Casey Looks Disheveled and Humbled Days After Seeing Bones and Skull

Casey appeared in the courtroom on Day 28 acting  much more humbled. She was more serious than we have ever seen her.

Her hair appeared more disheveled as she wore it in a bun. There was  also much less grooming type behavior than we have seen previously.Perhaps she is  much more concerned with her fate than with her looks.

She also appears to be  experiencing a lot more tension in her body language as we can see int he photo above.In fact, look at the protruding  muscle tension in her lower jaw. There is also tension around her neck area.

There is  still a smile for Cheney and the happy greeting. But it doesn’t last a long as it lasted in her previous greeting towards  him or with Jose Baez.

Reality has set in and Casey appears sobered about the possibilities of what may really happen to her. In her  distorted thoughts there is no doubt that she felt she would be believed and that it would be easy to dismiss the prosecution’s claims.  I am sure that she heard Cheney’s words resonating in her head that they would walk out of the courtroom arm in arm.

 But all that changed when she saw the jaw dropping photos and heard her mother turn on her. I doubt Casey  expected to see the gruesome reality of her actions. I doubt she expected to see a the skeleton of what was once Caylee. I doubt she expected to see the horrific looking skull with hair strands across the sockets and Caylee’s molar’s still attached to the skull, or see photos of Caylee’s little bones which were gnawed by animals.

No doubt she had the weekend to digest these photos. This is what I believe caused the change on her demeanor.

It will be interesting to see if she peps up and changes her demeanor and once again shows her cockiness  when the defense begins presents it’s case.

To hear my body language analysis about Casey Anthony  on  Websleuth’s Radio, click the link below: