Sanctioned, Scolded, or Reprimanded By Fla. Bar Won’t Matter As Baez Awaits Media and Speaking Career


 Jose  Baez  was reprimanded by Judge Perry on  Saturday and then again today. He will most likely get sanctions as well as a report to the Florida Bar from Judge Perry . He will  most likely get this   for  his second offense of not revealing to the prosecution  what  a witness was planning to discuss on the stand. 

While Jose Baez  may have to pay thousands of  dollars and may possibly  lose his license, or at worse scenario  end up in jail for a short period of time,  it may not even matter to him in the long run.

The reason I say  that is because  this case has already made him a Super Star.  Jose Baez will probably make millions from a book deal, speaking engagement, a  film deal, and will probably end up being a legal analyst for one of the national stations.

The national media loves Jose and are lenient on him. He also comes across very well on camera. He speaks well in smooth tones and is articulate .  He also presents  himself well on camera and dresses well.

 The reason I say he will probably get a  major TV   career is because TV  loves  the infamous with controversy. It brings in a lot  eyeballs . Love him or hate him,  people will watch him. Those that love him will watch him because they love him and those who hate him will watch him because they hate him. In addition he has a TV mentor, Geraldo Rivera whyo can help his career as well.

In TV land people are often  rewarded for bad behavior. Look at former  NY Governor  Elliott Spitzer. He has his own show on CNN. Even internet genital exposer  and former US Representative Anthony Weiner may get a television career as Keith Olbermann wants him on his show on Gore’s Current TV. Look at infamous “don’t call  me a hooker”  Rachel Uchitel who had sex with  a then married Tiger Wood . She had a TV gig on an entertainment show and is now  gunning for a reality show where she is a PI.

If we take it further back in the day, Johnny Cochran “if the glove don’t fit you must acquit”  OJ fame got his own TV show where he was paired up with former Atlanta prosecutor Nancy Grace on Court TV. Johnny of course died of a brain tumour and Nancy flourishes on her own shown on HLN.

So,as far as Jose Baez is concerned  there is no reason for him to worry in my view, because  he will come out ahead financially,  careerwise, and celebrity wise.    

195 thoughts on “Sanctioned, Scolded, or Reprimanded By Fla. Bar Won’t Matter As Baez Awaits Media and Speaking Career

  1. Nothing the modern media does would surprise me anymore. That said, to me he comes across as pretty sleazy, and has an abundance of hubris.
    One of the t.v. commentators said that, when in the courtroom, he smiles and says “good morning” to the jury, they do not smile back. Yet they do return smiles to the Prosecutors.


  2. After reading your post I immediately thougt about having recently seen Mark Fuhrman (sp?) on TV discussing this case, among other things. He was certainly a bizarre figure in the OJ case and has lived to see another day in great style.

    I heard that Jose’s background check done by the FL Bar Assoc. did not go well and that he was in a word, a disreputible kind of guy, and did not have an easy time becoming a practicing attorney there. Do you know if this is true, Dr. Glass?

    He seems to be or have been a popular lawyer in the jailhouse for whatever that means and he struck gold this time. I totally agree that the more of a spectacle he makes himself in this trial, the more media he will get after the trial is over. So although KC will most probably spend the rest of her life growing old and gray in prison, and rightly so in my opinion, Jose will be living the good life.


      1. Mark Fuhrman was the LA cop who was censured in the OJ Simpson first trial for having been quoted as using the N-Word several times while on and off duty. That was a brilliant move on Cochran’s part.


    1. Barbara in Va-I would ask that you and Dr Glass look up what has gone on prior to and after 1997 when Mr Baez completed law school. He waited 8 years to be admitted to the Bar and during this wait the Florida Supreme Court evaluated him. They did not call him a “super star”.

      The Florida Supreme Court said his financial mishaps coulpled with his failure to pay child support, “show a lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system, which is absolutely inconsistent with the character and fitness qualities required of those seeking to be afforded the hightest position of trust and confidence recognized by our system of law”…

      He has shown on numerous occassions that he will “pick and choose” the court orders he will comply with. He ain’t no legal eagle and he shows no desire to change. Pitiful.


      1. Anon: Yeah, that is what I meant, exactly what you said happened w/the Florida Bar Association. I understood from a friend of mine in FL who is a member of the bar down in the county where Baez has his practice that what I said was the case, that Baez had a rough time being admitted to the FL Bar because he couldn’t pass the tests, character tests and background tests, to meet their standards.


      2. I enjoy your posts Anonymous.
        Do you think it’s possible the gas cans ever contained anything other than gasoline? I’ve been wondering about the chloroform in the trunk angle…Any thoughts?


    2. Just google Jose Baez and you will see he was kept out of the FLorida Bar for 8 years for passing bad chekc and not paying child support, among other things.

      There may be some media that love him, but, I can tell you locally, in Orlando, he is a joke and the media have nothing but contempt for him. Judge Perry is well respected and when he speaks, people listen. He doen not speak unnecessarily!

      For an attorney to dispute the judge and argue with one, is beyond direspectful, arrogant and just plain stupid. If Baez were a good attorney, one could make allowances, but, he has had issues for three years. Further, the defense has had three years to prepare for this case, so there is NO reason for ths nonsense happening to be happening, but, dirty sleazy tricks.

      He is a very hated man in Orlando and as much as I dislike Casey Anthony, he is jeopardizing her case bu his antics! He always blames someone for his issues – making him look not very bright!


    3. Mark Furhman was hated only by a race….I don’t like that he is on FNC, so I don’t watch him. Maybe Baez will end up there with his buddy, and they can go in search of empty vaults. I have FNC blocked so I won’t have to see him


  3. I think Baez is a pompous nincompoop and no matter what his future holds I wouldn’t waste my time watching him.


    1. Agreed. It’s all I can do to stomach seeing him in the trial but I’m set on seeing the whole thing!
      It’s pretty sad what makes a person famous these days. Character has nothing to do with it I guess. HOWEVER, notice how many of us are sick of the talking heads on tv and seeking out the real info on the internet! I’ve watched the whole trial on wftv so far and avoided all of the commercialism and inane blather of insession.


    2. I agree. I hope to never seem him again after this trial. The sound of his voice repulses me. I do not think that he is well spoken as he stumbled over his words all the time. I would never buy or watch anything that he’s tied to with this case in the future either and I would turn off any program he’s hired for. I already do it with that Kenny Baden person who just as difficult to listen to with her “nails-on-a-chalk-board” voice and holier-then-thou attatude.


  4. The thought of that absolutely disgusts me.He is nothing but a sleazball lawyer trying to get his 20 min of fame.Who cares about justice for Caylee.The people on HLN and Geraldo make me sick praising him and making excuses for his constant sleazy tactics.


    1. I haven’t heard anyone on HLN praise him…As for Geraldo, well apparently sleaze attracts more sleaze…I really enjoy InSession’s commentaries – they explain legal things that most of us don’t understand and they definitely are not “Team Baez”…Judge Perry is absolutely awesome, fair and honest….Casey should burn in hell….


