Dr. Lillian Glass Never Said Obama Was a Psychopath- Meme Got It Wrong

“Crocodile Jeers”

“Body language expert Lillian Glass said a popular meme misconstrued one of her quotes and made assertions that aren’t credible or ethical.

CLAIM: According to a body language expert, a photograph of President Obama crying reveals he is a psychopath.


EXAMPLE: [Collected via Facebook, January 2015]

The origin of the claim contained in this graphic seems to come from a 2013 book by Lillian Glass titled, “The Body Language of Liars.” Yet, as we all know, this isn’t an exact science in any way. Furthermore, the author, though seemingly educated in this field, seems to have a found a niche in which to capitalize on people’s fears. A title of another of her books is, “Guide to Identifying Terrorists Through Body Language.” Another is “The Body Language Advantage: Maximize Your Personal and Professional Relationships with this Ultimate Photo Guide to Deciphering What Others Are Secretly Saying,in Any Situation.”
Nevertheless, opponents of the President are using something she wrote to some degree of success.

obama lillian glass example

ORIGIN:On 5 January 2016, President Obama proposed several measures to curb gun violence while delivering remarks on the topic in the East Room of the White House. As he discussed gun deaths involving children, the President began crying (as seen at the 0:44 mark in the video embedded below):

The following day, a meme about President Obama’s show of emotion began circulating online, holding that according to body language expert Lillian Glass, the Commander-in-Chief’s tears bore hallmarks of psychopathy (and implied that the body language he demonstrated was evidence he is himself a psychopath):

Some versions of the meme attributed its claims to Dr. Lillian Glass:

In her 2013 book “The Body Language of Liars,” behavioral analyst Lillian Glass wrote that psychopaths are really bad at crying:

“When psychopaths cry, they will often wipe underneath each eye, one at a time. When people cry genuine tears they cry with both eyes, and so they will tend to wipe both eyes at once.”

A brief online search indicated that the quote cited above was lifted directly from a 6 November 2013 Business Insider article titled “7 Signs You’re Working with a Psychopath.” The article predictably described an entirely different context:

They are really bad at crying.

“When [Susan Smith] gave a press conference and cried about her missing children, her fake tears were actually what raised suspicions that she was the killer,” says Glass.

When psychopaths cry, Glass says they will often wipe underneath each eye, one at a time. “When people cry genuine tears they cry with both eyes, and so they will tend to wipe both eyes at once.”

In their original context, Dr. Glass’ observations clearly pertained to video footage (not a still image). Dr. Glass’ web site includes a blog wherein her observations consistently describe analysis of subjects in context and motion (utilizing photographs to illustrate the body language she described in a broader context throughout). Nowhere in her writings did we locate an example of her making such a definitive diagnosis based upon a single still image, nor of her throwing around severe diagnostic language such as “psychopath.”

We contacted Dr. Glass regarding the meme and the use of language from her 2013 book The Body Language of Liars. Dr. Glass told us she was aware of the quote’s newfound popularity and was deeply dismayed by the lengths to which her words and work had been misconstrued due to the meme (and related articles).

Dr. Glass strongly repudiated the assertions of the meme, noting that the quote originally appeared in her 2013 book and was used for the Business Insider piece in a very different context. Moreover, she stated that she would never engage in body language analysis so flippantly, nor did she consider the subject matter of the meme appropriate for such observations. Mostly, Dr. Glass was dismayed at the virality of a grossly misconstrued, unrelated, out-of-context quote from her book in a meme that misrepresented her work.

According to Dr. Glass, the thrust of the meme is unequivocally false. Whether folks believe President Obama’s tears at the 5 January 2016 appearance were legitimate or not, the meme based on that moment in no way represents the analytical work of the body language expert to whom it is attributed.

LAST UPDATED: 07 January 2016


Dr. Lillian Glass Worked to Feminize Caitlyn Jenner Voice and Body Language

I had the opportunity to work with Caitlyn Jenner to try to help her feminize her voice, speech patterns and body language. Our session was filmed for her reality show I’m Cait. Unfortunately it will not be shown this season. But my management team at Sirena Media received this  very nice email from the show’s producer:

Hi Karin!
Unfortunately, that scene did not make it into the series. We had to make some tough cuts because we filmed for 12 weeks but only ended up with eight 42 minute episodes. We so appreciate Lilian working with Cait and all the help she offered and maybe we can have her back next season.
Best of luck to you both and thank you again!

Andrea Metz
Executive Producer

So there is a possibility I may be on her show next season. Because I am bound by a confidentiality agreement I signed with Bunim Murray, Caitlyn’s production company I can’t go into detail as to what specific work I did with Caitlyn and what we specifically discussed during our time together.

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I will say that she was a lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and let her know that I am totally there for her.

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I will say that I used the same techniques that I used to teach Dustin Hoffman how to sound like a woman for the film in which he won an Academy Award- Tootsie

We addressed vocal pitch, using more inflection, drawing out vowels so the tones are more flowing, slowing down the speech, using more feminine gestures from sitting, to standing, to head posture, to facial language as well as gesturing,  like gesturing towards the body as opposed to away from the body like I am showing here when I Dustin played the Dorothy Michael’s character.

