Body Language Shows Otto Warmbier Did Not Steal Banner and Was Used by North Korea to Teach USA a Lesson About Their Cruelty As He Returns in A Coma and Dies

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There is nothing more  tragic  than what happened to  22 year young college student Otto Warmbier who had a beautiful future ahead of him.  He has died of a brain injury where the oxygen was cut off to his brain and the brains cells began to degenerate leaving him essentially a vegetable.North Koreans said he was in a coma for a year because of botulism ( the same thing botox is made of) and that he took s sleeping pill. Doctors in the US who examined his comatose body thoroughly and  said there was no trace of botulism but that his air supply was cut off causing the brain damage.

The propaganda by the North Koreans was that he stole a banner. They gave some cockamaimie reason that Warmboer did it for the church and on a $200 bet. This is ridiculous according to his father Fred Warmbier in that he wasn’t a member of the church and certainly did not need $200 to win a  bet. That sounds like something a naive Korean propagandist would make up.

As we learn more and more about Otto we see he was a super bright young man who never even had a fight. he was not a trouble maker.

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After again reviewing the tapes of his allegedly stealing a banner, in light of what we know of Otto, I have doubts that he did so.  It seems very mechanical and staged. It is my view that perhaps he was made to do this by the North Koreans, who then filmed him. I believe he was singled out because of his height. he was the only one in the group who could easily reach the banner and take it down.

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Look at the photo of him with some of his fellow students who were on the trip with him in North Korea. Observe his height and his presence.

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Now look what Warmbier does with the banner. he places it down on the ground. To me that seems odd. If he was planning to steal it he would not have put it on the ground in a mechanical methodical way. Instead he would have folded it under his arm and quickly walked away. But that is not what happened

From what we know, he was a very intelligent young man and has never been in trouble or even had a fight according to his father. Usually when people steal banners or commit acts of vandalism they don’t do it quietly. They do it in the presence of others as a form of showing off. His walk is too mechanical for this to be anything other than a staged attempt in my view by the North Koreans to show he did something wrong.

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His apology was a performance  as his father admitted in his presser.   But nevertheless he was in sheer terror as he did what he was supposed to do- apologize for his act which no doubt the North Koreans staged.  His praying above was real and his face shows he is in terror. As he looks up to pray to God he says ” Save this poor innocent scapegoat.” He is in essence telling us that he was used as a scapegoat by the Koreans to show how bad the Americans are and to detain him and punish him as a symbol of punishing the US.

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Look at his face. he is in anguish. He knows exactly what will happen and he is devastated.

Screen Shot 2017-06-19 at 8.56.00 PM.pngHe bows down not only as a symbol of “apology” to the North Koreans that he was forced to make, but also in resignation of his fate.

Screen Shot 2017-06-19 at 8.58.56 PM.pngHe did what the North Koreans told him to do and made a public apology which he read and which the North Koreans, no  doubt wrote for him to say. In this photo you can see the script that he was no doubt forced to read.  His father said that he was proud of his son’s performance as that is exactly what it was. Look at Warmbier in this photo. He is alert and his skin tone is flush and his eyes are open and bright.


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As he apologies he is in tears as he is forced to say what never happened and apologizing for something he was told to do by the North Koreans. Look at his right wrist , To me it looks bruised as though he was placed into tight handcuffs.

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As he stands up and realizes he will be going into a hard labor camp, the realization hits him hard and he is in mental and emotional agony.

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As soon as Warmbier is taken out of the courtroom his skin tone has changed. He is more pale. he is subdued as though he may have been given a shot or a pill to calm him down as  he is dragged by these two North Korean enforcers and Warmbier can barely stand on his feet. He can barely walk.

Screen Shot 2017-06-19 at 9.10.07 PM.pngHis devastated parents were told nothing and were not allowed to have any contact with him. the Obama administration told them to lay low and they did NOTHING to inform the parents as to what was going on or to help get their son released. The father n essence said that he holds Obama and his administration responsible for not doing anything to help their son. They were only told a week ago that their son had been in a coma for a year. This in my view is unconscionable and cruel and inhumane. But that is exactly what Kim Jung Un wanted to do. he wanted to show how cruel he could be on the world stage and he succeeded. It was only through the efforts  of the Trump administration and Rex Tillerson  that Otto Warmbier was released to his parents.  Unfortunately, he was released to them  as a comatose vegetable instead of the vibrant son they once knew.

Screen Shot 2017-06-19 at 8.57.37 PM.pngIf you look at Otto on his arrival he looks pale and cannot move on his own. Apparently though medical tests it was revealed  that he would not see or hear and that there was extensive brain damage. His father said that when he arrived his face showed a lot of tension but when he settled in at the hospital and his mother was at his side along with his father  his face relaxed. Obviously he was given a  lot of touch and made to feel comfortable- something he was deprived of for over a year in North Korea. Whatever brain cells he had left in terms of hearing and feeling, he knew he was with those he loved him and his facial muscles and body language responded.

The brain damage was so extensive that there was no way Otto could recover, so his parents made the agonizing decision to let him go. No parent should ever have to make this decision, but in Otto’s case, there was no hope and no chance of recovery whatsoever. The damage done to him in North Korea was so massive, he could not be rehabilitated. Perhaps his systems were shutting down as well.

Perhaps the parents took him off life support and gave life support of his organs to those who could use them like donating his heart, liver,  kidneys, eyes, lungs, pituitary gland, ear bones, and skin. Perhaps they gave others a gift of life through Otto so that Otto could live on through them. But we will never know at this point.

May this precious young man forever rest in peace and may his legacy be an example to every American who travels abroad. Do NOT go to countries where the Department of State reports there is danger. Do not listen to any advertisements from any other country telling you it is safe to go there when the Department of State says the opposite.

I have no doubt that Otto Warmbier was singled out and  used as a political pawn to be used as an example of what North Koreans are capable of doing. If you have that gene that makes you live on life’s razor’s edge and want excitement, find it elsewhere, not in North Korea or in countries where the Department of State tells you to beware.

Trump Handshake Did Not Overpower Abe But Showed Positive Affection as They Both Like One Another

screen-shot-2017-02-11-at-1-10-14-amI got so many calls and emails  today from TOXIC journalists who were determined to spin an innocent story about President Trump’s meeting with Japan’s Prime Minister into a negative international incident when it was not. I refused to play their game and stuck to my guns about how it was not an issue. In fact one journalist from a  publication who always interviews me didn’t like my honest answer. So they found another body language expert to spin it her negative way. I was disgusted at her and I told her so in no uncertain terms.

As a bona fide trained journalist myself,  I HATE this and I have no respect for this journalist or the publication who hired her or the other journalists who called me with their own agendas in mind.

The controversy is over the following expression of Abe. The  so called “journalists” claimed he rolled his eyes after the handshake indicating he didn’t like Trump. This is NONSENSE.

Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 1.10.34 AM.pngFirst of all in Japanese body language the eye roll is not used to show disgust or displeasure. Secondly EVERYTHING has to be measured and analyzed in terms of CONTEXT! All Abe was doing was looking at someone.

Abe had a long handshake with Trump and was even directing the photo  op as he told Trump to look at him.

Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 1.10.42 AM.pngHe was ready to get out of his chair as you see here. Trump’s thumbs up shows they had a great interaction. And one thing about Trump that is for certain, he knows how to read people and he read their interaction accurately.

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Now here is the person  to whom Abe was reacting. There was no eye roll as the journalists said. They also tried to spin it that Abe was overpowered by Trump.

This is NOT so . Look at Abe’s very  masculine sitting position with legs apart.  Look at how much room he is taking up. This is not how a person who feels overpowered looks. So the journalists were wrong again.

Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 1.10.14 AM.pngHere is when the two leaders are having eye to eye contact and smiling which is a great sign. Abe shows his teeth and the apples of his cheeks are raised which indicates it is a genuine smile. The screenshot is taken just after Abe tells Trump to look at him for the photo op. So Abe is just as media savvy as Trump on the world stage.

Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 1.10.06 AM.pngIn fact,  here is  when Abe tells Trump to look at him. Trump is happy and it is a genuine smile with teeth showing and balls of cheeks raised and eyes crinkled.

We rarely see Trump like this so when we do, it is clearly genuine. Trump also does not have an overpowering grip on Abe as Abe is gripping right back. They BOTH have strong handshakes as you can see.

In fact after the photo opp Trump looked at Abe and said “strong handshake”. So there was a language of mutual strength being spoken to one another thru their handshake and touch.

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Their body language mirrors one another which is a great sign in terms of their relationship. Note how both of their hands drop down. Also both of their toes are pointed towards one another which is further indication that they like one another.

Trump also put his hand over Abe’s which is an affectionate gesture. Abe likes this a as he returns a genuine smile with teeth showing.

