Misty Croslin’s Dramatic Body Language Transformation From Scared Little Girl to Tough Girl Arrogance

In a matter of days Misty Croslin has transformed from the crying frightened little girl who tells her momma in a jailhouse phone call,” I want out of here” to a tough jail chick who now brazenly tells her momma in a defiant tone “ I’m not afraid,” adding that she doesn’t care if they give her twenty years. brazenly stating, as she defiantly moves her head back and forth to the right and left, “If they give me 20 years it’ll be OK”. You guys’ll come see me and then I I’ll get out. “

This is the same person who had math issues with figuring out ten percent of 100,000 dollars. It is clear that her math skills are in question once again along with her being in denial. She obviously has no clue what 20 years means as indicated by her flippant tone as she makes this statement.
Let’s see how OK it is once she begins serving her sentence. Her hostile cheeky attitude definitely won’t wash with prison officials, that is for sure. She will no doubt be punished a lot unless she has an attitude adjustment.


She reassures her mother and herself that she is not scared as she repeats this several times while shaking her head” no.” This indicates that she is indeed scared.

But her mother is not in denial. Her mother is scared and her vocal tone shows it. She knows what 20 years mean as she whines “ You;ll be old and gray like me when you get out.”

Misty replies “I don’t care” as she says this you hear a puff of air indicating her fear and frustration along with her shaky and whiny tone. She then says while shaking her head no and trying to convince herself that what she is saying is true” They are not going to put me away for something I didn’t do.”


Now here is where we see a very interesting body language “ tell.” She shakes her head YES as she said this! “And I didn’t have anything to do with Haleigh. (shakes her head yes) and if I knew who did )shakes her head Yes again) , then I would tell them. Then you see her raising her eyebrows as you hear the pitch of her voice suddenly drop as she defiantly and angrily continues. “They need to leave me alone about that.” When people raise their eyebrows ans show anger as Misty has done here, it is a nervous gesture. Clearly it indicates that Misty is nervous about the Haleigh situation and knows a lot more than she has told.

Also why is she bringing up Haleigh when the topic of conversation had nothing to do with Haleigh. It is obviously because he shad Hailey on her mind and it is weighing on her.

Her breathing pattern changes as does her phrasing as she convinces herself (while shaking her head yes the whole time)” why I am her has nothing to do with Haleigh.” You see the anger and defiance on her face as well.

Then she says” leave me (expletive) alone” as she rapidly blinks her eyes. This is a HUGE signal of deception. She knows that no one is going to leave her alone until she reveals what she knows about Haleigh.


You can also hear the crying vocal whine in Lisa’s tone when Lisa tells Misty how bad Misty’s father feels because he feels responsible that Misty has some additional counts tacked on. This is news to Misty as she scrunches up her forehead indicting surprise at what her mother says and aks why. Her mother then explains it was because they were talking about the drugs.

Misty is quick to go into denial as she shakes her head no and assures her mother by saying “No, cuz I was already getting them, referring to the additional counts. By saying that they would have given her those two counts anyway, she is dismissing her dad’s role in helping to add to her sentence. It clearly indicates that she is in denial.

Then she says, in a fearful shaky tone as it begins to sink in” It doesn’t matter. She then speaks in fragmented sentences and says how she “didn’t sell the whole time” and how she is “being charged with everybody” Once again you hear Lisa’s enabling as she agrees with Misty telling her, “ I know. You are telling the truth. Why they keep putting charges on you?”

Misty shows relief as he mother shows she is on her side and lets out a sigh of relief and smugly leans back as she says, Exactly” to which her mom responds “That’s not right.”

She then gets into the bargaining aspect of her grief phase trying to convince her self and her mother that she will have some of the counts dropped because she can’t serve time for something she didn’t do.


Maybe it’s her new plaited hairdo that one of the other inmates upstairs gave her that has given Misty a little more self –confidence as she shows off her new “do” to her mom by showing her profile.

Her mom then tells her how she had her hair like that. Misty doesn’t react but tells how the nice girl upstairs who fixed her hair had to do it between the bars. So, Misty has made a little fiend in jail and nobody is “messing with her” so she feels a lot more secure as evidenced by her more secure vocal tone.

Misty who is devoid of any facial expression and speaks in a dul monotone, finally shows some facial movement in the form of a facial contortion indicating disgust at mom Lisa even saying such a thing as Lisa tells her not to cut her hair. She reassures her mom that she isn’t about to cut her hair.


Then out of the blue she looks directly into the camera and says “They can all put this on TV and kiss my ass,” showing her newfound bravado and toughness.

But in reality all of this hostile talk is no doubt fear based and grieving based. It appears to me that her sudden behavior change in jail signifies her anger phase which she lets out by telling everyone to kiss her ass.

Lisa comforts her daughter by telling her that is how she feels too. This is the first example of what you hear throughout the video of Misty’s mother enabling her daughter and verbally bowing to her. In essence it is Lisa who is “kissing her ass.” There is no doubt who runs the relationship between the two. It is MISTY!


In thinking about Haleigh, I cannot help wondering whether the little girl was sexually molested.According to the media reports Haileigh was a bed wetter. This causes me to ask whether or not she was sexually molested. Oftentimes bedwetting, especially in older children around five may possibly be indication that they may have been sexually molested.

Why was Misty washing Haleigh’s sheets so late at night as she claimed? What was on those sheets? Was it only urine? Was there something else on those sheets? Was Haleighy sexually molested on those sheets and if so, by whom? Was Misty washing away the evidence? Did someone take Haleigh out of those sheets and do they have her now? Are they sexually molesting her now? What does Misty know about this,if this is the case?

Is Ron being so sure Haleigh is still alive and not even questioning that she is possibly dead and telling the reporter that he would murder the person who took Haleigh indication that he knows more ? Are his over the top theatrics with tearless sobs and throwing himself on the ground in front of the cameras and his over the top politeness on TV shows on which he has appeared indication that he knows a lot more than he is revealing? Does he know for sure that someone actually took Haleigh?

Also why did he marry Misty so quickly after Haleigh disappeared and why aren’t they married now? Did he think that if they married people wouldn’t look askance at him for being involved with an underage girl who was 17 at the time. Did he marry her so quickly because he thought that husband and wife cannot testify against one another? Why isn’t he married to her any longer?


Months ago the letter written by Nay Nay, Misty’s friend when she was in jail referred to Haileigh getting into the drugs at a party and OD’ing on them. Is this the case? Did this really happen? Was Misty Croslin at that party? Does Misty know what happened? Did she know that Haleigh died and that her body may have been disposed of?

Whatever the case, based on the jailhouse tapes in looking at Misty’s body language it seems to me that  she knows a lot more than she is revealing! www.drlillianglass.com