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While it takes more than the three hour session I had with Caitlyn while we filmed the show, I was able to give Caitlyn a copy of my best selling book He Says She Says Closing the Communication Gap Between the Sexes. The book contains all the information you will ever need to know about how men and  women communicate. It discusses differences in voice, body language, speech, and behavior, what is said and how it is said.

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In fact it has just been released on  Amazon  for kindle


There is also an audio version on my website at http://www.drlillianglass.com http://www.drlillianglass.com

This book can not only be of benefit to the transgender community but can help anyone who wants to have better communication with the opposite sex in business, in their social life, and in their intimate life.

Having worked with many people in the transgender community, perhaps the most difficult aspect of their transition is to sound   like the opposite sex. To sound like a  woman (for those undergoing male to female transition as Caitlyn is doing), or to sound like a man (for those undergoing female to male transition) it takes time and a lot of hard work. It takes the knowledge of knowing exactly what to do and what the differences are for the specific sex one is transitioning to. It also takes a lot of practice and a lot of patience.

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I read in Caitlyn’s blog  several weeks ago that when she watched the video of herself  speaking at the ESPY Awards, she said that she still felt like she had a man’s voice. It is understandable for her to feel that way  as you can’t learn how to sound like a woman and have it become a part of your daily life in just one session. It takes time and a lot of practice.

I was able to assure Caitlyn that what she was feeling was not out of the ordinary and to be patient.  I communicated to her that she not be hard on herself because working on feminizing your voice is a process and cannot be done in only one session as we did for the show.

I  encouraged her to not focus on  what she thought she did wrong, but instead, focus on the many things she did right during her ESPY Speech  such as:

1. flowing out her tones

3. using her inflection ( going up several notes)

4 not having a choppy speech pattern

5. opening her jaw when you spoke

6. not speaking so fast

7. not having a creaky sound at the end of sentences (glottal fry)

8. using many feminine gestures.

9. not attacking her initial sounds when she spoke

I clearly let her know that I was very proud of her. I also reiterated specific things she needed to work on in the future regarding the way she spoke so that she would be more satisfied and not see or hear herself as sounding like a man.

Working with Caitlyn was a very rewarding experience for me as I shared with  Caitlyn’s  my knowledge  of what it takes to sound like her genuine self- a woman.  I found her to be a lovely, elegant, and beautiful  woman who was very eager to incorporate all that we discussed.

She is truly an inspiration not only to the transgender community, but to so many others who are motivated by her  personal  decision to live an authentic and honest life and to be true to herself. At age 65, she decided to live out her dream, which goes to prove that it is never too late in life to do what you really want to do with your life. I have the utmost respect for anyone who is true to themselves, regardless of what anyone else may say.

Hillary Does NOT Put on Southern Accent- Press Makes It Up! Instead Hillary Shows Warmth and Charm

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There is nothing more that irks me than when I see my fellow journalists getting on the bandwagon and make things up just for the sensationalism and to get a headline that attracts eyeballs. As I have said countless times, I am NOT  a political person. I  ONLY report things as I see them from a body language and communication standpoint, not a political standpoint. That is why when I read the headline “Hillary Puts on A Southern Accent” I had to speak up.

As a person who is well versed in accent and dialects having taught a large number of A list Hollywood actors how to gain various accents for specific movie roles as well as how to lose accents, I can assure you Hillary DID NOT put on a Southern accent during her recent interview in the South.

What she did do, is something,I suggested she do in my last blog about her, when she did her first campaign speech. That was to use more vocal inflection and get rid of that stiff staccato tone and flow out her tones. She incorporated what I suggested  this new etah interview.

What not knowledgeable  journalists in the area of voice, speech, accents, and communication skills  like Shoshanna Weissmann reported as Hillary having an accent,was simply Hillary using great communication skills for the very first time.

She was warm, flowing in her tones , smiled genuine smiles and was not as stiff as she usually is when speaking. Her  gestures

Screen Shot 2015-08-05 at 8.26.08 AMHer gestures were much better but she still used the off- putting finger point which is very alienating to those listening to her. She needs to put a top to using that gesture and only use it whenever she is angry. Finger pointing  with the index finger extended towards someone is a universal signal that is used around the world to express  Anger.

As you can see Hillary is smiling. She is not angry. She is talking about things that are not anger proucting so she needs to stop this gesture.

Then she used another gesture which she also needs to lose. It is the hand balled into a fit with the thumb extended that all Presidents and Presidential hopefuls used to get their points across.

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It is a stupid gesture who’s origins date back to the Kennedy era whereby some ignorant speech coach told JFK to use it and unfortunately it has stuck. It is a gesture  that makes no sense in my view because it shows incongruency.  For instance a fist shows anger. A thumb up shows things are good. So what this stupid gesture says in reality is ” I am angry things are good.” It makes no sense and Hillary needs to lose it asap.

