Body Language of Trump and Obama at First White House Meeting Shows An Open Receptive Trump and Guarded Tense Obama


This was the first time President Obama and President Elect Trump met one another as they  had their first meeting at the White House.

Obama spoke and said a lot of Uh’s,  which showed he was uncomfortable in Trump’s presence and with the situation. Also in a measured tone, he  spoke very slowly,saying  one word at a time and then pausing until he said another word and then pausing again.


Obama spoke and said a lot of Uh’s,  which showed he was uncomfortable in Trump’s presence and with the situation. Also in a measured tone, he  spoke very slowly,saying  one word at a time and then pausing until he said another word and then pausing again.

screen-shot-2016-11-10-at-10-12-21-amObama  couldn’t even bring himself to say President Elect Trump as he stumbled over the word as he said President twice- President  President Elect Trump

His tone was monotonous and there was no life in his voice.  He sounded like he was going to a funeral as he said that Michelle had a chance to greet  the first lady and had an excellent conversation with her as well. As he spoke, he kept looking down and made no eye contact with Trump.

Then he said “I want to emphasize to you Mr President Elect” but once again, he couldn’t  bring himself to look at Trump. He looked down the whole time even though he was addressing Trump.    


Then Trump spoke. He was warm and gracious and said it was the first time they met. He also said that while the meeting was supposed to take less time, it lasted an hour and a half and could have gone on longer. He said they spoke about some good things and not so good things. As you can see here Trump automatically  pulls his body away from Obama. In essence he is repelled. Obama holds on to his hands for security as does Trump.


Then they shook hands with one another. Their body language and facial expression said it all. Their hearts were not into it as they both pursed their lips. There was considerable tension in Trump’s jaw. This was no doubt the first time in a long time Trump had to do something  he didn’t want to do and it showed on his face.  There was no eye contact between the two which indicated how they really felt about one another deep down. Their body language showed that no matter how cordial and professional each of them  tried to be,  they were clearly not fans of one another. 












Dr. Lillian Glass- Power of a Political Candidate’s Body Language and Speaking Skills on the Election

As a communication and body language  expert, I believe that if one is to succeed in whatever they want to accomplish, they must have good communication skills and body language so that they can effectively get their message across. The reality is that people to judge you and make decisions about you  based on the way you communicate and how you present yourself. This is extremely important for anyone who is running for office as we have seen throughout the years. Continue reading

Obama and Netanyahu Body Language Shows They Still Can’t Stand One Another

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Even though the two world leaders, Benjamin Netanyahu and Barak Obama finally got together  to meet after a year, there is still no love lost between them. Netanyahu was in the US to to discuss the nuclear deal with Iran and other regional conflicts, including the violence in Palestine.

While it had been no secret that the prime minister of Israel and the President of the United States  have had a strong disagreements in the past, their common thread is that they are both in favor of making sure Iran does not get a nuclear weapon. Another point of agreement is regarding the importance of dealing with violence.

But in terms of their body language Obama still can’t seem to hide his disdain for Netanyahu ever since the Israeli Prime Minister accepted an invitation to speak, whereby Obama took the move as a personal affront by  netanyahu and Republicans  in Congress going around the White House to invite him to give a joint address to th Senate and the House of Representatives.

Look at the photo above and you will see the tightness in Obama’s jaw signifying anger. He is pursing his lips as he looks at Netanyahu eye to eye. Obama slunches  over when he reaches out to shake Netanyahu’s han. There also seems to be an aggressive power handshake with Obama as you can see his thumb deliberately pressing hard on Netanyahu’s hand.

Netanyahu is also not pleased about Obama  a you can see from the tension in his jaw and tight lips.

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Feet can tell a lot about how a person is feeling towards the other  as well.In this case we see Obama’s legs are crossed and his foot and toes are positioned upwards. This means that he can’t wait to leave the meeting.  This in in contrast to Netanyahu’s fet which are firmly planted on the ground.Also their feet are not pointing directly in one another’s direction which further indicates  they don’t feel good about one another.

Hands are also telling as both men are holding on to themselves in order to contain their true feelings. Netanyahu hold;s on to his fingers while Obama self comforts by olding on to his thighs. It shows how uncomfortable they are with one another.

