Katherine Jackson’s Monotone and Body Language As She Reads Speech And Rebbe, Jermain’s and Janet’s Body Language Says It All

Perhaps one of the most disturbing videos I have seen involve the one just released where  Jackson family matriarch Katherine Jackson assuring everyone that she is OK.

But based on her body language and tone of voice and the content of what she read, in my view she doesn’t seem OK. She seems robotic and stiff and disconnected in what she is saying. The first clue that something is amiss is that she is reading a written script. If a person is OK, they look into a camera, sans script and speak from their heart. This is not what has happened here.

Her monotone unemotional voice was disconcerting. Here she is talking about emotional issues where her guardianship has been revoked and she speaks in  a monotone devoid of emotion. There is no hint of sadness or despair or anger.

The fact that she is also defensive and says that it is crazy for people to think she was abducted and that her family would never do that speaks volumes. Blaming the public for thinking she was abducted and then using the term “crazy” in my view says there is more than meets the eye.


Jermain’s body language is downright disturbing if not scary as he looms over his mother in his sunglasses and tight fitting tee, displaying his man boobs . His facial expresions  appears cocky and  arrogant as he leans to the side and then

hovers over his mother, as we see int he photo above as  he appears to look  her script .


Janet who was considered by man as the most normal one in the family,  just lost a lot of points in my eyes.

She is the one who was seen on the surveillance video trying to grab Paris’ cellphone and allegedly calling her a spoiled bitch. Throughout her mother’s presser, Janet kept a stoic facial expression.  She alsolooked over her mother’s shoulder as we can see above as her mother read the script  provided t her.

Janet did not look like the charismatic happy Janet we have always seen, but rather a somber and angry Janet.

Now Prince’s tweet reveals that Janet may have been  behind the lack of contact between Katherine and her Grandkids as she writes “Don’t let them pls.” in response to Prince’s plea “This is enough so I am texting you for the simple fact that WE DEMAND TO SPEAK TO MY GRANDMA NOW!!!”


Rebbe appeared was cocky and had an inappropriate smirk on her face  and nodded when the mother named her assistant by name “Ms. Smith”  saying that her assistant was calling the household to check up on the kids.  In a non verbal way, it was a though Rebbe was saying That’s right” See we were in contact with the grandkids all along”. It was as though she was covering her tracts and may have possibly even written those words for her other to say. She seemed too proud of herself as these words were read.

But it is ridiculous to have any assistant calling the household to check up on the kids. The kids neded to speak to their grandmother directly during those ten days.

Katherine Jackson seemed very passive during her speech. It was reminiscent of someone with Stockholm Syndrome, who is kidnapped and then sides with the enemy.

There was even a marketing director from the Tuscon Spa in the room to prove that Katherine was at the Spa on  a vacation. It was obviously set up to eliminate any suspicions that there was foul play and that she was kidnapped.


Katherine is between a rock and a hard place. She does not want to incriminate her own kids as they can get into a lot of trouble for elder abuse in causing her emotional distress and for kidnapping her and taking her across state lines. Then she also loves her grandkids dearly. So she said that it was only because of lie that she lost the guardianship.

Now brother and sister are pitted against one another and many believe it was masterminded by Randy who was not conveniently  present as Katherine read her written script. Randy is the brother with whom Michael was said to be at odds with the most. Perhaps there was more jealousy and competition due to their closeness of age and due to Michael’s enormous success.

So now it is Janet, Rebbe, Randy, and Jermain versus Jackie, Marlon, and Tito. They have put their mother in the middle of this mess and now she is the victim of all of the fallout as  she has  now lost guardianship of her grandkids.

Latoya usually he most outspoken of all the Jackson’s was conveniently or purposely  not present as not to get herself mixed up into the mire of this Toxic Family.

In her private moments when she is alone without the influence of Rebbe, Randy and Janet, there is no doubt that she will suffer the emotional pain of not seeing her grandkids on a daily basis and watching them continue to grow. This may be a death knell for her.

Now we can finally understand why Michael wanted to distance himself from all of these Toxic People.