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The next inappropriate gesture she needs to lose is the karate chop gesture when she speaks. It doesn’t work and makes no sense in terms of what she was discussing- running for her first term and not her husband’s third term. It is an angry gesture that is alienating and reflects that she is angry that people may assume she is continuing her husband’s and Obamas’s terms as she mentioned.

So my fellow journalists, my message to you is STOP SPINNING IT! Report what you see and hear that is accurate. Do not report what you don’t see and hear in hopes of getting a nationally read story. When you do  this, like was done here, you lose your credibility. That is why the public  so often doesn’t believe what they read from journalists. The public is  not dumb. They know that there is spin like the spin that was demonstrated here. No Southerner or Northerner, Easterner or Westerner would ever agree there was a Southern accent put on by Hillary. It is false reporting and makes you, fellow journalist, look bad.

And for Hillary, my advice to you is to stop making wrong gestures- misleading gestures. Instead stay real and genuine like you did during this speech when you spoke. Show that vocal warmth with lots of inflection in your tones to express what you want to say. Smile like you have done as it is very inviting and makes people want to hear what you have to say.

Phoniness will not work in this election. People want real  gestures that match what is said. They don’t want choreographed or contrived speeches and rhetoric and gestures.  Being honest, sincere and genuine  is universal language of today.

Duggars Show Deception, Ignorance, and Blaming Others Through Body Language on FOX Interview As They Leak Out Their Intention to Sue for releasing Child Molesting Son’s Records

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After watching the Duggar parents  in action on Meghan Kelly’s FOX interview we never need to see them on any other reality show. This interview is the most real reality show there is about the Duggars as we can clearly her and see their denial, ignorance, double talk, and hiding behind their faith  as well as their blatant  LIES, and finally their  leaked out intention as to why they did this interview.  It is clear that they  did it  because they want to preserve their Duggar  brand by doing a mea culpa in stating that they were “bad parents.”

But they did something else which negates all of this and shows how phony their intention appears to be. They verbally leaked out that they were suing the police through a Freudian slip I will show you  later in this blog. They also turned the tables and made the police the bad guy for leaking out this information. In doing so, they are taking the onus off of their child molesting son and the attention off of what is an egregious act and blaming someone else.

I have always warned my readers and those who attend my seminars  that whenever you hear a person – especially a grown woman with a sickening sweet breathy baby girl voice,  know that something is not right with that person. They are usually passive aggressive and they are  not being authentic. They have something to hide.

This turned out to be the case in watching the interview with Josh Duggar’s mother during her interview with Meghan Kelly on FOX News. It spoke volumes. Her fetal- like hunched over appearance with rounded shoulders and head down, clearly showed that she was in fear and  was obviously dominated by her aggressive husband as he spoke in clearly rehearsed rhetoric. She looked like a scared child and sounded like one as well. Her tears in the interview were fake as there was no liquid coming out of her eyes. She wiped away non-tears.

This interview also  showed that Josh Duggar’s parents are in great denial and are still covering up for him. Since he was the culprit, why wasn’t he at the interview?  I will answer that obvious question for you.  He was not there so that the elder Duggars could protect their brand, just  in case Josh said something that would do irreparable damage. What they don’t get is that their interview on FOX did irreparable damage to their brand.


When the father spoke, it sounded stilted and not spontaneous, It sounded  as though it was rehearsed. As soon as a question was asked by Meghan Kelly, they Duggar parents both looked at one another as if to reassure one another as to who would be the one answering the question.

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As further proof that this interview was rehearsed and that they had set lines to say,  look at this photo below with Mrs. Duggar holding  the actual  script in her lap.

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Another reason which makes me confident that it was rehearsed,  is that Mrs. Duggar brings up the phrase “we had one little ray of hope” right at the beginning of the interview. In the middle of the interview, Mr. Duggar uses the exact same phrase of ” a little ray of hope”.

His speech pattern was staccatto and stilted as though it was clearly rehearsed and guarded.  Her breathy child- like tones indicated that she was not being authentic in her delivery either.


When Mr. Duggar  said that Josh came to him on his own and was crying because he improperly touched some of their daughters, I saw  signals of deception.  First of all I doubt that a 14 year old boy would volunteer this behavior which in my view may have gone on for quite some time. I doubt that it was just a one time occurance as research shows in those who molest children.  The main signal of deception as he said this was that Mr. Duggar’s palms were down as you can see in this photo below, Also the fact that he  had to look at his wife for reassurance is also telling and adds to my belief that this father may not be totally truthful.

When Meghan asked Mr. Duggar about going to police. Mr. Duggar made it seem like it was the right thing to do and that he did it so that Josh wouldn’t have this hang over his head the rest of his life. As Mr. Duggar said this he breathed hard and looked away and then looked back at his wife. First of all, the Christian Clinic where they sent Josh would have been liable if they didn’t report this child abuse to the authorities. Perhaps they encouraged Mr. Duggar  to do this. Perhaps  they reported the sexual molestation themselves, or threatened to to do so if Mr. Duggar didn’t do it.  The fact that Mr. Duggar gave so much detailed information as to where he reported it (at the police station near his home) and gives such a detailed explanation as to why he reported it to police,  leads me to believe that he was highly encouraged to report it by the Christian clinic or that the police contacted him about the matter. It seemed that he may have been  showing up based  on their request. Since all records have allegedly been destroyed, we will never know this information.  But it certainly seems that way to me.

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Then the sickeningly sweet  voiced Mrs. Duggar interjects and looks at her husband for reassurance as she says how devastated she was.Then she looks up and to the side as though she is manufacturing what to say . She looks to her husband, and then looks to the side as though she is thinking what to make up next.


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After she says the “one ray of hope was that Josh had a tender conscience”  she says something that puts up a huge red flag/ She says” He was the one that came and shared on his own even though the others really didn’t know anything.”

That is way too much information for this statement to be true. And then she says  WHAT???  ” Didn’t know anything?” Of course they knew something as they were the ones  being molested for God’s sakes. Of course they knew something!  This statement proves she is trying to spin it her way and make light of the situation.


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When someone places their hand over their private parts when they speak. it means that they are feeling  vulnerable. It is interesting to note that Mr. Duggar is speaking about sexual molestation and is covering up his own sexual organ with his hand.  He is clearly feeling vulnerable.


Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 11.22.20 AM Then she gets so hyper-dramatic and says that as parents “we are failures.” She says we tried to raise our kids to do what’s right and to know what’s right. She knows she doesn’t believe that. She thinks she and her husband are great parents. Otherwise why would they appear on TV as America’s great parents with 19 children who are living the devout Christian lifestyle? This is hypocritical and ridiculous and no one is believing that she thinks she is a bad parent. She doesn’t believe that for one millisecond.

Then we see her wide eyed googly- eyed appearance. When people open their eyes so wide they are trying to convince you that what they are saying is truthful. In essence, she is trying way too hard to get her points across and is not succeeding in doing so.


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Then there is the fake cry. First of all, when you cry there is liquid running out of BOTH of your eyes in terms of tears. You don’t cry without tears and you don’t immediately go from a cry to a normal facial position. That is what Mrs. Duggar did  which indicated she was not really crying but attempting to cry on cue for dramatic effect. No doubt, whom was ever coaching her must have told her to shed a few tears of sympathy.  But it didn’t work.


When Meghan asked him about looking at this issue from the viewpoint of his daughters, he ignored the question. He double talked, beat around the bush,  and did not answer the question head on. In fact he never answered the question. That spoke volumes to me. It said that he was more concerned about his son and protecting him and his Dugar brand and all the goodies that come with it- like millions of dollars than he cared about his daughter’s welfare. That said it all to me and frankly it sickened me.

He also said that Josh called up one of the molested daughters to apologize and she didn’t remember what happened. Oh my God!!! This screams that ALL of these people need serious therapy. They are either in denial or have put it out of their mind because they don’t want to destroy their brand.

They also spoke about the girls in third party as “victims” not as daughters. This is disconcerting.  They have in essence detached themselves from the girls and what happened to them by referring to them in third person. This was devastating to witness.


When Meghan asked if they were concerned about what Josh did  and going public, they were honest and forthright for the first time in the interview. They really did not think there would be a problem after their initial visit to the police department. They were sure all would be fine and that  since Josh was a juvenile at the time, it would also be swept away under the rug and that was the end of it.

But then it re-surfaced and Mr. Duggar was mad as he demonstrated in the video. Suddenly his speech was faster and  louder and his tone now had an edge to it. He then leaked out the word “suit” as she said this was a suit and then corrected himself. That is called a Freudian Slip. It speaks volumes when analyzed in specific contexts. In this context he was discussing the police and the association of a ” suit” came out. To me that is very telling as it reveals his inner intention  is to sue the police.


If the Duggars are considering suing the Police they had better watch what they just said about the police and accusing them of having an agenda as both Duggars said this simultaneously as though it was rehearsed. They also spoke of a bribe. Now they have opened themselves up to a whole different level of investigation. Did they give a bribe to the police to look the other way and destroyed the files?  Who bribed who? What was this bribe and why and how much money was involved in the bribe? They said some pretty derogatory things about the police chief that is now public record.

In their attempts to sue  the police for releasing the files,  they may find that they are the ones being sued for defamation and opening up a whole new can of worms. In essence,  I believe through this interview they have further shot themselves in the foot or in the mouth so to speak.


When Mrs. Duggar shared that big boys can never have the little children on their laps and that they can never play hide and go seek or end up in pairs it sickened me. That is not  normal behavior in any family. Children should be free to play hide and seek and go seek and go off in pairs without worries of one molesting the other. This was a huge red flag to me.

If Josh was a sexual pervert at 15 and molested his 5 year old sister,  that may have been one Duggar child (Josh)  being a molester. But now that this hyper watchful rule applies to ALL of the Duggar childRen what does that mean?   It makes me want to  ask the  question as to whether any other  younger children have been molested by any other older children?

In my view, I think that this family needs a visit from Child Family Services to see exactly what has been going on in that household. At any rate, ALL of the molested daughters MUST have some therapy for what happened  to them.  The fact that some have allegedly relayed that they don’t remember , speaks volumes . Oftentimes when incidences of sexual abuse are not addressed, it can have serious psychosocial repercussions.

Believing in God and asking him to take away your sins doesn’t make you less accountable for your actions. Josh needs to address what he did and all of the girls need to address what was done to them. Now that Josh has children of his own, he especially needs to face what he did so that he doesn’t repeat these actions with his own children.


When Mrs. Duggar said Josh was interested in girls and that is why he molested them I wanted to vomit. She is the one who needs therapy most of all. She is in denial with her baby girl  breathy passive aggressive voice. How could she say such a thing?

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 11.56.28 AMIn  her final statement with her her wide eyed look AND  breathy baby  girl voice,  she brings up the obviously rehearsed word ” agenda” once again in an attempt to take the onus off of her sexually molesting son and put it on others whoM she feels areout to destroy her and her family and make money off of this incident as she describes it. She then ends the interview by saying  that God will make this all OK.”

No,  Mrs. Duggar, you cannot hide behind God in this. God will not make everything OK. It is not OK when a teenager abuses children and when you and  your husband have  tried to sweep this under the rug and now blame others for what your son has done. Maybe God wanted this information released in the  universe by whatever means, in order  to show the world what a fake reality show you have and how you must not be looked up to and admired as being such ideal parents you claim to be .

You have shown that, like an ostrich, you have your head in the sand when it comes to Josh. You are more interested in protecting your son and your brand than you are in oding what is right . You showed us all what a stupid and ignorant woman you are by saying that  children need to be protected from transgender people who can go into girls bathrooms and molest them. In order to relieve you of your gross unawareness, I will inform you that transgender people have no interest in harming children. Their interest is in living their lives as a member of the opposite sex.

The man you need to be concerned with coming into your little girl’s bathroom is you own flesh and blood son- your child molesting son- Josh Duggar. When we point the fingers at others t,here is often three fingers pointing back at us as is the case here.


A three or five year old child who looks at the genitals of a child of the opposite sex out of curiosity – “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” may be acceptable in terms of normal development but it is NOT normal for a 15 year old to look at a  five year olds private parts.  It is sick and is what a pedophile does. If Josh did this as was revealed in the media, he was and may still be a pedophile.  Pedophiles usually don’t change their behavior unless they are given hormone treatment or castrated. The recidivism rate among child molesting predators in prison is astounding. They can never be cured. If Josh is presently  a bona fide pedophile I am deeply concerned for his own children.


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At the end of this tragic FOX  interview which revealed so much about the Duggars, there was a teaser about an upcoming interview with the Duggar daughters- the victims of Josh. Although one cried,  she was not crying because she was molested. Instead she was crying because the information was released and made public. The other daughter was defensive and also blamed others like the person who released the information, instead of blaming the culprit who molested her- Josh.

That spoke volumes about these young ladies being in denial. They need professional help asap and I pray that they get it.

Aaron Hernandez Telling Body Language As Guilty Verdict Is Read

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 7.43.11 AMRight before the verdict is read we see a cocky and stoic  looking Neanderthal  looking short foreheaded  Aaron Hernandez with his head held high.

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As soon as he hears the verdict of “Guilty in the First Degree” his eyes close.This indicates that  he is closing off as this is not the verdict he expected to see ot hear.

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 7.43.49 AMHe immediately turns to where his girlfriend and mother are sitting in the courtroom to look at their reaction and perhaps to give them a nonverbal message.

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 7.44.00 AMIn seeing them sob, his own emotions begin to come to the surface as he gets a case of  dry cotton mouth  as he moves his mouth to the side.

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 7.44.17 AMHe purses his lips to hold back emotion and to deal with the dry cotton mouth as his autonomic system is kicking in.  Note that the he bald guard begins  looking in the direction of Hernandez’ emotional mother and girlfriend.

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He tries to swallow hard as the cotton mouth is really getting uncomfortable as his tongue now protrudes.

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As he swallows his eyes close in response to the frustration that he is unable to get their attention in making eye contact with them.

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Hernandez physically moves his head to get a better look at his loved ones as he shifts his eyes all the way in their direction, no doubt wanting to make eye contact with them through their sobs. But as you will see later they are not able to look at him and he cannot catch their eye gaze because their eyes are closed shut, covered and dripping with tears.Note that the guard is not liking what Hernandez is doing as he observes what is happening.

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The guard doesn’t like what Hernandez is doing  in having so much physcial freedom in turning his head  towards his loved ones, so he whispers something to him like “put your hands in back of you.”

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Hernandez does what he is told and leans his head down as he is cuffed by the guard.