      1. Do you work for that program? InSession is “Team Baez” to the hilt. Vinnie and Beth occasionally stick to the facts of the case, but that is rare, and the rest of that crew acts as if they are on sleazy Baez’s payroll. HLN is almost as bad.


  5. Yes, I agree, Baez has only been in this to build upon his lust for fame, posing for pictures like he is some celebrity, mind you over the brutal murder of a little girl. I don’t think this relates at all to the OJ trial and Mark Fuhrman. I lived in the LA area at the time and he was falsely accused and maligned on the stand. He has always said that he would have preferred not to have had this notoriety as it changed and basically ruined his life. Baez on the other hand is seeking it out.

    The emotions sure run high on this blog about this case. I think it is because of the sheer horror of what this is about; a pathological liar mother brutally murdered her own child with duct tape/chloroform and triple bagged her, threw her in the trunk of her car for a time and tossed her in a trash heap, while partying and having sex until she got tracked down and caught by her mother. Casey has no guilt at what she did and appears proud and happy about it to this day. I don’t think this case would’ve been so sensationalized without the parents being on TV night after night after night. Cindy and George didn’t act normal either so it made this more interesting but it really is about the brutal murder of a sweet little girl. I’m very interested in Dr. Glass’s analysis and opinions so I hope others on this blog can stop all the personal attacks. It really is counter productive. We are here standing up for the victim and wanting to know answers to body language questions, not to bash each other or Dr. Glass.


    1. thats interesting comment- seems like 99% of posters on this blogg are positive toward each other and Dr. Lillian Glass- am i missing something?


      1. It’s the only way they will have it – any dissenting comment and the commentor is harrassed until they leave. Interesting, no?


  6. I think Jose is a morally bankrupt indidvidual & when this case is over, there are many things that I will not watch again that used to be a favorite. HLN & In Sessions are 2 of those.


    1. Same goes for me. Very disappointed with the coverage by In Session. Where ever they found Christi Paul….they should put her back…LOL


    2. I am officially finished with In Session as well. When they hired LKB, that was the last straw. To go on national television spouting off about what a ‘great job’ the defense is doing was the end of the line for me.


  7. Well, it would not surprise me if that was the outcome – Jose however, does NOT have a smooth speaking style. He could use several rounds of Toastmasters, Inc., to improve his halting, ooooohss, ummmmms, and cursing when he realizes he has misspoken.

    Also, his body language clearly indicates that he does not think he is wrong and he is disrespectful of those who disagree with him… probably why he is divorced.

    What he did behind closed doors with Casey when she was out of jail is a matter of conjecture unless someone in his office cares to speak up. But clearly if she had any doubts about his qualifications, he convinced her otherwise and here she is today, instead of perhaps taking a plea that would have gotten her 7-10 with concurrent on all the other felonies.

    He drove this bus to generate media interest and got those funds from ABC which Casey is also being punished for receiving by the IRS.

    Super Star? Is this what the world has come to? To elevate those who are sexually deviant, bullies, abusers, liars and cheats to the Realms of Recognition? I really hope people will wake up and stop encouraging the media to promote the worst – but I don’t think it is likely.


    1. Sandy-I have read the discovery relative to the beginnings of a plea deal. I have also seen the document that implied that Ms Anthony was offered a plea.Mr Ashton called it a “phantom” plea bargain in court during one of the preliminary hearings. Richard Hornsby opined that she might have passed up 8-10 years if I recall correctly. I was under the impression it would have been about 30 years. No one is right according to what I heard as recent as Saturday.

      Jean Casarez was hosting the trial on HLN and received a Facebook or Tweet from a person named Andrea. Andrea asked if Casey rejected a plea deal. Jeanne’s response was, “There was no plea deal offered by prosecutors”. Sandy, I cannot tell you how shocked I was.


      1. I’m not sure whose hubris is worse if she refused 30 years or less in a deal, hers or Jose’s. As poorly as Baez has done so far, I would not be surprised if they vote DP.
        And IMO, Judge Perry has seen ENOUGH from Miss Anthony to know he needs to max the sentence on each count. as he said, this is not his first rodeo, and I am confident he knows a real ‘danger to society’ as well as anyone could. Casey is as much shark as she is human.


      2. It was my understanding from things I read that Jose Baez rejected any plea deals for his client. Guess you can figger out what he had in mind way back then, can’t you? If the client had been smarter, she might not be in this fix in the first place, but selecting a lawyer from her cellmate’s recommendations seems the height of folly… I’d at least want a recommendation from someone who WASN’T in jail, or had been there and got out.


      3. it constantly blows my mind how all talking heads- throw out their understanding or judgements or opinions as “facts”- i don’t know if they are arrogant, delusional or dumb…….


  8. Jose Baez is an insult to his profession. He has a total lack of respect for the court and the prosecutor. He wants to re-write the laws to his benefit. He thinks his actions are above the law. He is just disgusting and has wasted a lot of time with no respect whatsoever to the jurors who are away from their families. Today, thanks to him, the jurors have to spend a whole day in their hotel rooms and their is no excuse for that. Some of the things he does are quite intentional. He is looking for a “mistrial” and the judge won’t hear of it. Obviously, Baez promised Casey a “mistrial” as she told several people “I’m going to have a “mistrial”. He is not qualified to do a death penalty case and his lack of education certainly shows in his presentation of cross examination. I feel for the jurors who are subjected to this.


  9. I can guarantee you I won’t be watching Mr. Baez or any other people who exploit, perpetuate and then support bad behaviors. What is important to you and your life? Come on folks, there are sooo many interesting aspects of life to behold. How about exploiting, perpetuating and supporting GOOD behaviors so the following generations can learn something about contributing to society to make it better…not bitter. The false belief that money is everthing is, well, false.


    1. So very, very true. As a society we have to stand up for what is right. We cannot promote the least common demoniator and allow the next generation to come to believe that if you slander your neightbor, cheat on your wife or show your private parts on the internet that you will somehow be a millionaire for nothing more than being without virtue.

      Further, data suggests that when teachers have high expectations so do their students. When medical facilities embrace patients rights and the rights of those who care for the ability to colloboratively contribute to the patients wellbeing morbidity rates go down. Same for lawyers. The law is not as adversarial as many might think and it is up to every practicing lawyer to stand up and demand that every plaintiff and defendant has a fair hearing and when both sides walk away a little disappointed we know the system works.


  10. Dr Glass..This is one time I am ashamed of you for such a post. Baez is a bottom feeder in our society. He is the scum of the earth. He has none of the qualities you mentioned, his verbal speech is that of a 10th grade education. His hairline makes it hard for me to look at him and his eyes show deceit. He reeks of evil and bad karma. The others you have mentioned that have shows I have never seen..I never watch Geraldo, I find him also scummy. I feel sorry for the team mates that have sat along side of Baez, especially Simms.
    Mason will retire and there will be no refection him, the other two young girls are most likely not to be remembered, but Ms Simms, she will be and I do think she will be judged for her connection in a bad way. I believe that Baez will be disbarred and and rightfully so. He does not deserve to be an attorney. When I think that LINDA BODAN (another scum bag) called the bug man on 12/11/08 and asked him to come to Florida and research the seen before anyone knew that the seen was actually Caylee Anthony, it makes me sick to my stomach.
    Sorry for my negative comment.