Another telling signal of their disdain towards one another is that their heads are completely turned away from one another. Netanyahu turns his head to the left and looks away from Obama while Obama looks straight ahead, not  relating to Netanyahu’s presence.

So even though the two allies – the US and Israel  met to demonstrate their bond, there was definitely no bonding going on between the two leaders as you can see in this photo op.

Bruce Jenner Desperately Needs Feminizing Voice, Speech and Body Language Coaching To Complete His Male to Female Transition

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In making his transition from male to female,  Bruce Jenner has put a lot of effort into his skin with  injectable  lip and face fillers botox, surgically minimizing his adam’s apple, breast enhancement, and many other physical changes. But the one important change that he has neglected is the sound of his voice, the content of his speech, and adopting a more feminized body language

Having taught countless transgender clients in my practice who went from female to male how to sound like a man and  male to to male transgender clients how to sound like a woman I would love to be the one to help Bruce make these changes so that he could feel more secure and confident in his new gender role. In fact I want to personally reach out to Bruce through this blog to let him know that I can help him with establishing a more feminine voice, speech patterns, as well as a more female  body language .

After all, if I could help Dustin Hoffman sound like a woman for his Dorothy character in his award winning performance of “Tootsie”  I can definitely help Bruce Jenner.

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After it  was publicly known that I was the one who helped  Dustin to sound like a woman, transgender clients from all over the country sought out my services to help them make that vocal and body language transition which would help cement their identity in the opposite sex and allow others to perceive them as more feminine (or masculine for those seeking a female to male  transition).

My experience  in helping the  transgender population began when I was doing my Master’s Degree at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. At the time the University of Michigan Medical Center was one of the few places in the world where people came for gender reassignment surgery. So in order to assist these patients with their total image, they were often sent to the University of Michigan Speech Clinic.

Unbeknownst to me, I was assigned one such patient- a lovely woman with long dark hair and exotic features. My first task was to do a complete speech and vocal analysis of this woman. I wrote up a very detailed report for my professor and mentor, Dr. H. Harlan Bloomer about the woman’s low pitched voice, her pitch range, and diction and how she presented herself. Because the patient had such a  limited pitch range and a low voice, I wrote up a differential diagnosis in her report  that she may be suffering from vocal cord  trauma or may have some vocal cord growths which may attribute to her vocal issues. While Dr. Bloomer said he was impressed with the detailed analysis of my report, he said I missed something very crucial. She was actually a “he”.

I must say that I was surprised as I had never known anything like this.Dr. Bloomer said that my task was to make her sound like a woman. I immediately went to the Medical Library to find out all I could about how to do that, but there were no books or articles on the topic. There was an obscure book that was written by a Harvard linguistics Professor  but it was very academic and didn’t tell what to do. So I tried to figure things out by the seat of my pants and at the end of our six week therapy sessions, my client sounded like a woman and very few could detect that she had been or sounded like a man months earlier. Because of my success with this client, I was the one who was given all of the transgender patients who needed to change their voice and speech  patterns to match their new sexual identity.

After graduating from Michigan and getting my doctorate at the University of Minnesota where my focus was now in the area of medical genetics and psychosocial aspects of speech, voice, and cosmetic appearance in patients with cranial facial deformities, I then went to UCLA School of Medicine and  did a post doctoral fellowship, doing  research in the area of birth defects and associated speech and voice disorders in the area of Medical Genetics. It was there that I really was able to hone my diagnostic skills in assessing people from head to toe, which was instrumental in my present incarnation as a voice and body language expert.

One evening, I took a break  from my post-doctorate studies and my research and accepted an invitation to my first Hollywood party. A far cry from the world of academia where I spent so such time, it was so was so exciting  and refreshing to me to see all of these glamorous and beautiful people who had so much to say about themselves, telling me about all the acting roles they got, and the next movie I would see them in. Then  it came  my turn to share what I did. I also shared my experience with them of working with transgender clients when I was in graduate school. A film producer overheard what I said and asked me for my card. I didn’t have a card back then so I wrote my number down a on a piece of paper.