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This the is reason Hernandez could not get satisfaction and some emotional comfort from his loved ones- his mother and his girlfriend. They were too busy covering their eyes and stifling their sobs and dabbing their fingers in their eyes to  blot  their tears. The mother’s tears were no doubt for the loss of her son whom she will never see again in this lifetime. The girlfirend’s tears were no doubt that she  lost her big bank bucks and now has to go at it alone and downsize.  While  Hernandez will still get his NFL pension  as long as he is alive, it will mostly go to paying off his lawyers as he had been struggling to pay them throughout the trial according to reports. Since money is scarce and lawyers fees are high, his girlfriend will no longer be living in the manner she had been accustomed to live and that means her home may even have to be sold from under her.

Aaron Hernandez finally got what he deserved, not just for killing this innocent man who happened to be his girlfriend’s sister’s boyfriend. He got what he deserved for what he did all his life. He was a thug and a bully and flew off the handle and harmed and killed others for pettry perceived slights. He was allowed to get away with everything for so long.

In Florida when he was in college he was allowed to get away with his egregious behavior simply because he was a star player. The NFL also turned a blind eye until they could do so no more. He has felt entitled all of his life because he was allowed to get away with it so much simply because he played football.

It is time we stop idolizing thugs and those engaged in criminal acts and turn a blind eye simply because they can catch a ball, run fast or tackle someone. Those are misplaced values. Now Hernandez will spend his life where he belongs and will never smell freedom. But unfortunately he will be hailed a hero in prison like OJ has been while incarcerated.

Giuliana Rancic Apologetic and Frightened Body Language

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When  Fashion Police co-host Giuiiana Rancic received a lot of backlash from her comment about singer Zendaya’s  dreadlocks, saying the girl looked like she” smelled of weed and patchouli oil,” she got on the air and apologized. The apology was sincere and Giulianna looked scared and upset. Through her  mea culpa, the tone sounded very sincere as she took full responsibility for her statement, her wide eyed  tensed face fear permeated throughout the apology. Being a veteran journalist, she knew very well what her having to apologize meant. She knew that this may be the end of her days at the show and may affect her future on television on general. There was no  PR spin that could be done as Guiliana crossed the line. She only realized it after she received a lot of hate and backlash, especially from the stars she has interviewed in  he past like Whoppie Goldberg  (who called her a bonenhead) and Kerry Washington and countless others .

For someone who had dedicated her life to her career, Giulainna has every reason to be scared and upset. Instead of covering the news she is the news which is a very bad thing for any journalist. Look at what happened to Brian Williams. When he became the news he was off the news.  Also what Rancic said was not forgiven by Zendaya who then issued a statement about racism and the expression of hair. Then many others followed suit.

Kelly Osborn, another co- host on the show knew the implications of Giulanna’s comments and  didn;t want to be associated by Guilian’s verbal stink, So  she immediately said she would quit the show if Giulliana didn’t apologize.

There are some things which can be forgiven and others which cannot be forgiven, especially statements which are perceived to smack of a racial undertone. There is no way that Giullaana can ever  freely get on the red carpet again without someone recalling what she said or without someone having  a bad taste in their mouth about her. That is very significant as many may not want to talk to her on the air and may shun her and  not want to be associated with her her. In essence , her  words may  affect the number of people who would  want to talk to her at any red carpet event. That would affect the quality of any show she hosts.

The whole debacle speaks of something bigger than Giulanna’s comment. It speaks to the issue of having a show who’s main purpose is to cut down what someone wore to  and awards presentation.

Without Joan Rivers, the show clearly doesn’t work anymore. The show was created for Joan.  who was both a fashion maven,  who always dressed  to the hilt and a  brilliant comedian. The success of the show was because she  knew how to combine her  spicy jokes and fashion. So the show made sense. Because of Joan’s age, and the network’s demographics, they added younger people to the mix like  Kelly Osbourne  and Giulianna Rancic and some others. Then when Joan passed, they got Kathy Griffin to take over which made no sense. Kathey, who was not into  fashion was now dressed and styled. The show took on more of a mean spirit. As a result, Giulanna let loose with her comment about smells.It is also ironic that Guiliana who has constantly been the news for her  uncomfortable looking anorexic thin body, which overshadows any fashion, iis making judgements about how others look in their clothing.

My view is that Giullana needs to leave the show and the show and  leave the air for a while . It is clear that it is over since Joan was the show.Giulanna needs to get off the air for a while and reinvent herself, perhaps with a few more pounds added to her frame. Then it will be up to the public to see if she is forgiven by whether they watch any show she hosts as that will  determine if they will forgive her and  welcome her back.

Accused Bill Cosby’s Silence About Rape Often Points To Guilt

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Back in the day when there was a scandal among celebrities, the advice was to remain silent until it blew over and was forgotten. Well those old school  days have long gone. With social media and the immediacy of news and information and the ability to dig up one’s past and verify it, this philosophy no longer applies. In fact it can backfire. Bill Cosby’s not speaking out and defending himself  and remaining silent against his rape allegations has clearly backfired on him.

When people are innocent of something, they speak out. In fact they scream out that these allegations are” false”.  When something a serious as a rape allegation is made one has to  speak out against it, especially  if they have not committed such a vulgar act.

