Joran Vandersloot’s Body Language in Harsh New Prison

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A video was released of psychopathic murderer and most likely serial killer Joran Vandersloot who killed two innocent women, Natalie Holloway in Aruba and Stephanie Flores in Peru, as he entered one of the harshest, coldest,and most remote prisons in the world- Challapalca Prison. This prison located high in the Andes Mountains has been cited for numerous human rights violations throughout the world.  He was sent there as punishment for threatening to kill a guard at his previous prison.

Apparently the warden of his new prison Sergio Haro,  gave Vandersloot a cell phone to record himself and later the phone was confiscated . On the video, Vandersloot speaks in Spanish and says he doesn’t know why he was told to record himself but mentions it was for his security.

No doubt this notorious prison wanted to show the world  that their new inmate was in good physical  shape when he first arrived. Actually Joran ‘s fuller face reflects that he was doing quite well in his previous prison as he put on some pounds, indicating that he was well fed. He has grown a beard and moustache since he was first processed into the prison as you can see below, he was clean shaven. 

Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.56.44 PM In the photo above  his fleshy chin shows that he was clearly not deprived of food at his previous facility. As the doctor examines him we see that he has taken one arm out of  a sleeve of his sweatshirt and rests on his abdomen. Most likely his wrist is chained to a waist chain for safety as guards were taking no chances with Vandersloot. . He is not only under the watchful eye of a police officer to his side as you can see in the photo above,

  • Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.56.19 PMbut he is surrounded by an entire army of guards who are watching his every move. All of these guards wear a woolen cap as does the doctor who examines him. If these men are all wearing caps in doors, it no doubt indicates that Vandersloot’s new home is very cold.  In fact the temperature in the evenings has been known to get to 20 degrees minus zero.

Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.58.32 PMAs Vandersloot is turned facing the wall and  patted down, we see his sagging pants and his underwear showing. In the prison population this is a major signal that the person is open for sex and are available to be penetrated by other prisoners. So Vandersloot is giving a clear message that he is ready to be the receiver in a potential sexual encounter. In his new home at Challapalca Prison, there are no conjugal visits gone are his days of having sex with and  impregnating a woman as he did with his new bride as of  this past July, Leidy Figueroa. Also gone are regular visits he would have had with the  unfortunate child he  spawned as family visits are extremely expensive and the terrain is extremely difficult to traverse for any outsider.

Vandersloot will not only be deprived of  conjugal visits with his wife, access to his new baby,  home cooked meals brought in daily, and fresh new clothing,he will most likely initially suffer from altitude sickness in the the 15,000 foot elevated prison, no regular electricity or running water, overcrowding, poor medical treatment, poor food, and poor sanitation. In fact he is already feeling the misery of being there as he has allegedly gone on a hunger strike. Perhaps this is the first time Vandersloot is really feeling the consequences of his actions.