Jodi Arias Allowed to Live As Travis Alexander’s Death Teaches Us About Trusting Our Instincts When We Realize Someone Is Toxic

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The verdict is out and  Jodi Arias will not die by lethal injection, nor by any other means, after slaughtering her ex boyfriend Travis Alexander. Even though 11 of the 12 jurors felt that death would be the right punishment for her, there was one lone juror who refused to commit to having Jodi put to death.

As someone who does jury selection and trial consulting for a living, you can never ultimately predict  what will happen in a real trial. Even if you ask jurors who are serving on a death penalty case if they could in fact choose death as one of their choices and they answer “yes”, when push comes to shove and they have to make the decision as to whether someone lives or dies, many cannot choose death after all..

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When the judge told the jury that they had to decide on an outcome after four days of deliberation, I knew that Jodi would most likely  not be put to death. Now she has to await the judges decision, which will occur in April,  as to whether she will spend life behind bars without parole or life with parole after two and a half decades when she will be in her mid fifties as you can see by this art rendering of her aging.

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Whether or not she gets life or life without parole, there will be times at the harsh Perryville Prison  where Jodi will be baking in the scorching Arizona sun, in an open air cage, that she may very well have wished she received the death penalty when the other prisoners make her life a living hell.

The bottom line is that Jodi will be living under harsh conditions where she may spend most of her time in isolation in order to protect her from other prisoners  because she is such a high profile case. This could be the worst torture of all for Jodi Arias who thrives on attention and manipulation of others. If there is no one to manipulate or to give Jodi, her attention fix, life for her may not be worth living.

In any event, one does not have to be killed to receive just punishment as Jodi will soon discover in her new home.

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One of the most anguishing sites at the trial was seeing Travis’ sister, who loved her brother so much, break down and cry in such pain. She was inconsolable, while  Jodi  was at the other end of the courtroom showing no compassion and no emotion as you can see below. Perhaps she was in shock. Perhaps she had expected to receive the death penalty.

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One of the things that jurors said after the trial was that  throughout the trial, Jodi showed no remorse for what she did to Travis. This was not surprising to me. The bottom line is that Jodi actually believed that she was was a woman scorned. In  her warped thinking,  she no doubt felt that Travis got what he deserved. That is why she showed no remorse and no genuine emotion. She did not feel sorry for what she did to him. She felt that he abused her and used her and he had what was coming to him.

While almost all of the jurors felt the opposite, there was one juror who obviously thought along the lines as Jodi. She too, felt that Travis abused her and used her.

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While so many people remarked that Travis was a wonderful guy, truth be told, he was full of contradictions. He wanted to follow his faith and not engage in sex before marriage, yet he continued to engag in sex with Jodi. He told Jodi she was not the woman for him and wanted to find a pure Mormon wife, yet he continued to engage in sex with Jodi. He told Jodi to leave him alone and not stalk him, but yet continued to allow her into his life and into his bed. He allowed her to clean his home. He allowed her into his life, instead of calling the police and getting a restraining order against her and being vigilant about her ever being in his presence.

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When Travis first met Jodi he was taken with her. he thought she was beautiful, glamorous and super sweet. But her sickeningly sweet tones belied her. They reflected a great deal of psychopathology. As Travis got to know Jodi, he realized there was something very wrong with this woman. Yet, he continued to take her to bed and have sex with her. He continued to travel with her.

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He  eerily voiced his concern about Jodi being a serial killer to many of his friends. Even his friends picked up on the fact that there was something off about Jodi as they asked in disbelief, if she was always that “sweet”. It was that sickening sweetness that didn’t ring true to either Travis or his friends.

But being the nice guy that he was and wanting adventure as well as ” having his cake and eating it too”, he ignored his instincts. He ignored what he saw and what he heard out of Jodi’s mouth. He ignored her tones and her actions.He ignored his own gut level reactions that he shared with friends, and unfortunately,  he ignored the action he need to take. That action was to stay completely away from Jodi and never allow her  back into his life under any circumstances. He needed to cut off the phone calls and the visits for good.

His lack of listening to  and trusting his initial instincts about Jodi and acting upon them,  tragically  cost him his life. I am in no way blaming the victim – blaming Travis. Instead, I am pointing out how his death can serve as an example to all of us and to our children. If we see and hear and feel something is not right about another person, we must cut it off asap and never look back.

When the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, when you feel queasy or nauseated around the person, when you have a tinge of fear around them- run as fast as your feet will carry you and never look back.

And remember to never trust anyone with a high pitched baby girl sickeningly sweet breathy, monotone,  voice quality devoid of demotion. This voice often reflects a passive aggressive personality. Their voice indicates that they are hiding something and not revealing their true selves.

Nothing happens in a vacuum. There is alway a  “cause” and and an “effect”. The “cause” of Travis engaging in sex with Jodi and then taking a shower to get ready to take another woman out of town created the “effect” of  having a very disturbed woman  brutally murder him.  The cause of his not listening to and trusting and acting on his negative  instincts about  Jodi, created the tragic effect of him leaving the earth way too soon.

Travis did not die in vain. His death teaches us  that we all to pay close attention to that gut level feeling that tells us something is wrong with being around a specific person. If you are around someone where you even joke about them being a serial killer, get away from them as soon as possible. Your instincts are screaming that something is wrong.  Had Travis listened to his gut and trusted his instincts and never allowed Jodi  into his life again, he would probably be alive today.   May he rest in peace and may Jodi be held accountable  and deal with the effects that her actions caused for the rest of her natural life.