So to all you TOXIC journalists who wanted to spin this  story your negative and ignorant  way, I say SHAME ON YOU!!! and I also say I WILL NOT PAY YOUR TOXIC GAME”. I want NO part of it !

I am not going to say negative things about Trump when I see nothing negative body language wise and communication wise. And I say SHAME to any body language person who does play your game just to get their name in print. Nothing is worth compromising your integrity for some PR.



Not Being Political Keeps Dr. Lillian Glass Objective When It Comes to Body Language Analysis of Politicians


After doing body language analyses on political candidates for the past three decades, there was nothing more horrible for me as a professional in the area of human behavior with a specialization in body language and communication,  than to do these  analyses during this particular election season. It was  one of the absolute worst experiences I have ever encountered professionally.

The level of venomous bile and vulgar hate, ruined relationships, and even false accusations about me being biased  and “political” and pro this candidate or that candidate was astounding. There was no convincing anyone as they were on a hate tirade and only saw red. 


For those of you who know me well, you know that I absolutely detest politics of any kind.  I first encountered politics when I was a Master’s student at the University of Michigan. I observed how poorly certain professors treated certain students simply because they had an  academic advisor, (who through no fault of their own) who happened to be on the wrong side of the academic political fence  and was not in synch  the rest of the department. Those students were treated more harshly by other professors in order to get back at their disliked academic colleague and fellow professor.

At the U of Minnesota during my PhD,  I experienced it personally.  I saw the pettiness, ugliness, stupidness,  self importance and self aggrandizement  of so called intellectuals and academicians,  that it made me push myself to the limit and hurry up and get out of there and get away from these Toxic People as quickly as possible. As a result, I  finished my PhD in record time and at age  24 I had my doctoral degree.  

I also saw politics rear it’s ugly head as a post-doctoral student, where not only academic politics was rampant but now it was combined with hospital politics, thus making things more severe and brutal. Thankfully, I wasn’t involved in any of these meles. But I witnessed many who were involved and who suffered emotionally and academically in terms of their rankings and promotions. 

Then when I was a  young  very popular professor with my students,  I really saw politics up close and personal when students lined up to take my classes and to put it simply, other professors felt (for lack of a better word)a bit  jealous. I gave all my students high grades .  Apparently,  this a “no no” in academic politics, as you have to give some lower grades to balance out some type of curve,  which I refused to do. I hated all the rules and regulations. So I left academia  for good and went into my own  private practice, where I flourished.

Historically, since so many academicians know how to play politics, it is no surprise that many take their political prowess and knowledge of how to  play the game,  to a higher level and  run for office like Elizabeth Warren and Ben Carson among so many others , presently in the Senate and in the House of Representatives. 

There were NO politics in my own practice. I was in charge with no quotas and not silly rules and regulations. I LOVED ALL of my clients and patients and treated everyone with the same respect and professionalism and warmth, regardless if they  couldn’t afford my fee and were unable to pay.  I was treating these clients for free or whether they were superstars who could  easily pay the full fee . I treated those with craniofacial deformities and genetic disorders (my speciality) exactly as I treated celebrities,  world leaders, or major sports figures. 

                                   EXPERIENCE WITH POLITICS IN THE MEDIA 

As I became successful in my practice and was able to sustain a living from it, I branched out into another love I had since jr. high school- that of journalism. While I was a professor at USC, I was able to take classes for free. So I took journalism classes at the prestigious USC School of Journalism ( where I  was also gave lectures to journalism students). I learned so much there and absolutely loved it. My aim was to now combine my  vast academic, medical, psychology, human behavior ( body language and communication)  knowledge with journalism and become ( if you will a media doctor) just like I am now.  

But getting there wasn’t easy as I quickly learned. One of my professors at USC thought I had what he called “it.”He said I had the physical look, a vibrant personality, and lots of energy and would be great on camera. So he graciously called upon a television agent friend of his  who worked at the William Morris Agency to meet me.

The agent, Sid Graw, who also represented the great television host,  Tom Snyder, agreed with my professor and took me on as a client. As my agent, he quickly set up a meeting for me with an established Hollywood producer, Dave Bell, who was doing something revolutionary at the time- starting a television show on cable TV.  Dave Bell met me and thought I  that with my eclectic  background, I was a perfect fit to be the host of the show. He said not to worry as he would pair me with an experienced co-host. Together the male co-host ( Keith Berwick)  and I  met the sponsor ( Bristol Meyers) and the head of USA Network (Kay Koplovitz )where the show “Alive and Well” would be aired .  All in charge were well aware of the fact that I had no on camera experience per se, but they willing to gave me my first break on TV.  


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While Dave Bell and the production crew were great, the opposite could be said about my  co-host Keith Berwick  ( now at the Aspen Institute),  56 years old at the time,  a lantern- jawed , deep voiced, television veteran who had at one time hosted his own show on PBS.

First, he objected to my being called “Dr. Glass”  and refused to acknowledge it on air. The reason I was hired in the first place was because  of my unique  academic and professional experience  and the fact that I had Dr. in front of my name, which the producers and  the network would thought would give the show even more credibility. But Keith Berwick decided he was having none of it.

Whenever we had to do our “stand ups” together on camera, Keith made me take off my heels as he said he didn’t want me to look taller than him when I stood next to him. So there I stood, barefoot next to Keith Berwick as we introduced the show and various segments.

To make matters worse, as I was doing my interviews with guests on the show, he would stand to the side and give me dirty looks and shake his head in disgust. Needless to say, this didn’t make me feel comfortable. Instead of offering me suggestions as to how I could improve myself,  he would degrade me and tell me how awful I was. (In looking back over the tapes I really wasn’t that bad at all).

It was just that Keith Berwick as trying to make me feel bad. For some reason, this grown man felt intimidated by me- a twenty something year old at the time.  It was to the point that whenever we had lunch with the crew, he refused to sit near me. One day, I got a phone call from one of the executives of the show who told me I was no longer needed on the show. 

My agent, Sid Graw told me that Keith, who brought his PBS credibility and years of on- camera  experience to the table, said he would walk  if I had to be his co-host, he said that instead of me,  he wanted a bevy of beautiful women as co-hosts to surround him, while he would be the central figure of the show ( a la Charlie’s Angels). That was political as it could get. 

While Keith Berwick had initially  quashed my young dreams to be a media doctor, he wasn’t successful at doing so as soon I got another gig- an even better one at KABC television, the local ABC affiliate,  where I was not only a reporter, but I  had my my own psychology and self esteem segment for 5 years.

I learned so much and was mentored by the late and great television icon, Jerry Dunphy            ( whom the Ted Baxter character on the old Mary Tyler Moore Show was based on). Thankfully, Jerry was the complete  opposite of Keith Berwick.  Jerry took me under his wing and let me watch all of his interviews. When we were on set, he taught be pacing and how to speak  rhythmically and to use the teleprompter effectively, how to punch up key words when on the air.   I was there for 5  years until Cap Cites bought ABC. I loved it  there.  We were like a family- The Eyewitness News Family and everyone got along so well. Jim Moret ( Senior Reporter on Inside Edition) Larry Carroll , producer, Sue Vorgan,  so many others . There was no politics and no power trips as we all  adored one another and it showed on air. That is why were the number one station for so long.

My Toxic experience with Keith Berwick, who used his political power  at the time with the show’s executives to get his way,  made me well aware of the politics that exists in media. Thankfully I have not encountered much of it since that horrible experience with Keith Berwick. 

While I was a regular on the  Nancy Grace Show, I once again saw media  politics rear it’s ugly head with a  small- minded producer in my view,( who finally got his karmic justice and is longer in the media) Dean Sicoli. He would consistently  ban people from the show if they did other shows among other things.


Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 10.57.02 PM.pngWhat made me detest politics even more was all that I learned about it when I was dating former and late Senator Fred Thompson. I had an earful of what really goes on as he shared with me the pettiness and ugliness of what really goes on with politicians behind the scenes. He always used to say to me  that he  agreed with former President Harry Truman who said “if you want a friend in Washington- get a dog.”

I met Fred years before he became a Senator on an airplane as we were seated next to one another. I was headed to be a judge in the Miss USA Pageant while he was headed to do some legal assignment after appearing in some television show in Los Angeles. We became fast and friends and remained dear friends for years, until we were both single at the same time and then began to date one another when he was a Senator in Washington.  

 Fred went into  politics for all the right reasons. He really  wanted to contribute something valuable to his country. And truth be told,  being born under the sign of  Leo, he also loved all the attention. When we would be in DC or in Nashville and people would call him Senator Thompson,he admitted that he got a kick out of it.

But that soon wore off as the reality of being a Senator and all that it entailed wasn’t as appealing as it looked on the outside.Now that he was on the inside, Fred was not a very happy camper so to speak. As time progressed, I could  also see a  change in him. He was no longer his  happy and jovial self. Instead, politics got to him and eventually took a serious toll on his health. He dropped out of politics and went back into acting and being a spokesperson.Then he died at 72. I am convinced that politics contributed to his ill health and shortened his life, with all the stress, backbiting and hostility. 


