Casey Anthony’s Disturbing Body Language in the Courtoom- Smiling, Laughing,and Hair Grooming



A while back I wrote in a bog that  I thought attorney  Jose Baez deserved a lot of credit for teaching his client  Casey  Anthony how to properly behave in the courtroom. At that time ,  I noted that her body language was more in control and that a lot of her annoying habits, including the hair grooming, lip pursing. and her annoying smiling behaviors  were gone.

 But they have returned and have become even more pronounced.  They have returned to the point they are extremely disturbing to anyone looking at this woman, who is accused of killing her child. Whether she did or did not kill  little Caylee, no one should be laughing  in a  courtroom under any circumstances.


 As soon as she walked in to he courtroom and flashed  her  smile and then cocked her head coquettishly to see her alleged crush Jose, I immediately  knew that Casey as back to her old self.  In fact she is more than her old self. She is her happy and carefree self with the facial expressions we saw in so many of her partying  photos .

The body does not lie! These series of photos will show you what I mean.  So no matter how you coach someone, who they really are will eventually leak out.  You can’t fool anyone,  especially anyone sitting on a jury for three months.

What leaked out about Casey is that she is feeling pretty confident as reflected in the way she carried herself and in her body and facial language.  Her walk even had a bounce to it. Her bright smiles on the verge of laughter seemed to indicate that she most likely knew that the defense had something up their sleeve which was in her favor. In fact it appeared  that she was feeling pretty cocky about it.

The one thing that has come back with even more frequency us her hair grooming tactics.  The second she walked into the courtroom  she had her hand up to her hair to groom herself in preparation for seeing her alleged  crus, Jose  Baez.

As soon as she sat at the table she hair groomed. As soon as she had to stand up when Judge Perry was to enter the room, she hair groomed.

Back was the old lip biting and lip fiddling. Maybe she does a lot  more lip and teeth fiddling  since her  famous elevator fall when she accidentally chipped her tooth.

Hair grooming like seen above continued and continued and continued the entire  time she was seated. This annoying habit reflected her and desire to be viewed  as pretty.

 On a positive note,  she did seem more attentive than usual. She seemed to pay close attention and look in the direction of the person who was speaking . Unlike we have previously  seen,  Casey actually looked genuinely interested in what the person had to say.

 Perhaps hearing anyone speak after being cooped up in a cell all this time  and not being able to speak to anyone gave her a newfound interest  in people other than herself.


As for her outfit,  we are seeing a fashion  trend  emerge with Casey, “The Casey Anthony Puffed Upper  Sleeve Look.”   It was a look no doubt orchestrated by her former death sentence attorney Andrea Lyon. Today  she is wearing the  rauched sleeve version of the puffy  upper sleeve look.

Usually when we see the  upper sleeve puffed,  it is in clothing worn by children.  If an adult wears this child like costume it tends to subconsciously  give them the  image of being sweet and innocent – like a child.

This time, Casey  kept her buttons closed at the appropriate places and didn’t go for the sexy cleavage look.

Casey is still very pretty in many people’s view with her chiseled bone  structure. This  is why I repeatedly say- watch out for  any man  (young or old)  on the jury who loves to help damsels in distress and who may be taken with her looks. Please believe me when I say that her guilt or innocence will be determined by WHO is on that jury and that the defense has the upper hand here.

They have one of the best jury consultants in the country while the prosecution has no one and they want it that way.

But Casey  doesn’t always look that pretty,  especially when she does her lip purse and grimace as part of her ritualistic behavior pattern,  which we have often seen in the courtroom.

Her breathing pattern was more labored than the last time she sat through a hearing. She did a lot of upper chest breathing and letting out  her air while raising her chest. This means that the reality  of the situation periodically hits her as to why she is in the courtroom. The   sudden expulsions of air indicate that she is getting a bit nervous when she has fleeting thoughts of her future.

Part of her nervousness was  observed in her lip licking. No doubt she was getting a bit cotton mouthed  as her saliva was drying up due to inner tension she may have been experiencing.

As the attorneys go  up to the bench Casey is left alone with one of Baez assistants, she clearly feels happy to be in the presence of another young woman  who is of similar age  who is not wearing a jail or a jailers uniform.  She smiles contentedly as she writes a note to the woman next to her. It is reminiscent  of what she may have done in jr. high school classes when she wrote notes about the cute guys in the room to her fellow classmates. 

And in true jr. high school fashion, she immediately  folds the note up as she doesn’t want anyone to see what she has written.


Then after looking at Jose’s assistant, and reading the assistant’s note, she cannot seem to contain her happiness. She immediately turns away from he assistant and  gives a huge smile.

 Why was she smiling?Was it because she was told that Cheney Mason and Jose Baez may have found over a dozen  people who said they didnt see thee bag Caylee was  was stuffed in when they were searching with Equisearch?   Or was she simply  thrilled to  be having have some type of human interaction after being out of her cage? Are her fantasies now in full force?

Her close lipped smile was all too sickening!  This woman has zero to smile about but that doesn’t stop her. She has a genuine smile with raised cheeks  sans showing her teeth. No doubt, she is still  narcissistically self conscious about the dental repair.


Still elated and not  trying to not show her teeth, she  cranes her neck to looks over  at the monitor  in front of  Jose’s assistant. What is so funny?  How can this woman be smiling  about anything in the midst of this very serious situation.  For goodness sakes her daughter was killed and she is the prime suspect.

But Casey cannot contain herself. She is happy and doesn;t care if her teeth are seen outside if her lips. She breaks into a  huge genuine smile with lips parted, teeth showing and eyes wrinkled and cheeks raised The assistant os smiling as well which is equally inappropriate considering this is a courtroom. They are not watching a sitcom for goodness sakes. Jose needs to educate his assistant as to how to act in a courtroom as well.

This is upsetting. It doesnt  matter why Casey or the assistant are  laughing. What matters is that they are in a court of law and the fact that a baby girl was found with duct tape across her skull and and that skull  which was detached from her body is nothing to laugh about. The fact that Casey may possibly have poison coursing trough her veins until her heart stops  beating and she stops breathing is also no laughing matter.

But in the other hand, she may feel she does have something to smile about.   The possibility that she may be living a life in prison without parole may very well be a laughing matter to her. She may end up enjoying her life there, manipulating fellow inmates and creating countless  love affairs.  Her ego will no doubt be pumped from all the fan mail she will receive from both  men and women who will have found her not guilty in their views. Others will flatter her ego by tellimng her how beautiful they thing she is.

Some will send love, prayers, and words of  encouragement  which will  keep her from being bored. Others will send money to allow her to go the canteen and purchase  a pen, paper and candy. She will have a bed to sleep in and three square meals a day, periodic showers, and lots of attention. And the most important thing she will have to smile about is that she doesn’t have to be around her hated parents- especially Cindy. For Casey, that  indeed  a lot to smile about!

In any event, there is no doubt in my mind that the real Casey will leak out during the three-month trial. You can be sure that no matter what happens, the jurors will not be smiling when they see that leaking Casey .

 www.drlillianglass .com