Why Did Defense Team’s Jury Consultant Suddenly Quit At The Last Minute?

Until jury consultant Richard Gabriel just quit being the consultant on the Casey Anthony case a few days before jury selection was to occur, I was very concerned. The reason is that he is one of the top jury consultants around. He has represented some of the most high profile cases and he has even written the book on the topic.

So why would he bail ship at the last minute? It is such an unprofessional thing for such a seasoned professional to do. I believe that there are  several reasons that may be possible. While it is merely speculation, below are some possible reasons.

  1. Maybe he already got what he wanted- notoriety and name recognition. He got the best press possible in on the highest rated 48 hours where he performed a focus group of people who ended up acquitting Casey. Mind you it was a focus group and not a mock jury trial which many viewers were lead to believe. In any event he got his name known and maybe that was why he took on this high profile  case to begin with.
  2. The feedback from this show  and his involvement was extremely negative so maybe he wanted to get out before he actually began work on the trial. Many called him a manipulator of justice which may have had an impact on him.
  3. He may have discovered something about the case  as he was doing his work that made him realize Casey was guilty and  therefore he may not want have wanted to be involved with helping to get a guilty person off.
  4. He may have developed a conscience as he worked on the trial and felt that he couldn’t live with himself if he helped her in any way.
  5. He may have received threats and such vile emails and feedback and calls from passionate people who believe Casey is guilty. Andrea Lyons and Jose Baez have both reported receiving threat and hate mail because of their defending Casey. He may have been frightened away from continuing to assist in  Casey’s  for fear that something might happen to him or to his family.
  6. If he did succeed in manipulating the jury pool in  Casey’s favor and Casey was found not guilty the hateful repercussions towards him would be enormous.
  7. Perhaps he found out the secret location where the jury would be pooled from and realized it would be a losing battle.
  8. He may not have wanted to have such  a significant loss on his  pristine record.
  9. He may have realized that he would never get paid even if he was promised payment at the end.
  10. He may not have had the  three months to devote to this trial and work for free if he received a paying job during those months.
  11. Perhaps all the press he received from the 48 hours piece increased his business from attorneys to the point that he has become overwhelmed and now needs to focus on his new high paying clients.
  12. Maybe he had arranged with Jose all along to  only conduct a focus group that would show Casey in a positive light  for the pre trial publicity so that both he and Jose could benefit. Maybe he never had any intention of actually engaging in  the jury selection process.
  13. Maybe he couldn’t stand working with Jose Baez or Cheney Mason and found it unbearable to continue working on the case with them.
  14. Maybe Casey tried to manipulate him as she has done with every other man with whom she has come in contact and it
  15. He realized that picking a jury will be a losing task and he may not be successful in picking a jury, especially with the Sunshine Laws in effect in Florida
  16. He may have believed that the media has tainted the jury pool to the point that he could never chose a jury for Casey.
  17. He may feels that that he has been stifled in how to properly vet potential  jurors they have a bias on the case after  Judge Perry would not allow him to use  a questionnaire to ask jurors what they feel about the case and what they heard about the case which could take one hour per juror.

Whatever the reason he is no longer on the team. Initially I was very concerned that there would be an unfair playing field with him at the jury selection helm because the prosecution had no jury consultant on their team.  Now that he is gone, there is a much better chance that there will be a fair trial for Casey Anthony in terms of what jury has been selected.

Family Dysfunction Can Not Explain Why Casey Anthony Didn’t Respond for 31 Days

The defenses’ argument that Casey Anthony didn’t respond for 31 days due to “family dysfunction” and that Casey  feared her father’s violence and mother’s wrath is completely lame in my view. No jury will buy it in my estimation. Even if that is the case, they will wonder why she didn’t go to brother Lee or to one of her friends or boyfriends.  

They will especially not buy that “fear of coming home and telling her parents because she feared their wrath” excuse. After  looking  at the Jailhouse tapes of Casey and her parents, they will clearly see  that it is SHE who runs them, not vice versa. She is the one in control.

Her father George even point-blank tells his daughter she is in control. If they read his jailhouse letters he sent to her, they will see him literally begging for her to see him. This once again indicates that it is Casey who is in control.


George has been an absentee non- involved father it appears,  based on her comments to him “ Act like a father for the first time in you life.”  If she feared George’s violence, she would never have spoken to him like that.  

Yes, George may very well have a temper when pushed to his limit as we saw him on the lawn of his own home when he reacted violently. But under the circumstances, it is not difficult  to understand his outbursts when people were on his property and name calling. All of the shame, embarrassment and trying to keep it all together finally got to him.

Just because he may have shoved a few protesters does not mean he beat up on Casey and that she feared his violence towards her. If that were the case, as soon as she was in the home, he may have let her have it when she refused to say where Caylee was located.

Did he molest her? That may very well be a possibility. But that still wouldn’t account for her waiting 31 days to come home or to tell what happened to Casey. Apparently, when her father encountered her and spoke to her about the gas tanks she said something vulgar to him. If someone fears you, they don’t mouth off to you because they are petrified of what the person  may do to you.    

