Katherine Jackson’s Monotone and Body Language As She Reads Speech And Rebbe, Jermain’s and Janet’s Body Language Says It All

Perhaps one of the most disturbing videos I have seen involve the one just released where  Jackson family matriarch Katherine Jackson assuring everyone that she is OK.

But based on her body language and tone of voice and the content of what she read, in my view she doesn’t seem OK. She seems robotic and stiff and disconnected in what she is saying. The first clue that something is amiss is that she is reading a written script. If a person is OK, they look into a camera, sans script and speak from their heart. This is not what has happened here.

Her monotone unemotional voice was disconcerting. Here she is talking about emotional issues where her guardianship has been revoked and she speaks in  a monotone devoid of emotion. There is no hint of sadness or despair or anger.

The fact that she is also defensive and says that it is crazy for people to think she was abducted and that her family would never do that speaks volumes. Blaming the public for thinking she was abducted and then using the term “crazy” in my view says there is more than meets the eye.


Jermain’s body language is downright disturbing if not scary as he looms over his mother in his sunglasses and tight fitting tee, displaying his man boobs . His facial expresions  appears cocky and  arrogant as he leans to the side and then

hovers over his mother, as we see int he photo above as  he appears to look  her script .


Janet who was considered by man as the most normal one in the family,  just lost a lot of points in my eyes.

She is the one who was seen on the surveillance video trying to grab Paris’ cellphone and allegedly calling her a spoiled bitch. Throughout her mother’s presser, Janet kept a stoic facial expression.  She alsolooked over her mother’s shoulder as we can see above as her mother read the script  provided t her.

Janet did not look like the charismatic happy Janet we have always seen, but rather a somber and angry Janet.

Now Prince’s tweet reveals that Janet may have been  behind the lack of contact between Katherine and her Grandkids as she writes “Don’t let them pls.” in response to Prince’s plea “This is enough so I am texting you for the simple fact that WE DEMAND TO SPEAK TO MY GRANDMA NOW!!!”


Rebbe appeared was cocky and had an inappropriate smirk on her face  and nodded when the mother named her assistant by name “Ms. Smith”  saying that her assistant was calling the household to check up on the kids.  In a non verbal way, it was a though Rebbe was saying That’s right” See we were in contact with the grandkids all along”. It was as though she was covering her tracts and may have possibly even written those words for her other to say. She seemed too proud of herself as these words were read.

But it is ridiculous to have any assistant calling the household to check up on the kids. The kids neded to speak to their grandmother directly during those ten days.

Katherine Jackson seemed very passive during her speech. It was reminiscent of someone with Stockholm Syndrome, who is kidnapped and then sides with the enemy.

There was even a marketing director from the Tuscon Spa in the room to prove that Katherine was at the Spa on  a vacation. It was obviously set up to eliminate any suspicions that there was foul play and that she was kidnapped.


Katherine is between a rock and a hard place. She does not want to incriminate her own kids as they can get into a lot of trouble for elder abuse in causing her emotional distress and for kidnapping her and taking her across state lines. Then she also loves her grandkids dearly. So she said that it was only because of lie that she lost the guardianship.

Now brother and sister are pitted against one another and many believe it was masterminded by Randy who was not conveniently  present as Katherine read her written script. Randy is the brother with whom Michael was said to be at odds with the most. Perhaps there was more jealousy and competition due to their closeness of age and due to Michael’s enormous success.

So now it is Janet, Rebbe, Randy, and Jermain versus Jackie, Marlon, and Tito. They have put their mother in the middle of this mess and now she is the victim of all of the fallout as  she has  now lost guardianship of her grandkids.

Latoya usually he most outspoken of all the Jackson’s was conveniently or purposely  not present as not to get herself mixed up into the mire of this Toxic Family.

In her private moments when she is alone without the influence of Rebbe, Randy and Janet, there is no doubt that she will suffer the emotional pain of not seeing her grandkids on a daily basis and watching them continue to grow. This may be a death knell for her.

Now we can finally understand why Michael wanted to distance himself from all of these Toxic People.

Why did all of this take place? There is  only one reason- money. Four of the siblings wanted more money to be given to Katherine so that she could  then dole it out to them. Their plot to turn their mother against the estate backfired as Katherine  so she could receive more money in her lifetime has now lost the  $840,000 in annual child support but has also lost her grandkids .

