Casey Nods Pouts Looks Teary Eyed During Dr. Spitz’s Testimony. Doesn’t Look at Skull Yet Shows No Emotion

When Casey arrived the courtroom on Day 33, she sat extremely close to Cheney Mason. She leaned over as they huddled for quite a while as Mason spoke with his hand over his mouth. She  looked extremely relaxed and confident. As they spoke so closely, I imagined that Mason must have told Casey that the witness they would bring on who  would be extremely favorable for Casey’s defense

So when I saw that the defense  brought   forensic pathologist for over 56 years who did over 60,000 autopsies Dr. Spitz I now understood why Mason and Casey  were huddled and why Casey was feeling so  confident. He was their most credible witness  defense had  used to date.

As Dr. Spitz spoke words which seemed to be in Casey’s favor, Casey shook her head yes. She protruded her lower jaw and her devil looking . tension horns on the sides of her head became more prominent . Jeff Ashton tried to impeach the doctor. with his media experience  Personally I thought  it made the doctor look better. Dr. G has her own TV show and she obviously craves the limelight as well.

Ashton  also talked about the doctor’s  high profiles from Phil Spector to OJ, I thought  it made him seem even more credible.He accused him of breaking the skull , which I believe  did not make Ashton look good. Ashton tried to press him on the sediment issue and the doctor stuck to his guns.

During the cross examination, the doctor held his own. Casey was mesmerized and barely moved as he spoke.

When the photo of Casey’s skull and hair was shown, Casey turned away and refused to look at it. She does not  move. She does not cry and does not seem upset. Even though Casey is not looking at the photo, she is listening to the graphic testimony, she is not budging. She has no reaction. This is very significant. Once again it supports my theory that she looks at this trial as though it belongs to someone else and not to her.

Casey also holds her head up with her fist which indicates anger on her part. She is angry that she has to listen to this  testimony about Caylee’s skull. She received no TLC from attorney Simms.According ti Kathi Belich of WFTV,  one juror was  laughing at Dr. Spitz’s theory about someone putting duct tape on the skull .This does not look very good.

Casey is hiding her mouth  as she hears his ridiculous hypothesis that others placed the duct tape on Caylee’s skull.  Subconsciously she is saying that his testimony sounds far fetched with someone else putting the tape over the skull. Apparently another juror according to Kathi Bellich, was seen  smirking during the doctor’s testimony.  cross examination took place. This looks even worse for Casey. Juror’s have seen Casey as a blamer (blaming her father and her mother and Lee). as a blamer .
Now when they see her expert as a blamer (blaming Dr. G as doing a shoddy autopsy,  blaming the examiners of staging the scene and blaming someone else for putting the duct tape on Caylee’s skull.  after the body decomposed) it looks very bad.
When the jury leaves, Casey begins her self grooming routine as she fixes her pants and her top.he was also seen patting her hair on the sides. She was not all smiles and seemed subdued. Maybe she picked up those cues from her defense team who knows things did not go well for them that morning.