Jury Foreman on Casey Anthony Case Said George Anthony’s Body Language Turned Everyone Off

Juror Number 11 who was the jury foreman  told Greta Van Sustern that in his  his profession he has used body language in reading people which is part of his profession as he accessed  George Anthony’s actions.  Evidently George’s  demeanor, and the way he presented  things on the stand turned people off. He said that George had a “very selective memory” in his testimony, some days remembering things in vivid detail, other times, coming up suspiciously short.

“The foreman said  he  was “on guard” and skeptical l every time George took the stand, because of such behavior.

Foreman Juror 11 said “It raised questions about George’s character and his involvement in Caylee’s death  and that he could be possibly lying.”

Several of the jury members questioned George’s complicity in Caylee’s death and the foreman said, be it that it was an accident, or he helped cover  up or that he’d even murdered the child himself .

Juror 11 concluded “There was a suspicion of him — that was part of the conversation of round robin topics we brought up during deliberation … that was brought up.

Personally,  I thought there were so many odd behaviors from George’s  not getting involved and asking questions when he was  in the room when Lee and Cindy were interrogating Casey about where Caylee was,  to his not asking who was Caylee’s father,  to his being in the birthroom whe Caylee was born.

His suicide note was also suspect  to me as there were many inconsistencies After reviewing the contents it did not seem like someone who was serious about killing himself. It seemed contrived. The end where he was describing how he was feeling woozy from taking the pills was odd to me. How come his handwriting was so clear and did not falterthe end when he was allegedly in a drug like state?

George’s arrogance and lying on the stand did not endear him to anyone. Lying about his affair was awful.And please don’t write to  tell me I am on River Cruz side and how can I support her when she had an affair and had a bad history.  First and foremost  I do NOT approve of anyone having any affair with a married man. And yes she did have a bad past  and yes she lied to LE initially.

River reached out to me  via phone and told me about the gory details of her affair with George well over  a year ago when it first became public.I  asked her about  why she lied to LE and she had she was scared, didn’t want to get involved or get George in trouble with Cindy.

I believed she did have an affair based on her communication with me.   So did the jury. On the stand it was confirmed that there was surveillance tape and  that he came to her home on multiple occasions,  and damning  text messages from him. When River shared what he did to her sexually and how he degraded her I was was disturbed by his behavior as no one  deserves to be treated that way. George’s lying that he did not have an affair with River was appalling.

On the stand River said the same thing she told me over a year ago that George said to her it was an accident that snowballed. Obviously the jury believed her.

George’s  sparing with Jose Baez was also a complete turn off to the jurors according to the alternate. It showed that George was arrogant and disrespectful in court.

The jury foreman confirmed what I have been saying all along about George and confirmed how important one’s body language and demeanor is on the stand in making a judgement about a person;s credibility.  www.drlillianglass.com
