Kate Gosselin’s Body Language In Step With Bodyguard Steve in Mexico As They Wear Matching Colored Tops


When two people are in step and their feet are in synchrony chances are they are often  a couple.


When they share similar facial expressions, it usually m eans that they are like-minded.


 When  they are seen wearing  the same colored top it also usually means they  are  like-minded.


 When they  walk in step ,have similar facial expressions, and wear the same colors, chances are even higher  high that they are a couple.


When someone looks adoringly at the other party and smiles a genuine smile as you see Kate smiling towards her bodyguard, it indicates that there is  often emotional  closeness and a lot. Kate of affection. Kate”s smile is one of the most genuine smiles we have ever seen her smiling. I don’t recall seeing  such a smile when she is around her kids. We  definitely  never saw her  smiling  like this around Jon. Could Kate be in love with her bodyguard?  Could Steve be the hot romance of her life?

There has been talk in the past that when these two travel there are adjoining rooms. Were they in adjoining rooms  on this trip to Mexico as well? Were they on the same room? Is Steve still married? If he is still married,  does he have an open marriage?

It was also reported that an eyewitness saw the  the two of them getting very cozy with legs touching legs this summer when they were away together. Were the two just as cozy in Mexico? Were there eyewitnesses this time or were they more careful to  take their  coziness  behind closed doors if they happened to be cozy? These are just questions which come to mind when you see people together so often.

 Now before Kate lovers get their panties in a bunch and accuse me of telling lies, I say to them ,  first of all.  I don’t lie. And most import  of all,  the body doesn’t lie and neither do these photos . Steve Neild  the bodyguard and Kate look like they are  are very close to one another, even though Steve tries to look professional with an often  non-smiling serious facial expression. The other “tells” seem to me to be huge give aways.

 And while I am on the subject of  bodyguard, why in the world would Kate need a bodyguard? There are no mobs around her. She is also in Mexico where she is not known.  She is simply a reality celebrity  and  only became one because she is  a mother of 8 because she took fertility drugs. She’s not Lady Gaga or Madonna. To me her bodyguard is nothing more than her traveling companion  and perhaps maybe more. Only the two of them know for certain what goes on behind closed doors. The rest is speculation. But the fact that they are so much in synch is not speculation.

Since  the two of then spend so much time together they cannot  help but  become like-minded. When people become like-minded, anything can happen-  even a love affair. Now I am not accusing Kate and Steve of having a love affair as I am not  privy to their private comings and goings. But based on these photos and their body language they look like they are very much in synch and they look very, very close to one another.

 And finally we see how Kate has once again created a statement of deception and some PR spin for herself  where she told  the world on Regis and Kelly how when the kids are with Jon,  she sits at home  by the phone to wait for their calls where they cry that they want to return home.  This certainty didn’t seem to be the case as she walked in step with Steve in Mexico,  wearing  matching colored  tops.  And she certainly didn’t  look very lonely as she also reported on the show. www.drlillianglass.com