John Edwards Wearing Phony Smile on Mug Shot But Is He Also Wearing Phony Hair?


 If you look closely at the  frontal facial photo, you will discover that he has a very tense smile that is not genuine. His eyes are not smiling as his cheekbones aren’t raised. 

 In essence, this is a nervous smile. In his profile shot you see him purse his lips which indicates that there is a greaat deal of tension and discomfort.

 He is also  perspiring profusely which confirms  that he is nervous. You can  even see the beads of sweat on his chin area. His forehead is also glistening with perspiration. His profile shot is where you can really see his perspiration on his temple and cheek area.

His skin has broken out in little bumps on his forehead and cheek area which tends to happen when people are under a great deal of stress. 

His teeth also look yellowed and appear to have some debris on them. This is a far cry from the meticulous white toothy grin we saw when Edwards was running for the  office of President. When someone neglects their hygeine it usually means they are experiencing depression.

His shoulders are rounded which indicate that he is feeling insecure and defeated. His rounded shoulders are evident in his profile  shot as well.

Since we discovered how phony Edwards was with his lying about his affair and about beingt he father of the baby, I wonder if his hair was phony as well. Was it a toupee? It was never out of place and if you look closely, it seems to be a different color than his natural hair.It looks as though a wig or toupee is placed on top of his natural hair. You can really see the contrast in the profile view of his mug shot. It does not look natural.

Even though he is  smiling  on the outside  as his his mug shot was taken,  the truth is that former Senator John Edwards is not smiling on the inside. In fact he is very depressed and feels beaten down.

When Eduards was a VP Candidate and a Presidential contender his look was immaculate. He spent  lot of time and money on his hair, He also has a bright white toothy grin as you can see in the photo above.

In this photo we see a lying John Edwards. He showed  numerous signals of deception from lip licking to shoulder shrugging, to looking down to giving way too much unnecessary informaiton.

 In fact, I  was the first one to bust him on national televison as I uncovered that he was not telling the truth about his affair with Rielle Hunter and about fathering the baby.  Click on the link below to read more about it.

John Edward’s mug shot reveals a lot about his psyche. It says that he wants to look good to others at all cost , as he is  only concerned about appearances. That is why he chose to smile.  He knew that this photo would be released around the world. So he tried make sure he looked his best. But as we have seen,  he isn’t at his best. Instead, he is at his worst and it clearly shows in his mug.

Latest Mug Shot Reveals What’s Really Going On With Casey Anthony As We Witness Her Physical Transformation

This photo is the latest mug shot of Casey Anthony. It reveals her extreme stress complete with pallid complexion, broken out skin especially above her upper lip  and temple region , puffy  bags under her eyes and a somewhat dazed look. Because her eyes do not seem as bright an alert as they once were, it makes one wonder if she is on some type of anti anxiety medication to help her deal with all that lies ahead of her. We have never seen her look this sad before.

Prior to this jury selection ordeal, she may have believed and trusted Cheney Mason in terms of their “walking out of  the courtroom arm in arm” as he repeatedly told the press. Perhaps that is the reason Casey felt confident and had a swagger and a cockiness about her, which we all observed.

But after her hearing her charges read out loud numerous times during the jury selection process, things finally sunk in. What made it sink in even more was hearing Judge Perry, Ann Finnell, and Jeff Ashton constantly speak about her two options if she is convicted – life without parole or the possibility of a death sentence. This was repeated over and over again.

Additionally, hearing potential jurors  say on the stand   that they think she is “guilty” must have had an  added  impact on her psyche.Based on the evidence of  this mug  shot  photo, it is clear that she is no longer in denial. She is beginning to face the grave reality of what may happen to her in two months time.

Prior to attending the jury selection  process, she felt fear. It showed on her face. She didn’t know what to expect in her new environment. You can observe the whites of her eyes (sclera) and her  wide eyed look of fear. You can also see the tension around or lips and mouth area. The puffiness and eye bags also reflect her level of deep  stress.

Her previous mug shot at the Orange County jail  reveals a much more attractive and angry Casey. You can see that anger in her lower jaw as her muscles are tight and lips are drawn downward.  The bags under her eyes showed  early signs that she was stressed by the whole ordeal.

In her 2008 mug shot, Casey looks very sad and  glassy -eyed as though she was crying real tears. Her expression was victim- like which seemed to say “Why are they doing this to poor me?”
If you compare  Casey’s first mug shot above with her latest one , you can see the dramatic change that has taken place over the past three years. Casey looks  pretty bright eyed  and there appears to be somewhat of a very slight  smirk on her face. Her muscles are smooth indicating there was no tension or worry at that time. At that  time she no doubt, believed in her mind that she would get out of jail quickly.

There seems to be a smugness in this photo where she may have been thinking “Nothing will happen to me because they won’t be able to find the body. They will just keep looking for Zenaida Gonzalez and never think I had anything to do with Caylee’s disappearance.”  Prior to this photo Case always  used to get away with something.  so why wouldn’t this time be any different?”

But Casey didn’t realize at the time that things would be much different, especially when the remains of Caylee’s body was found.

If Casey is convicted and depending whethe she is sentenced to life without parole or to the death sentence, we may expect to see yet another expression in a  mug shot of  Casey Anthony.