If Casey claims that George beat her and also beat Caylee and she was saving Caylee from George, this will be the lamest thing she can ever say.

Caylee was the one who brought joy into George’s life. He has been the one who has grieved the most for Caylee it appears.   From the tattoo of Caylee over his heart and the sincere body language and communication in terms of how he discusses her, he clealry adored her.  It doesn’t make sense that he would do Caylee any harm. There is no motive in my view. Why would he destroy the only one thing in his life that brought him joy. Since he had no job, it wasn’t his work that brought him joy. It certainly was not Cindy that brought him joy  based on what we have seen of them and what we have heard of their past troubles.


As far as fearing Cindy, there was no question that  Cindy would no doubt  yell and scream and carry on as we have all seen her do. But Casey was the one  in control in that relationship as Cindy enabled her as Cindy  constantly covered for her,  just as she is doing  now .

Casey  was so in control over Cindy that she manipulated her by not telling her she dropped out of school and didn’t have a job and that there was a Zanny the Nanny . It was a “cat and mouse”  type of game Casey played with Cindy  for years to “get one over” on her.

There is no doubt that Casey detested Cindy for trying to control her and Caylee. While you can see that controlling behavior of Cindy’s  in the jailhouse tapes when Cindy says to Casey to look up so she can see Casey’s eyes. But then you can also see Casey’s hatred and sadism towards Cindy when Cindy was crying and Casey was laughing. Caey  says to her father, “What is this one crying about?” Casey was loving that she got Cindy upset. She was loving the control she was having over Cindy just as she loved the control by punishing Cindy for threatening to throw her out and keep Caylee.

Casey made sure that she would have the final control over her not being thrown out and cindy keeping Caylee by taking Caylee from the  home and never returning with her. Casey knew this would devastate Cindy. Caylee had never been away from George and Cindy for less than a day, so for Cindy to not make calls  to law enforcement and try to find Casey and Caylee after 10 days, let alone 31 days speaks volumes. It speaks to Cindy’s  stubbornness and pride and her own disdain towards Casey.

Having said all of this, even though she and Cindy had a dysfunctional relationship, there was no excuse for her to not tell Cindy right away. In fact,  the sooner  she told Cindy, the sooner she would havesadistic joy at seeing Cindy in pain over the loss of Caylee. But it  was Casey’s attempt to remain in control and to figure out what to do to explain away what she allegedly did to Caylee.


 Even if she detested and feared her parents, what about good old brother Lee? Apparently she loved him. After all, as she said on her facebook page, he was the coolest brother one could have. Why couldn’t she tell him during those 31 days?  She certainly didn’t fear him as we can see from the jailhouse tapes. Until recently, when she discovered that he had manipualted her for law enforcement, she thought he was her biggest ally.

And then there was her best friend Amy Huizinga and her other friends and the myriad of men. Why couldn’t she confide in them?

It was because she was  in the process if concocting her kidnap Zanny the Nanny story to explain what happened to Caylee and not have anyone point the finger at her allegedly doing away with Caylee.It was to work on the  story that it was someone else’s fault Caylee went missing- not hers.

There was no doubt that Casey  was in her  own world of denial and passive aggressiveness.This wasn’t the first time Casey displayed her denial and passive agressiveness. She definately displayed it when she was pregnant with Caylee and didn’t  tell her mother until she was well along in her prgnanacy. Cindy had no idea Casey was pregnant and even told her own brother Rick Plesea that Casey was a virgin, after  he confronted Cindy about Casey’s weight gain. Casey obviously does not deal with things right away and apprentlhy hopes the problem will just disappear on its own just like she did in this case with Caylee.   

 The longer that Caylee was  not around, the  longer Casey didn’t have to think about her parents or Caylee . The longer she could spend partying and having fun in the moment. We saw it when she partied and got” Bella Vida”  tattooed without thinking of Caylee.

After all, why should she?  In Casey’s abberant thoughts , Caylee was nothing but a huge burden to her. She didn’t even want Caylee  in the first place and allegedly thought so little of her, that  when she allegedly did away with Caylee,  she threw her  dead body into a garbage bag, just  like a piece of trash.

  Her motives to do away with Caylee were strong.

  1. Caylee kept her bonded and connected to her mother Cindy whom she detested.
  2.  Caylee interfered with her social night  life.
  3.  Caylee interfered with her daily life of doing whatever she was doing when she wasn’t working.
  4. Caylee interfered with her sex life, her boyfriends and spending time with them.
  5. Caylee interfered with all the attention that was supposed to go to her.    
  6. Caylee was a vehicle to be used to  hurt Cindy.
  7. Caylee was a source of competition which she resented.
  8. All the money that was spent on Caylee. her clothes and toys could have been spent on Casey.

The bottom line is that the defense will not succeed  if they present their theory of Casey’s fear of her parents to a jury. They  will  simply wonder why she didn’t get help from someone else if she was  so afraid of her parents.

Casey Anthony Jury Consultant Seen on 48 Hours Only Did “Focus Group” Which Acquitted Casey Anthony, Not A “Mock Trial” Which May Have Given A Different Result


I saw  the 48 hours piece where they showcased Casey Anthony . They used a lot of early footage from a previous 48 hours before Caylee’s bones were discovered. The reason they most likely  aired it  again  in my view,  and just added a few elements like Linda Baden’s opinion and the focus group by Richard Gabriel,  was simple – ratings and sweep season.