Screen Shot 2017-02-10 at 10.54.46 AM.png When President Obama ran for office, I made some body language and communication comments as I had done with candidates throughout  the previous decades. While most  people saw my point of view, there were two females , whom I went to high school with but with whom I never associated with in high school,  who really let me have it.  Apparently they were staunch Obama supporters and took offense at what I said.

There was no reasoning with them. There was no convincing them that my blog was NOT  about politics but rather about body language and during the first debate Obama didn’t do very well as he openly admitted. I merely analyzed what went on between he and Romney during the debate.

The former high school  girls became uglier and uglier and more and more hostile towards me. Their ugliness was so blatant, that my loyal  Facebook fan base defended me against these two terrors.   But,they too,   found that they  couldn’t  reason with these ignorant women.  So I blocked these two as I had no room for such hate.

When I  learned years later, that one of the women who was  trying to organize a high school reunion had  purposely left my photo out as a  “Senior of Distinction” in her  promotion of the reunion event,  I clearly  saw the root of her toxicity as it was her obvious jealousy that reared it’s  ugly head.  



In the Trump/ Clinton this election, I was regularly accused of  being -political and biased during this election  by people who had no clue about me or my beliefs or thoughts, or why I detest politics as I have described above. Their  accusations could not have been further from the truth. It was very frustrating because no matter how many times I explained myself, there were always the ignorant who would insist I was biased and  supported one candidate over  the other.

 I simply reported what I saw and heard during the campaign trail and debates. When I said something positive about Hillary, Trump supporters let me have it and when I said something positive about Trump, Hillary supporters let me have it. There was no winning here.

I didn’t care about anything other than   how they came across, yet people tried to pin their politics on me .  I was having none of it! So I fought back defending my observations. And I have to tell you that fighting with so many people on a daily basis was beyond exhausting and depressing.  

One man whom I  adored and had known along with his super famous television icon wife whom I also adored, really laid into me one night on Facebook. Apparently, he was an avid Hillary  supporter. It was a back and forth of his hate for Trump and my defending myself that I could care less about anything other than the candidate’s speaking skills and body language. He finally got the message  and came to his senses as he  realized what I was talking about all along that had nothing to do with politics. So he apologized to me.

Even so, it left me battle scarred. It’s like someone stepping on your bare toes when they are wearing six inch heels. Even though they say they are sorry and say” excuse me”, the pain of their heel on your naked toe  does not go away so quickly. It’s the same thing with emotional pain. 



Then there were some really great Facebook friends who I really liked who were so warm and wonderful and supportive. I liked them them so much. Unfortunately for both of us, they  wrongly assumed  I supported one candidate over the other and dropped me as a friend . I still miss them. 

I didn’t drop anyone because of  who they supported. However,  I must admit that I am seeing a lot of death related posts towards Trump on one FB friend’s posts that makes me want to drop her now. While I don’t care which candidate you support  or hate ,  death fantasies and killing posts are NOT acceptable. So I will most likely drop her if she continues with her rhetoric. 

I did drop Lisa Bloom, not because she supported Hillary but because of  her political and press manipulation where she and her mother Gloria Allred  paraded so many women accusers of Trump  who were obviously having a hard time with the truth based on my observations and estimations.

I couldn’t stand this no matter who the candidate was .  When I saw her hold a presser for a woman who was clearly deceptive and  admitted she lied when she falsely accused Trump of child rape and didn’t show up at the presser I felt Lisa Bloom’s credibility was over forever as far as I was concerned. 


I actually knew both candidates and liked BOTH of them. They were always  respectful  and gracious and  warm towards me whenever we met. So I had no “dog in this fight” so to speak. I even met Bill Clinton. He had such a special knack for making one feel as though they were the only one in the room as I experienced. 




While anyone can use their public fan base to express themselves, I don’t think actors and singers have it in their best interest to do so. Their aim is to entertain and to get as many eyeballs as possible on them in order to do this.  It is a business they are in – a show business and if they alienate 1//2 their fan base they are not doing doing good” show” business. 

While many don’t care at this point like Robert Deniro and Meryl Streep who spoke at an awards ceremony about Trump and Barbara Streisand who kept interjecting Trump hate at her  $750 a person concert I attended in Los Angeles, it may  be their box office and the companies that employ them who may suffer in the long term. 


There is no question that Madonna, Ashley Judd and Sara Silverman have crossed the  line by speaking violence and hate and anarchy. It is UNACCEPTABLE and I believe they should be held accountable for what they said. Whomever speaks of blowing up the White House and having a military coup needs to be investigated and  punished in my view.

They have a lot of influence including influence over people who may not be that mentally balanced. Look at Charles Manson He didn’t actually kill anyone with his bare hands. But he  was the mastermind and the  influencer and it cost him a life behind bars.

And now for the Pope.  Pope Francis has a tremendous influence and he MUST keep his nose OUT of AMERICAN POLITICS ! He needs to focus on the horrible pedophiles who rape little innocent  children and continue to do so as we have recently discovered. He needs to take care of ALL of the issues in the Catholic church before he even utters a peep about American politics.



As I have continued to do in the media, I  will ONLY speak of Trump’s body language and NOT his politics, ideas,  goals, nor his agenda, Those issues are way out of my level of expertise. I ONLY stick to what I know and I do it accordingly. 

I will  not speak kindly or unkindly about Trump . Instead I will ONLY speak the TRUTH as I see it. I will NEVER hold back ever. I will say what I see and what I hear form ONLY my point of view as it pertains to body language and communication.




Chuck Schumer Body Language Reveals Toxic Manipulation Dragging Refugees On Stage Phony Gestures, and Fake Tears


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He brings a handsome Syrian family on stage  with the women dressed in scarves and three cute children.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 8.01.02 PM.pngHe eyes the father. As he parades this “newly arrived family” of immigrants on stage, it seems very contrived and manipulative to me. It appears Schumer is doing this for his own agenda not for this family as they look traumatized being on stage.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 8.04.32 PM.pngAll children look sad and uncomfortable as you can see in the photo above.

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As he reads his speech there is no emotion and no inflection as it appears to be a monotonous drone. There is no passion in the speech as she says that he is saying No to Trump’ executive order. He rarely looks up as he reads from his script.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 8.10.34 PM.png ASshe says so many are opposed to this order we see him raised his finger in a rehearsed manner that looks awkwards. It is an upward point which is not showing true anger. True anger would be shown by a direct point with finger extended and pointer lower  not upwards as he has it positioned.

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He continues to sound boring and emotionless as he reads his script as he discusses the military.He then says something ridiculous that it makes lone wolves  are not so lone after all and their acts occur more not less. This  statement is nonsense as most lone wolves are usually beholden to some cause, doctrine , or group as they commit acts of terror.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 9.13.49 PM.pngHe does not seem upset at all facially throughout the speech as he even leaks out several smiles. This indicates that he appears to be enjoying his moment on stage.

Once again there is no vocal emotion as he speaks as she is saying negative things about Trump’s program.

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He then refers to “the beauty of these people” which is so phony and contrived as he says it. It further validates that he is using ” these people” as props for his own agenda.He purses his lips for emphasis, after he says this which is further indication of his phoniness as this is  a conflicting facial gesture to what eh just said.

His phoniness continues as he stammers as he reads from his script and says let me tell you about this family. Clearly he is reading about this family and shows know emotion or no real knowledge of this family he is using as a political prop.

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Asn he talks about the father he looks down as he continues to read about the man and awkwardly  seeks out the man’s shoulder in an attempt to show how much he cares about the man. It is blatantly contrived and phony and insincere.

Then he ridiculous slaps the poor man on thr shoulder in an aggressive gesture as eh said that the man came here because he translated for the Americans and got death threats for helping American soldiers. This is not some poor refugee that was injured or wounded in the war and left to die and rescued  he was an employee paid by Americans for his translation services for  whom he is serving and should very well be protected by his employer- the Americans. This is what is usually done and everyone knows it. yet Schumer is making it seem like this is some unusual case and that his man is some type of hero.

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Schumer makes a  fist as he continues to exploit this poor man who doesn’t seem to happy with being paraded on stage and used as a prop as you can see by his facial expression. To further illustrate Schumer’s phoniness her doesn’t even look at the man. As he speaks he continues to stumble on his words, further indicating that he is manipulating and using this man to make his point.

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Then he stumbles on the name of the next family he seeks to publicly exploit on stage. He rocks back and forth as he speaks indicating his discomfort and lack of sincerity. he then points upawrds  to the little girl maya who is 16  which makes her shirk away from him. The finger point is an angry gesture and the upward finger in the context in which he is using it is incongrous with what he is saying. This  further indicates how contrived and phony this is.