A few days later, I got a call from a person whom I didn’t know who told me he was a director and that his friend at the party I attended gave him my number. The director then told me there was someone he wanted me to meet to help him sound like a woman and that I had to come to an address in Westwood (not too far from UCLA) the next day at the specified time. But there was one important thing I had to know- that I couldn’t tell anyone where I was going and what I was doing. As a naive 25 year old I enthusiastically agreed to it and showed up the next afternoon. As I walked up the long winding stairway to the front door, I began to feel a bit anxious and wondered what I got myself into. I knocked on the door and who should appear? None other than Dustin Hoffman. In the weeks and months that followed I taught Dustin everything I possibly knew about gender differences in communication. I shared with him everything I learned from working with the transgender clients at the University of Michigan.

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Years later I wrote a best selling book about gender differences in communication called He Says She Says, Closing the Communication Gap Between the Sexes and went on the speaking circuit where I spoke to thousands of people on the topic. I also did the TV talk show circuit on the topic. Understanding how differently men and woman communicated  with one another helped many couples learn to better relate to one another. It also helped  avoid many misunderstanding in the workplace where men and woman  now learned the nuances of communication with the opposite sex.

More business women learned how they needed to get to the point quicker, and not answer a question with a question or go up at the end of sentences, while more businessmen learned that they needed to use less command terms and take up less physical space when dealing with women. In fact there were 103 differences that men and women needed to be aware of to help them better communicate with one another.

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So back to Bruce Jenner.  Having worked with so many transgender clients,  I truly feel for Bruce. I know the emotional pain these clients have been in all of their lives. I know how they have been teased and emotionally abused. I know how many of their friends and relatives will never speak to them again when they go through the transition. I also know the very dark side of this transition process and that is that 60 percent of those who undergo the transition become so depressed afterwards that they  commit suicide. It is shocking and it is scary as they find that life in their new gender doesn’t cure all of their past issues and in fact, may create more issues than they had before.

Bruce may be one of the lucky ones in that he seems to have a good family support system with his mother and  two sons for sure and perhaps  step daughter Khloe.It seems that his younger daughters with Kris, Kylie and Kendall  are having a hard time with it. Kyle’s acting out and dating a 25 year old when she is 17 may have something to do with her ambivalence towards Bruce. The last thing Bruce needs now as he makes his transition is badmouthing from Kris. This could play havoc on his psyche especially now that he is on hormone therapy. That is why he needs to cut ALL ties with her and hire a great PR person to defect any poison PR arrows Kris may shoot at him in the media. Kris may use this opportunity to play the victim- that she had no idea about his desire to become a woman. Know that no one can live with someone for 20 something years and do business with them and share intimate moments with the person and not know something. This is not about Kris. It is about Bruce and Bruce’s PR minions need to keep making that very clear.

Bruce’s role in the recent traffic collision where his car hit a woman who was killed must also be weighing heavily on his mind. The fact that he is coming out in front of millions of people is also a Herculean task. Not everyone will embrace him. People will be mean as they have been already. With some, Bruce’s transition, threatens their masculinity and angers them for what he did.Many looked up to Bruce as a great athlete and Olympic heros.They still may want to see him this way and now when they see him looking like a woman and wearing women’s clothing, it upsets their psyche. Many will become angry because they don’t want to see him this way. Many religious people will think what Bruce did was wrong and will let him know about it. Many will call him a freak,

But Bruce is not a freak. He was feeling like he was in the wrong body for his entire life as he admitted. Perhaps that was why he could endure the punishing workouts that allowed him to become an Olympian. Perhaps he so wanted to be be seen as masculine at the time that he overcompensated. No matter what, Bruce is at a very crucial time in his life. He needs a lot of emotional support and a lot of strength.

I am here to support Bruce through my skill set as I am reaching out to him with the intention of helping him to have more confidence and credibility in his voice, speech patterns,and body language as he ventures out in the world as a woman.

Joran Vandersloot’s Body Language in Harsh New Prison

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A video was released of psychopathic murderer and most likely serial killer Joran Vandersloot who killed two innocent women, Natalie Holloway in Aruba and Stephanie Flores in Peru, as he entered one of the harshest, coldest,and most remote prisons in the world- Challapalca Prison. This prison located high in the Andes Mountains has been cited for numerous human rights violations throughout the world.  He was sent there as punishment for threatening to kill a guard at his previous prison.