Sweep season is the time of year when shows and networks do everything in order to garner huge ratings. If they do get the ratings during April and May, they get top advertising dollar for their show. So in my view that is why viewers saw the show again.


As far a Linda Kenny Baden is concerned, isn’t she supposed to remain quiet as a former attorney for Casey? Aren’t  attorneys supposed to never speak about a client or their case if they are no longer representing the person? Aren’t there some ethics that they have to abide by in this regard? Personally, since she was a member of the defense team in the past, she has no business discussing the case, especially on the air.

I could understand it is she was a legal commentator and it wasn’t a case she was involved with, but to me it verges on being a bit unethical. She admitted that Casey lied and then on the next breath said there was no DNA on the duct tape and that it didn’t have Casey’s or Caylee’s DNA on it. Of course it wouldn’t have anyone’s DNA on it if it was underwater for months and months and eaten by animals and plant growth was on it.

The fact that duct tape was anywhere near Caylee says enough to me if I was a juror.  It wouldn’t matter if it had Caylee or Casey’s DNA on it. Just the fact that it was near her and that the  child was dead would make me put two and two together in  terms of what Casey did with that duct tape in relation to Caylee.

Then when Linda admitted Casey lied and was so nonchalant about it, I found it appalling. She in essence said, so what if Casey lied!  That doesn’t mean that if she lied,  she murdered Caylee. Well,  Ms. Baden, it also can mean that if she lied, she didn’t NOT murder Caylee.  Casey didn’t just lie to a boyfriend or to her parents. She lied to law enforcement which is HUGE! She send them on a wild goose chase which is HUGE!!!! A jury will hate that!


I thought that the focus group was  very misleading to viewers. It  gave the impression that a  mock trial was done and Casey was not found guilty of first degree murder. This was only a focus group . It was was NOT  a mock trial. The focus group evidently acquitted  her of first degree murder. All of  those in the  focus group  gave her involuntary manslaughter. They said it was an accident and that poor Casey was afraid to tell anyone or call her parents.

 In a real trial it is essential to know who is on that jury. Who were the people on this jury? Were they  young single mothers who identified with Casey? Were there people who didn’t get along with their parents? Were there any men who may have an affinity for Casey?


During jury selection these perspective jurors will be asked a multitude of questions before they are accepted by BOTH sides to serve on the jury. Baez and Gabriel will want to choose people who were young single moms, girls who like to party or partied hearty in the past, non educated people white single men in their 20’s,attractive young women and men, non religious people, people who have had problems with their parents  in the past and still do, people who have been sexually molested in the past, people who have not been that responsible in their lives.

The prosecution will want scientific type people, educated people who don’t have any difficulty understanding the English language, Latinos (who tend to be very family oriented), strong Black women who are no nonsense, men and women tend to be very family oriented, people with no parental issues, no sexual molestation or abuse issues, responsible people, professionals, single  mothers who work and have a job.

When you do jury selection it is not based on political correctness. Instead, it is often based on cultural  behaviors of certain sex , educational,  racial, and ethnic groups as well as behavioral manifestations. To be a great jury consultant you have to know people from all walks of life and how they most likely think.

Richard Gabriel is a  very good jury consultant as he has done it for many years and even wrote a book on the subject. That is why I am very concerned about him. He will choose the very best jury to benefit Casey, just as he chose the best focus group which acquitted Casey.   

The prosecution needs to be up to par with Gilbert or even better and one step ahead of him. Unfortunately the prosecution has decided to not use a jury consultant as they want to do this on their own because of budgetary and who knows what else reason. Those in charge of the attorneys have naively stated that they want to treat the Anthony case just like they treat their other homicide cases in Central Florida and not get caught up in the media frenzy.

Personally I think they are being extremely naive. This is the case of the century besides OJ .  This case requires a LOT of special attention especially since they have Richard Gilbert on the defense team . If they get someone locally do help them out they will be doing themselves a huge disservice. They need someone equal to or savvier than Gilbert who can really read people and who can make sure that someone has not leaked into the jury box who with certain prejudices  which may be harmful to the prosecution and justice being served.  

You not only need jury selection expertise who need someone in the courtroom for two months of the trial who is looking at each of the jurors and scrutinizing them when you examine and cross examine the witness to see how they are perceiving you. You need to see which juror is with you and which ones aren’t. Only an astute jury consultant can tell you what is really going on.   


Casey cannot control her behaviors. Her arrogance and aberrant behaviors will surface just as they surfaced every time  she appeared in the courtroom thus far.

We have all seen her up close and personal and frankly she is not likeable. They will also detest Cindy when she gets up on the stand and they will be repulsed by brother Lee. Some may find sympathy for George while others will detest him as well. When they see the jailhouse tapes of him they will see kowtowing he is towards Casey and will not respect him in the least. So Casey’s dysfunctional family which she obviously runs and controls will have a negative impact on how the jury perceives her.

A jury will like Jose in my view who may very well be her only saving grace int he trial. No matter what you think of Jose and his lack of experience  and past behavior a jury will like him more than they like anyone else on Casey’s team.As they say in Portuguese , he is less worse.  A jury will be completely turned off by Cheney Mason if he keeps touching and whispering to Casey and is accepting of her flirtations. They will wonder what is going on between the two of them.