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Then he points to Hamza and reads that  he turned 14 yesterday, Haza 8, and Hara 6 as he lays his hands on these two younger children which obviously makes the older  16 year old child feel uncomfortable as you can see by her expression ,

The Schumer bangs on the podium with his hand as he says the family arrived a month ago This would have been an angry gesture but there is no anger in his voice He then elks out a smile as he says their parents ( in laws) are American citizens.  So even though he is feigning anger his gestures and facial expression are totally inconsistent with the words he is saying which means he is being phony and manipulative. He even stammers and stumbles as he says what section  in the  Bronx the parents live.

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He then uses another phy inconsistent gestures as he raises his hands and says that Trump wants us to believe that all  immigrants are terrorists when they are not but rather like these families. First of all Trump never said this and Schumer knows this . That his why one hand shows his fingers spread out and the other hand shows his fingers close together.If his gestures indicted honestly his hands would BOTH display  open  fingers in his gesturing.

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He then leaks out as smile as he says they aren’t a threat to American but a promise to America. WE all know these people are not a threat to America and he knows it too. he also knows that these are not the people Trump is referring to in terms of being a threat to America. That is why Schumer leaks out a smile as an indication of dupid delight. he knows exactly what he is doing- being manipulative and trying to pull at people’s heartstrings by using this family. But it is not working as his phoniness belies him.

Then he looks down and taps two times on the podium which makes no sense.  he then looks down and fumbles through his papers as he reads a quote from the Old Testament ( Exodus) the  New Testament ( Matthew) and then he brings up a quote by Catholic comments  Pope Frances ( who in my view has no business sticking his two cents into politics especially when his own flock  of priests are a complete disaster with raping young children and destroying them forever.)As he reads what Pope Frances says he raises his awkward finger and says “This is the Pope speaking” As you can see from the expression the children’s faces they could care less. They are bored and can’t wait to get out of their and end their exploitation.

The Schumer embarrassingly invokes the name of his dead relative Ellis whom he was named after  who was named after Ellis Island. As she does this is  manipulative and corney behavior shows clearly.

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Then for his final act he musters up a FAKE CRY with no tears as he calls trump mean spirited.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 10.10.22 PM.png As you can see there are no dripping tears, He just held his eyes open without clinking which caused the to glisten. But it was NOT a real cry. if that was the case you would ee a downward turn in his mouth which was not evident.

And then we see what his real agenda is-  getting some press time and promoting himself as he mentions he is a Senator from NY and how he will fight and scrap with all of his being to overturn Trump’s directive.

The bottom line is that the cry was phony and his dragging these poor families on stage with him was contrived and manipulative to further his own agenda.



Body Language and Speech Shows A Very Different Donald Trump on 60 Minutes- More Subdued and Sombre

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First and foremost, I was so impressed with 60 Minutes journalist Leslie Stahl. She was professional, as she has been throughout the campaign. She was gracious, elegant,  and a pleasure to watch. Other journalists should take heed and follow her example.

Now that Donald Trump is President Elect, I believe someone has to tell him to clean up his makeup.Not to be mean but he looks like an albino racoon with all that non-made up white skin around his eyes. I think that the orange hue that people have been discussing since he decided  to run for office is a spray tan.  Perhaps the reason his eyes look so white may be due to his using those eye protection goggles after getting the spray tan. Since his skin is tanned or oranged and he doesn’t need a full on makeup applied. So, he may want to carry a little liquid makeup with him to put under his eyes and on his lids. He may also want to get some dark blond or light brown mascara to bring out his lashes. Since he is vain and is concerned about looks and looking his best, this information can improve his on-camera appearance.

Trump said that on election night when he won, he went completely silent. I mentioned in previous blogs that he was stunned by his win as well and was taking the time to process everything. His body language showed this. That is why he looked as though he was going to cry when he arrived on stage for his victory speech. It was and still is a shock to him. He said that he realized that this is a whole different life for him now.

Perhaps that is why throughout the interview we saw a completely different Donald Trump than we saw on television or on the campaign trail.   There was no loud tones or blustering. There was no over the top rhetoric. In essence, there was no showmanship that we have seen him display for the past 18 months.

When he spoke about Hillary’s call to him, he said it was a lovely call and imagined it was a tough one for her to make. He was very soft spoken and gracious when he mentioned Hillary, which leads me to believe that all the anger he displayed towards her and all the threats he made to her  ( like locking her up) seem to have dissipated. He even spoke of Bill Clinton’s call, saying that it was an amazing run. When asked if he had any regrets for the nasty tone of the campaign he looked down and thought about it.

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While he said he had no regrets because it got him here  to the Presidency, his body language said that he did indeed have some regrets. After hearing him speak, it seemed to me that deep down he does respect Hillary’s political experience and he does actually like her. After all, he has known and supported her for decades. She even said how he would make a good candidate to run for President and he has sung her praises for years. He then said he wished it was nicer and softer and more on policy,which supports what I just observed in terms of his body language.


Regarding his meeting with Obama, which he said could have lasted 4 hours, he said Obama told him the good things and the bad things. He wanted to learn all he could about Obama’s views on the middle east because he will be inheriting this. But as he spoke about Obama, there was not a smile or any warmth. I think he was being professional in his statements, but I stick to my previous observations, which I shared with the media that there is no love lost between the two. He said he found Obama to be terrific, very smart and very nice, which may be all  true. But  as he said this he shook his head “no,” which may indicate that even though he may think those things about Obama, there is  perhaps still a negative charge after all that was said  during the campaign. It is clear that Obama may have welcomed into the White House on a superficial level, but not  on a deep level. If that were the case, we would  see more smiles and facial enthusiasm.

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Leslie then said that he looked pretty sober sitting in the White House with Obama. He then replied that he is a sober person. Perhaps this sober person is the real Donald Trump and the one we saw on the campaign trail was the showman Donald Trump who riled people up to get their vote. He then said his actions in the White House  showed respect for the office and the President. I believe that. I believe that his going to the White House and sitting along site of the President gave him a  “huuuuuge ” reality check.

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Leslie Stahl brilliantly asked him if it was awkward being with one another in light of what they each said about one another. Trump said they never discussed it. But deep down those comments can never be forgotten as words leave indelible scars. He said from his standpoint there was  zero awkwardness. But from Obama’s standpoint there was clearly some awkwardness.

He also said that he will conduct himself well in the White House, but he may be rougher if the situation calls for it, which seemed to be an honest assessment of himself. He also said he didn’t want to be that monotoned character, which I agree with. In essence, he was saying that he wanted to be authentic.

Here’s what he said we can expect in his Presidency.

  1. There will be a wall and a fence in certain areas.
  2. He just said he would deport gang members and drug dealers deported  ( 2 million of them) not regular good people as he just wants to secure the borders.
  3. He will lower taxes.
  4. He will change health care to make it more affordable.
  5.  He wants to get rid of lobbyists and special interest groups.

When Leslie said all his transition team is lobbyists, he said that is all the people who are down there as that is what is wrong with the system. He phumphered a bit as she busted him on this as it is a real issue for him. It may have sounded hypocritical to those listening to it. He said the whole place is one big lobbyist and he wants to get rid of them even though he is relying on them now and wants to phase it out.

6. He will have term limits.                                                                                                                             7. There will be restrictions on foreign money coming into the county.                                          8. He will quickly appoint someone to the supreme court who will be pro life and pro second amendment                                                                                                                                         9.If Roe vs Wade were overturned he said it would go back to the states.                                        10. He will continue to use twitter  in moderation as a form of modern communication.  11.He will be focusing on jobs, health care, the border, and immigration  as opposed to putting Hillary in jail. He also said he didn’t want to hurt them as they are good people.       12. He will find out more about Comey when he  speaks with him directly.                                    13. He won’t take any vacation.                                                                                                                     14. He will only accept $1 as salary for being President.

When asked point blank, if he was intimidated or scared by the gravity of the enormous situation he is taking on, he answered “no” without hesitation, which leads me to believe that he feels confident he is up to it and can handle the job of the Presidency.

She said people are scared and are demonstrating right now. He said it is only because they don’t know him. This may very well be true as all we know is what we heard on the campaign,  in the media, and what he said 11 years ago on a bus to Billy Bush about women and their privates.

He believes many of the the demonstrators are professional protesters.He also said he would tell people to not be afraid and that there is a double standard with him and Hillary’s supporters. He also firmly told his supporters to not make racial slurs or incite violence as he said his aim is to bring the country together.

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In fact, he looked right into the camera and told everyone to STOP IT! He  was talking about his supporters stopping any harassment towards blacks, muslims, and latinos.

This was a completely Donald Trump.This was a much more subdued and professional Donald Trump. He spoke openly and was forthright. Now we will have to wait and see what he does.