Even though our American justice system and various justice systems around the world may not require the accused to speak out for themselves  and defend him or herself, in the back of many jurors minds is still the question, “If they are innocent, then why don’t they testify and speak up for themselves and defend their innocence?”

Most recently, Cosby refused to answer a journalist’s questions on NPR that concerned his alleged rape. Queen Latifia and David Letterman cancelled his show appearances. People wrote horrible things about him on twitter related to his alleged raping.

While Cosby’s raping allegations were recently called out by comedian Hannibal Burris, rumors about Cosby’s unwanted sexual advances and subsequent rape allegations have been talked about in Hollywood for for the past three decades. With his constant visits to the Playboy Mansion, many in the Hollywood saw him as a lecherous cheater on his wife Camille.

Cosby has been a super star for decades  and there is no doubt that he took advantage of his status, like so many stars have done in the past and present. and will most likely do in the future.

No doubt there may have been many aspririing actresses who would think nothing of having sex with Cosby in exchange for his connecting them up with an agent, a movie or tv role, or with others who could further their  careers.  There may be those who  may have put out for him and when he did  not reciprocate with his promises or with their expectations, they may have felt used and abused angry. They may have and felt they were  physically and emotionally raped and discarded and rightfully so.  Then there may have been  others, who like his most vocal accuser who stated Cosby raped her at 19,  inist she was actually violently raped by him. Perhaps these women saw was one of the most Toxic People with a sadistic and monstrous side. The fact that he settled with one of his rape accusers also doesn’t look good for him.

Evidently, Cosby was not the All American, beloved and humorous, Dr. Huxtable he played on TV, complete with a high moral compass who would never think of cheating on his wife or taking advantage of young starlets.

Cosby’s silence speaks volumes to me. Until he breaks his silence and comes clean and either admits his alleged egregious behavior or provides us with a defense or an explanation  his phenomenal career is essentially over . No one wants to watch a rapist or someone they assume is a rapist, so they networks might as well pull the plug on his upcoming show.

Joran Vandersloot’s Body Language in Harsh New Prison

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A video was released of psychopathic murderer and most likely serial killer Joran Vandersloot who killed two innocent women, Natalie Holloway in Aruba and Stephanie Flores in Peru, as he entered one of the harshest, coldest,and most remote prisons in the world- Challapalca Prison. This prison located high in the Andes Mountains has been cited for numerous human rights violations throughout the world.  He was sent there as punishment for threatening to kill a guard at his previous prison.

Apparently the warden of his new prison Sergio Haro,  gave Vandersloot a cell phone to record himself and later the phone was confiscated . On the video, Vandersloot speaks in Spanish and says he doesn’t know why he was told to record himself but mentions it was for his security.

No doubt this notorious prison wanted to show the world  that their new inmate was in good physical  shape when he first arrived. Actually Joran ‘s fuller face reflects that he was doing quite well in his previous prison as he put on some pounds, indicating that he was well fed. He has grown a beard and moustache since he was first processed into the prison as you can see below, he was clean shaven. 

Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.56.44 PM In the photo above  his fleshy chin shows that he was clearly not deprived of food at his previous facility. As the doctor examines him we see that he has taken one arm out of  a sleeve of his sweatshirt and rests on his abdomen. Most likely his wrist is chained to a waist chain for safety as guards were taking no chances with Vandersloot. . He is not only under the watchful eye of a police officer to his side as you can see in the photo above,

  • Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.56.19 PMbut he is surrounded by an entire army of guards who are watching his every move. All of these guards wear a woolen cap as does the doctor who examines him. If these men are all wearing caps in doors, it no doubt indicates that Vandersloot’s new home is very cold.  In fact the temperature in the evenings has been known to get to 20 degrees minus zero.

Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 5.58.32 PMAs Vandersloot is turned facing the wall and  patted down, we see his sagging pants and his underwear showing. In the prison population this is a major signal that the person is open for sex and are available to be penetrated by other prisoners. So Vandersloot is giving a clear message that he is ready to be the receiver in a potential sexual encounter. In his new home at Challapalca Prison, there are no conjugal visits gone are his days of having sex with and  impregnating a woman as he did with his new bride as of  this past July, Leidy Figueroa. Also gone are regular visits he would have had with the  unfortunate child he  spawned as family visits are extremely expensive and the terrain is extremely difficult to traverse for any outsider.

Vandersloot will not only be deprived of  conjugal visits with his wife, access to his new baby,  home cooked meals brought in daily, and fresh new clothing,he will most likely initially suffer from altitude sickness in the the 15,000 foot elevated prison, no regular electricity or running water, overcrowding, poor medical treatment, poor food, and poor sanitation. In fact he is already feeling the misery of being there as he has allegedly gone on a hunger strike. Perhaps this is the first time Vandersloot is really feeling the consequences of his actions. 

Governor Rick Perry’s Angry and Scared Mug Shot Body Language

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I will preface this blog by stating that I had the opportunity to meet Governor Perry at the Governor’s reception at the Governor’s mansion in Austin when I spoke at the  Texas Woman’s Conference. He and I and my mother Rosalee had a lovely chat and he couldn’t have been more gracious and charming. He was so attentive to and taken with Rosalee (as most people are) which delighted me. 