In contrast the jury will love Linda Drane Burdick’s professionalism and demeanor and will respect Jeff Ashton’s bold and direct and no nonsense approach.

  Who is on that jury is the key to what will happen to Casey Anthony. Friday Judge Belvin Perry said that he would keep the cameras on when they have jury selection. That will be awesome to see. I can’t wait to watch it.

Having just done jury selection on a capital case in Orlando, Florida last month, since I chose a jury of six plus one alternate. It may be different in Casey’s case but I don’t think so. Everything will rest on what they think and feel about Casey and what they think she did or didn’t do to Caylee.

A defendant may have all the evidence working in their favor and the best attorneys, but if the jury can’t stand you or doesn’t believe you, you can forget about it. To many jurors, fact that Casey lied to law enforcement means that she could easily lie about what she did or did not do to innocent little Caylee.


When Cindy said that Caylee was not Casey’s  child, she belonged to all of them it spoke volumes to Then when she denied that Casey had a problem with her she was either in denial or lied .  Of course Casey had a problem with her or she wouldn’t be in the predicament she is in. Cindy told Casey that she wad going to throw her out and keep Caylee so Casey left with Caylee. The reason why Casey did whatever she did to Caylee was because of Cindy and their relationship in my view. Cindy was large and in charge and tried to take over. Casey resented it and in her sociopathic passive aggressive way eliminated Caylee from the picture.

‘I don’t buy that it was an accident as some of the focus group attendees said in the 48  Hours piece. Even if Casey gave Caylee chloroform to put her to sleep and then  put the duct tape over Caylees mouth to keep her quiet in case she woke up in the trunk where she was placed so that Casey could party this is not an accident. Even if  Casey was too drunk and accidentally placed the duct tape over Casey’s nose and mouth  instead of  just her mouth, that was not an accident in my view. Even if Caylee drowned in the pool, that was not an accident in my view. How can a child drown in a pool if a parent is there holding the child? If Casey was on her cell phone and left Caylee in the pool by herself that is not an accident. Subconsciously Casey wanted Caylee gone and out of her life and proof of that was her partying when Caylee went missing.

There is no excuse or explanation one could manufacture for that to happen. Deep down Casey resented Caylee and any “accident” was done subconsciously  on purpose in my view. I hope that the prosecution will probe into this so that no juror comes away thinking that Caylee’s death was an accident. When an accident happens there is an immediacy of dealing with it- not 31 days later. And her fear of her mother is bogus. As a jury will see from the jailhouse tapes,  Casey  ran both her father and her mother!  The only “accident” was that Casey considered Caylee a huge  accident when she became  pregnant with Caylee and lost her social freedom. Tragically,  Casey made Caylee pay for that” accident”  with her life.

Casey Anthony Body Language in Surveillance Tape at Video Store Shows Her Sexuality and Calm Nonchalant Attitude

There will be surveillance video of Casey and her then boyfriend Tony at the video store which the jury will now see and which the state will present .

  When you look at this screen shot of the surveillance tape of Casey and her boyfriend Tony, you see her hand placed strategically on his buttocks, indicating strong sexuality on her part.  He leans into her indicating sexuality as well  on his part. But he rarely looks directly at her and their movements are rather awkward when they are together.

It seems that the only thing they do have in common is sex. 

 According to police reports, the salesperson, Johnny French  at the Blockbuster video store reported that she rented a film about a kidnapper and a killer called Untraceable and another film called Jumper about a mother who abandons her five year old child.

In my view this is very damning evidence as the films reflect her psyche and state of mind.  To even choose such films out of the hundreds  of films in the  store validates that the issues  of kidnapping, abandonment  killing were in the forefront of her mind in my estimation. No doubt,  in her sick sociopathic mind, the films were soothing to her as she watched actors carry out what she most likely did in real life,  kill, abandon, and try to pin what she allegedly did on a kidnapper (Zanny the Nanny).

  When interviewed by police the Blockbuster clerk, Johnny French said there was” no emotion or tears” as she rented the films. She appeared as  any other customer.

When you look at the surveillance tapes  it confirms what Johnny French reported, Casey seems as though she does not  have a care in the world. She showed no outward signals of anxiety when deep down she knew that her daughter was dead.

In my view,  a jury cannot help but see Casey as cold and heartless and calculating, after  the viewing of  this video and screenshots.  Knowing that your child is dead and acting so nonchalantly will shock jurors as I see it.

 Even if Casey should stick by her claim that someone  kidnapped Caylee, the fact that she still acted so cool, calm, and collected in the  surveillance video speaks volumes.

What mother would act so calm when they knew their  child was missing?  The answer is,  only a  mother who wanted her daughter to be gone and out of her life would act that way.  Seeing this tape will  give the jury a much  clearer  and comprehensive  picture of who Casey really is and what she most likely did to Caylee.

Casey Anthony and Her Family’s TOXIC Behavior and Image Leave Negative Impression In the Courtroom

Whether you like it or not, image is very important when it comes to how people perceive you. It can make a huge difference in terms of whether or not  people believe what you say. This is especially important in a courtroom where a jury decides your fate.

Image wise the entire Anthony family needs  a complete overhaul in my view. The way they present themselves is unacceptable and this will no doubt  have a huge impact on how the jury relates to them.

