Body Language Which Will Not Endear Casey Anthony to A Jury in Her Upcoming Check Fraud Trial Or In her Murder Trial

Casey Anthony’s criminal trial for 13 check fraud counts will be on Jan. 25 where she will be having to defend against felony from allegations she ripped off hundreds of dollars from her former friend Amy Huizenga, going on several shopping sprees while daughter, Caylee, went missing. There are body language behaviors that Casey has exhibited thus far in the courtroom that have turned people off.

If she continues to exhibit them during her trials, no matter what her team of lawyers say to defend her, their words will fall on deaf ears. Here are some of Casey’s body language turn off’s which we have seen during her various courtroom appearances. They speak volumes about her.


Whenever Casey smiles in the courtroom,to me it is an insult to Caylee’s memory. A mother who’s deceased child was found in the form of a bag of bones would not be smiling, especially in a courtroom. It gives the impression that Casey just doesn’t really care and that Caylee’s deth doesn’t much affect her. This is what jurors will be tnking whenever they see her smile, for whatever reason. It send the wrong message.


No one ever bought the “intellectual” looking Casey, complete with glasses and a crisp white professional looking shirt. no doubt Jose Baez and his advisers did this in order to try and squash the image of her bimbo looking low cut top and short skirt wearing party girl image that ws plastered througout the media.

And absolutely no one ever bought the Casey as a conservative school marm image, complete with business suit and hair in an ill positioned bun in the back of her head. No doubt when her parents George and Cindy saw her in this get u,p they were equally as shocked at how she looked, as they were with the fact that that she was sitting in a courtroom, facing trial for killing their beloved grand daughter.

And finally, the poofy sleeve which gives the ” innocent young school girl” appearance working either. In fact it is annoying if not downright disturbing. The top gives contradictory messages in the fact that it is is in institutional green.The color looks like prison wear but the style says something completely different. In any event, it looks like yet another attempt to modify Casey’s party girl image nd it isn’t working.


Anyone who has two properly working eyes can see through Casey’s phony tears. Her crying routine is predictble. She covers her face, then dabs her non tears with her hand or with a kleenex, examines the kleenex or her hand and then keeps rubbing non tears away from under her eyes.

Once again, this off putting behavior is an insult to Caylee’s memory. The body doesn’t like when it comes to emotion and if Casey isn’t really feeling the emotion, neither is anyone else.


It must seem like an eternity to Casey since she has been with a man now that she is incarcerated. Based on the multiple boyfriends and hookups with whom she was photographed while she was roaming around free, Casey definitely knew how to flirt, be charming, gain their attention and get whatever she wanted from them. But her flirting modus operandi is definitely not working in the courtroom. Being flirty with Jose Baez is a huge turn off. Even though she has tried to hide it lately, it still leaks out. Jurors will definately pick up on that.


No matter what Casey or her lawyers try to do in order to control her image or her body language , it won’t work becuase the body does not lie. Casy will no doubt leak out some valuable infrmation to jurors, even if she never says a word. They will read the truth from how she moves and comports herself.

A jury will read the truth in the leaking of an emotion, like there was when Casey leaked out as flash of anger during her last court appearance. You can see the angry look on her ususal mask like facial expression when the prosecutor was giving a brutal and graphic blow by blow account of what must have happened to her daughter Caylee. No doubt Casey was angry that she had to sit through listening to someone bust her and reveal what she no doubt did to Caylee.

The bottom line is that no Witness Preparation in the world and no Image Makeover is going to hide the truth from the jurors, unless of course Casey shows up in court wearing burka.