V. Stiviano Body Language Shows Deception, Hypocrisy, Contradiction, Incrimination, and Manipulation in Barbara Walters Interview



The interview of V. Stiviano was very revealing body language, voice,  and speech content wise. She says many things which contradict herself as you will see in this blog. She even incriminates herself and Donald as she says she is being paid off the books. Her slow and labored speech, eye shifting, lip licking and shoulder shrugging show that she is being manipulative in answering Barbara Walter’s question’s however the truth leaks out. 


As V. Stiviano the alleged mistress of Donald Sterling talks about how lonely, alone,  confused Donald Sterling is and how she actually just came from seeing him she looks to the side.  When Barbara says that she was with him so Donald  is not alone, Stiviano  looks to the side to think about what she says and says she is with him “to help him”. Then she contradicts herself and says she is urging him “to come to his own rescue,” which makes absolutely no sense in light of what she said previously.



She shifts her eyes back and forth  a lot and speaks in a very slow and  measured  well thought out and monotnne sound devoid of emotion as she says ” even with her ‘help’ he feels alone.”

We see an incredible amount of signals of deception when she says that Donald is traumatized by the things he says. She does shoulder shrugging and looks to the right and left and speaks very very slowly. This is not true in my view. Donald is just traumatized the tape got out. He is not traumatized by what he said and she knows it. Otherwise he would have issued an immediate apology. So in this case Stiviano is lying in my view.

She is asked by Barbara if Donald Sterling should apologize. She shakes her head No as she says “absolutely.” To me it means that she is enjoying this fiasco and his apology would take the focus off of her so “No” she doesn’t think he should apologize is what her body language reveals. 



The fact that she claimed earlier in  press days ago  that she had not spoken to or seen Donald Sterling since the incident and now, as Barbara Walters reported, she has just come from seeing him, says to me that she was most rehearsing what she would say publicly and perhaps keeping their story of not being lovers in sync.  When Barbara asked her if Donald will apologize. She looks down and slowly  says  in a monotone voice “Only God knows”. The fact that  she looks down means she is gathering her thoughts in terms of what she wanted to say. 

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Barabara directly asks her is she is in love with Donald Sterling. V Stiviano gives a genuine smile with her cheeks raised and eyes squinted. This is the first time she lights up. To most this is shocking. If she is half Black as she says she is and half Mexican as she says she is and Donald spoke  that way about her ethnicity, how could she love him? She may love the 1.8 million dollar home,  the Ferrari and Bentlys he gave her. But to love someone who hates part of the the essence of who you are (Black) is very unusual and hypocritical.


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Brabara asks her what her relationship is to Donald Sterling. She laughs and smiles and says she is is right hand “man”. The fact that she would use the term “man” is interesting since many throughout the internet have remarked how much she looks like a man going to through a sex transition- a treansexual. Is V. Stiviano calling herself a “man” indicating she may be leaking out the truth about her sexuality  or is  it a subconscious shout out to people  over the internet calling her out on looking like a man?  

She also says she is “Mr. Sterling’s everything” (which in many people’s view  would include lover) as she shrugs her shoulders when she says “confidant” “his best friend” (with friends like her one does not need enemies), “his silly rabbit” where she says she does things around him that seem silly. As she says this we see a lot of discomfort in her body language as she fidgets around. Can this discomfort be due to her perhaps omitting another noun to describe what she is to Sterling- “lover?” After all she describes herself as a “lover” on her instagram. 


Does that moniker apply to her relationship with Donald? We then see her swallow hard (an indicator of deception) in this context where she says many people can’t understand her relationshIp as she looks down and from side to side as though she is searching for the correct spin. “She then shrugs her shoulders and says” I’m his everything”. Well, Ms. Stiviano, “everything: includes “lover.” 

She then describes the evolution of her relationship and how it started with her working for his nonprofit organization and  stated “it’s evolved to so much more”. In essence by saying she is everything to him and how their relationship evolved into so much more, said through her telling body language,  she is revealing a lot to us about the nature of their relationship which in my view includes intimacy.  


When she says that their relationship has become a “scandal” she cocks her head to the side on the word “scandal,” which is very telling.  



Barbara tries to coax it out of he by inserting ” you love him like a friend”. Here we see Stiviano trying to concoct the right answer as she looks to the right and has a bit of cotton mouth as she sticks her tongue out before she speaks and licks her lips.