One thing I can say for sure is that Casey’s family will not be endearing themselves to a  jury. For one thing, Casey, Cindy, and Lee all look  and dress slovenly.  The entire family including George dress and comport themselves inappropriately. This  contributes to  each one of them coming across as unlikeable.


George may be the cleanest looking of the group,  but as a witness he needed to show some respect and come to court in a suit,  or at least a tie. He needed to show that he was the man in the household, not the boy, wearing casual attire with his purple casual shirt.

What is totally inappropriate is his constant gum chewing! Here is a personal message from me to George.

 “ George you are not watching a ball game where you can casually chew away on your gum as you watch the innings. This is not a baseball field or  casual sporting event.  It is a courtroom where your daughter may die a very painful death if she is found guilty of killing your granddaughter. 

When you enter a courtroom you must always be respectful. Being respectful is NOT CHEWING GUM and looking like a bovine chewing their cud!  So before you enter the courtroom, take a Kleenex that Cindy no doubt carries in her purse to dab away the tears she knows she will  be crying as she watches Casey either get life imprisonment or the death penalty, and SPIT OUT YOU GUM! 

Next stop mugging and making those ridiculous “poor me victim” facial expressions. Sit there like a man and not a little boy. Stop mugging and responding  nonverbally when you don’t like what is heard in the courtroom. It was disconcerting when you did it while  detective Yuri Melich was testifying. It made you look like an immature baby. You had your chance on the stand and now it is his turn to speak his truth.  

 Remember that jurors will be watching you and if you keep acting like that you will be creating more harm for your “beloved” daughter Casey, Besides finding this behavior obnoxious, it will affect your  credibility with them.   If you can’t contain yourself, for goodness sakes, don’t bother showing up!

How you can show up in the courtroom to watch Casey  in the first place is beyond me.Your daughter has accused you of sexually molesting her when she was a young girl  .  This is a very serious charge that could land you in prison if it is true since  there is no statute of limitations for a sexual crime.

 If it is not true,  how can you show up in the courtroom and look at someone who falsely accused you and where  your reputation is now destroyed forever? Where is your self-esteem?  

If it is true how, how can you show your face in public? How can you have the audacity to show up in the courtroom and add insult to injury?  If you did molest Casey, there is no doubt that you contributed to where she is today, If you did what she said you did to her, then you deserve to be in a prison cell just like your daughter. 


Lee has been beyond repulsive to watch and has made a horrible impression in my view, as he gave his testimony. The first thing was showing up slovenly and dirty looking in a casual  black golf shirt with a tee shirt underneath, baggy non pressed  pants  and  white sneakers. He needed  to at least  show up wearing  a dress shirt and a tie to show some respect. Instead he looked as though he just crawled out of bed.

Unshaven and unkempt, he kept picking at the side of his face as though he was about to squeeze a pimple.  If he wasn’t squeezing his face, he was scratching himself  like someone does when they have  scabies or crabs. I am not saying that Lee Anthony has this,  I am saying that it makes him look like one would not want to get too physically close to him. It was a turn off.  Jurors would find his disgusting and sickening behavior difficult to watch for any length of time.

 I already did a blog on the content of Lee’s  testimony which I am sure would never  endear him to any  jury as no one likes a sneak , a self entitled,  lying two faced betrayer , who has no boundaries, and who is more concerned about himself  and getting an apprenticeship with a private investigator than finding his niece Caylee. 




Cindy has put in a lot of weight over these past 2 ½ years and no one can hold that against her at all. She is either stress eating to cope with all  that this before her or she has perhaps  been given some medications  like antidepressants which may  have contributed to her weight gain. Whatever the case it makes no difference if a person is thin or heavy. 

 What does matter is how you dress yourself when your body has changed.That also includes one’s hairdo. When one has put on excessive weight the last thing they should do is get a short haircut.  Cindy’s hairdo was less than flattering. She needed to keep it longer – chin length like she has it  this summer. 

Cindy has dressed in ways that are less than flattering. She came into the courtroom with a white sweater ,  a mismatched  long dress and casual flat  sandals  She wasn’t going to a casual  pool party or walking on the beach. She was in a courtroom. She needed to wear a closed toe shoe to show some courtroom decorum and not show her bare toes and feet through barely there sandals. 

While you may think this is superficial,  it counts when you are talking about jury perception and likeability.

And speaking of likeability, while Cindy was a lot better  on the stand than she has been in the past (remember her finger pointing and insulting remarks to Zanaida Gonzales telling her she was no 10 and making her cry?) she still needs to lose the “attitude. ”  and negative defensive whine. 

She needs to answer the questions  psoed to and not interject in victim- like fashion “I’m trying to answer the question!” We regularly see  Cindy’s controlling nature emerge and it is disconcerting. It will work against her in the courtroom as jurors will find her unlikeable and not credible.

 The courtroom is the place where the lawyers and the judge has control- not Cindy. her try and take control  Her defensive tones and hyper precise answers  and contentiousness are complete  turn offs to any jury . After a  while they tune out and just hear a series of  mean sounding bitchy tones that have no  more relevance to them. 

Cindy’s ‘attitude “  comes out in her facial expressions, She comes across mean looking and nasty. This will  definitely not endear her to any jury. They will not like what they see or what they hear. Their negative perception of Cindy will definitely not help Casey.