Shocking Body Language of A Dead Michael Jackson On A Gurney

Michael Jackson’s dead body language on a gurney was beyond  shocking as the  prosecution presented it’s case  on the first day of the  Conrad Murray trial. Devastating and painful are not enough to describe this photo which shows a helpless Michael lying on a gurney covered with a sheet on the lower half of his body. The photo clearly reveals  results of the actions of an irresponsible negligent physician who administered the lethal drug propofol when he knew better than to give it to his patient. Now it is all about wasting everyone’s time and tax dollars as the blame game begins.

So what if was reported  Michael demanded to have  the drug.  So what of Michael allegedly had a drug problem and drug addiction issues. It was not Michael’s call. Michael was  merely the patient and not the doctor. But unfortunately as we see here,  there are doctors who will do whatever a patient wants   only because they are a star and can pay big money  Unfortunately this  goes on all the time in Los Angeles where  doctors  cater to the Hollywood community. There is even  a vulgar name for these type of doctors – “STAR F***ERS.

To Read More click the link below :


Oprah Busts Michael Jackson’s Toxic Father About Beating Michael As Joe Jackson’s Body Language Shows Signals of Deception And No Remorse

A serious Oprah leans in to ask  Michael Jackson;s father Joe,”  Do you think Michael  was afraid of you?” A simple yes or no  answer while looking in Oprah’s direction  would have  indicated that Joe  was telling the truth.  But this was not the case. Joe showed  too many singles of deception. You can see one of those signals of deception as he

1.immediately  turns away from Oprah

2.  looks away and gazes to the side as you can see

3.  blinks a lot

4.  licks his lips

5. speaks slowly as  if to search for words to create hos lie

6. shrugs his shoulder

7. looks down

8.  gives away too much tangential information

9. fidgets

10  leans away and  then turns to lean in as if to try to convince Oprah that what he is  saying is true as she states,

”  I don’t think he was afraid of me. I think he was afraid he would do something wrong and I would chastise him. But I never beat him. I never beat him like the media tried to say .”

When someone does all of those things body language wise and volunteers  information you didn’t ask for,  there is  a good chance they  are they are lying about what they said.


Then Oprah busts him by confronting  him head on as she  said “ I did that interview with him in 1993 and he told me you beat him.”

Joe is stunned. He looks away and turns from Oprah. This is probably the first time in his adult life that anyone stood up to him.

He then licks his lips and says um as if searching for something to say. He utters out  “ I am glad that he was raised in such a way. He was liked all over the world. He could have been like some of the other kids from Gary who are dead or gone.”

In essence he is coming up with an excuse in  trying to justify what he  did to Michael.

To get the truth out of Joe Jackson Oprah admits that she as beaten as a kid because that was the culture .

Joe feels relieved as he now looks directly at Oprah and gives a relieved slight smile.


Then Joe tries to clarify and justify as he asks Oprah Beat or Whipped? Lets not split hairs here. Whipped is the same as being beaten. They both cause bodily harm pain and tear away at one’s self esteem.

Oprah is now pissed. She looks up in exasperation and in a loud tone says It’s the same thing when you have welts on your body. Even mother Katherine chimed in and said in her soft way that it was the same thing.

Joe then  got all cotton mouthed  and licked his lips and indication he was clearly  nervous,  But he had to take control of the situation as the control freak  bully type of Toxic Man he is.   He immediately retorts that he didn’t like the word beat. So Oprah says , so you have issue with the word beat. He then showed   his contentiousness, he has the audacity to retort ” no  I have issue with the word whipped.

Katherine then stepped in and says You might as well tell the truth.  Good for her! I am sure that this is one of the few times in her life that she was able to speak up and speak back to this TOXIC  bully. Thank goodness she found the strength to do so, even of it was with  the protection of the camera crews and Oprah at her side.

Katherine  went on to say He used the strap, as she looked right at Joe. Joe now is clearly uncomfortable with lip locking and head bowed down as he is clearly embarrassed.

Joe was completely  humiliated for the first time in his life This bully now leaned back and crossed his arms over his body in a self  protective stance protective with his head bowed.  If there was a hole  in the ground, he would  now doubt want to crawl into into it and cover himself with the dirt.

With arms still crossed as you can see int he photo above,  he finally indirectly  admits that he would have whipped him with a strap  to punish for someone who did something wrong.  Notice how he detached by referring to Michael as  a someone as opposed to using his son’s name- Michael whom he beat or whipped or caused bodily harm. Notice how his eyes are closed as he looks down when he says this. It is  because he is so humiliated. It is indicative of shame.  Even though hos body language admits shame, his speech does not.

