Jodi Arias Media Interviews Full of Contradictions, Deception, Anger, and Narcissism As ABC Reporter Confronts Her and Is Called A Hater

First she wanted to die and now she wants to live. Then she comes up with a list of what she will do in prison to be productive and of service to others. This includes growing her hair for Locks of Love, teaching illiterate prisoners reading, teaching spanish, and  starting a recycling program. Then in her interviews she states that she has never been to prison so she doesn’t really know what she will be allowed and not allowed to do.


In all of her interviews  her vanity and narcissism showed. First fo all  it is interesting to note that she no longer wears glasses or bangs as we have all seen throughout the trial. This was no doubt an attempt to manipulate the jury into not viewing her as the blond bombshell.


But now , she  has on lip gloss and has restyled her hair without bangs. Although she insisted she didn’t want to be videotaped primping and fixing her hair or wearing striped pants, ABC News would have none of her shenanigans and did a set up shot of her with her striped prison pants.

She was LOVING all of the attention on each of the media venues . She was relishing in the attention as indicated by her completely different demeanor in terms of her body language. When asked about her enjoyment for the media attention she leaked out a smile (duping delight)  as she denied it. Instead, she tried to spin another yarn that she was serving as a spokesperson and poster girl  for other victims of abuse.

Most of the interviewers  were very gentle with her in their attempts to garner her cooperation and a good interview. But the ABC reporter Ryan Owens was the only one who called it like it is and  was super direct and didn’t fall for her manipulation.


She was surprised at the ABC  reporter’s questions. His first question to her was why didn’t she apologize to Travis’ family. Look at how defensive and angry  she looks after hearing the question from the ABC reporter.  Look at the glare in her eyes and her pursed lips. She knew full well that she didn’t  directly apologize to Travis’ family. In fact there is no doubt she  purposely did not say she was sorry because she is not sorry about what she did to Travis (her alleged abuser). She is  only sorry she got caught and that her freedoms were taken away.

It is also important to note that when she said to the reporter that she did apologize to Travis’ family, you could see a shoulder shrug- a clear signal of deception in this context.

The reporter then says  to Jodi. ” No one believes a word out of your mouth so why do you keep talking?”


She is shocked at the question as he eyes widen and he mouth is left agape. She continues to glare at the reporter as she defensively  answers “I’ve lied before.  That doesn’t mean I am a liar by definition by character.”  Sorry Jodi, you have lied so many times that  you are indeed a LIAR by definition and by character. Here we can see how her thought pattern is functioning  which is also is so indicative of the illogical way in which  sociopaths think.


We then see Aria’s anger surfacing again as she looks away and tenses her lips as she says she feels betrayed by the jury. She then lies as she says ” I don’t dislike them.” Her voice dies off at the end of this statement which is a signal of deception as was her shoulder shrug. Of course she dislikes them.  They didn’t fall for her manipulation.


Here we see Jodi leak out her viciousness in terms of her facial expression as she knows she has been manipulating the public by first saying she wanted to die and now saying she wanted to live. She then smugly asks the reporter “Was I lying when I said I wanted to die or lying when I said I wanted to live?”

I believed that her initial interview where she claimed she wanted to die, was pure manipulation, based on how she spoke vocally and the choice of her words.


Once again we see Jodi’s anger resurfacing as the reporter says that Travis’ family wants her dead. She then leans forward and juts out her jaw in anger to the reporter and says “What do you mean , why don’t I kill myself”


The ABC reporter then asks her the brilliant question , if she was on that jury and heard what she heard, “would  you kill you?” Jodi is taken aback and liiterally leans back as she tightens her jaw looks away and tries to come up with an answer. She sighs a huge breath indicating that she is very affected by the poignancy of this question. She swallows hard and the pitch of her voice goes up indicating tension and making it sound as though she is answering with a question mark , as she says  “I don’t believe in Capital punishment?”


So the answer would be “no”. She then leaks out a smirk and closed off her tense throat muscles as she creaks out a “no”. This creak is a signal of deception. I think this quesition hit her hard as we see multiple signals of stress. In her heart of hearts she does believe that she deserves the death sentence for this crime.

The fact that she said that it was her cousin’s words that hit home and made her want to live is nonsense considering her cousin wasn’t a steady presence in the courtroom and  the fact that she refused to giver her cousin’s name out. I do not  think Jodi ever wanted the death sentence. I think she wanted life all along and this was just another lie and another manipulative ploy.

Ryan Owen then says to Jodi ” So you are never going to tell the truth about what went on in  that bathroom” as he doubts her story of self defense.


Jodi is literally taken aback by the question as she jolts her head backwards and tenses her jaw in anger as she says “I don’t know what you mean by that.” in essence Ryan Owen has caught her in her lie and she is responding via her defensive and angry body language.


She then angrily glares at Ryan and then says that she told the truth. She attacks him by saying “I didn’t know you were such a hater when you came to interview me.”

Now we see the REAL Jodi Arias and how she can turn on a dime when things don’t go her way. We saw how  the hate  came out of  her. No longer do we hear that sickening sweet vocal tone which masks her hidden rage.


We see evidence of her continued anger as masked via sarcasm when Ryan Owen asks her about her image makeover from blond bombshell to church mouse librarian look. She smugly replies that’ they don’t sell Clairol hair dye in jail”. In the photo above you can see her phony smile with non raised cheeks and unsmiling eyes and tense mouth as she says this.

She then leaks out the word “crazy as she says that it is a court of law and not a place to go “crazy or let loose.”

Those words reveal exactly what Jodi did to Travis. In  a fit of jealousy. she went “crazy” by  killing him three times over.

Kudos to Ryan Owen for his hard hitting no nonsense questions which hit Jodi to the core and made her leak out her true colors via her   body language , voice ,and speech patterns.