As many of you know by now from reading my blogs and hearing me speak in the media,  I am not a political person and have no agenda, either personal or political, other than to objectively read a person’s body language. 

Many believe that Governor Perry’s indictment was political while others believe that it was deserved. I reserve any opinion on the matter, other than to say that in his video where he explained his using his authority as a governor to want someone who had an alcohol problem removed from the office, he seemed very forthright and his argument made logical sense to me.

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 It was clear after seeing the video where Perry showed district attorney Rosemary Lehmberg so out of control that she was so abusive to the police officers that she  had to be restrained in a special chair. So his actions were not unreasonable, in light of the fact her blood alcohol level was found to be three times the normal limit which indicated that she had a problem. If a district attorney could drive drunk it was clear that her judgement was impaired and that she may very well have an alcohol problem, which may  further impair her judgement in other situations- like being in charge of millions of dollars.  

Since Governor  Perry no longer trusted  her ability to handle her very responsible position, he used his authority and veto power  as a governor  to threaten to veto funding to her office unless she quit, a threat that he ultimately carried out by vetoing $7.5 million earmarked for the Public Integrity Unit that was intended to fight official corruption. 

The results were that Rosemary Lehmberg didn’t resign and Governor Perry was indicted by a  grand jury. He turned himself in to authorities and had a mug shot taken as you see above. Facial language wise, it shows that even though he is smiling, it is an angry tight lipped smile. His cheeks are not raised and he shows no teeth as he does when making a genuine smile. Below is a genuine smile, so you can see the difference from his mugshot. Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 5.06.37 PM In his mugshot there is a a lot of tension in his forehead, tightness in his lower jaw and around his eyes and cheeks. It is in great contrast to what we see in this photo above. In  the mugshot his head retreats backwards and the visible shininess,  most likely due to perspiration on his forehead and nose. This may reflect fear and high anxiety. Even though he is trying his best to hide that fear with the tight smile , his body says the opposite – that there is the fear factor that he could possibly be facing a 99 year prison sentence.  

Putin’s Body Language Shows He Detests Royal Family and Obama While Other World Leaders Show Disdain Towards Him


There is no question that based on  Russian President Vladimir Putin’s body language there is no love for any members of the royal family from the Queen to Prince Charles. In fact, he completely ignores them as evidenced by his facial expression and faraway gaze. There is no question that  he wishes he was elsewhere instead of at the D Day memorial celebration. Int he photo above you can see how he doesn’t even look in the Queen’s direction as Obama tries to help her down the stairs. No doubt he could care less if she made it down the stairs safely or fell down the stairs as he would not be the one to pick her up.Image

Perhaps the person he detests the most is Prince Charles whom he completely ignored as he even turned his back to him as you can see in this photo above. It is understandable since the Prince of Wales’s reportedly compared him with  to Adolf Hitler a week earlier.

Immediately  Putin held a press conference in Saint Petersburg and said that the Princes’  comparison of him to  Adolf Hitler was “unacceptable” and “wrong”  that remarks of this kind are “not what monarchs do”.

He even gave a direct personal message to the prince, he added: “Give my words to Prince Charles. He has been to our country more than once, if he made such a comparison, it is unacceptable and I am sure he understands that as a man of manners.”

Putin added: “I met him personally, as well as other members of the royal family. This is not what monarchs do.”But over the past few years we have seen so much, nothing surprises me any longer.”

Well, Putin’s words were certainly and understandably  reflected in his body language when he was in close proximity to Charles and the Royal Family. There was nothing phony about Putin as his body language revealed his true feeling towards them. He refused to make nice and to be diplomat with the family. He was angry and rightfully so as Charles had no business sticking his nose into political matters. He is merely a figurehead with no power or authority. Putin was right when he said” this is not what monarchs do.”


As everyone  including Obama, clapped when the Queen arrived, Putin refused to clap, let alone acknowledge her. As you can see from his body language  based on his cupped hand in a pre-fist like position, he was angry.

Putin’s disdain was not only directed towards the royals but towards Obama as well. Putin walked well ahead of Obama especially since he was walking with the detested Queen.


They clearly kept their distance publicly  appeared to play cat and mouse with one another sneaking glances at one another.

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They made it a point to ignore one another as you can see here in the photo below.

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When they did meet face to face then was considerable tension revealed in both of their body language.Look at Putin’s neck where his major  vein is exposed in tension and anger.Also look at the tension in Putin’s face and jaw and in his eyes as he glares at Obama.

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The body language of the other world leaders were not warm and fuzzy towards Putin in light of his invasion of Ukraine. The Ukraine President Poroshenko looked disgusted with Putin as you can see here.

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German Chancellor Andrea Merkel didn’t look to thrilled with him as she gives him a questioning look.

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 UK’s David Cameron looks very angry at him as well.

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The only one who seemed to treat him warmly based on his body language was the French President Francoise Hollande. There was a genuine smile and warm affection between the two.

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