Hillary Clinton Leaking Out Awkward Body Language and Communication

As a body language and communication  expert, I can say that  some of  Hillary Clinton’s recent body language, facial language voice and speech behaviors do seem awkward. The awkward  behaviors that she has leaked out may be cause for concern.

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As far as her coughing spells are concerned, they may be due to  post nasal drip or she may have some type of bronchial spasm. With her nonstop schedule, constant flying and enormous stress, it seems that her laryngeal  tissues are taking a beating. So it is  understandable  to me as to why she may be  having coughing spells when she speaks. She may have contracted an upper respiratory infection that has stubbornly refused to go away. Sometimes it can take several months for the cough to subside, so I am not so concerned about Hillary’s coughing behavior when she speaks. Also she doesn’t cough constantly when she speaks. It is occasional , which is  further indication as to why it  does not concern me.

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But there was an  incident  that does concern me. Two reporters asked her a question at once.  It seemed to jar her as she bobbed her head back and forth  and closed her eyes.


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Even though her head was bobbing and her eyes were closed, she  kept smiling throughout  the whole ordeal.


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The reporters ,who were previously smiling and laughing with Hillary, suddenly got serious in their facial expression and the reporter on the left even backed away and looked frightened. The reporter on the right cocked her head in wonder  as she furrowed her brow as if to question what was happening with Hillary. Hillary was so engaging moments earlier where she discussed Obama’s endorsement of her.

But now, she didn’t answer the reporter’s questions. When she did  regained her composure, she attempted to distract the two reporters  by  asking them if they ever tried the latte and said that they should do so. She then left.

Most recently, she was very articulate  and connected to her audience when discussing health care in her staccato cadence. All of a sudden, she was disconnected and looked lost She didn’t  seem to remember what she was talking about. Her entire facial expression changed. She then made no sense as she said “upward spiral”. We have heard of a “downward spiral,” but  never an “upward spiral”. This word confusion may have  indicated that there may have been some type of cognitive confusion going on with Hillary.

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Then there was a situation where Hillary apparently had a blank disconnected stare for a few moments as she focused on some commotion going on in front of her with animal protesters. The Secret Service agent got on stage and told her to” keep talking”  “We’ll handle it. We’re not going anywhere. She quickly recovered and cleverly said the protesters were there for Trump because” he and his kids killed a lot of animals.”

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When Hillary said she “short circuited “her email explanation, she looked extremely exhausted with bags under each of her eyes. It was clear that all the email talk has taken a physical toll on her. As she goes on to explain herself after the Chris Wallace interview, she actually makes no sense. At first it sounded like “double talk.” But on closer inspection it was difficult to follow exactly what she was trying to say because it was not coherent.

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Now photos have emerged where Hillary is being helped up a series of steps. In the photo on the left it appears that her legs are stiff and that  she has trouble walking up the stairs. She is grabbing at one of the agent’s arms to steady herself and he is clasping on to her arm to make sure she doesn’t fall. Perhaps she hurt her leg or her back.  Another speculation is that she may not be feeling well. She may have felt dizzy or sick to her stomach ,which could have also caused her to require some assistance with walking.

There has been a lot of talk by some medical experts who state that she may have post concussion syndrome, based on her fall several years ago. Other medical experts have speculated that she may have Parkinson’s disease or some other type of neurological condition. But since none of these doctors, who appeared on television have not treated Hillary, we cannot be sure about what may really be wrong with her.

While Hillary has done a great job of holding it together for the most part, the bottom line is that  the awkward  behavior which she  leaked out on so many occasions,   tells us that something is  clearly off with her. The zoning out, forgetting what she was saying, head bobbing, eyes closing, and not making sense, speaks volumes. It does indeed seem like her body language and speech patterns have been “short circuited.”

Once again, as a reminder, this is not a political blog. I merely report what I see from body language standpoint and report what I hear from a communication standpoint.




5 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Leaking Out Awkward Body Language and Communication

  1. On a website called infowars.com, they are now reporting a secret service whistleblower is saying she has neurological problems just as you mentioned. Supposedly a pharmaceutical executive says she has Parkinson’s Disease. Dr. Ben Carson (neurosurgeon) is calling for her medical information to be released. This is a huge story. You are current with the headline news. I appreciate your candid and insightful comments.


    1. Infowars is a right-wing conspiracy site. The pharmaceutical exec is Martin Shkreli, aka PharmaBro, the guy who raised a drug price by 5000% and is being examined for some illegal behavior. He has no training in medication or medicine at all.

      Neither that site not that person are reputable sources of information.


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