Instead, he continues to justify how  the beatings   kept Michael out of jail and how none of hos kids have been in jail

Then Oprah asks him if he regrets his strappings on his children. He  clearly and distinctly  looks directly at Oprah and replied  that he does not regret stapping his children.

Now we know why Prince was angry in the photo we see above. Perhaps he couldn’t stomach sitting or even standing next to the man who beat his beloved father with a strap.


Now we know they truth.  Michael spoke the truth about his  fathers beatings, Clearly they  damaged him emotionally.  He carried those scars into his adulthood. He was in such emotional trauma from his father;s violence that he di all he could to tip himself away from being his fathers son. He even changed his skin color and his genetic appearance just to be able to look in the mirror and see no resemblance to the man whom he obviously detested.

He was in such pain that he self medicated with surgery after surgery and drug after drug.

He wanted to go back  to his childhood and and re live his childhood with the love he obviously felt he did not have. That may explain why he continued to be child like well into his forties and as he turned fifty.  , He was so abused that he wanted to right the wrongs of his father.  He could’t do it but he could  right those wrongs through his kids.  He was a wonderful gather according to his kids.  This is a marked contrast from what he would say about his own father, Joe.

The truth has finally prevailed.  I only wish Michael would have been alive to hear his father admit  what he did to him. Michael did the right thing to never speak to his father and to unplug from him for good.  Some things are unforgivable. Physical violence is one of those things that is hard to forgive.

The UNPLUG  technique  is one of the technique which  I describe  in my book TOXIC MEN that  you can use when you can  no longer deal with a person who has made your life miserable.  The fact that Joe did not apologize for what he did to Michael   and continues to justify it shows how Michael did the right thing to UNPLUG  and  never allow Joe into his life.

Joe is A Toxic Man. He is a classic control freak  bully. To read more about Toxic Men you can get my latest book at a special rate  of $14.93 from amazon.com  by clicking the link  below




Michael Jackson’s Children’s Body Language Show They Are Guarded, Protective, and Ambivalent During Oprah Interview as They Continue to Respect Dad’s Privacy


The above photo of Michael Jackson’s eldest  children, Prince and Paris says it all. They were clearly not comfortable being asked questions about their father by Oprah. They knew how their late father valued not only his privacy but theirs as well. That is why he made them wear veils when they went out of the house. In fact Michael’s daughter Paris addressed the fact that while the veils were uncomfortable, she knew they were for her protection.


In the above photo, observe Prince standing up with crossed arms as he looks on facing Oprah as his sister is interviewed. His eye is clearly on Oprah as he leans back in a defensive mode.  He has a protective stance with both of his arms  his arms tightly interlocked crossing over his torso.

 His protective stance is further indicated as he stands  in the background looking directly at Oprah with one foot out, pointed in Oprah’s direction. It is though this protective older brother is ready to step in if the questioning gets to be too uncomfortable or too much for his younger sister. His other foot protectively  points in Paris’ direction  as if to step in in case she needs him. 


Joe Jackson, Michael’s father and Prince’s grandpa  knows Prince means business in this photo. Joe looks uncharacteristically submissive around Prince. His head is down with his hands in his pocket  as he looks in Prince’s direction.  We have rarely seen such a photo of Joe in terms of  his body language. In the past,  Joe’s posture and demeanor has usually had a super confident cocky non-humbled undertone.  But this photo was very different.

The distinct  physical  distance between Joe and Prince show that they are not close at all.  Joe’s submissive stance reflects this as well.


When it was Prince’s turn to be interviewed by Oprah, his eye contact with her was less than optimal as he consistently looked away. When describing his favorite experience walking with his dad on the beach in Bahrain eating snickers, he looked up and away. While he wanted to be polite and answer Oprah’s question, there was clearly a part of him that did not want to share this special moment between he and his late dad with the world.

As the person who spent the most time in his life with father Michael, Prince knew  deep down that Michael, who valued his privacy with his children would not be pleased at this revelation.  His body language  clearly reflected his ambivalence.

In the photo, it is clear that Prince is not happy and something must have happened for him to get up from his chair after the interview and leave the  table and stand in the background.  Perhaps he had enough of what he considered Oprah’s invasive questioning about his father. Perhaps it got to him. He definitely  knew Michael would not  like this line of questioning about his private life with his children. So it seems in my view that Prince finally had enough.

