Jose Baez’ Questioning Gives Insight Into Cindy Anthony – Cindy Lies and So Does Casey

As Jose Baez calmly cross examined Cindy on the stand, he  clearly showed us that the apple does not fall far from the tree. Casey lies and is in denial and so does Cindy. His questions and Cindy’s answers painted a pictures of a highly judgmental overly invasive  mother who knew about Casey’s issues years before there even was a Caylee.

As he asks her invasive questions about Casey we see many signals of deception and discomfort  coming from Cindy like her looking down and not being able to maintain eye contact.

We see her pulling away and looking down and chest heaving.

We see her putting her hand over her mouth and closing her eyes.

We see her purse her lips.

We see her with a case of the itchy scratchies as he asks her a poignant question about the 31 days.

And finally we see her having  a case of “cotton mouth” where her mouth is dry and she licks her teeth to get the saliva going.

Whether you like or dislike Jose Baez is not the issue here , He did a great job in his questioning of Cindy and in giving jurors insight in exposing who Cindy really is.


The level of detail that Cindy knew about all aspects of Casey’s life was astounding.  Casey made up stories appeared to me to be her  passive aggressive way of keeping her controlling neat freak  mother at arms length. Casey played Cindy like a puppet, who in my view probed and probed into Casey’s life,  so much so, that Casey took control by makng up stories. Casey seemed to set up her fictitious stories with all the fictitious characters well in advance, This makes me wonder if Casey was thinking of offing Caylee well before she did the deed.


For a nurse who said she debrided rotting flesh to not know that the car smelled like death and to obstruct justice by tampering with the evidence and spraying Fabreeze in the car and  washing clothes and cleaning a doll is astounding.

Even more astounding was how can a nurse not know her daughter was pregnant or had a protruding abdomen.

The inconsistencies of her testimony and the lying to Yuri Melich about the pool ladder and now singing a different tune is one of the many lies she told in her depositions and lies she told to law enforcement. I won’t give her any slack for trying to protect her daughter. If she was trying to protect her daughter she wouldn’t have called 911 in the first place.

Her misleading authorities with giving them the wrong hairbrush points to Cindy;s control freak nature.

I also don’t buy that she was searching for Zanny the Nanny until 6 weeks ago or that she believed Caylee was  still alive, even  after the remains were found. She kept stating this in interviews and even said it on the stand in one of the pre trial hearings.

As a nurse she would know that once bones and remains are identified as being those of Caylee, Caylee is dead and there is sero chance she is alive.

Even Linda Drane Burdick busted Cindy for her lies. Cindy  said she didn’t put the dyer sheet in the car  during her deposition when she actually did put it there .  Cindy attributed it to the  medication she was taking. While certain medications may cause word finding difficulties and cognitive loss, they do not conveniently wipe out memory in this way. So I don’t but her medication excuse which is using  to cover up her perjuring  herself.


Cindy had never been away from Caylee for a day. How could she allow the 30 days to go by.  Cindy showed many signals of deception on the stand when she said  that Casey never gave her any reason not to trust Casey.

The signals of deception included: looking down, licking her lips, pursing her lips.

I would think that running up credit cards and stealing money from her grandparents was reason enough for Cindy not to trust Casey. So it is evident that she was not being honest here.


After hearing Casey’s elaborate stories with her elaborate characters, it is clear to me that Casey missed her calling. She needed to leave Cindy’s controlling clutches and come to  Hollywood where she could have made a lot of money using her vivid imagination to  become a writer for soap opera ( before they were all cancelled).

 Hearing  the story about how Jeff’s mother Jules was getting married in the hospital chapel because she had cancer was beyond amazing. hearing about Juliet Lewis and Anabell and Zanny’s mother and roomate was astounding.

Casey even went into detail about how Zanny the nanny was Jeff’s girlfriend. They broke up and now Casey was  Jeff;s new girlfriend. Baez even asked Cindy if she thought it was an odd scenario which she answered with her uncomfortable looking body language.


There is no question that Cindy has come to court with the intention of not protecting Casey. After hearing the opening statements about sexual molestation, she is fighting tooth an nail  to save the rest of her family unit. She is not going to allow Casey to destroy what little she has left.

But in my view, Baez’ questioning of Cindy may help Casey not get the death sentence. Many jurors may dislike Cindy so much and be so upset by her lies to save her daughter  by lying in her deposition and lying to law enforcement, and be turned off by her controlling nature that they may understand how Casey became the way she is.

Yes it was heartbreaking o see Cindy sobbed on  the stand. Yes it was horrible to hear how rudely Casey spoke to Cindy int he jailhouse tapes . But seeing Cindy  on the stand and watching her body language responses to Baez’ questions (even of they weren’t allowed) and how she tried  to manipulate law enforcement and her deposition testimony may make some jurors more sympathetic towards Casey.