Why did all of this take place? There is  only one reason- money. Four of the siblings wanted more money to be given to Katherine so that she could  then dole it out to them. Their plot to turn their mother against the estate backfired as Katherine  so she could receive more money in her lifetime has now lost the  $840,000 in annual child support but has also lost her grandkids .


What thrills me the most about doing my Body Language Blog is when I get feedback from people telling me that  they learn  so much from my posts in terms of reading body language.  That is my aim. When you understand the language of the body, face, voice, and speech content, a whole world opens up to you.

By focusing on the  body language of newsmakers who everyone sees in videos and in photos, it allows me to show you clear examples of the various body language signals during specific actions by celebrities, sports figures, political figures, and even criminals that reveal what they are really thinking and saying. It allows me to show you what is really going on between the headlines.

My posts are not meant to be mean or insulting. They are simply meant to show what is really going on from a behavioral and  body language perspective based on what my decades of research, my extensive education in various fields,  and decades of experience. Through my  observations of  people’s body language and voice and communication skills, my aim is that perhaps you can apply some of those observations to people you know in your own life.

So aside from discussing specific celebrities and their body language, from time to time I will give you some general information about various aspects of body language, facial language, the voice, and speech patterns in hopes that it will give you an additional perspective that you can apply ion your own life.  

In today’s blog I will discuss the importance of your paying close attention to your own body signals whenever you interact with anyone in your life. This can be very helpful in those with whom you do business or with those whom you socialize.


Today,  things happen  with such rapid speed that the expression  it is no longer “ yesterday’s news. Instead, it is ten seconds ago news. Things happen so rapidly that you always have to keep aware of the mercurial changes that not only happen in the world in general, but in your personal world. You have to keep tabs of the slightest  mercurial changes that happen within your own body as you interact with people.

These little warning signs must NEVER be ignored! They tell you a lot about what is really going on at the moment. They tell you how you are feeling about what is happening now!

Let’s say you are in a business meeting or on a date and you just felt a sudden unpleasant queasiness in your stomach as you were discussing something. Let’s say you feel your body tensing up or your breathing gets more shallow and you notice that your shoulders are raised! Pay close attention, as it tells you point blank that something isn’t quite right. DO NOT IGNORE IT!


Here are some bodily changes that may tell you something is amiss somewhere.

1.stomach cramping and pain

2. headache

3. shallow breathing with lots of upper shoulder movement

4. tension and rigidity in your body

5. your hand cupped into fist like position indicating that you are angry

6. leaning you head and body away from the person

7.  tension in your brow and forehead

8. squinting

9. pursed lips

10, throat clearing

11. your pitch gets higher when you are speaking

12. you find yourself clamming up

13. tension in your throat area

14. tension in your jaw.

15. your shoulders are raised


NEVER overlook these changes in your body and facial  language and in your voice patterns. Whenever you notice them immediately, STOP! LOOK! And  LISTEN to what the person with whom you are doing business or socializing is REALLY saying to you.

STOP and take a breath in. Hold it for a few seconds and then slowly release it. This allows a homeostatic balance to take place in your system. It allows you to oxygenate yourself and helps you to gain more control over the situation and to think more clearly.

LOOK . As you slowly release the air from your mouth, take the person in visually. Observe their facial expressions. Are they frowning? Are the looking away from you? Are they exhibiting certain body language tells that indicate they may not be forthright with you? Do they lean away from you? Do they rock back and forth? Are their feet pointed in the opposite direction or tapping indicting they can’t wait to get away from you?

LISTEN. Pay close attention to how they sound when they speak. Do you notice that they attack their sounds?  Do you notice they say “ um”, “like um”  “you know”or “and” a lot. Do they suddenly stammer and seem uneasy when speaking to you?


If you notice something isn’t right, ASK  QUESTIONS to find out where you stand. You may ask them to clarify what they are saying so that you can pick up even more cures from them in terms of what is really going on. You even be very direct as you ask if there is a problem or an issue that needs to be addressed. 

The bottom line is don’t keep it in an let you ill feelings fester. That is what leads to miscommunication. You can even be 100 per cent honest with them and say that something doesn’t feel right or that you are not comfortable with what they said.