Emotional and Humble President Trump During His Victory Speech as He Vows to Bind the Wounds of Division



In his victory speech,we have seen Donald Trump as we have never seen him before. As he walked down the stairs on to the stage, he looked as though he was going to cry ,as you can see in the photo above.


Seeing the audience truly humbled him as he digested the fact that he would be the next President of the United States. As he walked down stage you can see, he was overcome with emotion and looked choked up.


As he spoke, his tones were even and measured, calm, and on even keel. He was very gracious about Hillary saying that  he owed her  a debt for the service she has done to this country and said how hard she worked. He then spoke of binding the wounds of division and was  passionate and sincere as he spoke. He also said that for those who did not support him, he was reaching out for guidance to unify this great country. 

Then he spoke of improving the infrastructure of the country and how veterans would be treated as a priority and not forgotten. He said how countries abroad  will be dealt with fairly. And finally, he spoke of seeing common ground.


This was a Trump who was not polarizing as he spoke. He did not mention walls, deportation, borders,  ISIS or Hillary’s criminal activities as he did throughout the campaign.

For the first time, we saw his young son Baron up close and personal as he stood beside his father. Standing up there on the stage  for so long would be a challenge for anyone, let alone a 10 year old boy who stood so straight and tall between his parents. Donald thanked Milania and Donny and when he mentioned Ivanka there was a loud roar and lots of applause. He thanked Eric and his daughter in laws. Then he thanked those who helped him during the campaign including  Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Generals, the Secret Service and NYPD. There was no mention of the FBI in his thank you’s for obvious reasons. 


Vice President Pence  was also emotional and looked as though he was about to cry as well, when he came up to the stage to introduce Trump. But I noticed that there was something off with Trump’s reaction to Pence, as he thanked Pence last,as an afterthought. He briefly shook Pence’s hand and  quickly pulled away. Pence seemed to want more time and attention,  but Trump, who was very warm and fuzzy on the stage to those he thanked, seemed tense and distant from Pence as he turned around and quickly broke the connection between the two.  This made me wonder if there was some tension between Trump and Pence.

Did Trump regret his choice for Vice President? Did he feel that Pence was not loyal enough to him on the campaign trail? Did he get turned off with Pence for not defending him more intensely during the VP debates? Will he ever forgive Pence for distancing himself from him and giving his “strong” support for House Speaker Paul Ryan, who was running for reelection for his Wisconsin congressional seat? In my view Donald will never forgive him for this. Nor will he forgive Pence  for saying that he “cannot defend” Trump’s comments about women, when Pence  should have said that he cannot defend what Trump said on the bus 11 years ago,  and not generalize it to all women. Doing so, further inflamed the situation.  

It was interesting to watch the election coverage on all of the major networks like CNN and FOX and MSNBC, NBC, and ABC. So many of the commentators like Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper and Megyn Kelly looked shocked at Trump’s win.

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ABC’s Martha Raddatz, who  was so obviously biased and grilled Trump during the debates, actually looked as she was going to cry.

As a journalist myself,  I am appalled at how these people covered the campaign with their extreme bias. Now that we have come to find out via Wikileaks how many of these so called “journalists” were in Hillary’s pocket, I think they should all be fired. I think that the networks should get rid of all of them and start fresh. The only decent reporter was  veteran reporter Brett Hume, who spoke of his being unbiased and fair to Trump during the election.

CNN, now known as the Clinton News Network, will suffer the most as will all the  mainstream media.  Wikileaks pointed out they were all in Hillary’s pocket. American’s saw the deceit with the media and now will never trust them again. All of their numbers are dropping as a result, and rightfully so.

That is why Drudge, InfoWars and several other online venues have now emerged as the new mainstream media.

And finally, people like limelight chasing  attorney, Gloria Allred and her daughter Lisa Bloom, need to be held accountable for their irresponsible behavior in parading women around, who later admitted that Trump did not harass them or rape them. In analyzing the body language and speech  of so many of these women, as Gloria sat by their side as they read a script, which no doubt Gloria prepared, I could see how they were laden with signals of deception. I also am livid at what  her “mother -like daughter” Lisa Bloom did in pulling her shenanigan of holding  a presser for the alleged rape victim who was a no show. She wasted everyone’s time and energy.  Then the alleged rape victim admitted it was a lie.

This was unconscionable on Lisa’s part.An attorney knows if they have a case or not or if their client is telling the truth or not. It is one thing to support one’s candidate, but it is another thing to deceive the public and try to destroy someone by crying rape when it did not happen.

What Lisa did hurts the real victims of rape. What Gloria did hurts the real victims of sexual harassment. So many of the women received payment for coming forth and clearly lied. I would never again take anything Gloria or her daughter  Lisa ever said in the media seriously. In fact, I would not ever allow them on the media for pulling this garbage. If Donald was not the President, I am certain that he would sue both of them.

Whether you have supported Hillary or Donald, it is important to keep an open mind now that Donald is our next President of the Unites States of America.









Dr. Lillian Glass- Power of a Political Candidate’s Body Language and Speaking Skills on the Election

As a communication and body language  expert, I believe that if one is to succeed in whatever they want to accomplish, they must have good communication skills and body language so that they can effectively get their message across. The reality is that people to judge you and make decisions about you  based on the way you communicate and how you present yourself. This is extremely important for anyone who is running for office as we have seen throughout the years. Continue reading

Body Language of Porn Star Trump Accuser In Question With Multiple Signals of Deception

While I take allegations of sexual harassment very seriously, after seeing so many signals in deception in the other Trump accusers and now in this recent porn star accuser, I am convinced that this is nothing other than a smear campaign. Like the other accusers this recent porn star came forth 10 years too late and 15 days before the election.

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Watching Gloria Allred  guide and coach her through the script is ridiculous, if not hilarious with Gloria’s serious puss reading the script  along with the accuser to make sure the accuser  doesn’t get off track or make any mistakes. Also the oversized glasses to make her look intelligent is so contrived and absolutely hilarious as well.The whole scenario is so laughable, especially since the porn star just put up a website to sell her porno wares the night before she held a presser to accuse Trump  of  something that  allegedly happened 10 years ago. The reading of the script is also suspect to me. If someone did something to me, I wouldn’t need a script. I could tell you directly without reading it.

Just so you know, many model actresses and even porn stars attend celebrity golf tournaments for pay in order to add some sexy color to the event. Most of these women jump at the chance to attend these events not only for the pay but for the chance to meet a celebrity, make career contacts to get other jobs as well as hooking up with, dating and perhaps even marrying a rich roller.  I know this for  fact because I have treated countless actress/ models  in my practice who have shared these experiences with me. Some have met and even married the men they met at the golf tournament. Others have bagged a film role or a television opportunity. The rich men want to hang with the pretty women and the pretty women want to snag a high roller for whatever purpose can benefit them.

So let’s get this straight.  It is in the morning and apparently  Trump is visiting the VIP Center  before the golf tournament begins, spots a an attractive porn star at the Porn company booth she works for and asks her to take a walk around the golf course. Already that sounds odd to me. Does he ask her to accompany him for his morning walk? Why does she go with him if she is manning the Porn booth.

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He then allegedly asks her for his number when she is in the porn booth and she  gives him her number. If she didn’t want anything to do with him why would she give him her number? She said that he asked her to his suite but she felt uncomfortable so she had two other girls accompany her to the suite. So where are these alleged girls now? Why aren’t they up there  seated next to her and Gloria corroborating her story?

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Then the porn star breaks form her reading  and sneaks a peek  for the camera as she

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says she “didn’t feel comfortable ” as she she does a selfie- style lip pout for the camera.

Now  the  girls have allegedly all gone to Trump’s suite and what happens next is laughable to me. The porn star does some really bad acting as she acts all haughty and offended because Trump “grabbed each one of the girls and kissed them without asking permission.”  Is she serious???? First of all that is what people do when they meet you, especially in show business . They give you a kiss hello when they meet you.  No one asks permission to kiss you hello.  If you don’t like it you do an air kiss or you pull away. A Hollywood buss as I call it means “I like you”- “you’re Ok and welcome.” So  I see  absolutely nothing strange here, except for the fact that she is in the room of someone she allegedly  didn’t like or feel comfortable with. So porn star, why were you in Trump’s room in the first place?

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Now she breaths hard and then  licks her lips as you  can see which is usually a signal of deception as she said he was wearing pajamas. First of all wasn’t Trump already dressed earlier when he was allegedly at the porn booth and allegedly had her take a walk with him around the gold course? So why would he get back into his PJ”S. Had she said he was in a robe and naked underneath and his privates were hanging out, that would be one thing. But he was in in PJs. No way! I don’t buy it !

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Then she said  Trump had  a body guard was with him. Well I want to see that bodyguard and hear it from him as to what happened that morning. But there most likely was no body guard as revealed in her body language where she shakes her head NO as she mentions the bodyguard. If the bodyguard was there she would shake her head YES, not NO. This means there is a conflict in her words and her body language which is often a  signal of deception.