Apparently the warden of his new prison Sergio Haro,  gave Vandersloot a cell phone to record himself and later the phone was confiscated . On the video, Vandersloot speaks in Spanish and says he doesn’t know why he was told to record himself but mentions it was for his security.

No doubt this notorious prison wanted to show the world  that their new inmate was in good physical  shape when he first arrived. Actually Joran ‘s fuller face reflects that he was doing quite well in his previous prison as he put on some pounds, indicating that he was well fed. He has grown a beard and moustache since he was first processed into the prison as you can see below, he was clean shaven. 

Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.56.44 PM In the photo above  his fleshy chin shows that he was clearly not deprived of food at his previous facility. As the doctor examines him we see that he has taken one arm out of  a sleeve of his sweatshirt and rests on his abdomen. Most likely his wrist is chained to a waist chain for safety as guards were taking no chances with Vandersloot. . He is not only under the watchful eye of a police officer to his side as you can see in the photo above,

  • Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.56.19 PMbut he is surrounded by an entire army of guards who are watching his every move. All of these guards wear a woolen cap as does the doctor who examines him. If these men are all wearing caps in doors, it no doubt indicates that Vandersloot’s new home is very cold.  In fact the temperature in the evenings has been known to get to 20 degrees minus zero.

Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.58.32 PMAs Vandersloot is turned facing the wall and  patted down, we see his sagging pants and his underwear showing. In the prison population this is a major signal that the person is open for sex and are available to be penetrated by other prisoners. So Vandersloot is giving a clear message that he is ready to be the receiver in a potential sexual encounter. In his new home at Challapalca Prison, there are no conjugal visits gone are his days of having sex with and  impregnating a woman as he did with his new bride as of  this past July, Leidy Figueroa. Also gone are regular visits he would have had with the  unfortunate child he  spawned as family visits are extremely expensive and the terrain is extremely difficult to traverse for any outsider.

Vandersloot will not only be deprived of  conjugal visits with his wife, access to his new baby,  home cooked meals brought in daily, and fresh new clothing,he will most likely initially suffer from altitude sickness in the the 15,000 foot elevated prison, no regular electricity or running water, overcrowding, poor medical treatment, poor food, and poor sanitation. In fact he is already feeling the misery of being there as he has allegedly gone on a hunger strike. Perhaps this is the first time Vandersloot is really feeling the consequences of his actions. 

Body Language of Groom Who Committed Suicide May Have Been A Warning Sign

Fernando Brazier , 28 committed suicide just a few hours after his marriage ceremony to the mother of his two children Trudian Hay.


This photo of the two of them walking down the isle is haunting. Look at Fernando’s body language. He is stiff. He leans away from his bride. There is no smile on his face. He is wide-eyed and there appears to be an enormous amount of tension around his mouth and shoulder area a he awkwardly hold his bride’ hand. He does not look like a man who is happily in love or happy to be married.

Trudian Hay, who is also the mother of his two young daughters has no clue what he was about to do a few hours later.

In contrast, she appears to be elated and in a world of her own. She is laughing. Her head and body  is turned away from Fernando as she  has no clue that he  looks extremely uncomfortable, upset  and  almost on a state of shock as he completed  saying his vows and walked down the isle.


No one seemed to notice Fernando’s misery as he and the bride kissed as they all looked on , sharing in what they thought was the couple’s mutual joy. If you look closely at their post marital kiss he is stiff and non responsive.

It is Trudian who appears to be more dominant in reaching up to kiss him as indicated by the way she is straining and elongating her neck. He doesn’t bend down to meet her kiss. He is ridged  in his posture and there appears to be no joy expressed in his face. It is the complete opposite facial expression that his bride has on her face.  TO READ MORE  CLICK LINK BELOW

Casey Anthony’s Sadistic Laughter In Court at “Pigs In A Blanket”

Perhaps he most genuine emotion we have seen of Casey Anthony thus far was when she laughed out loud  in the courtroom in reference to the “pig in the blanket “comment. As you can see in the photo, her eyes are smiling and her cheekbones are raised.  She is covering her mouth to try and stifle her laughter but she cannot help herself.