Handle you discomfort about a situation immediately and never let it build up!  In doing so, you will find a sense of  physical as well as mental relief. If they refuse to discuss the issue, then they have in essence told you a lot about themselves. If they become angry or hostile it also speaks to the situation at hand.


The bottom line is that whenever your own  body language, facial language or voice  gives you a signal something isn’t right- pay attention and deal with it right away! Sometimes it may be a simple misunderstanding and other times it may signify a huge problem in your business or social interaction.

If you would like to find out more about body language, I have a lot of products and services that can assist you personally. Just go to http://www.drlillianglass.com/

Obama’s Body Language Says He Needs A Vacation From His Vacation

Even though he enjoyed the beauty and the climate of Hawaii, it didn’t do much for President Obama’s R and R. The President’s his recent body language revealed the overwhelming tension in his face and body. It clearly shows clearly shows that being the 44th President of he US can definitely take its toll on you body language wise.


On News Years Day, the drudgreport.com showed a recent photo of a man with short cropped greyish hair who looked pale and drawn. He was standing with his shoulders hunched and his vertebrae and shoulder bone protruding as he stood next to a car looking into the window. The headline read “ Obama Is That You?

Sure enough if you clook closely at the unrecognizeable man, it is President Barack Obama. Apparently he was getting into the car after going to the movies in Kaneohe, Hawaii Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009 where the Obamas vacationed in Hawaii for the holidays.


This photo is a far cry from the vibrant looking Obama who was sworn in as President just a year ago.

It is no wonder that Obama looks worn out. With climate conferences , health care issues, economic woes how could anyone look chipper and vibrant? Now add to that a security breach where two “wanna-be party crashers got way too close for the President’s comfort topped off by a horrific Christmas gift – another security breech where an be airline bomber almost blew up a plane over American soil.


Besides looking pale and graying, facial expression is really the key to showing signs of stress. This is especially true if the facial expression is consistently tense and as in President Obama’s case.

Lately, were rarely see Obama’s radiant toothy grin.

Instead, we see more and more of this expression with tight pursed lips, no teeth, and a lot of facial tension.
It’s understandable that Obama is feeling down in the dumps when he is aware of how much he has dropped in popularity over the past year. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll. Last week, it showed that only 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President.
Another poll which tracks Obama’s job approval rating , the ever popular Gallup Poll. It recently showed that The President has receded to a new low of 47% in their latest poll.

Gallup Daily tracking from Nov. 17-19 showed President Barack Obama’s job approval slipping to 49% for the first time in his Presidency.

There is no doubt that Obama is definitely feeling the pressure and stress, not only from the Herculean job he must perform each day 24/7, but from the growing numbers who disapprove of him for one reason or another.

Now matter how thick skinned you are, eventually stresses take their toll and it shows up in your up body language. You can’t hide it, even if you are the President of the United States. because the body never lies and neither does the face! http://www.drlillianglass.com


This recent photo of US President Barak Obama and Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev speaks
volumes about positive US and Russian relations. In analyzing the body language of
these two world leaders we see three things that indicate openness, willingness to communicate, and
good relations between the two leaders.
Their respective torsos leaning in towards one another, their identical open hand gestures
mirroring one another , and their toe’s pointed in one another’s direction are all three strong
body language indicators they are on the same page.
Their heads are leaning in orders one another which indicates their willingness to communicate and
literally “put their heads together” to come up with a workable solution. It also indicates that they are
like minded.
Medvedev’s open eyed raised eyebrow gesture, his slightly open jaw, and relaxed facial appearance
along with Obama’s warm and genuine smile even displaying teeth/ further indicates an openness and
a great comfort level between these two world leaders
Their hand gestures are identical as they both lean their arms, shoulders and hands towards one
another. Their displaying open palms towards one another indicates that they come in friendship as
colleagues with an open agenda.
The fact that their legs are pointed in one another’s direction is also a good sign. While Medvedev is
still a bit more reserved and holding back a bit as indicated by his crossed legs, Obama’s open leg
position shows that he is more open.
Their toes pointing in one another’s direction indicates that these two most powerful
world leaders genuinely like and respect one another which may have favorable repercussions
on their respective countries.