    1. A damn good one. Meaty and honest and straight to the point. When any defendant is in this terrible position they need the best and the brightest. God help us and save us all from the likes of LKB-the quintessential intellectual weaking who is supposedly advocating “on camera” for Ms Anthony. Imagine calling the bug jerk prior to the identification. You can’t make this stuff up.

      No lawyer has to like this defendant but they are mandated to fight like a freaking bulldog for her. They should be fighting tooth and nail to convince just one person that she does not deserve to go to the death chamber. They are nailing her coffin shut. What if between the seven of them they sent an innocent person to death row? What if they caused that person to dispair and kill themselves? What if that innocent person was your child?

      I would rather see Mr Baez disbarred and Ms Anthony walk free than to see an innocent person spend a day in prison for something they never did. Bad lawyers in nice suits confuse jurors and blog writers but not too many posters.


    2. Never feel bad about telling the TRUTH, Debi129. My first impression of Baez was ‘high-pressure car salesman’ and/or ‘pyramid-scheme developer’.

      About the 12/11/08 hire date—numerous tweets stated that two jurors looked up startled when the witness said it, and one of the two leaned over and told a juror next to her.
      And Werner Spitz said many times that he was on the scene on the 13th, I believe? The jury noticed, I promise you.


      1. i totally agree she drives me crazy.she sounds so heartless the other day she said whats a body in the truck got to do with it?and she was just on with vinnie politan..she wouldnt answer his questions but kept saying it was a death penalty case and trying to place the blame on is she still on the baez payroll.because she’s totally got his slimey back.if she wanted to be on the case then why’d she quit?but she can be on all these shows..must pay well.does she not realize we are talking about the death of a little girl?


    3. do we know if English is his second language??? I’m serious, I always wondered if it was, from the way he speaks, but I never looked it up…just a thought, does anyone know for sure?


      1. He speaks both Spanish and English. He has a command of both but it’s unclear why he has such a tough time with asking a legal question. If he would just prepare questions that are not continually sustained he would move the process forward. He doesn’t have to prove anything-he just has to convince the jurors that his client’s life is worth saving. It’s not what he fails to say it is how he is perceived in the courtroom that will sink him. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room-that type of disengenuous fellow will always be in the position of attempting to defend his behavior. That’s not a very nice spot to find yourself in. He won’t be able to blame it on the fact that English was a second language.


    4. I’m only a fair-weather court watcher- but are so sure that Baez’s behavior isn’t pretty much “status quo”? I just just figured this was how the game was played- OJ, Spector, Claus Van Beulo (sp)- seems like I remember the defense and state- getting away with everything they could…….


    5. I absoutely agree with all you have said..and more. I have never felt as passionate on anything as I have this Anthony trial..She is A SLUT..That is the only true thing that the morally bankrupt Baez had to say..I think the jury is the sorriest one since OJ. This jury just said that Caylee was of no importance..Breaks my heart and I hope that not one good thing ever comes again to that family..scares me for another child she may have..CASEY is a killer and the world is a worse place because of that whole family !!!!!!


  11. I think Jose looked at this case and thought “oh crap there is no way to win this”, and then looked at his pathetic little legal career and figured he would just give up being a lawyer and instead do whatever he could to throw the trial, drum up media coverage and in general become the Ringmaster of a biggest legal 3-ring circus since the OJ trial. Sanctions? Please, he is not interested in being a lawyer after this case is done, he is interested in being WELL KNOWN and moving into a new career, ala Geraldo. You called it right on this one, Dr. Glass. I really think he is going to be laughing all the way to the bank, and that makes me sick. Almost as sick as seeing baby-killer-Casey get a mistrial.


  12. While I agree that he will probably benefit financially from this case, I completely DISAGREE that the media loves him? What media woud this be? I have heard nothing but his incompetence and confusion and lack of experience. All of which I completely disagree! What we do not hear about is the COMPLETE IDIOT that ASHTON has made of himself in the court room. While Perry ALLOWS! and for the most part cheers him on! Did we ever see Jose Baez with any of the behavior that Ashton has exhiblted: Yelling and Badgering witnesses, objecting 10-12 times during a testimony and being SUSTAINED 9 out of 10 times! Requesting 4-5 side bars with each witness, standing over Baez shoulder while trying to give a presentation, touching elbow to elbow, complaing that when the easle was in place for the jury and the witness if Ashton could NOT see it, it must be moved! Openly yelling out statements in court duing a witness testimony, without being recognized by the Judge to speak! I can brt you if Baez had done ANY of this there would be NO end to the sanctions! Yet until today, Baez has quietly stood by and witnessed this circus! The Prosecution has NOT complied with the orders either yet nothing has been said about that? And that is because Baez did NOT make a big deal out of it. It is becoming evident that the STATE has NOT proven their case and this inexperienced attorney that they “thought” would not have an impact HAS PICKED APART every single prosection witness one by one. NOT by yelling, badgering, and endless side bars but by disproving what they are saying. What we do NOT hear about in any of the media for instance was the AGONY that the prosection put Dr. Huttington through during his testimony that was completely UNNECCESARY and proved to be rediculous! This Dr. finally basically stated if the STATE had a brain they would have tested the magnets stomach contents to SEE and PROVE what they had been eating! Since Ashton wants to INSIST that it was decomposition. AND of course the Dr’s statement was stricken and REMOVED from the record! Why? Because it was the MOST sense we had heard in weeks! In addition, this same Dr. as did others stated that the reason the stain was NOT decomposition was because the number of magets and other insects would have been in the hundreds to thousands and there were Nothing like that rather common fuit flys that would normally be present in garbage. So, while Baez realizes he is in the middle of a court room that is being run BY THE PROSECUTION I believe that he had made SOME of his own minor mistakes BUT the MAJORITY of what has gone on has been the CIRCUS compliments of the STATE NOW trying to DISCREDIT the lawyer…THEY have nothing else but a girl who lies and appears to have detached herself emotionally from all of it! So, the ONLY way that they can gain FAVOR with th Jury is to go after HER ATTORNEY! Pathetic and NO, certainly Baez is NOT getting any kind of love from either the Media or the court.


    1. hi Cheryl! I knew it was you before I got to the end of your post, with your creative use of capitalization and all. How’s that valium working for you? I think you may need to increase your dosage.

      PS- Jeff Ashton is a ROCK. GOD. He will deliver JUSTICE to CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY. Her sashaying, lying, sociopathic egg-donor mother will ROT IN JAIL. (see? I can use caps excessively too!)


