Chuck Schumer Body Language Reveals Toxic Manipulation Dragging Refugees On Stage Phony Gestures, and Fake Tears


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He brings a handsome Syrian family on stage  with the women dressed in scarves and three cute children.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 8.01.02 PM.pngHe eyes the father. As he parades this “newly arrived family” of immigrants on stage, it seems very contrived and manipulative to me. It appears Schumer is doing this for his own agenda not for this family as they look traumatized being on stage.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 8.04.32 PM.pngAll children look sad and uncomfortable as you can see in the photo above.

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As he reads his speech there is no emotion and no inflection as it appears to be a monotonous drone. There is no passion in the speech as she says that he is saying No to Trump’ executive order. He rarely looks up as he reads from his script.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 8.10.34 PM.png ASshe says so many are opposed to this order we see him raised his finger in a rehearsed manner that looks awkwards. It is an upward point which is not showing true anger. True anger would be shown by a direct point with finger extended and pointer lower  not upwards as he has it positioned.

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He continues to sound boring and emotionless as he reads his script as he discusses the military.He then says something ridiculous that it makes lone wolves  are not so lone after all and their acts occur more not less. This  statement is nonsense as most lone wolves are usually beholden to some cause, doctrine , or group as they commit acts of terror.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 9.13.49 PM.pngHe does not seem upset at all facially throughout the speech as he even leaks out several smiles. This indicates that he appears to be enjoying his moment on stage.

Once again there is no vocal emotion as he speaks as she is saying negative things about Trump’s program.

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He then refers to “the beauty of these people” which is so phony and contrived as he says it. It further validates that he is using ” these people” as props for his own agenda.He purses his lips for emphasis, after he says this which is further indication of his phoniness as this is  a conflicting facial gesture to what eh just said.

His phoniness continues as he stammers as he reads from his script and says let me tell you about this family. Clearly he is reading about this family and shows know emotion or no real knowledge of this family he is using as a political prop.

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Asn he talks about the father he looks down as he continues to read about the man and awkwardly  seeks out the man’s shoulder in an attempt to show how much he cares about the man. It is blatantly contrived and phony and insincere.

Then he ridiculous slaps the poor man on thr shoulder in an aggressive gesture as eh said that the man came here because he translated for the Americans and got death threats for helping American soldiers. This is not some poor refugee that was injured or wounded in the war and left to die and rescued  he was an employee paid by Americans for his translation services for  whom he is serving and should very well be protected by his employer- the Americans. This is what is usually done and everyone knows it. yet Schumer is making it seem like this is some unusual case and that his man is some type of hero.

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Schumer makes a  fist as he continues to exploit this poor man who doesn’t seem to happy with being paraded on stage and used as a prop as you can see by his facial expression. To further illustrate Schumer’s phoniness her doesn’t even look at the man. As he speaks he continues to stumble on his words, further indicating that he is manipulating and using this man to make his point.

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Then he stumbles on the name of the next family he seeks to publicly exploit on stage. He rocks back and forth as he speaks indicating his discomfort and lack of sincerity. he then points upawrds  to the little girl maya who is 16  which makes her shirk away from him. The finger point is an angry gesture and the upward finger in the context in which he is using it is incongrous with what he is saying. This  further indicates how contrived and phony this is.

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Then he points to Hamza and reads that  he turned 14 yesterday, Haza 8, and Hara 6 as he lays his hands on these two younger children which obviously makes the older  16 year old child feel uncomfortable as you can see by her expression ,

The Schumer bangs on the podium with his hand as he says the family arrived a month ago This would have been an angry gesture but there is no anger in his voice He then elks out a smile as he says their parents ( in laws) are American citizens.  So even though he is feigning anger his gestures and facial expression are totally inconsistent with the words he is saying which means he is being phony and manipulative. He even stammers and stumbles as he says what section  in the  Bronx the parents live.

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He then uses another phy inconsistent gestures as he raises his hands and says that Trump wants us to believe that all  immigrants are terrorists when they are not but rather like these families. First of all Trump never said this and Schumer knows this . That his why one hand shows his fingers spread out and the other hand shows his fingers close together.If his gestures indicted honestly his hands would BOTH display  open  fingers in his gesturing.

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He then leaks out as smile as he says they aren’t a threat to American but a promise to America. WE all know these people are not a threat to America and he knows it too. he also knows that these are not the people Trump is referring to in terms of being a threat to America. That is why Schumer leaks out a smile as an indication of dupid delight. he knows exactly what he is doing- being manipulative and trying to pull at people’s heartstrings by using this family. But it is not working as his phoniness belies him.

Then he looks down and taps two times on the podium which makes no sense.  he then looks down and fumbles through his papers as he reads a quote from the Old Testament ( Exodus) the  New Testament ( Matthew) and then he brings up a quote by Catholic comments  Pope Frances ( who in my view has no business sticking his two cents into politics especially when his own flock  of priests are a complete disaster with raping young children and destroying them forever.)As he reads what Pope Frances says he raises his awkward finger and says “This is the Pope speaking” As you can see from the expression the children’s faces they could care less. They are bored and can’t wait to get out of their and end their exploitation.

The Schumer embarrassingly invokes the name of his dead relative Ellis whom he was named after  who was named after Ellis Island. As she does this is  manipulative and corney behavior shows clearly.

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Then for his final act he musters up a FAKE CRY with no tears as he calls trump mean spirited.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 10.10.22 PM.png As you can see there are no dripping tears, He just held his eyes open without clinking which caused the to glisten. But it was NOT a real cry. if that was the case you would ee a downward turn in his mouth which was not evident.

And then we see what his real agenda is-  getting some press time and promoting himself as he mentions he is a Senator from NY and how he will fight and scrap with all of his being to overturn Trump’s directive.

The bottom line is that the cry was phony and his dragging these poor families on stage with him was contrived and manipulative to further his own agenda.



8 thoughts on “Chuck Schumer Body Language Reveals Toxic Manipulation Dragging Refugees On Stage Phony Gestures, and Fake Tears

    1. Thank you Grammar and Spelling Police. Yes English is not Dr. Glass’ first language so you are correct in you assessment.But pay more attention to the content as it is very revealing in terms of bodylanguage analysis.


    2. LOL 😂
      You do realize when you read articles from the news–the articles go through rigorous checks such as spell and fact checking? Go check out the Daily Mail, they have more spelling and grammar errors with the checks.
      With that said–Dr. Glass writes her own blog, let me see you do an analysis and see your perfect grammar.

      Dr. Glass,
      Hell with the haters. Keep blogging.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Excellent observations Dr. Glass! I’ve learned from you that “The body doesn’t lie.” Please continue to blog. Thank you for your contributions and great work.


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