of date.

Body language wise, as Obama  says Israel is a true friend, but surprisingly slightly shakes his head no.

When Romney discusses  Obama’s “Apology Tour” Obama squirms and there is  obvious tension around his jaw. As he disusses how a President having to show strength Obama shows nervousness and swallows hard.  In his response Obama looks down and stammers. When Romney tells how Obama traveled to the Middle East and how  skipped Israel and how everyone noticed Obama didn’t respond directly. Instead, he circumvented and talked about how he went to the Holocaust museum when he was campaigning.

Romney refuses to answer a hypothetical question which shows his power and control.  Romney is   direct in discussing how Democratic senators wanted Obama to reduce tension with Israel. Obama ignores this and speaks about Bin Laden and uses an emotional story about a little girl who lost her father during 911.

When Romeny speaks Obama appears to be very attentive and genuinely interested in what Romeny has to say. In his final statement,

In his final statement, Obama Looks into camera which is good. The  Pitch of voice goes up lots of extraneous movement showing tension and nervousness. He is more fluid in his speech than he usually is and does not hesitate like he usually does. But he uses too many gestures which are distracting , many which are incongruent with what he is saying. He points at the end which is not good and also he frowns throughout his message.

In Romney’s final statement, he looks directly  into the camera. His expression is positive and encouraging. He doesn’t gesture that much and when he does his gestures maje sense in terms of being congruent with what he is saying. He has a more pleasant expression. He is more passionate in his tone and inflection as well as in his facial expression. His posture was strong and confident  with shoulders squared and head up.


This was by far the best performance by Obama and a continuation of  a great performance by Romney, I would say that both candidates held theit own. Unlike the last debate, it  was more comfortable  to see a non angry Obama who was more poised and in control. It was also good to see a passionate and inflected Romney. They should both be proud of their performances.

Obama Copies Romney’s Style From First Debate But Displays Visible Anger as Both CandidatesLook Like Boxers In The Ring

Perhaps the most shocking aspect of this Presidential debate was when the two men were on the podium literally circling one another and walking around one another as though they were in a boxing match. It was a tense moment and very uncomfortable to watch, especially for two grown men who were running for President.

Besides this unleashing of physical  tension and obvious anger, there was the bickering where one candidate called the other out and spoke of his policy while the the other defended himself.

Before the debate this was one of the  key rules- that no one will speak on behalf of the other. But that rule was quickly broken.  It was only when  one of the men quoted or misquoted the other, that tentions rose and that resulted in hostility both verbally and nonverbally.

Another rule which was broken, but not by the candidates was that there would be no split screen. I thought this was wrong as the public was entitles to see how the candidates acted when they were in listening mode. In fact I objected to the no split screen policy when I appeared on CNBC earlier in the day.

The broken split screen rule actually gave a few points to Obama as you could see that he was a good student.

He copied everything  Romeny did in the first debate with the exception of showing several signals of anger. It was as though Obama read all of my comments and suggestions in the Associated Press interviews I have been doing  on these debates and took heed.

First  of all, he looked directly at Romeny when Romney spoke even though he did leak out a scarastic laugh or two and purse his lips in anger and lunge forth from his seat on several occasions.

Secondly, at the beginning of the debate he enumerated points-  number one, number two and number three,  just like Romney did throughout his first  debate.

And finally he looked at Romeny with his chin up  with a slight smile and an open eyed look, just as Romeny looked at him during the first debate.

Obama came out on the stage with a swagger and self  confidence in his walk and demeanor as did Romney.

They both gave one another that  standard “Power Hug: where they grabbed one another’s arms as they shook hands. They were both calm as they said hello o=to  the audience and waved .

But as soon as they exhibited this  warm cordiality,  they quickly turned on one another body language wise .

It was interesting to observe the two men as they sat in their chairs in the identical pose with one knee up and the other on the ground as though they were mirror images of one another. But the one telling thing about their pose was that  they both leaned away from one another as though they are repulsed by one another.

Romeny was off to a shakier start  at the beginning as he didn’t look directly  at or  personally address  the  first young man who asked the first  question. Obama on the other hand, was more personable during the interchange with the young man and with other people who asked questions.

But that all changed during the debate  continued, as Romney became more personable and more passionate seemed to speak directly to those asking him questions.While it was more of Obama’s form to walk around and speak directly to the people. Romney became  more at ease with this form  as the debate continued.

In the middle of the debate one could easily see that  both candidates met their stride. They were extremely passionate and both showed inflection and a wide range of emotion when they spoke.

However, Obama showed uncharacteristic  signs of anger throughout the debate. It was as though someone coached him to let it all out for the first time in his career. Prior to this we have see Obama as unflappable-” cool as a cucumber” as he has often been described. But here was  a different  Obama who could be seen unleashing his anger as he tightened his jaw, and pointed his finger and scowled.

He even kept lunging out of his seat on numerous occasions as you can see here, which was uncharacteristic of his behavior  which we have seen in the past.It looked awkward.

Romeny showed anger as well, especially when Candy Crwoley did not allow him to make his points.

Candy Crowley  was by far the worst moderator from a number of points of view. Mainly, she showed consistent  favoritism to the President by not allowing Romney to make his point.  Even her tone of voice was different when she spoke to the President as opposed to speaking to Romney.

This  clearly frustrated Romney on several occasions as he awkwardly stood on the stage like an embarrassed school child in front of the mean school teacher.

At one point it looked like the two candidates were in a boxing ring as opposed to a Presidential  debating stage as they literally danced around one another, the verbal boxing continued soon after this exchange. Obama’s lip pursing verified his intense anger while Romeny could’t even look at him . They resembled two angry alpha lions circling one another before tearing into each other’s flesh.


From a body language point of view, they were both open with their gestures and with their thoughts and words. Their voices didn’t waiver. Their up and down inflection mirrored their passions.But Obama was clearly not used to inflicting his voice and it showed.

When speaking for Romeny who said repeatedly that he had a Five Point Plan to offer, Obama contentiously accused him of only having a One Point Plan, But as he said this the pitch of his voice went up. It was as though he knew he was marking up the wrong tree and his voice let him know it.. When Obama was angry it was not uncommon to hear the pitch of his voice go up like a school boy.

Whenever the two of them spoke about the other’s policies that is when they  both got into trouble and stimulated animosity and aggression in one another.

Obama was in this for the fight of his political life as he transformed from the wussy debater he appeared to be in the first debate into a scrappy fighter in this second debate.

But  wasn’t pleasant to watch. Whomever coached Obama, coached him wrong. Obama both  looked and sounded awkward as this was not the man whom we have come to know over the past four years. His behavior in last night’s debate was as though he was trying on a different personality and it didn’t work.

From a body language point of view  I believe that both candidates won becuase of their passion and communication delivery .

However, on the same breath I can also say that both candidates  also lost because of their unleashed anger and visible hostility which was uncomfortable to watch. It was undignified and Unpresidential on BOTH of their parts.


It was clear that these two candidates cannot stand one another . This photo speaks volumes. Even though they are supposed to be two adults shaking hands to express respect their body language with Romeny’s tense and phony smile , his turning  away from Obama and his literally giving Obama the cold shoulder says to all.

Feelings are certainly  mutual for Obama as you can see his tense pursed lips as he looks down and clenches his hand in a fist like position.

For  Presidential debate  number three we need to see two dignified gentleman expressing their own policies and  passionately speaking for themselves, not for one another. We do NOT need to see this awful spectacle anymore.