Then she gets even more ridiculous as she says Trump asked her about her porn life and what it was like and if she or the girls were married or single . To me that seems very reasonable and not out of line. He didn’t ask her  anything out of the ordinary. He was just making conversation, especially with someone he just met. which is a reasonable question when you just meant someone Then to me it is clear she is not telling the truth as she says

” his  questions it sounded like an interview. “PUHLEEEEZ . Asking about your life as a porn star is NOT and interview and he saying this sounds very fishy to me.


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Then she leaks out a smile which is classic”duping delight” signal of deception as she takes a deep breath.

She says a man called on Donald’s behalf.  Who is this man? Is he a butler,  a hotel worker, a waiter? She is not specific and  then she says he wants her to come back up to his room  35 minutes later which strikes me as very odd.

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As she says this we see her head cocks to the side which again may reflect a signal of deception.

And to me this is a non event and a non- story. So what that he  asked her to a dinner and she said no  and he asked her to a party and she said no. Then he allegedly asked her “What do you want?” To me based on Donald’s narcissism if you say NO to him , he will move on. With all the other beauties around, he is not going to pressure you. He will just go and find someone else.  So what she says does not  ring true to me.

Then what she says also does not ring true to me . A porn star’s motivation is usually money.So when he allegedly asked her “how much?,  doesn’t it seem reasonable that she would jump at the chance to name a price?  But then she said she lied to him and said she couldn’t be with him because she had to get back to LA for work.

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Now she lies as she cocks her head and makes  a loud expiration of breath as she says I did this as an excuse  because  I didn’t want hm to keep asking me. This smacks of  deception for a number of reasons.

First of all most of these women models are at the golf tournament to meet a man with status and money. I  know this for a fact as so many of them have been my clients. So there is no way she would turn down money or the time spent with a celeb unless she felt she could make more money with an even hotter guy or someone who could do something for her career.


Now this sounds  like a PURE LIE to me when she says it using  an upward inflection as though she is asking a question that she received a call from either Donald or a man on his behalf. Surely one would remember if it was Donald or not Donald offering you money.

One thing about Donald is that he knows how to read people in terms of their  body language and vocal tones. If he was not savvy in this regard he would not have become the success he is with people in business. So in my estimation, I believe he was getting some cue from the porn star or he would not have bothered with her.

If Donald wanted her to escort him to  a dinner and to hang out with him for the evening and she said she couldn’t because she had a paying job in LA , it seems perfectly fine that he would offer to pay her day rate for the job she might be missing in LA to compensate her for missing her job if she was with him. This happens all the time in show business and on modeling shoots. Sometimes a shoot runs over and the person may have another job. If they choose to stay,  a they are often compensated handsomely.  And it is negotiated usually through an agent. The fact that Donald even threw in the use of his private jet to help her get back to LA in a timely manner is also quite generous.

But I doubt that Trump offered her money or a private jet based on watching her hard  swallow as she said this. Oftentimes, a hard swallow may be a signal of deception in my view.

Then she says that these actions are a testimony of Trumps character. Well Miss Porn star what about your character of  engaging in sexual acts for money on film. PUHLEEZE!! Isn;t that raether hypocritical?

Now she  clearly  must be using Gloria’s  words as  she says saying he is a “mysogynist  and a sexual assault apologist.” These seem like words that she would not use based on the vocabulary she used in her presser.

Also Miss Holier than Thou Porn Star, Donald, didn’t sexually assault you according to your story. You willingly went up to his room ( with 2 other women you said)  and he asked you to dinner and if you would hang out with him. You said you had to get back to LA  for work so he offered to pay your day rate  and even loan you the jet so you get back to LA in time. So where is the sexual assault here?

If someone accused Hillary of this I would say the same thing so this is not just about defending Trump. I see deception and I see a lot of hypocrisy and I see an opportunist who just put up a website to sell her porn wares the night before she was going public with this ridiculous non- story. Gloria Allred is a Hillary supporter and delegate for her and  it is quite obvious that she is doing all she can to smear Trump with these women, like this porn star who has shown a ridiculous non-story and shown multiple signals of deception in my view.

























Body Language of 3rd Debate- Hillary Passionate, Less Robotic, Smiles Under Stress While Trump Is Real, Interrupts, and Sweats Under Stress

Of all the three debates this was the most civilized, thanks to host Chris Wallace who  kept the candidates on tasks and on time. In fact when it was over both candidates shook his hand and seemed genuinely happy with how he handled things.But what was even more telling is  that they never shook one another’s hands at the end of the debate.

Screen Shot 2016-10-19 at 6.05.04 PM.png When they both came to the stage there was no handshaking and no smiling at  or acknowledging one another. Hillary was dressed in an elegant well fitted high collared off white pant suit while Trump represented his party in a  wore a “Republican Red” tie.

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They both looked serious and in essence wore the same tight lipped expression as you can see above.As Hillary listened to the first question, her head nodded and you could see her swallowing hard. However she only did this at the beginning of the debate as you did not see this ( with the exception of a bit of head nodding) throughout the rest of the debate.

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When she spoke, Trump gave her looks of disdain as she attacked him and said things about him he deemed false.

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In contrast, when Trump attacked her and called her on her issues like the 33 thousand emails, she  a. looked down.

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b. She looked more serious than we have ever seen her while, Trump wore a scowl throughout the debate and squinted his eyes in anger.


Or c. She smiles whenever she felt uncomfortable. When she said something Trump deemed untrue or said something Trump vehemently disagreed with, he interrupted and said “wrong”.

Screen Shot 2016-10-19 at 6.14.16 PM.pngOverall in terms of her speech she was less robotic than we have ever heard her. She was less rehearsed and more dynamic and fluid than we have seen her in the previous two  two debates.

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There was a huge smile on Hillary’s face when Chris Wallace finally changed the subject to speak of the economy Smiles when they changed the subject to Economy.

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There was also a smugness in her facial language when Trump spoke as she  often raised her head and tightened her jaw.

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When Chris Wallace brought up a question that Trump no doubt wanted posed to Hillary, he raised his head and was sohappy  with the question question that he interjected ” interjected “Correct” after Walale asked the question. Wallace responded by  saying ” thank you”. This was the first time we have seen Trump feel that he was getting a fair shake in terms of the moderator;s questioning and was happy with the questions which were asked.

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When discussing the topic of economics , Trump of course was his fluid  and confident self as that is where his strength lies . However Hillary held her own in terms of her body language and in terms of how she presented her point of view. She is more real than she has ever been before. She was  less rote  and  more passionate than we have ever seen her ever before. She also gave some zings to Trump about giving jobs to Chinese Steel workers in terms of his Vegas Trump Tower, which he took. Surprisingly he didn’t defend himself on this point.

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When Trump struck back, he looked directly at Hillary and asked her where the 6 billion dollars were that were missing?  She looks down in embarrassment and does not look directly at him or respond to this. She also shows tightness around her jaw which shows her discomfort.

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Then  after Hillary espouses her achievements in her rote rhetoric which we have all heard before, Trump throws in a singer and says ” let’s talk about her  about her real record  in Syria and ISIS.” In discomfort, she gives a very tense, and nervous tight jawed smile as you c n see above.

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Again we see Hillary look down as Trump discusses the 33 thousand emails.

Screen Shot 2016-10-19 at 6.59.15 PM.pngWhen she returns some zings he seems to stake it and stand tall and looks straight ahead. Unlike Hillary, he  doesn’t look down.

When she speaks of the Clinton Foundation she once again gives her rote memorized script but  when it was Trump’s turn to speak he  brings up “Pay for Play” in the Clinton Foundation and gives it right back to Hillary.

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Trump was uncomfortable during this debate and cotton -mouthed  (dry mouthed) as he took around three sips of water during the 9o minute debate. He also began to sweat and we saw him wiping the sweat off of his upper lip- something we never saw him do before.

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In discussing Trumps thinking that everything is rigged from his losing in some primary states to his thinking the Emmy’s were rigged ( which he interjected that they were) to feeling that the election is rigged , he seemed to take it and didn’t flinch. As she discussed this we have never seen Hillary more of  her usual mechanical script. She was more  passionate More passionate and more real than we have ever seen her before.

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Hillary did not look too pleased when Trump said Bernie Sanders said she had bad judgements and Posdesta said she had bad instincts as she shot him an ice old glare.

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There was no doubt that this debate was taking it’s toll on Trump as even though he left no stone unturned and attacked Hillary and her record and her points whenever he could , he was sweating more than we have ever seen him do in the past. In fact, he not only wipes the persperation off his upper lip, he also wiped it from under his chin.

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When he lays it into Hillary about Syria, something she is no downt sensitive about, she smiles  her uncomfortable tense and non genuine smile as she looks down.