 Casey laughed  during the  questioning  during  her own “bug expert” witness  Tim Huntington, when Jeff Ashton asked him about a study he used where he put  pigs into  the trunk of a car to simulate the  conditions in Casey’s car where there was an  alleged decomposed body.

Ashton tried to make a point that  the pigs were not wrapped in blankets and garbage bags like  Caylee’s remains were when they were  allegedly placed in the trunk of the car.

So Ashton asked “Why didn’t you wrap your pigs in a blanket?”

When he realized that he made a play on words (pigs in a blanket) referring to the little rolled up  hotdogs that  is often served as appetizers he laughed. It was OK for him to laugh at that question, but it was NOT  OK for Casey to join in.

It validates something I said last week in a blog about Casey’s body language. She is apparently  observing her own trial as a third party.  When she heard about a discussion of any body in any trunk, she needed to remain somber. A  jury will notice this. Even if it is a play on words, there is nothing funny about the context of the pig experiment in relation to the decomposition of  a child’s body  in a trunk.

To me the laughter not only says that Casey is looking at her trial as though it is someone else on trial, it  also shows a  sadistic  reaction on her part. She may be  getting a bit of a pleasure hearing about  Casey in the trunk as she most likely never really liked Caylee and found her a burden. Thus, she can laugh at this play on words.

This laughing  incident is just one more example of Casey’s odd and aberrant reactions in the  courtroom. All of these body language behaviors along with the evidence and the testimonies will be carefully considered when the jury deliberates and makes their final decision.

Ice Cold Expressionless Casey Listens To Her Own Lies to Police Doesn’t React and Calls Caylee “IT

The above photo is clearly the he look of evil an no remorse. As Casey heard her own voice telling lie after lie to the officers who questioned her when she lead them on a wild goose chase at Universal Studious, we see her with  no  facial reaction whatsoever. Instead there was a mask-like facial expression of detachment and curiosity. It was as though she was curiously  listening to someone else speaking  and not  her speaking.

There was no upset or no reaction except  where she shook her head “no” when there was  a reference to what she may have done to Caylee. No doubt she did that for the purpose of having the jury  seeing her deny any wrongdoing.

The lies were sickening to hear. One of the tell tale signs that she was lying is that she had a monotone voice along with giving way too much information when she was not asked for that information.

The fact that she walked with a purpose  towards her imaginary office as Yuri Melich said and showed no emotion or remorse and stuck to her story makes me even more convinced that she is a sociopath . The officers tried to do everything with her  and she would not budge. They used the good cop bad cop routine. They yelled at her. They were harsh with her. Then they had the good cop, Appie Wells try to befriend her  and show compassion.

He was able to get out the fact that her mother was causing her pressure. It was even brought out that sometimes accidents happen and that they could help her. But she never wavered.

They even gave a scenario of  the child drowning and how it happens so often. Casey never  responded. If Caylee had drowned this would have been Casey’s  perfect opportunity to admit what happened. But she did not because most likely Caylee never drowned. Casey never wavered. She was calm under pressure and showed no emotion on the tapes

In fact, she wore down the officers as she continued lie after lie after lie.

But  even through all the lies, when she realizes she has won after the officers wrap up the session, Casey says something profound.

She volunteers the statement  “If I didn’t want my daughter, I would have given it to my mother,” To me this lie speaks volumes . What she meant to say was  I didn’t want my daughter, I wouldn’t   give it to my mother.”

This says it all.  It  shows the motive of  why she killed Caylee. She did not want  Caylee and would not allow her mother to have Caylee. The fact she called Caylee IT speaks volumes! Caylee was a non person Casey to. She was a burden to her and to her social life.

Casey told Lee that she was a  “spiteful bitch“. This couldn’t be more true.

Casey Anthony Sadistic Enjoyment of Cindy’s Emotional Breakdown On the Stand

There was nothing more heart wrenching than seeing Cindy Anthony’s agony as she heard the 911 audiotape in the courtroom.