Then Barbara goes in to clarify this love and asks if she is “in” love. to which Stiviano looks to the side to figure out her next words asImage


In addition, her mouth gets dry as she says the word and licks her lips on the word”scandal” which shows a lot of anxiety and how there may be decption.  

Then Barbara asks her why it became such a scandal and her breathing changes. Stivano takes seconds to answer. This means she is trying to manufacture the right words. She  finally comes up with “God” and throws God into the mix by saying “I think God has it’s purpose”.  It is interesting that she refers to God as an “it” which further speaks to her not really believing what she is saying. She also blinks a lot and looks side to side and contradicts herself again. Instead of sticking with her God answer as she says ” I wish I could answer that question.”

Then she says  after moments of silence and failure to come up with the right answer she says ” I keep asking myself how when and why but the truth is that”…  When someone says “the truth is that..” know that a lie will usually follow which it most likely did  as she says ” how and why  don’t even matter anymore as some things need to be brought to the light.” In essence she has told everyone that she brought out the tapes into the light about Sterling’s racism.” In essence she admits what she did in this statement she made.

She then further incriminates herself as she said” we are forced into situations that we have to do good by.” which mens she felf forced to reveal the tapes. Whether she claims she didn’t release them as her lawyer insists, there is  no doubt that she was behind it as she essentially admitted it just now. 

Then she goes on to say how Sterling  is being tested by a higher power and how she is being “forced to come to his rescue.” The word “forced” says a lot. It means that she is not doing it willingly but some handlers or lawyers are “forcing” the to team up so they get their story straight. After all it is a huge crime in California to tape someone without their knowledge. So she is most likely being forced to make nice to Donald so he will say he knew she was taping him (something I find very hard to believe). This was a personal conversation and no one would ever want such information taped under any circumstances. Her silence and hesitations and long pause time, looking up and down and shoulder shrugs and changes in her breathing show she is being deceptive in her motive.


When asked buy Barbara if they had a financial arrangement. We immediately see Stiviano purse her lips which indicates Body language wise that she doesn’t want to discuss their financial arrangement. Barbara asks her  if he pays her as an employee. Stiviano shows all types of signs of discomfort with this question as she hesitates and looks down and then says “at first he started paying me as an employee and then he started paying me off the books.”  She has just incriminated herself and Sterling with the IRS. She has just invited an IRS audit. Where are the taxes going and who is paying the taxes on what she is paid off the books?  She didn’t say “gifts.” She said “off the books. This is a very serious revelation that will no doubt come back to haunt them both.



Then she immediately looks to the other side and says I love him like a “father figure” as she shrugs her shoulders, which is a signal of deception in my view. How could anyone who has any Black in them love anyone as a father figure role  whom they would have to allegedly respect, after he spoke that way about a race she allegedly has in her own blood.


When Sterling says  in the tape “why you taking pictures with minorities?” it should be enough for her to realize that she is a minoritity and he deep down, hates her because he hates minorities. 

That makes me wonder if indeed she is Black as I cannot imagine anyone who has any Black heritage in them using the term  “love”  in relation to Donald. She also claims that she changed her name to V. Stiviano because  she was “Not yet fully accepted because  of her race”.


If she was that race conscious then how could she “love” Sterling, who has not fully accepted her because of her race. 



Barbara then repeats “you love him like a father” Instead of saying “yes” and looking directly at Barbara, she looks down and shakes her head No and repeats what she said earlier “just like a father fiigure “. 


She also shrugs her shoulder and has a smug smile which indicates to me that she has clearly rehearsed the  term” father figure” and is sticking with the script.



No one calls their father or “father figure” baby or honey as she did in the tape. So she knows very well that what she is saying most likely is not true. Hence the smug smile you see above in the interview when she sticks to the script and repeats her rehearsed “father figure”.


The word “honey” in addressing her “father figure” was used several times throughout the tape as you see above. He also addressed her as “honey” in the tape.


The reciprocal “honey’s” show to me that  there was no father figuring going on here. 



Barbara asks her about  why she is wearing the visor and Stiviano says it is because  she is in pain. As she says this she looks around as to search for the correct answer as she can’t very well tell the truth as to why she is doing it- for attention. She says how it hurts to have people speculate and say things about you when they don’t know you. If what she was saying was true she would have stayed in doors and not roller skated with her visor in front of the press or worn the visor at night where she told press she wanted to be President of the United States. She then says she wears the visor  (her mask) because it’s easier to “mask” the pain.” This is a manipulative statement in my view.