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Trump goes on with angry furrowed brow to say how she has been  outplayed by Russia.  Screen Shot 2016-10-19 at 7.29.41 PM.png

We then see Hillary’s head nod resurface as she is listening to a question being asked.

Screen Shot 2016-10-19 at 7.32.53 PM.pngIn Trump’s final interruption when Hillary spoke, he made it very personal as he sauid “What a nasty woman.” What he may not have realized is that this statement he made about her may have been an unintentional  a compliment in disguise as being a “nasty woman” on the world scene may have it’s advantages.

Screen Shot 2016-10-19 at 7.34.34 PM.pngWhen asked to make a last minute statement about what she would do as President, we have never seen Hillary more passionate, more articulate, more dynamic,and more fluid in her speech and in her body language.We did not hear the rehearsed and robotic Hillary we have come to deared in the past. She sounded more sincere and open as she looked straight ahead,  directly into the camera as she spoke to the viewers. Her last statement was very gracious and humble as she in essence said that she hoped that the voters would allow her to represent them.

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Surprisingly,Trump did not take advantage of all of his years as a media personality and did not seem as media savvy as we know he is, as he did not look directly into the camera as he addressed Americans as to why he should be president.Although he made occasional glimpses towards the front of the camera, he mostly looked off to the side as you can see here. Although he spoke with sincerity and seemed real and genuine in what he said, the message wasn’t as powerful because he lost his on-camera presence by not facing the camera and talking directly to the people.

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At the end, when Chris Wallace was thanking the two, Trump looked serious, while Hillary smiled. But this time her smile was not out of nervousness. It was a genuine smile.

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-7-37-20-pmThe first one to leave the podium was Hillary as she confidently reached out to give Chris Wallace a handshake.

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-7-37-29-pmTrump took his time detaching from the microphones and  finally wandered over to Wallace and told him that he did a great job ( which I garnered from lipreading what he said).


Trup’s family then gathered on stage while Hillary went down into the audience to mingle. In lip reading what he said, Trump asked his family members if he did a good job. the only one he kissed was Tiffany. Even though Milania was the first on the stage, he did not greet her with a kiss. To me that said a lot.

Perhaps he was mad at her for saying in her Anderson Cooper interview that she feels like she had two boys at home- her son and Donald. Perhaps Donald didn’t like how she handled the scandal by not defending him more passionately and more forcefully. At any rate, this was not a good sign in light of th fact that one of the biggest negatives about Trump is his treatment of women. It seems that he needed to show more affection towards her and vice versa. Trump did not look happy on th sathe and his body language showed tension.

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-7-39-20-pmHe also showed that tension when he went down from the stage and into the audience. His face looked tense and his shoulders were more rounded than usual. He was not smiling.

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-7-39-06-pmThis was in contrast to Hillary, who was all smiles and made direct eye contact with many in the crowd.

In summary,  this was the best debate of all three because it was not as nasty as the others. You really heard what each candidate would do from their own mouths.  Even though they gave one another zingers, they “gave as good as they got” so to speak. They responded appropriately and passionately and each made some good points.

Those that love Trump will think that he won the debate and those that love Hillary will think that she won the debate.

From a  body language point of view, I think Hillary shone through a lot more as she was more in control yet more passionate, more real and more connected than we have ever seen her before. While she did smile when she was nervous, it was not excessive and her body language corresponded with what she was saying. Trump was a bit nervous, perspired  more than usual, and interrupted  as he did in the previous debates.  However, he too was passionate, real, connected and equally got his message across.



Body Language of Second Debate -Trump Humbled, Hillary Hits Hard, Trump Spontaneous, Hits Back Harder, Hillary Smiles Nervously With Rehearsed Rhetoric and Gesture

When they entered the stage, both candidates were stiff  with arms at their sides and kept their distance . There was no smiling or handshaking.There was a great deal of tension between them and no love lost at the beginning of the debate as neither looked at one another.

In general Donald Trump was more verbally accessible and easier to listen to as Hillary seemed to be speaking in rehearsed rhetoric.  She gestured mechanically and used many phony gestures like the three finger pinch.

Hillary came out swinging by saying Trump would not be a good President. He said the same thing about her towards the middle of the debate as he said she had poor judgement and didn’t make the changes she said she was going to make in 30 years as a politician.

Hillary sounded rehearsed and her gestures were contrived while Trump was more natural and spontaneous.

When Hillary was uncomfortable,  attacked, or busted she smiled. When Trump was angry he sniffed as he breathed heavily through his nose.

Everything was laid out on the table by the moderators, the audience members, and the candidates themselves. No subject was left untouched. The most embarrassing aspects of their lives were addressed. Both met the challenges head on and didn’t shy away from it.

When Hillary apologized and said the server and emails were a mistake, it sounded like rehearsed rhetoric and did not appear as sincere.Trump did show humility in his body language as his shoulders were rounded and his tones were softer when apologizing  and said he was embarrassed for what he said in the released video and what he said about women.

They were both pressed to say something nice about one another as Trump  cringed and Hillary laughed.

Below is a step by step account of the debate in terms of what was said verbally and through both candidate’s body language and facial language.


screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-5-36-32-pmWhen Trump  first arrived he looked very serious and humbled as his shoulders were  more rounded  than we have seen him as he was not standing as  erect as he usually does.

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Hillary had more  erect posture as Chelsea walked up the stairs with her. Hillary held Chelsea around her waist while Chelsea held her mother around her shoulder as they walked up the stairs in tandem with Bill following behind.

Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 5.53.43 PM.pngAll the women who accused Clinton of sexual impropriety were in the audience looking somber.


As Melania and Bill shook hand they were both stiff and their handshake spoke volumes as they kept an arms length distance between one another. Their body language indicated the tension taking place between the two sides.

Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 5.57.44 PM.pngThe Clinton camp was stoic with Bill looking on with his mouth agape as Chelsea and her husband anxiously awaited the debate. Chelsea knew the importance of this debate and her fidgeting with her collar may have been an indication of her nervousness.

Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 6.01.19 PM.pngIn the Trump camp, they too knew there was a lot riding on this debate and remained stoic and expressionless.

Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 6.02.35 PM.pngAlso stoic were the non smiling Trump sons Eric and Donnie.

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When Trump and Clinton first appeared on the stage you could feel the tension between them. They both stood stiff at their hands at their sides. There was  no handshake and clearly  no love lost between them.

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During the first question Hillary had poor eye contact and went  round and around with regard to being a role model. It was rehearsed rhetoric that did not make for a good initial connection with her.

screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-6-08-34-pmTrump on the other hand , looked directly at the questioner, at the audience, and at the camera as he spoke directly to the people. So he initially came across a being more genuine in terms of his delivery.

But neither answered the specific question asked. Trump addressed his apology and said      ” I hate it.” when he discussed his bad language. Then he changed the subject and said ” I will knock the hell out of ISIS” and compared what he said to ISIS . He also said that               nobody was  more embarrassed by what occurred than him. He showed genuine remorse in terms of his body language and the tone of his voice revealed that he seemed humbled. He then changed the subject and said that he would not only make  America great again, but  wealthy again.

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Then it was Hillary’ turn  and she started with the first attack. In going on the offensive as she did in the first debate she said  she never questioned an opponent’s fitness to serve and said that “this is who Trump is” as he described how he alienated immigrants, those with disabilities, Latinos, muslims and POW’s  and even questioned the birthplace of the President Obama. She  said how he needed to apologize to them. Then  she said “that is not who we are”as we celebrate our diversity and adds that this is the America that “I know and  love. ” As she was saying this Trump was cringing. He turned red as you can see in the above photo.  His jaw was tense and his lips were in a tight frown. He was doing all he could to contain himself as he looked as though he was about to explode.

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Then it was his turn.  Instead of getting explosive he kept a calm demeanor and said “Those are just words . She failed the  inner cities and was  a disaster  in every way possible. “He said she has not helped Hispanics or  Help Hispanics and that it is four years later and has done a terrible job as she does nothing.

But then Trump really came out with both barrels so to speak as he hit her with whom he thought Hillary needed to apologize. He mentioned Cathy Shelton who was raped at 12 and how Hillary laughed at her.  He brought up Bill and how his actions were the worst in political history in terms of how he abused women and attacked them viciously.He spoke  spoke of how Bill was impeached, lost his law license, and paid $850,000 to Paula Jones.

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As he brings this up about Bill,  Hillary smiles, like she did during the first debate when attacked. Then Hillary speaks for Trump and says that he Never apologizes for anyone and how he insulted Mr. and Mrs. Kahn and  Captain Kahn  and attacked the  them over their religion  and insulted a Federal judge of Mexican heritage .

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As she said this, you see Trump with his arms crossed over his abdominal area indicating that he is feeling vulnerable.