      1. Step away from the computer Ashton!! ONLY you could make these statements! And NO YOU ARE NOT A ROCK GOD! You do however hope to rake in a windfall and just like Marcia Clark and Chris Darden it just isn’t going to happen!!!


    2. Well Cheryl, I sincerely hope you feel better after your post.
      I’m not sure how disagreeing with a Circuit Judge on the rules of law makes Mr. Baez an acceptable attorney. Each to their own opinion. Aside from being an attorney, I believe Mr. Baez is an arrogant, narcissistic, glory seeking, sheister. He just happens to be the “quiet” type of arrogant, narcissistic, glory seeking, sheister attorney. I have yet to see any of these characteristics in Mr. Ashton to date. It is my opinion that his style of cross examination is clearly within the boundaries of a court of law as it isn’t underhanded. JMHO’s


      1. Ashton is a MORON!! And to think that he is looked upon as professional while he snickers and makes jokes during a case where a young girls life is at stake and a baby is dead? I feel very bad for any attorney who looks up to this pathetic AH!


      2. As you said “each to their own opinion” however, If you exhibit any of the behaviors as an attorney that you are praising Ashton for then I feel very sorry for you! Ashton is the MOST underhanded, unprofessional, pathetic excuse for an attorney I have seen in MY 35 years in the legal system. And if in a court room with a REAL Judge, he would NOT be running the the show the way in which Perry has allowed him to do!


    3. Hey Casey, I always thought that perhaps one of the things you might be doing under that table is blogging, now I am 99 % sure, and you go by the name “Cheryl”. Good one Cheryl, (wink-wink). What else you got going on under that table?


    4. Cheryl Kinney Baden If Baez wasn’t a SLEAZEBALL, he wouldn’t need someone looking over he shoulder. If he were competent Ashton would not have to object every 3 or 4 questions. Baez saunters into that courtroom like he owns it and attempts to do what ever he damn well pleases. JP is NOT siding with the State, JP is FOLLOWING the law. We DO NOT hear what a complete idiot Ashton is, simply because he is NOT. Like JP, he is competent and WELL VERSED in law, something you obviously know nothing about or you wouldn’t be spewing OPINIONS at us.
      What you see is not yelling or badgering, its called PASSION. Passion for the LAW BAEZ so BLATANTLY tries to ignore. Baez is incompetent, disrespectful and full of EGO and HUBRIS. He is trying his last case. Maybe he can go back to Miami and sell bikinis.
      Baez has been far from quiet. OBJECTS to every FACT and piece of evidence, and daily calls for a mistrial. He can’t get one so now he ATTEMPTS to force one, trouble is, this isn’t JPs 1st rodeo. JP sees what BOZO is up to, and is giving him the rope to hang himself and his client. JP is smart in giving him leeway, no grounds for appeal. Even with him being DISINGENUOUS, HHJP is sitting back calmly taking it in. What BOZO is doing is ensuring his client gets the death penalty. I suggest you go back, drink some more kool-aid and get ready for your next set on HLN…regards.


      1. Ashton is a JACK A!!! Pure and simple! And you need to WATCH the trail instead of blogging for the Casey haters! As we speak the IDIOT is asking for his 5th side bar today….EVERYTIME Baez refutes his meaningless evidence this moron runs to the side bar! Pathetic! And believe me there are a Zillion grounds for an appeal right now..hate to bust your hate bubble!


    5. Oh and Cheryl (Kinney Baden) Your client sits and laughs it up with the rest of your team, acting like a wanna-be paralegal, all the while the jury is being shown pictures of the baby SHE KILLED, crying her FAKE tears, showing NO EMOTION when the EXPERTS talk about the bugs and animals eating the corpse of the BABY SHE KILLED and changing her mask as the jury leaves the room., back to her smiling little paralegal self. Hopefully (for her) she will GROW A BRAIN and realize JP hands down the sentence, he sees ALL her games….its him she should try to impress….oops! TOO LATE!


      1. Can you say Baby killed one more time? Not impressing anyone! But since YOU have ALL the answers and YOU know without any doubt that this girl did the crime…Ashton needs to hear from you…I would call him right now!


    6. Cheryl- I think your the only sane one on this blog- I agree with EVERYTHING you said!
      Don’t let the judgemental Yahoo’s get you down……


      1. Thanks!!! I am in shock but really happy to know that there is atleast ONE normal human being here!


      2. Birds of a feather; takes a nut to know a nut. The majority of opinions posted here should convince you that your way of thinking is NOT normal. People who are truly crazy think that they are completely normal, which is sad, because they don’t realize just how crazy they really are.


    7. Wow! LKBaden, is that you? Sounds just like her…..

      35 years in the legal profession, huh? I think maybe you might want to look into going back to Law School and taking/re-taking the Bar. It is so obvious that you slept thru a few courses!!

      Bless your little heart….


  13. I see Jose blaming everyone else for his lack of knowledge, skill, ability, and lack of responsiblity for his actions, just like Casey.


  14. Dr Glass- You stated that you are “in the limelight because I believe I have a lot to say”. I think you say a lot without ever realizing the impact. It’s a hot off the press mantality -who gives a hoot about presentation. Pride in publication or the ernest desire to “think it through” is secondary.You can write about how incompetence can make a person a “super star” but it will never make him a “defender of the underdog” or the Constitution.

    Here is how you evaluate incompetence. Mr Baez does not have the ability to put a subject or a predicate together (see Motions) but suddenly, as we see his legal career going down the tubes, he becomes a writer. He will be a saught after public speaker, Hollywood will pound down his door to make a film about him, and at the end of the day he will be “a legal analyst for one of the national stations.”

    I believe you believe you have a lot to say. I believe you believe Mr Baez has nothing to worry about once this trial is over and he is sanctioned, facing large fines ( probably no jail time) and when his incompetence is clearly outlined in Ms Anthony’s appeal for ineffective counsel, he will be on with Mr Rivera talking about the legal issues of the day. A truly sad analysis.

    The research completed by DUNNING AND KRUGER should help you define just how others evaluate those who seek the limelight. Mr Baez found himself in this position because he could not recognize his own incompetence. When ignorance begets confidence we all have to recognize it; Judge Perry has to do something to protect this defendant. Mr Baez will never be able to jeopardize this defendants right to live out her natural life in prison.


  15. Quote: .” He speaks well in smooth tones and is articulate . He also presents himself well on camera and dresses well.”

    Are you kidding me? He speaks well??? He, a litigator, can’t even compose a question that makes sense and is anything BUT articulate. As for dressing well, OK, if you go for the sleazy/greasy latino playah look. But then again, there’s always Fox News and he’s just the idiot type they’d hire, isn’t he?


      1. I agree with you, Dr. Glass; he is clean, neat, and propriately dressed for the venue. I would be remiss if I didn’t add that, “clothes does not a person make”. I “listen” to his actions, similarily to your body language skills (albeit yours are far superor to mine since you are a professional). In my mind, people can look a certain way and say anything, but it is what they “do” that gives me a clue to their integrity as a person.

        I totally enjoy your blog and the insight you provide. Thanks a million!


