Casey Anthony New Look in Black, New Body Language and Seriousness of Judge Perry

It seems that Jose Baez and the defense team may be taking my blogs to heart when it comes to Casey as there has been a dramatic change in Casey both dress wise and in her courtroom body language and demeanor.  

There has been a dramatic shift in her appearance from Day 1 to Day 11. 

From an image point  view Casey looks  much better in the black pants complete with matching black flat ballet type shoes. It gives her a more mature look. The black top underneath with the ruffles work. Image wise it says a lot. Black speaks of mourning. Even if she isn’t mourning for Caylee, she is mourning for herself and that at least keeps it real.

If she wore  a black suit jacket with the blouses she has underneath them it would be a sign of respect on her part and  would also distance her from the party girl image.

 Her hair also looked much better – away from her face and de-Snookied. She looked serious and ready to face her jurors without a manipulative baby style that would subconsciously anger jurors.

Casey deserves a fair trial and if she keeps dressing as she did when the jurors were sworn in, along with a black jacket to go with her black pants, I believe she is  more likely to get that fair trial. As she keeps it real, the jury can focus on what is really important and not be prejudiced by her look or appearance or, behavior.

On day one, Casey cried like a baby and she didn’t look at the jurors. Whether Jose said or didn’t say to Casey to not act like a two year old, the bottom line is that she got it that the baby behavior would not be tolerated by him. As a result she bucked up.

As the jurors were being sworn in, she looked  directly at  all of them and she didn’t cry.  But, it  may be too little too late for some of the jurors who  may remember their first impression of her of not  looking at them.

This time around, her behavior was appropriate. She looked directly at the jurors. The reality of her situation began to  set in.

The only time she flinched a bit was when she rose and  they walked out of the jury room. She could see concrete evidence that these 12 people had her life in their hands.

She also seemed a lot more comfortable, once again sitting  between Mason and Baez.

 The outburst at the trial by the woman who was mentally ill  appeared to surprise  Casey as it did everyone else. The woman was lucky that she just got 2 days in jail instead of the 179 days. The whole incident was sad and sickening to watch, especially as she nervously  plead her case to Judge Perry. She obviously had no business  being in the courtroom.

Personally I thought she should have just been admonished and pay a fine because of her condition. I felt sorry for her especially when she was up there terrified and shaking and couldn’t speak. But no doubt Judge Perry felt he had to make an example of her. After all, she did  a really bad thing which could have done irreparable harm  to the case. It seems that due to her condition and medications she may not have her filters working well so she burst out whatever was on her mind.

Maybe this incident will help her to get more sorted out in her life. No doubt someone in the media will interview her after she gets out of jail and perhaps pay her  for an interview or  even give her a licensing fee for photos of her  two year old Apparently  it has been reported that the  Anthony’s  have  made money this way-selling photos of Caylee to the media.

Maybe  the press will spin the story as the ” outburster”  being  a sympathetic character who couldn’t contain her own emotions because she too was a mother of a 2 year old and could never hurt her child. So  there may silver lining for her after all.


What  happened in the courtroom was a preview of  what could happen to anyone sitting  in the audience. If  citizen, a   journalist or reporter whispers or makes any comments that can be heard  or  makes facial expressions, they could not only be booted out of the courtroom, they could be fined and sentenced as well. If  you come to the trial,  it is  at your own risk. So mind your behavior.

Judge Perry already warned about people in the gallery making facial expressions when witness testimony would be given. That particularly applies to George and Cindy who requested being in the courtroom throughout the trial, even though they were both witnesses as well.

Early on, George  had  been seen shaking his head “no” and mugging and smirking “ when Yuri Melich was on the stand. If he pulls that behavior again, Judge Perry will not stand for it. If he does it, we may very well see George getting thrown out of the courtroom, admonished, fined, and perhaps  sentenced as well. The same applies to Cindy as well.It may be  especially very very hard for her to contain herself as she hears Jose and his team throw her and George and Lee under the bus for being such poor parents.

Judge Perry does not want this overt expression because he does not want the jury to be influenced in any way.