Then she finally reveals the truth in my view,  through her body language.  Barbara asks what is the biggest misconception about her. She gives a genuine and broad smile as says “That I’m a mistress”. That says it all in my view that she has revealed that  she is indeed a mistress. A person who had people misconceiving them would show anger and a much different facial demeanor than Stiviano.  She goes on to add “or a whore” as she laughs and adds or ‘a  woman of the night” . She then adds and all “those ‘miscomception’ are on my instagram I think. ” She has clearly not carefully thought through what she was saying as she stammers, mispronounces the words misconception  and uses improper grammer, something she had not done previously. It shows that here is an emotional charge here and she is flummoxed as she reveals the truth by this body language behavior.  

She finally takes a dig at her BFF who was giving interviews about her to TMZ saying that journalists are doing doing their job by interviewing that person when she doesn’t know the facts. 

In summary, V. Stiviano  has shown signals of deception on this tape and has incriminated herself and Donald as she talks about payment off the books, Body language wise she tells us that she is his mistress as well as through all the contradictions she made. It is my view that this is not the end for this manipulative mistress who is paid off the books and who is doing all she can to become allies with Donald so that he sticks to her story that he agreed to have his racist remarks taped.  



17 thoughts on “V. Stiviano Body Language Shows Deception, Hypocrisy, Contradiction, Incrimination, and Manipulation in Barbara Walters Interview

  1. I don’t understand why no one is outraged at her. She is half black and italian but continued to take gifts from the man. Why is no one upset with the NAACP for wanting to reward him with a lifetime achievement award knowing the issues?
    Also, I do believe her when she said that the La Clipper officials would call Sterling about the ppl she was bringing to games “gangstas”


    1. Plenty of people are outraged with her as you cAn see in the comments on the internet. People are also upset with the NAACP and in fact the head of the LA office resigned because of this scandal.


    2. please do not associate that Stiviano whore with Italians – she is most definitely not Italian, we are as far away from her heritage as a Chinese is to a Portugese. Her birth name is Perez and this is not an Italian name – thank you


  2. Dr. Glass, Could Donald Sterling have a plantation master mentality if he is knowingly having intimate relations with someone that claims to be “black”, just as the slave masters of our past did? Justifying it in his head somehow?


  3. Dr. Glass, someone is finally saying everything that I am seeing, hearing and
    surmising! Where are both of her parents? I am inclined to believe she made
    up the part about being half black to make the tapes more credible, to make
    herself more sympathetic in releasing them, more heroic and a more interesting
    twist to her game.

    Donald is a racist, and no black person will be smiling with love for him. Freudian
    slip, we all know what silly rabbits do. IRS, please take her away before she ignites from her own self hatred.

    Thank you Dr. Glass for your brilliant insight and courage to speak your mind. I only wished you had interviewed her rather than Barbara Walters.


    1. She did not make of the part about being part black. No one makes up things like that. People will lie about being part white or part Native American, but no one wants to be part black. There is simply too much stigma associated with the black race. Her parents may be completely separated from her and oblivious to her, especially if she comes from a very poor and or dysfunctional family.


      1. Peter, I am EXTREMELY proud to be black, and would not dare
        nor want to be any other race! That is for the record. Stiviano is a true sociopath. You need to understand their sick, manipulative ways. I can guarantee, she only said she was a product of rape, so no one will be comfortable questioning her about her true biological father.

        Sociopaths are very slick. She is a “Silly Rabbit” but crazy like a fox! Trust me, we will find out more about the ” Real Stiviano”.
        Remember, unnecessary plastic surgery does not change your
        real identity, your inner being, and it does not give you authentic, concrete self love. For example, Stiviano is all plastic surgery, but look at the way she lives her life. No woman with an ounce of self love would be selling herself for profit. She can parse it however she chooses, but no BLACK WOMAN would be spending her precious time and exchanging her valuable body for what amounts to nothing but spare change to an old, racist, white man, billionare who does not give her any respect. He
        owned her just like a slave. No, that man does not love her! Stiviano is delusional and beyond twisted if she thinks otherwise.


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