      2. Dr Glass-Why don’t you read Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work by Robert Hare and Paul Babiak


      3. Dr. Glass, With all due respect,… those suits of his certainly look brand new, don’t they? Perfectly tailored to his shape, aren’t they? They were purchased with the blood money from Casey selling pictures to the media of her daughter! Also his manner of speaking may be ‘well modulated’ but he seemed to be reading from a script today. When he is on the fly, in front of a witness, all we get is “UMMmm, let me rephrase –no strike that…. Now uh, let me see… oh that was a bad question… my mistake….”

        He is a well-dessed buffoon. Oh, no wait… Cheny Mason is the Buffoon…. Jose is the Ringmaster.


      4. I agree. He is a very sleazy person but he dresses well. Unfortunately, I think that this post is 100% on target. All of the people that you named who have nothing to emulate IMO have been rewarded with big money & fame. I wish that it was not so, but you are right.


      5. Anonymous – Excellent suggestion re: “Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work” – each chapter brought a fuller appreciation of the chilling, diabolical and dark picture of a psychopath. Weren’t the similarities and differences as well as the supporting evidence of the 3 types of psychopaths – “Manipulator”, “bully” and the “puppet master” well done?

        It would be fascinating if Robert Hare was able to do a complete case study on Casey Anthony? In the 1990’s I was incredibly fortunate in being able to attend two of his forensic and research lectures on Sociopaths/Psychopaths– they were riveting.


      6. Baez is what my grandmother would have called “a big stuffed shirt”. He is a sleazy slimey smarmy snarky snake oil salesman in a fancy suit. If someone is superficial and only sees the clothes, then they might think he looks nice. If you look at him, he’s a shady lying snake.

        How, pray tell, would this incompetent lawyer get paid to do legal analysis? What is he going to give advice on, how to not do your job correctly? How to avoid working on your clients case in order to schedule and make media appearances?

        I can barely stand to listen to Baez speak. He can’t form a coherent sentence, he talks in circles using lots of words but saying nothing. He drones on and on until all I can hear is the Charlie-Brown-teacher-noise.

        Are we watching the same trial? This is the lawyer that says his clients child drowned by accident, then argues with the dog that hit in the backyard by the pool he says she drown in. This is the fool that insists a child drowned, and then spends hours upon hours asking if blood was found anywhere. And I totally agree with the posters that say he blames everyone else for his failures, misbehavior, and shortcomings ….just…like… casey.


      7. I think he looks “smart”- I loved his brown suit with – was a blue shirt- he always looks dapper- very classy. He is charming and funny. His grammer isn’t perfect- but he makes up for it with quick wit and passion. I hated to see him “frightened” with JP admonishing him- but thats OK- he is young and has a lot to learn.

        All and all- he’s a darling young man who’s taken on a huge job and is doing VERY well.


    1. Yes, Fox News always presents BOTH sides so scumbag Baez will likely have his say on their network (probably through his buddy Geraldo), but they would NEVER hire him or give him a show. They have too much class, and besides, it would kill their ratings…


      1. I would assume- just from what i have seen from him thus far- he would never compromise himself to accept a job on Fox (I am still so dissapointed that Geraldo- a national hero- did)- he can do much better than that. I’d like to see him on MSNBC or CNN.


      2. Yes, Fox News tends to be more Conservative, but it does give the far left kool-aid drinking crowd a chance to espouse their points and views (Alan Combs is a fine example). Whereas on Liberal networks like MSNBC, Conservative views are few to none.

        The following clip provides an excellent example of the behavior one would see of most talking heads on news networks like NBC/MSNBC:



    2. I so agree with you..he looks like he just left the Spanish store and no body wears those scarves in your pockets any more,maybe grandpa. He needs Dale Carnegie so bad it is demanding. His speak forms are horrible.


      1. Debi129,
        What exactly do you mean by “Spanish store?” It appears as though you are making a derogatory comment and stereotyping a specific ethnicity. I’m not a Jose Baez fan, due to his blatant disregard for the American justice system and the way he conducts himself, both inside and outside of the courtroom. I’m not trying to be rude but I think that terminology is somewhat uncalled for. JMO.


      2. Most people could use Dale Carnegie- but the spanish store line was so rude and demeaning- and shows you certainly have NOT gone thru yourself- am i right?


  16. I don’t know if you noticed, but Geraldo hasn’t been on FIXED NEWS but once in the last 4 weeks. The viewers that “swim in that soup”(Jon Stewart’s brilliant quote from last week) deserve him. Baez is in way over his stumpy head and now it is clear to the entire world. Perhaps the fine jailbird that suggested him to Casey will get HER tv show!!!


  17. I don’t know if Fuhrman was involved w/the Rodney King case, but remember he was a detective investigating the murders of OJ’s wife and the young man, Goldman. He was supposed to have been discredited by someone saying that he had made a racial remark or remarks in the past and so I think the jury felt he was just a prejudiced jerk. My own opinion is that he is a good detective and a good investigator. I don’t know what his personal racial views are or are not.


    1. Barbara, you are right…I have trouble looking at Fuhrman, I have to say, but yes, he has and HAD an excellent repurtation before the OJ case, and that is the Only reason he has been on tv being asked about his take on things. He made a stupid mistake, REAL stupid, but no one really believes he planted evidence in the oj case, was just stupid (and cocky enough) to say that he never used the “N” word when he really did–should have just admitted it on the stand and own up to it..would have given him much more credibility…Baez had NO reputation and he will get no where…he has nothing to offer anyone after this…Mark Geragos, Scott Peterson’s attorney who was well known before THAT trial has laid low—haven’t seen much of him until today, as a matter of fact…No, Baez won’t have much after the next few weeks…I’m with you!


  18. Dr. Glass I am simply not watching the same trial that you are. I see Baez stumbling, having to rephrase and not pronouncing the witness’s names correctly. Take away the nice suits. He reminds me of Yogi Bear. I love Yogi but I wouldn’t even hire him to defend Boo-Boo for stealing a pic-a-nik basket.

    A Super Star….sure in Warhol’s 15 minutes of fame category. Even Octomom was a Super Star for 15 minutes. Baez might write a book, get tv gigs…who really cares. We the public don’t have to buy his book or can simply turn the channel.


  19. Dr. Glass, this is the second post you’ve left that has me wondering about your opinions. It appears that you are bolstering the defense side on this case involving a child that was brutally murdered. I don’t understand how you can say that a defense member such as Dr. Spitz was a boost for the defense (which was obviously not the case), and then the next day extol the virtues of Jose Baez because of what you believe his talents are. I read your opinions because of your body language expertise, and you seem to have drifted off somewhere else. Perhaps you are getting much more attention with your contrary posts than you were before?