If she ever  pulls one of her “Caylee is still alive” stunts, a jury will become deafened as to what esle she has to say.  


The first day of trial, Casey  wore an inapproriate  red sexy V necked tight form  fitting pullover.

Maybe Baez’s jury consultant told  Casey to  put on a jacket over it which she did the next day. She wore an ill fitting grey jacket that was three sizes too big. Maybe it was one of the jackets that her former attorney Andrea Lyons  left behind for her to wear. Needless to say,  it was  less than flattering. The shoulders were way too big and she looked ridiculous in it. This would be very distracting and annoying to a jury.

Day one Casey had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, yet she managed to fiddle with it and groom herself. A jury won’t like to see that behavior. They will perceive it negatively as Casey caring more about how she looks  than about the trial.

Day three Casey had in the same ill fitting gray jacket with one of the Andrea Lyon puffy sleeved greenish blue blouses we saw early on.

The collar was too big as was the jacket and now Casey kept fiddling with the collar and with the jacket as you can see in the photo above.  In addition, Casey did not tuck in the blouse.  Instead, she wore it out and the bottom of the blouse could be seen under her short cropped ill fitting jacket.  This made her look sloppy. It is perceived as her not caring – not caring to tuck her blouse into her pants.  

Also gray is never the color you want someone to wear who may be facing death row. Unless it is a dark winter gray or a silver gray, it can be perceived  as a sad color.

I am serious when I say sad color. Studies have shown that certain colors have a specific effect on people’s emotions.   Pepto-Bismol pink  or bubblegum pink has been show to have a soothing effect on people while red makes people feel agitated and light blue makes you feel sleepy. Gray has been found to be perceived as  depressing. So never underestimate the perception of  a color that is worn. 

 The Anthony family needs to take their lead from the attorneys and the other witnesses who have appeared thus far. Jose Baez is the best dressed with his  crisp shirts, matching ties and matching pocket scarf and well fitted suits. Jeff Ashton looks decent with a suit and a tie. The Anthony men needed to have followed suit- literally!

The Anthony women needed to take their lead from Linda Drane Burdick. She wears a women’s suit to show respect. She does not  wear a dress, a white sweater, or sandals or a form fitting sweater or an ill fitting jacket. 

If Jose Baez’ team hired a jury consultant why has he not shared this information with the Anthony family? Why has he not informed  each one them of how important their image is to a jury ?

Perhaps  he isn’t aware of this. Some jury consultants may very well not be aware of this . They may be focusing on other things. But this is extemely important.

 I certainly am aware of this as a jury consultant when I pick a jury. I make sure that all my clients  are well groomed and appropriately dressed, and most of all that they and their families  act appropriately  so that they can get the fair trial they deserve.

 I make them never forget that the jury not only watches them, but has an eagle eye out on everyone related to them  and everything those people  do as well. www.drlillianglass/ com

Casey Anthony’s Revamped Body Language With Inconsistent Image- Braless With School Marm Bun- What Happens With Casey Depends on WHO is On The Jury

After not seeing  Casey in the courtroom for quite  some time, there is no doubt that her attorney Jose Baez has been doing a lot of work with his client in terms of getting her body language and her image under control. Gone  are the  unconscionable smirks and smiles. Gone is the ritualistic hair tossing and hair grooming.

No doubt,  Jose insisted that his client wear her hair off of her face,  so she wouldn’t  be tempted to toss  it and play with it all the time. So she wore it in a severe greasy looking bun tied at the back of her head, reminiscent of an oldfashioned prim and proper school marm.

I must say that Casey looked good physically. Her cheekbones and facial  features seemed sculpted, indicating that her weight was back in form, unlike previous times where she may have been munching on too many commissary snacks.

She also appeared   a little  more connected  to what was going on in the courtroom than she  did in the past. She even seemed to focus more often on  the people  who were  speaking and standing in front of Judge Perry, as we see in this photo above.

Even though Jose probably told her time and time again to stop grooming and adjusting her clothing, she still couldn’t seem to stop herself. She still groomed  and adjusted herself  by adjusting her clothes periodically during her courtroom appearance.


While she still lip pursed, the  annoying lip gestures were few and far between. But no matter how hard Jose tried to keep his client in check body language wise there was something major in her facial and body language  that l still leaked out. This is why I always say The body doesnt lie!



When Judge Perry mentioned  the words ” remains of the victimCasey didn’t even bat an eye. It was as though someone said the” weather is  fine”. Her lack of  reaction facially or body language wise,  clearly shows that she is over it. She appears to show no emotional attachment whatsoever to Caylee.

At least she is keeping it real. Gone are the fake and contrived wiping away of non tears when Caylee’s name was mentioned. Caylee is a remote thing of the past  to Casey as as  it is becomes harder and harder to  hard  for her to conjure up any emotion as it relates to Caylee.

While Jose gets points for trying to re-image Casey, he still fails miserably as far as her dress is concerned. There is a lot of disparity and contradiction in the image he wants Casey to put across.

Not to be catty, but she had on one of  her repulsive puffy sleeved hospital  colored  green blouses. This was most likely chosen by her former  non fashion aware death sentence attorney Andrea Lyon as an attempt to make Casey  look more  innocent and sweet in court .