What was  even more shocking was Casey’s reaction to her distraught mother. She looked curiously at her mother with sadistic pleasure at her mother’s pain. The curiosity  can be seen by Casey’s cocked head to the side.  There was no empathy and no facial reaction. It was  a detached look  as though a stranger was observing at another stranger in a bad car accident.

She even tries to mimic Cindy’s emotion but can’t seem to get it right. She furrows her forehead but the rest of her face hasn’t quite caught up with the emotion. If you cover Casey’s forehead and look at the rest of her face, you see the incongruity. It is as though she cannot synch up the right facial expression with the corresponding and proper emotion.

As Cindy cried  on the stand, Casey  gave  mixed looks of  curiosity , anger, and annoyance as we can see above.

As her mother is genuinely  distraught, Casey tries to mirror her mother’s emotion but fails miserably.

Casey attempts to  cry as well . But there is no facial expression to indicates sadness . She merely wipes nothing under her eye. Actually, she sticks her thumb under her eye. There is no liquid and no tears. This convinces me that Casey is not capable of genuine empathy.

As Cindy buries her head in her hands,  Casey looks on with an odd curiosity.


She appears to enjoy the pain she sees her mother experiencing. We see her cold icy stare as she studies her mother on the monitor located  in front of her.

Cindy leans away, looks down. and holds her hand over her mouth to hold back her emotions as she hears how rude and nasty Casey was when she spoke to her friend Christina and urged her to give Tony’s number. 

Cindy and the jury heard how  rudely Casey  spoke to Cindy and how nasty she was to Lee and to  friend Christina. Even though she called her friend many terms of endearment, Casey’s  tone was anything but endearing. Instead, it was monotone, cold, and agitated when she didn’t get what she wanted. There was no sympathy at all when it came to any discussion of Caylee.

In light of what Casey is accused – killing Caylee, this particular tape will be one of the most damning pieces of evidence in my view.  Her voice on the tape along with her words show a cold, calculating, selfish, manipulative, heartless creäture. It shows how ugly she spoke to her mother and how disrespetful she was to Cindy. This will not endear her to any jury member. 

Hearing those tapes int he courtroom shook Cindy to the bone. Not only did she have to relive her own pain and panic in  listening the 911 tape,  but listening to Casey’s  jailhouse tape gave her new insight into her daughter. As Christina cried about Caylee and showed emotion, Cindy  heard the opposite when Casey spoke. She heard a  cold and heartless person who cared more about boyfriend Tony’s phone number  than she did about her missing child.

Cindy was so distraught that she had to be assisted off the stand by her attorney Mr. Lippman. She fell into George’s arms for comfort  when she reached the back of the courtroom where George was waiting.

What happened next was unbelievable. Casey’s entire team of lawyers huddled around her and essentially told her to show emotion. The reason I am convinced of this is because a stone faced Casey immediately put her finger up to her eye to wipe a non tear as she  she put a Kleenex up to her nose. In essence, her team was coaching her to cry.

Jose Baez was beside himself. We see him looking up to the heavens as though he is saying some sort of prayer like “God, help me!” Or  perhaps he is having  the following conversation: “Why me? Why do I have to defend this sociopath who has no feelings and doesn’t even know how to cry?  I tried to help spare her life but it is  clearly not working. She’s a dead woman walking! It’s all in your hands now.”

Even Casey’s staunch supporter who said publicly how he likes Casey and how intelligent she is, appears to be taken aback by Casey’s response,  or shall I say, non response when Cindy was on the stand. He distances himself from Casey physically as you can see in the photo. Not  only does he sit away from her, he leans away from her.  With his cocked head to the side, he looks at her as  though as she was some type of odd  zoo animal. Cheney has finally seen his client in action and appears shocked by what he has observed.

And poor substitute momma/ babysitter  Ms. Simms has the lovely job of trying to humanize this robotic sociopath.  While she has her arm over Casey’s shoulder in an attempt  to comfort her,  the reality is that Ms. Simms hates the position into which she has been thrust. Look at Ms. Simm’s   angry clenched fist. It says it all!

Jose Baez and Casey Anthony’s Body Language Show Delight In Jurors Negative Reactions Towards Nancy Grace, Casey’s Courtroom Tension Builds on Day 6



Jose Baez shot back  at Nancy Grace by referring to her show as “Nancy Grace Entertainment” whenever he questioned  any of the  prospective jurors.