    1. You have misinterprestd what I said Peanut. I did NOT say he bolstered the defense. I said that intiially he did a good job UNTIL he began speaking about someone else putting onthe duct tape.Jose Baez is an inexperienced lawyer who obviously has rno busines trying a DP case. He has messed up royally. But since I know the ,Hollywood and media community so well I speak the truth, He WILL get a show, I base it on my body language expertise and years of working with people in the industry. Like it or not he will have a book. He will speak and make a lot of money, and he WILL be on TV regularly. My posts are truthful as I see it, I do not need to drum up attention as I get many thousands of posts per day. I hope that clarifies your concerns.


      1. I agree with the fact he will go on to some sort of fame. When he does if Casey is in Jail for life or what ever the penalty, I hope he will be too busy for her to answer her daily phone calls. I hope if he has messed up his marriage he will fix it and get his act together again. Casey is a Black widow. She mates then she Eats them up. Baez will be smart if when this is over if he will do what he can to grow and put her behind him. Im not a Baez Fan, I dont care if he makes a book or whatever. I want to see Casey Pay for what she did. I hope he turns his back on her. I don’t think he really believes the lies about George. I feel its made up. He has also lied and how on earth could he believe Casey didnt lie to him. He has to know she is lying to him. I did lose respect for him for letting this evil “Spiteful Bitch” use her lies against her parents like she has.


  20. OMG–are you serious–okay this is two days in a row that I am so disappointed in your article, what happened to you???????????


  21. For some of you folks out there that want to use this blog to bash Geraldo, Fox, Ms.Grace, etc.I wish you would just move on. I would like to hear the views of Dr.Glass regarding “body language.”
    Please go to MSNBC blog, Or better yet, E Channel, you can watch Ice loves CoCo, The K. Sisters, there’s a list on tv guide channel.Should keep you busy quite awhile.You know who you are. Fox…Fair and Balanced .This case is about justice for a little 2 yr old lest you’ve forgotten.


  22. I have wanted to like Baez. I always like the underdog. I became Baez friend on Facebook months ago because I was amazed that he had a Facebook page and I have enjoyed the (brief) moments he has done well. I can’t comment on his facebook page publicly, however, because I am AFRAID any of my real friends would see it! Over the course of the trial I have become more and more ashamed of him. He is a man who was willing to send his own client to the gallows in exchange for his own notoriety. His nice suits are not enough. Dr. Glass, you put too much stock on appearance only. Baez is a strip mall attorney who will have nothing but trouble when this is over. He’d be lucky to get any other cases and he may even be disbarred! Attorneys have to win to get the kind of jobs you are describing. Last I checked he’s not winning.


    1. He doesn’t have to win to be successful. He has to be an ethicall and moral advocate. He has to fight and fight and fight for his client and he is doing nothing. She has had 8-9 lawyers to help him narrow down his theory of the case and it looks like they are subordinates-kind of like a law firm who has interns and no partners. Like I said yesterday I am waiting for Ms Anthony’s hair to erupt in flames any day now.

      If Mr Baez is given a second chance I would advise him to attend a Gerry
      Spence legal clinic. Get down and dirty and figure out how to defend someone or get the hell away from capital cases.


  23. Believe it or not, I studied law at a top-ranked school, some would say THE top school. Most of my professors were graduates of the World’s greatest schools: Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, etc.. My classmates were equally impressive and I’ve since gone on to meet many truly talented practitioners. Accordingly, It breaks my heart to think that all of those brilliant men and women, despite their incredibly deep and nuanced understanding of the law, and their contributions to the profession in, and out, of both the classroom and the courtroom, will never have the fame (infamy?) that Jose Baez has managed to achieve at the expense of his media-worthy (but mentally ill) client. A man the went to the lowest ranked law school in Florida (if not the USA). A man that took 8 YEARS to pass the bar. A man that, despite being 40, had only just begun to practice law. A man that thinks “disjustice” is a word. A man who can’t complete a single sentence with out making at least one grammatical error. A man that, in 3 years, has been unable to spontaneously cite a single relevant case, statute or procedural rule. A man that, within seconds of opening his mouth at trial, effectively shifted the burden of proof onto his client. A man that ignored his client’s obvious mental illness in order to push for a media worthy trial. A man that put his client at risk of the DP in order to get his double-chin on TV and line his pockets with cash. A man that went on TV imploring good samaritans to spend their time and money searching for a live Caylee and a nanny, knowing all the while that Caylee was dead and the nanny never existed. I suppose I could stand watching Baez rise to fame if he wasn’t a short, fat, weak-chinned, big-eared, google-eyed, dullard in elevator shoes (what do those shoes tell us Dr. Glass?), but this is too much to bear without commenting. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that, even in the legal profession, you can’t escape the fallout of a culture that makes “celebrities” out of people like the ‘OctoMom’ and the Goslins. All Hail Mediocrity! All Hail Mendacious Deceit!


    1. My legal colleagues and I have been following this case from the beginning. We even read blogs about the case during our breaks. I have not met one attorney yet who holds Bozo in high esteem. Forgive me for calling another attorney Bozo, but that is an apt name for him.

      Most attorneys do their jobs very well and we don’t mind that we are not on TV all the time, getting fanfare and media reviews. We enjoyed a good education, earn a good living, and represent people in fulfilling cases. No attorney is expected to win all the time, but we are expected to show decorum in the courtroom and respect for court procedures, due process, and discovery—all of which Bozo has ignored.

      I watched Judge BP giving admonitions today and it is clear to me that he has Bozo in his cross-hairs. The Judge included Ashton in his admonition but if you are an attorney, you would know that the substance of his scolding was directed squarely at Bozo. My colleagues and I can’t believe that we are watching this kind of behavior from another attorney—until we realize his lack of legal skills. I do not consider this man to be an attorney and would never watch any show that gives Bozo the limelight. He is a joke and a disgrace to the legal profession. So there you have it, folks, this is what other attorneys think of Bozo.


      1. FD2011- Some believe and rightly so that “the practice of law is an honorable thing to do”. He might be a “super star” to those who underestimate intelligent people. Who the hell in their right mind, accused of a crime, would walk into Mr Baez’s office for legal assistance? Yes, he is a disgrace. This defendant deserved so much more and instead was “walked arm and arm” down that long and lonely road with nothing more than the anticipation that her life would end as abrubtly as her childs.


  24. Yes- its all true- but even those bad boys that make it to TV land don’t stay there if their not good- and i mean good in more ways than one- at their craft and as a person. Except for Mr. Spin-doctor O’Reilly- “bad” people don’t stay around for long. Human beans- can smell bad character and they don’t put up with it for long. Time will tell if Baez is a good-egg or a bad-egg…we don’t have enough information to know anything thing more than he’s a “player” in the court room- yet.


    1. I’m not sure I am 100% in agreement with your statement, deb. I can think of one person on a TV series that is a total jerk (at least in MHO) to nearly everyone he works with, who makes HUGE bucks, and until very recently had people in place that have kept him on TV. I have watched the show at least 2 1/2 times and THAT was far too many. It certainly will be interesting to see what happens to Mr. Baez in the future. All in all, I really don’t care what happens to him but I don’t wish him ill will, either. What I DO wish for is justice for Caylee.