But it did not work.In fact the message that it was intended to portray, was just the opposite. This was especially true  when Casey wore that  puffy sleeved blouse with  either an ill-fitting  bra or what looked like  no bra at all.

Her breasts hung low and her nipples were showing. At first I thought it was  be the dart line of the cut of the blouse that gave this impression.  But then, the  other photo clips I observed  confirmed that it was not the case.

She reminded me of  what we have seen so often in and out of the court room with Cindy Anthony, Casey’s mother. Like Casey, Cindy’s  breasts also hung low due to an either ill-fitting bra or her not wearing a bra at all. It certainly  seems to indicate that “the apple certainly doesn’t fall too far from the tree.”

Looking at these photo clips it is clear  to me that Casey decided to go braless to perhaps let everyone know she still has some sex appeal going on with her .If it was Jose’s idea that she go braless, it is rather brilliant move on his part.



As far as the defense is concerned,  the sexier and more attractive Casey looks to heterosexual male jurors,  the more the chance they will NOT vote that she get the death sentence or  die with lethal injection. For all we know it can even possibly influence their perception of her  as being  innocent, thereby allowing her to walk freely. While it may be maddening, it is a possible scenario if  jurors aren’t screened with a fine toothed comb.

So what if all the  evidence points to the  direction of guilt ! So what if DNA is discovered  or air samples, or other forensic evidence show  Casey intentionally  killed Caylee!  None of that matters because even though Lady Justice is supposed to be blind, she is not blind.

In fact she may as well remove her blindfolds or cut a hole in he blindfold, exposing one eye as the above cartoon shows, if  there are male jurors on a jury who may be “crushing” on Casey or who may find her sexy or attractive. If they are not properly screened and intensely questioned  there is a good chance there may be no justice for Caylee.

Just read some of the intense fan mail from young male fans who write to her in jail and who have  asked to date and marry her. Many have shown how protective they are over her and how they want to take her away  to live with them after this “unfair” ordeal is over.

This Casey adulation or fantasizing can happen  among jury members as well. This is especially true if they are not properly screened with questions that can weed them out.

Like it or not, studies repeatedly show that the way a   person looks or speaks can influence how a jury perceives them, Those who look good and sound good are often perceived with more positive attributes even of they are not deserved.That means they are also perceived as not being guilty or given more leniency based on their looks.



While it is truly” Baptism by Fire” . Jose Baez has been thrust into the forefront with a national case that may be well over his head. But  as you can see you he has sought out some  of the best people to help him out. No matter what you think of Jose Baez. he  may be inexperienced but he is no dummy.  He knows  the importance of image and perception. He knows it so well that  that he  has enrolled perhaps the best jury selector in the country who wrote the book on the subject.He won’t be able to apy the consultant with state funds, Judge Perry made certain of that.  So Baez  will have to pay him privately.

Being a jury consultant myself, I am well aware of  the jury consultant’s work and have the utmost of respect for him  He knows EXACTLY what to do and what type of jury to chose so that Casey’s guilt  will be questioned or her life will be spared.

It is a shame that the prosecution has decided to forgo using a jury consultant. They do not have the funds to pay such a consultant. And even if a consultant wanted to volunteer to help out, they would reject that as well because they want to treat this case as they treat all their other cases.

Personally I think that is a bad idea  because this case is NOT like other cases. They eyes of the world are on his case. Even if they chose someone local  in Orlando who does not have the savvy and the in depth background or understand the nuances involved and what  it takes to thwart  Baez’s jury consultant’s efforts, they will not  be successful in terms of arriving at the verdict they want in order to get justice for Caylee.


In observing George and Cindy in the courtroom, George continues to chomp away on his gum as though he is watching a baseball game. It is highly disturbing. It shows how crass and disrespectful and classless he is and has been every time he has stepped foot into the courtroom. This is a courtroom where you do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew. I wish Judge Perry would announce that so once and for all George would get the message loud and clear.

While the gum chewing remains the same, gone are Georges “poor me”lip purses and goofy facial contortions. As he looks straight  ahead there seems to be  a different body language  exhibited by George. He sits up straight an looks straight ahead and seems to hang on to every word Judge Perry says.

It seemed when Judge Perry was admonishing Jose Baez for one thing or another George seemed to have a slight smirk on his face  as though he was secretly enjoying it.

Perhaps he has finally emerged from his  perpetual state of denial where he was Casey’s staunchest supporter. Perhaps he got  a dose of reality after she outed him with allegations he  sexually molested  her. Perhaps he is privately rooting for the prosecution in hopes that Casey get what is coming to her for depriving him of his grand- daughter.


Cindy’s body language says the opposite. She was often seen with her head in her hands or her hands covering her mouth. She too knows what went on but is not telling.

I imagine that she will continue to tell anyone who will listen how she still believes Caylee is alive. There is no doubt that her own guilt at letting Casey get away with so much for so long as well as  her guilt of telling Casey she would throw her out and keep Caylee, continues to  weighs heavily on her.

While she may defend and never abandon Casey, Casey has clearly abandoned Cindy and moved on- at least psychologically. As she was leaving the courtroom, she paid no attention to Cindy. Cindy looked on hoping to get some acknowledgment from Casey. But Casey refused to do such a thing.  She obviously still continues to be angry at Cindy for that 911 and blames her for putting her in her current situation.