Then Trump hits back at  Hillary  even harder as he said  “You owe the President  an apology your  friend Sidney Blumenthal sending  the photos ( of Obama dressed in Islamic  garb)  around long before I was I involved.” Then he  tells her that even though she has brought up her friend Michelle Obama in reference to when they go low she goes high”, he told her to go see the vicious commercial where her “friend” Michelle is talking about her. He even told her how she “lost to Obama fair and square” but that was not the case with Bernie Sanders. Then he goes on to say what Debra Wasserman Schultz did and next goes on to tell her she should be apologizing for the 33,000 emails she acid washed.


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As he says these things, he says it right to her face. This makes Hillary feel very uncomfortable as she smiles . He then tells her point blank that she should be ashamed of herself.

As Hillary tries to defend herself after being busted by Trump, she looks down and talks around the issue in circles. She tries to change the subject and talks about fact checking.

Then Trump looks at her and tells her that she should be in jail. The audience went wild and reacted with a resounding YAY.

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As Trump tells her she belongs in jail and that if he is President he will put forth a special commission to investigate her, she smiles. a smug smile as you can see above.

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Hillary then looks down and says that what she did was a mistake and says the rehearsed rhetoric we have all heard before that she wouldn’t do it again. She continued to use rehearsed rhetoric and talk in circles. She appeared too defensive when she spoke as was indicated by her tone. She tries to assure everyone that an investigation showed that her emails were not compromised.

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And Trump then lets her have it by saying “And yet  she didn’t know the letter c ( referring to indication that it was confidential). He then accuses her of lying as asks her if it is fine that she erased 33,00 emails.

Hillary’s response is to smile and laugh as Trump hammers home the point that she deleted 33,000 emails after a subpoena was given to her  yet she thinks she has done nothing wrong.

Hillary tries to get off answering, but Trump lets her have it by saying that she just wants to leave the topic and not answer.

Trump also called Anderson Cooper to task by not asking Hillary about the emails.

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Then when the Affordable Health Care question came up  Hillary uses a phony gesture with her thumb pinching her index and pointer finger.  While she often uses this phony gesture during campaign speeches , to use it when she is supposed to be addressing a person who asked the the question, indicates that it is as rehearsed as she recited the  rhetoric she spewed forth about the Affordable Health Act.


When Trump spoke of Obamacare, he spoke directly to the audience and looked at them as he said he would  get rid of it. His delivery was more real an intimate. Unlike Hillary,  it appeared as though he was speaking directly to you.

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Then Anderson Cooper said that  Bill Clinton said that the Affordable Health Care Act was was a big mistake. Once again as Hillary is busted, so she smiles and then goes on and  on with rehearsed rhetoric that does not sound genuine.

It’s Trump’s turn and he says in regard to Hillary that “Everything is broken” and how Bernie Sanders said she had bad judgement and this is more  of it  as person who wrote it said it was a fraud. Hillary continues to smile.


Now Trump is asked a question about Muslims and Islamophobia. There is no political correctness  here as he says “Whether we like it or not  it does exist.” He says that Muslim Americans  have to report problems when they see something. As he says this we can hear his anger as he audibly breathes through his nose when discussing this. He cites Orlando San Bernadino and Paris and accuses Obama and Hillary of refusing to say the name Radical Islamic Terrorism. As Trump speaks, Hillary looks directly at Trump with interest as her hands are clasped together.

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Then for effect, she gets  real close to the Muslim woman  who asked the question. She actually says the same thing Trump  says by telling  that she wants Muslim Americans to become part of our eyes and ears.

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Then Trump brings up Captain Kahan who Hillary brought up earlier and said that he would be alive if he was President as “unlike her  I wouldn’t have had our people in Iraq He also said he would ban Muslims by  extreme vetting and not have the Hillary Clinton 550 percent increase coming into our country when we don’t know who they are and know nothing about them. There was a great deal of passion and emotion in Trump’s voice as he said this.

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Hillary then smiles and in her rehearsed rhetoric about the war in Iraq while Trump cringes in the  background.

When it is his turn he says how he was against the war in Iraq. He said he does not want criminal illegal aliens in this country but that Hillary thinks it’s OK and you can’t force them to return to their countries of origin . Then he says he is going to force them back into their country. He then goes on to say how this reflects Hillary’s  bad judgement.

Trump lets it be known that ICE, and 16,000 Boarder Patrols endorsed him and how she has such bad judgement. Then he returns the zing she gave him in the beginning of the debate by stating he should never be President. He emphatically says she should never be President of the United States. And she smiles a phony smile throughout this.


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When asked about being two-faced, Hillary  invokes Lincoln instead of answering the question directly about herself. Once again, it was clearly rehearsed rhetoric and  sounded phony. But as she spoke about being two faced her body language gave away her true feelings as she shook her head “yes.” So in essence, her body was saying that it was OK to be two-faced.Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 6.49.56 PM.pngAs she says  Russians are  hacking information she uses  that phony gesture . Then she talks about Trumps Tax returns which could reveal that he may have dealings with Russia.

Trump retaliates by telling her she is so ridiculous  and she got caught in a lie and is blaming the lie on the late great  Abe Lincoln . This caused the audience to erupt in laughter.

Trump also assured the audience that he didn’t have any business with Russia and that Hillary ‘s friends Warren Buffett and George Soros who gave her money for her campaign benefitted from this tax advantage. He also said she had 30 years to change it but hasn’t because her friends who give her money don’t want the law changed.


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When it;s Hillary’s turn to speak  once again you hear the rehearsed rhetoric that makes you want to tune out. Her eyes are wide.



Trump says that she is all talk and no action and harps on her bad jusgement in

Libya,  Syria Iran and that is why ISIS formed. Then he looks right at her and sarcastically says ” Congratulations great job!”

When Trump asks her directly “Why didn’t you do something? ” You see her gesture with her palm down as if to tell Trump to stop.


Hillary then goes on to recite her  bio of her 30 years  of experience years lip licking  nervously .

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As she describes her experience, it is in that rote rehearsed vocal drone that makes one want to tune out.

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Then Trump comes out strong as he says Obama tried  the line in sand  and talks tough against Russia. As Trump discusses ISIS having the oil  and everything that Obama has done has been a mistake and a disaster,  he becomes very angry and  he sniffs through his nose. He then point blank tells Hillary “You don’t know who the rebels are.”

He says how Russia, Iran and  Syria are  killing , he said how we need to  knock out ISIS . When Trump speaks he does it in a way that you seem to easily understand what the situation is all about. He also speaks in a manner that sounds as though he is personally speaking to you.

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When Hillary  is busted about ISIS and Syria, she pulls her nose as you can see above,which shows she is busted and doesn’t  have a strong answer to Trump’s statements. She does say that more planning has to take place with regard to ISIS and that she would go after Baghdadi.

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Trump brings up Hillary’s statement of the Deplorables and irredeemables. He says how he would turn inner cities around and  the economy and bring  bring jobs and get rid of  NAFTA.

He talks directly to Hillary as he says that she didn’t do anything for the inner cities the whole time she has been in office. He also mentions other issues as he attacks her. She is feeling very vulnerable. As he says this as you can see that she has put her hands over her private parts.

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Once again Hillary smiles when she is attacked goes on with her rehearsed sounding rhetoric.  She talks about letters she gets and shared a story about an Ethiopian boy who asked his mother if Trump gets elected will he send him to Ethiopia.

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Trump purses his lips and shakes his head “no” as to indicate how ridiculous he thinks this is.  She also says that bullying is up because of Trump.


Then Trump says that we have a divided nation and an increase in murder. He also brings up how he was proud of his tweeting at 3 AM.  He mentions that Ambassador Stevens sent 600 requests for help that went unanswered.

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Trump then says that he wants a Supreme Court Judge who is in the model of Justice Scalia and one who respects the Second Amendment, while Hillary said she wanted a judge who was in favor of Roe vs Wade.

Trump also did something unconventional by telling Hillary that she made 250 Million dollars since she has been in office and why not put 10 or 20 million of her own money into her campan like he is doing.  Hillary didn’t respond to this.

When Trump spoke, he spoke in a staccato tone to emphasize his points.

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Trump shook head “no” when Hillary spoke at the end  and turned her back on her. Hillary also kept advertising her website several times during the debate, something Trump didn’t do.

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When asked by an audience member to say good things about the other, Trump tightened his jaw and cringed as you could see in his body language. Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 7.35.03 PM.png

Hillary said he respected his children but they didn’t seem to enthused by what she said as they all had serious looks on their faces.

Trump said Hillary was a fighter and doesn’t quit and that was a good trait that he admired.

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At the end of the debate the two just stood there at first but Trump made the first move and reached out his hand first and then patted her on the back.

Once again, this is not a political blog. If it seems that if have treated Trump more favorably in this blog it is because he performed more favorably in this debate with speaking more directly and using more genuine gestures.