Look at Prince’s crossed arms over his torso. It means that he is closing off. If you look down at his sister sitting in the photo as Prince looks on, she too has her arms crossed over her torso in a protective mode.


She too knows that this discussion about Michael is inappropriate based on how she was raised. She knows to the core of her soul that discussing her father is a violation of what he was all about- extreme privacy. Yet she wants to be cooperative and compliant during the interview.

 Paris’ BODY language  reflects her ambivalence as well. as well. Not only are her arms interlocked and crossed in a protective mode like her brother, she also   leans back in her chair. It is in marked contrast to Oprah’s body language, who leans forward in her attempt to engage Paris.

  Paris does not engage Oprah in leaning forward , She is polite verbal, articulate, pleasant and poised. But the spokeschild of the family  is clearly  in control as she speaks measuredly  but  lovingly of her father.

She opens her eyes widely and raises her eyebrows  as we see in the photo above This look of surprise reflects what she is verbally revealed – a surprise to the world that  her daddy could make the best French toast n the world.

Oprah was surprised by this revelation as she and most of us would think that Michael who was surrounded my maids and cooks would not be the one to hole up in a kitchen making breakfast. From what we have heard about Michael’s eating habits in the past, no one would have associated Michael with food, much less being involved in the preparation of it.  

While it was personal information, it was information that was benign enough that Michael would not have mind if it was revealed. Paris clearly thought about this and played the interview game of sharing just enough information to respect her father;s wishes and his memory.



Even little 8 year old Blanket is protective during the interview as you can see in  the above photo.  His  knees are bent and in front of him as they shield and  protect him as he sits in his chair. His one leg dropping down from the chair says that he really does not want to be there. It says that he wants to leave.

His hands cover his  mouth, indicating that he doesn’t want to speak.  Paris and Prince clearly have his back so to speak. They are protective of him as well and pay a lot of attention to him.  Paris reaches out to him as we see in the photo with her hand extended towards him. No doubt big sister Paris has a hands on role with Blanket in helping to care for him. Her extended hand is there to comfort him.

Paris’ extended cupped hand reflects tension and ambivalence at the same time. It’s a closed hand that perhaps reflects a subconscious anger that her little brother has to be there and be subjected to this uncomfortable situation.

The gesture reflects that she knows Blanket  clearly does not want to be there, subjected to Oprah’s questioning . Interally,  she is angry and upset about it.  It even reflects in Paris’ smile as she looks in Blanket’s direction.  While her lips are smiling, her eyes are reflecting the opposite. She is not happy about being forced to be in this situation.

She knows deep down that her father would not be happy about having his children, whom he went to all lengths to protect in terms of their identity to now be so publicly exposed. While she wants to comply, she is being very protective over Blanket, her  gestures and body language reflect her inner conflict.


Besides his beautiful music the best legacy that Michael left behind was his beautiful children who continue to respect their dad’s privacy. Their actions and body language showed it.

There is no doubt that Michael would be proud of them and how they handled this very uncomfortable and conflicting situation where they were forced to reveal personal information about their lives with their famous and now deceased dad. They complied, but continued to be guarded as Michael’s message which he ingrained in them since birth was  evident- ” watch what you say and don’t say too much!”

There is no doubt that if Michael is up there is heaven, he was looking down at his children and smiling proudly from year to ear, He was proud that they were polite and cooperative, yet set boundaries as they honored and tried to protect their dad’s wishes for privacy as best as they could. www.drlillianglass.com

Michael Jackson’s Bodyguards Body Language Shows Signals of Discomfort Discussing Michael’s Love Life As They ” Set the Record Straight” Perhaps For Their Own Personal Gain


I am very troubled by three ex body guards  Bill Whitfield, Mike Garcia ,and  Javon Beard, whom Michael Jackson  entrusted with his most intimate secrets, now  revealing  very personal information about Michael and his children  after his death.  Based on all that we know about  Michael’s desire for privacy and protection for his children, here is no question that Michael would have been 100 per cent  against what these bodyguards are doing by going public and doing interviews about Michael Jackson .

They openly admit in an interview on ABC that  they plan to write a book which they plan to call “In Defense of the King.” So they are apparently out there now fishing for a publisher in their attempt to cash in big time on Michael’s death if their book is sold.  Based on how they came across body language –wise on TV  and what they said“setting the record straight” in  speaking out on Michael’s behalf, it seems to me that it is  merely a ploy for them to fill their pockets and cash in on Michaels death.