    2. Mr. O’Reilly;s show has been around for a long time because it is popular with intellectuals. It was also voted in May 2011 as the “top most trusted news source” with O’Reilly named as the most trusted news anchor (source:

      “For more than seven consecutive years, ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ on the FOX News Channel has been the highest rated of any cable news show. No program even comes close.” (source:

      Deb, I copied the last three sentences from your post above so I could help you with your grammar: “Human beans [Replace “beans” with the word “beings.” Beans are things you eat]– can smell bad character and they don’t put up with it for long. Time will tell if Baez is a good-egg or a bad-egg…we don’t have enough information to know anything thing [Remove the word “thing”]more than he’s a ‘player’ in the court room-yet [Remove the word “yet”].”


      1. Wasn’t Glenn Beck “Highly rated” as well on THAT news channel??? hm.mmm…before he was FIRED for his BS? AS one of the bloggers here quoted earlier, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt


      2. Right, you used the word “beans” on purpose. Too funny!

        Go back to school, Deb, and grow a brain.


      3. Ro, why can’t you leave your opinion without being so rude and ugly? This is a blog I like to visit to get Dr. Glass’ point of view and read what other view points and opinions people have, not read bashing and grammar corrections.


      4. Tate, you are completely right. I should have commented without naming names. It’s just a disappointment to see such behavior in this forum.

        peace and love people 🙂


  25. Dr Glass; don,t you think hosea, have a dose of bad karma-anyone dealing with kc,will suffer greatly.just like the oj defense team.Johnnie cochran,and all the others sufferd a heavy dose of bad karma.


  26. Considering the source of who and for what reason that this Man is being specylated on,, He will always be the rotted sewer water inside himself. Safe to say within the Milliuem age groups, Guys w/ his style will be kicked under that sewer w/ duct tape wrapped around his head.


  27. When I watch the recaps of the trial, if Linda Kenny Baden comes on, I switch the chanel…and in order to watch parts of the trial in evenings(work during the day), I have to watch Baez….they both are obnoxious…so, in the future…if Baez, shows up on shows, or magazines…I will not watch. He can have 20 shows on a day..won’t watch …won’t read his books…In my opinion, he is unprepared, except to pull in highly paid witnesses(Spitz), trying to confuse the jurors, claiming things he can’t prove(George calling convicted felon)-He is simply in over his head, trying to defend a Sociopath, and knows he is defending a murderer..he can’t even come up with intelligent cross examination questions…He fell for the lies of a sociopath known liar…she has not told the truth about anything…so she tells him the baby died in the pool…and now he has to defend that…he should have quit like most of the rest of the defense team has…


    1. It really is all up to the public whether he will be successful on tv. I will not watch either, but if he appears on a show that I regularly watch, I will not hesitate to voice my opinion to the producers of that show and or to the sponsers. We can be effective with our voices.


  28. After reading the many comments of disagreement to this blog post, I wondered if I’d read it well the first time. So, I went back just now and read it again.

    “He also comes across very well on camera. He speaks well in smooth tones and is articulate.”

    Except for that little bit (above), which could be nothing more than a difference of personal taste and opinion, or even due to my bias against Baez, Dr Glass wrote nothing that is complimentary of Baez, in support of Baez or in defense of Baez.

    It’s true that the national media is lenient on him. It shows in how his courtroom antics and attempts at trickery are played down while the few points he’s scored for the defense have been discussed as if they’ve all but secured a “not guilty” verdict. The talking heads have been displaying some definite pro-Baez bias.

    It’s also true that the national media likes him. The national media likes Casey Anthony, too, just as they liked OJ Simpson, Tonya Harding, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and anyone else who has increased viewership and ratings for them at so little cost to the networks/stations. If they see the oppty of retaining some viewers by offering him a few $$$ (relative to the cost of real talent) to make appearances as a legal contributor, they’ll do it. Happens all the time. (Mark Furhman comes to mind first.)

    To predict that Baez will bank on this experience doesn’t state or imply that he’s right,that what he’s trying to accomplish in this case is right, that he’s competent, that he’s a stand-up guy, that he deserves to gain financially and professionally from this case, or that those who offer him money after this, be it to buy his book or sign him on to appear on their cable news programs, will be right in doing so. Nor does it imply that Dr Glass wants these things for Baez.

    For what it’s worth, I don’t like the guy, either, and I’d not make it a point to watch him as contributor on one of the cable news stations nor would I buy a book he may one day write. But my not caring to see Tonya Harding’s face on my tv hasn’t stopped VH1 and others from paying her to appear on their programs. (There’s no accounting for taste.)


    1. I agree AuntieMadder
      If Baez was a “stand up kinda guy” he would also be boring.

      It takes a sleaze like Charlie Sheen and his ” winning” attitude to bring in the ratings.

      its sad:(


    1. I noticed it Gemini

      Casey won’t miss out on a chance to start a ” Casey Anthony Trend” during her “red carpet” appearances in court.

      True Sleazy Skank just like her Sleazy Bozo Rat attorney.


    2. Gemini, I noticed that too! SO tacky. I honestly expected that to be the drama of the day…and then everything else started.


  29. I agree completely Dr. Glass, I also believe that was his plan from the very beginning.

    I believe he used Casey Anthony.

    I see him as a the classic fat rat sleazy attorney.

    He truly looks the part.

    I hope it does not turn out so well for him though.

    I hope he turns into another Balloon Boy Dad.

    Thanks for posting.


  30. Speaking for myself, I hope I never see Baez again. I find him repulsive and will change the channel if I ever see him on TV again after this trial.


  31. You’re joking, right? you honestly think people will be interested in him when this is all over?? The only reason he is fascinating to anyone right now is because everyone wants to see what stupid mistakes he makes next! It’s like watching a train wreck…. interesting at the moment, but when this trial is over, so is he. Baez is nothing more than the flavor of the week.


  32. Totally eloquent speaker, asking Yuri if Yuri had asked Casey if she “ever committed suicide” and asks his geeky bug dude if he “used live cadavers.” Don’t let Jose’s droning voice lull you into a stupor so that you’re not really listening to what he’s saying.


  33. Bozo is a slimy slug who is repulsive to hear or look at. He’s a fat pee wee herman with big ears. D,. Glass believes Bozo posseses charisma & other attributes he clearly does not own. Lillian Glass is now on the smae level as Aphrodite Jones & Janie Weintraub imo. They have no sense of reality & make the wrong calls on what goes on in the courtroom.

    The other day Aphrodite said Dr. Spitz “owned the courtroom” and wiped the floor with Jeff Ashton. Was she seeing the same trial as me? I won’t read any more here, it’s painful to see what happens to some people after they are successfu. I have the “Toxic People” books by Dr. Glass. but I don’t know what’s happened in the last few years. This article & past ones about the repugnant Baez are off the wall, wrong & a joke.