He appeared to be  loving  the multitude of  negative  answers and  comments  by jurors about Nancy and her show. Comments included that they switch channels  as soon as she comes on, they can’t stand  her, leave the room whenever she’s on,   or they think she is nonsense and ridiculous.  

With a  mischievous grin Baez kept chuckling as he was unable to contain his pleasure as he heard  all the negative comments towards Grace, who has been a thorn in his side, dissecting every inch of the case  since the beginning .

 As we see in the photo above, Jose looks the happiest we have ever seen him with his raised cheeks and open mouthed toothy  smile.

Even Casey Anthony was loving the  multitude of unsolicited  negative comments about Nancy Grace. She smirked when a prospective juror discussed how Nancy talked about Casey’s tossing her hair and pushing her pen and thought it was “nonsense.”

                                                                                   SIX DAYS OF PASTELS


Case appeared to be less bouncy and animated on Day 6 than she was on Day 5 when she was interacting with her mitigator Rosalie Bolin. She wore a pastel grey cowl  necked  type top covered by a white cardigan reminiscent of Cindy’s ” white sweater over every outft” attire.

Clothing does have an impact on people’s perceptions of you as research has found.Casey has been dressed in Pastel tops which by the way,  have been much better fitting than the tops she wore in the pre trial hearings. The tops which have been

                                                                     Mint Green

                                                                                      pastel blue

                                                                                 Pastel lilac

                                                                               Baby Pink

                                                             Pastel  yellow

                                                     and Pastel Blue/grey  complete with ruffles

have all  been chosen to no doubt,  give Cy set a softer childlike  sweet and innocent look during the jury selection process. I personally think this will backfire,  especially with the women on the jury,  who will  tend to pay more attention to her clothing. They will most likely see it as an attempt by the defense  to  manipulate then in showing  a softer Casey.

Casey’s courtroom attire  does not reflect what jurors will see when they view her party photos in her skimpy attire. When they see a complete contrast in terms  of what she is wearing on the courtroom, adding to their sense ot manipulation. 

 Wearing a variety of clothing in various pastel  colors, instead of the navy  blue prison outfit she has been in for three years,  may make Casey feel a lot  better. After all, it is  only time she gets to  dress up.  But I don’t think her variety of pastels  is such a great idea. 

 As I have said all along,  I think she would be better off wearing a black suit. It might possibly  give jurors the impression Casey actually feels bad about what happened and is in mourning. But that will never happen. Casey is not in mourning and the only thing she feels bad about is that she is locked up.

                                                              CASEY’S TENSION IN THE COURTROOM

 Casey is definitely not faring well emotionally s we can see in her photos. It is easy to see all the tension signals occurring throughout her body language.

She often touched  the back of her neck and her shoulders where her body is most likely is carrying a great deal of muscle tension. No question that fighting for her life is  a pretty heavy weight to have on Casey’s  shoulders and it shows.

Casey often does  a lot of hang wringing. She is free of handcuffs for hours at a time, so  it is not the the cuffs that block her circulation. When we see her manipulating her hands over one another,  she is literally wringing her handsough she is worried.   This is an indication that she is tense and nervous. The reality of hearing what she is accused of doing is no doubt getting to her.

We also see a lot more of Casey exhaling large breaths whereby she is heaving her shoulders as she breathes out large puffs of  air. This also indicates tensiona nd nervousness.

 When she hears a prospective juror say that she felt  Casey was guilty by omission,  Casey shows a flash of anger. Look at how her  lower jaw juts forth , her eyes are narrowed, and her head is cocked to indicate anger towards the woman juror.

We have seen these flashes of anger whenever a potential juror says that they believe Casey is guilty. As Casey hears  the word “guilty” by so many different people, the reality is  beginning to sink in that she may ever be free again.  .

Also helping things sink in are  the repetitive comments made by attorney Finnell, the death qualified attorney.  As Casey constantly hears the words death sentence and dying by lethal injection it appears that is it  becoming clearer to Casey  that her life may be cut short,  just like Caylee’s life was cut  short.