They are not really telling us anything we don’t already know based on their interviews.  We know a lot of the information they have divulged, like how polite and smart Michael’s kids are  based on media accounts and by the accounts of those who have interacted with the children.

They admit that they only worked with Michael for 2 years. So there are things which may or may not have taken place prior to those 2 years which they are not privy. Therefore, they may not know everything they are claim to know about Michael.


Who are these “bodyguards” to set the record straight about Michael?  Who made them Michael’s spokespeople. I am sure that Michael would be livid if he knew they were doing this. These men were paid employees who needed to keep their mouths shut about Michael and his family whether he was alive or not.

I have no doubt with Michael’s intelligence and savvy, not to mention his  having been burned by others in the past, that he would have made them sign some type of confidentiality  agreement. I hope that those in charge of his estate will come across those agreements and stop these three in their tracks.I in my view it t is not right


The only reason they came forth  now and put their faces in front of the media is in my view to troll for a book deal. They even have  a title picked out for the book before it is written. They want to see how much interest there is. That is they spilled the beans now.

But obviously they aren’t  that savvy or as clever as they think in my view.  They told way too much already.  No publisher in their right mind in my view would give them a book deal and expect the book to fly off the shelves. Why? Because  they already revealed everything  already in Ashley Banfield’s  very thorough ABC  interview where she left no stone unturned. left no she unturned. So who needs a a book? We know all they have to say.  You get your face in front of the media AFTER you have a book deal and have written it in order to PROMOTE it, not before you have written the book in my view.

So if they did get  a book deal, wrote the book or had someone write it for them,  and then  appeared on TV again to promote it would be OLD news. No one is interested  in what they have to say anymore in my viiew if thay already told it  all. On the  other hand people like anything to do with Michael and may very well buy the book making it a hit.


Although I found each of them despicable for getting on front of the media and sharing Michael’s personal  life which he guarded so privately, to the point of wearing masks and disguises and having his kids do likewise,  I wanted to  scrutinize any  “tells” which may have given away their true  motives . I also wanted to see if there were any” tells” of deception or nervousness or discomfort.

It was interesting to watch all three of them sitting together as they were interviewed. It was also interesting to watch them separately  in order to see if one or more showed signals of deception .

For the most part, they were in all synch. Whether it was rehearsed or not, they were all on the same page.  For the most part it seemed like they were telling the truth.  But I think they told way too much of the truth. They had no business revealing the details about the kids and their behavior, especially the description of Princes behavior when he tried to manipulate cookies out of them.  This was not setting the record straight. This was setting their sights straight on to a potential book deal to make money for themselves.


There was one area where they were clearly uncomfortable and it showed in their body language. It was when they were discussing  their views on Michael’s alleged pedophilia. Their body language showed that they  over compensated by giving way to much information. They were asked if Michael was a pedophile. Then bodyguard  Bill Whitfield  says that he’s a man and he knows that Michael is interested in women just like he is. You can see his facial expression change as he looks away and his forehead get’s furrowed. He also pulls his head back and there is a shoulder shrug . This indicates signals of discomfort.

Mike Garcia also shows signals of discomfort when the “pedophilia” question comes up. He shakes his leg indicating “I want to get out of here.”

The three gave way too much information as Bill speaks about curtains in the limousine being  drawn in the back of a limo, and sucking noises being made.  To say this was inappropriate on their behalf is an understatement. The question was about pedophilia.  All they needed to say was they didn’t witness any acts of pedophilia or that it was their opinion that Michael wasn’t a pedophile. But their going off on a tangent and talking about Michael’s  girlfriends was a red flag.  One had nothing to do with another. Their over compensated answers in giving too detailed information made it seem like they  both “doth protest too much”.

I am not saying that they think Michael is or isn’t  a pedophile. I am saying that they showed signals of discomfort when this topic was brought up by Ashley Banfield.

Other than that, there body languages showed that they were open and they seemed forthright. When they answered, most of the time all three of them appeared to answer in unison. With the exception of the time they discussed Michael’s  intimate life, where they showed major signals of discomfort, they   sat  confidently with their legs apart in an open position with upright straight posture with their  heads  erect.


Bill Whitfield said that there were times that Michael vented and “vented loudly” I cringed. Michael  may have vented loudly but he did it  privately. Michael  projected an image of a person who was always kind with a loving soul.  He never showed anger in public. He worked hard at getting that image across. So to hear them say Michael “vented loudly” is to take away from the public image that Michael worked so hard to cultivate. If he “vented loudly” he did it only for their ears- not the public’s  As Bill  said this I automatically cringed.

While these men  are not doctors or health or legal professionals who have to abide by the  law to keep secrets ( unless they signed a non -disclosure clause before working with Michael) technically they don’t have to keep quiet about Michael. But  ethically I believe  it is a different matter. I believe that they should keep things about Michael confidential in his death just as they did in his life.

Michael trusted them with his life and his kids and as Bill Whitfield said, they became more than security.  Javon Beard interjected that they were more like personal assistants and Mike Garcia said that it was not their job but since there was no entourage it was just them, they hand to handle everything.


I think that it was way too much information to reveal that Michael hated his Vegas mansion because of all the papps. If these men  were HIS  bodyguards as they claim to be,  why didn’t they keeps the papps AND FANS away? Why didn’ they do whatever it took to make sure Michael had the best security so that the papps and fans wouldn’t  invade his home ? That statement alone turned me off.


When asked if he was a good dad, they all replied in unison awesome!  Their body language  showed that all three of them strongly believed that Michael was a great dad.  Mike Garcia shared how the children would constantly say I Love you daddy and that they were like the four buddies as  Bill Whitfield appropriately shook his head yes and smiled a huge genuine smile.

They also spoke of how protective he was of his kids seeing his bad press as he turned over newspapers so the kids wouldn’t see negative headlines about him. It showed that Michael’s first and foremost concern was for  his kids.

They also nooded and spoke in unison as to Michael’s being successful at shielding his kids from the media.  Each one’s  body language were in synch as they appered to be  in agreement that Michael didn’t think what he did was weird. In fact Javon shook his head “no”   as confirmation while Bill Whitfield explained this.


They spoke of the kids with pride as there were genuine smiles as they said that the kids were regular kids and how they  were very polite and well mannered, something we have all herd before. All three of them shook their heads  “yes”  in agreement as this information was relayed.

But then when they showed a note Paris wrote to Bill thanking him for getting cat food, I though that was a bit too invasive. Even if it was a polite gesture, I don’t know how Paris would feel about having her personal handwritten note to Bill  exposed for the world to see. It was for Bill not for the world to see with her little heart over the “I” as she signed her name Paris.  I didn’t think that was necessary to do.

Then Javon also revealed WAY too much information as he shared how Prince would say “ Daddy wants you to get some cookies for us, indicating their mischief  in tricking the bodyguards into getting them cookies. I dounnt these kids or Michael would want that information exposed.  This is exactly what Michael hated. He didn’t want anything personal about these kids revealed and there is no doubt Michael would deem  this story about Prince as being WAY too personal in nature.

Then he added that he asked Michael (the client) if he wanted him to go get some cookies for the kids and in a loud voice, Javon  mimicked what Michael would say “ Prince get up here!” “Why are you telling them that?”

While it showed that Michael set limits and boundaries for the kids, it was still way too much information  about the kids that we don’t need to know. Unless the kids decide to speak about their experiences with their dad or write a book, no one has any right discussing them.

If these kids were paraded around like some others have been by their parents  and publically expoised and exploited as  many have mentioned. Then perhaps they would be fair game, but not in this situation. Michael went out of his way to  shield his kids from the press at all times.  Therefore,  I believe these body guards have broken the confidence of their client by sharing intimate personal stories about the kids like this one which may not put Prince in the best light.


They also shared how Michael liked to go through the drive through at fast food places  with the kids. I found that unacceptable as they shared what Michael said  as he ordered the meal which was” If these people only know who ordered the meal.”

Both Bill and Javon said it in unison so there was no doubt based on other body language signals as well that this  was definitely  a true incident. But maybe Michel didn’t want the word to know that he fed his kids fast foods or that he even ate fast foods. Maybe he wouldn’t want his private comment shared.  Maybe it was his one personal moment to feel like a normal person and order fast food without anyone knowing. Maybe that was his personal little thrill . They had no right to share this personal moment with anyone in my view..

What the bodyguards said was true as they once again spoke in unison that people “never knew that Michael Jackson was the one ordering  the food.  In fact Javan imitated Michael ‘s high voice as said “ One cheeseburger please” While there is no doubt they were all telling the truth, there is even less doubt that Michael would have wanted this information revealed to the world.


Something really strange happened body language wise when Ashley Banfield asked them if they thought Michael  was a pedophile?  They were clearly uncomfortable with this question as each one of them squirmed and had various body language tells which illustrated their discomfort with this area of questioning.

Why did they show such signals of discomfort? Only they know. Michael  may or may not have been a pedophile and Michael was the only one who could attest to those allegations. Just for the record a person can still like women and have girlfriends and  still be a pedophile. Look at how many married men with families who are even pillars of their community. Look at all the married pedophiles with their own families who have been caught on NBC’s “To Catch a Predator.”

They very well may  or may not have seen any evidence that Michael was a pedophile during the two years they spent with him.  I am not saying that Michael is or isn’t a pedophile but these body guards may not know for sure. Their discomfort was very visible in their body language as this was the first time throughout the entire interview that they weren’t as confident verbally, vocally or body language-wise.

As examples of what I am saying, bodyguard Mike Garcia pursed his lip and moved around more, Bill Whitfield looked down, and Javon Beard  had a tight  ingenuine smile, unlike his previous smiles throughout the interview.


How dare them discuss that there was a curtain in the backseat of the limo and that Michael was with a girlfriend back there.  Rule number one of any limo driver, let alone any body guard is shut up about your client’s intimate goings on.

As this story was revealed there was an observed shoulder shrug. That is a signal of deception. There was also a nervous smile- another signal of deception as well as discomfort, In their attempt to set the record straight, they gave way too much information that I am sure Michael would have objected to. If he wanted anyone to know he was with a woman at any time, he would have shown her publically. If the curtain was allegedly drawn he obviously didn’t want anyone to know who he was with or what they were doing.

Then Ashley being the great interviewer that she is remarked “it’s like  you were chaperoning two teenagers back there making out ”. She was simply probing to see where they would go with it.  They shook their heads and agreed as it was a way out for them. Then the unconscionable happened. Bill  revealed that he heard loud sucking noises as his eyebrows were raised. This made me suspicious as to whether this incident really happened? Since  Michael was as  shy and paranoid about anyone knowing his business in a limo I am sure that he would have a limo with a sound proof glass partition. I have never seen a limo with only a mere curtain and I have ridden in many limos in my lifetime.


When  Bill said that Michael’s bandages were worn for him to be disguised as a “burn victim” I knew for sure that they were full of it. Even Bill knew that he was full of it  as his body language showed his head jerking back and eyebrows being furrowed and looking away.

Michael wore many bandages around his face because of the numerous office surgeries and Botox and Restalyn treatments he had at Dr. Klein’s office, his dermatologist that often left bruising on various areas of his face. The band aids were to cover up the bruises. If Bill was around Michael as much as he said he was or escorted him to the doctor in the limo, he would have seen the brusing and  the redness and swelling.

They were not worn as a disguise for him to appear as a burn patient. If that was the case Michael would have wrapped his whole head in gauze or worn a silicone  burn mask.

Then when Ashley proved and asked why they didn’t ask why Michael was “disguised like that,” Javon said “How can you tell him that?” He’s coming down with the kids, how can I say,  What the hell have you got on sir?”

Javon’s statement as well has his referring to Michael as “sir”  shows that he respected the boundaries with Michael as his “client” which he referred to earlier. This means he respected his “client” to not interfere, judge or question what he was doing. In my view he needed to show that same respect now and not reveal anything about his “client” no that he is no longer with us.

In my view one has to treat someone who has died with the same respect they treated them when they were alive. If they kept their confidences when the person was alive they need to do the same thing now that the person is dead and no longer here to defend themselves or to sue for defamation.


When Bill revealed that it appeareard that Michael was on something indicating that  Michael was on drugs I thought this was out of line.  If this was the case and he was his body guard, why didn’t he do something to help his “client?” After all he was supposed to protect his client at all costs. If Michael was drugged up as Bill said, how could Michael function properly as the  “good father? ”If his client was so out of it, why didn’t he try to get his “client” some help? Why didn’t he encourage his client to get help?

The answer is obvious. He needed the job and the money  didn’t want to make waves so he turned a blind eye. The operative word here is “money.” To me this is what this is all about. It sickens me that anyone who was entrusted to caring about a person and protecting them  in life, would now peddle that same person’s dead flesh in hopes of scoring a  book deal and making money off of them. http://www.drlillianglass.com