  34. Next time you listen to the fat head Bozo speak, count the times he says AND. Instead of completing one setence then going to another his sentences run on with a bunch of ANDS in between. Maybe that’s why he never asks a solid question during testimony. It’s maddening, time consuming & proves his lack of talent & communication skills. He literally makes me want to see him get hurt, like a car accident, someone punch the living shit out of him. That’s how much I despise the lying creatin & his baby killer sociopath. I want someone to put them out their misery & ours. They add nothing of value & waste air& space. They destroy whoever they come in contact with. Baby killers, their defenders all should be wiped off the planet.


  35. exactly… the ONLY thing this idiot will be ‘remembered’ for is lying, cheating, & sliming his way through a trial trying to defend a PROVEN baby-killer. He is a snake, & he will forever be known as nothing more than what he is! This ‘article’ is an insult to all the beautiful people in the world who have devoted their lives to entertaining us, who truly DESERVE to be called ‘Super Stars’… to even put Bozo’s name in the same sentence is just pathetic.


  36. goodness sakes- such ulgyness- Baez is probably more moral and has better values- than 3/4th of your guys- and he would never spend his time – hating on you.


  37. I would never waste my time watching him or anyother of those reality shows! He’s going to get his after this, and I mean in a bad way! You do bad things you’ll get it right back!


  38. Marissa-I followed the bad actors charged in destroying Enron and there was a mix of psychopaths that you described above. Mr Baez is a bully. Not the type of bully that would go after “the underdog” but the type who would go after someone who would tarnish his reputation.He has shown his tendancies in court by calling for a mistrial because HE was depicted in a bad light. He’s someone to stay clear of. He should be anywhere but in a courtroom imo. He scares me.


  39. Dr. Glass, I love your website and usually agree with you about 99% of the time but do take issue with your reference of Jose Baez as “articulate.” Articulate is defined as “using language easily and fluently; having facility with words.” Baez has clearly demonstrated that he has trouble speaking off the cuff/thinking on his feet, often does not use proper sentence structure or grammar and has trouble forming logical and meaningful questions. The fact that he is anything but articulate is why many people, myself included, find this trial so painful to watch. It’s a shame that he may end up with a career in media, but hopefully it will be as successful and long-lasting as his career as an attorney.


    1. Sally, I agree with you. In law school, students take Trial Advocacy, Appellate Practice, Moot Court, and clinics in order to learn to speak and write better. Attorneys are held to a higher standard in our speech and writing. We must use proper syntax, spelling, and grammar in court pleadings, letters to clients and other counsel, and everyday writing. When we speak, we must apply the same rules of fluidity and grammar, especially in a court of law where everyone is watching every move and listening to our every word.

      Attorneys arguing in court and conducting depositions know that our words are preserved in court transcripts; a court reporter makes permanent our every argument—glory or folly. I spoke about Bozo’s style and demeanor in the courtroom with two other attorneys. Between the three of us, we have over 60 years of legal practice. Bozo impresses us as a third-tier salesman in his speech, mannerism, and speaking style— a far cry from what an accomplished attorney would be. I have watched more effective presentations by third year law students arguing in mock jury trials. Ms Anthony would have done better to accept the services of an experienced Public Defender and she may still do so in a re-trial.


  40. Baez should just walk out and let the Perry/Ashton team have it! When the defense’s witness is required to testify the way that the PROSECUTION wants him to, what is the point? The moron was not answering the question he was asked and yet Perry MADE the defense let him run on about whatever he wanted to talk about? Again ALL day we have seen nothing but objection adnausium..and side bar after side bar. Thanks to bi-polar Ashton who jumps up and down like a jack in the box when he is not sitting there licking his lips! What a weirdo!


  41. I do not think Baez experience has one thing to do with the way that Ashton has been acting like a complete idiot during this trial. Any attorney trying to defend their client with a Judge that allows this kind of behavior has no recourse than to stand there and put up with it! The shame is that no attorney should have to be subjected to it! Baez did a much better job tearing down each and every witness the prosection put on! And he did it without a million side bars and objections. He quietly and methodically made their testimony either irrelevant or so implausible that everyone got the point. What Baez did NOT do was jump up and down in his seat, yell across the court room and act like a child in a temper fit! Ashton has even gone as far as to yell at the Judge! and Finally he was reprimanded for that…shock! Shock! The Jose Baez that we are seeing now is someone that realizes that he is in a court room that is being RUN by the prosection and he KNOWS all he can do is show up! When a childs life has been taken and a young mothers life is on the line WE ALL deserve a FAIR and IMPARTIAL JURY and TRIAL PROCEEDING! This is NOT it! While you may really want to see Casey Anthony convicted, (and let me just say personally I have no wish either way) we should ALL want to know the truth and to know the truth and to come to an educated conclusion EVERY single witness MUST be permitted to speak WITHOUT on going interruption which the STATE does to confuse both the Jury, the witness, AND the issues! This DECEIVES us all! And WHEN court proceedings are permitted to do this ANYONE of us can become prey to this unfairness in the court room. Hopefully, you or anyone you love never ends up in a court room, BUT if they did I am fairly certain YOU would WANT your defense attorney to be given the right to defend you or any member of your family without the unfairness that has been seen in this court room.


  42. I don’t see it. Jose literally put me to sleep at least 3 times in the last few days of actual trial he is that dull.


  43. I love C.M.A. pro-team ( AKA:The State).!!!! He needs to be cloned and placed in every court house in America !!!
    Tee-Shirts of Jeff and Linda should be printed, and become the standard uniform of all americans hang ’em high……..After the trial, not the trail that Cheryl ref to, anyway, we should all meet in Az and recreate the OK Corral………This is so not “body language blog” any longer… to bad..


  44. Well! I guess CASEY did NOT look up the Chlorofom! It was Cindy!!! The STATE just could not jump up and down and keep that out of the court!!! Love it!! But of course HLN is NOW trying to paint Cindy Anthony as a “different” Cindy Anthony?? NOW because she IS telling the truth but it completely refutes everything the Bi-Polar Ashtn and his blonde smerking side kick are trying to get everyone to believe she is no longer the grieving HONEST to the core woman. NOW they are conveniently accusing her of lying to save Casey?? COME ON! They cannot keep changing this to fit thier scenarios! Just this morning their headline was Cindy and George Anthony believe Casey is guilty…yet NOW shes on stand lying when she says SHE made the chloroform searches and the STAIN had been in the back of the car!!!! The STATE is looking like a bunch of idiots. And that happens when they LIE to make the case fit their theories!


  45. Strange we are now hearing the car was bought for LEE and was driven by George, Lee and Casey???? And the STATES lies just keep coming out!


  46. I find Jose to be very smug. He does not seem likeable either, he comes off to
    me as a know it all. He acts as if he thinks he is right and not realizing he is coming off as out of his league. If Jose was to get a show I wouldn’t watch it. Its hard to listen to him during the trial. If I could turn off the trial until he is done questioning and still know whats going on I would. He boreds me to sleep. Maybe its a guy thing that he doesn’t interest me.
    Although I don’t agree with everything Nancy says I still think she rocks and can’t wait to watch her show to hear her opinions.


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